A/N We've reached the end. Thank you to everyone that's stuck around. Gonna have a few time jumps.
I watched as she pulled into the driveway. Slowly they walked inside, for the first time in what felt like a long time the house felt like home again.
"How are you feeling?" she asked as she helped me to the couch.
"Like I can breathe again." I say and pull her to sit down next to me.
She nodded and curled into me.
"What do we do now?" she asks.
"I want to make love to you all night long, I want you in every way that I can get... but all I want to do is sleep." I say laughingly.
She smirks and stands up, helping out a hand she helps me stand and pulls me to my bedroom. I could smell Bella everywhere in the house.
Slowly she helps me strip to nothing and helps get me into bed.
I lay and watch as she strips for me, til she is down to a pair of boy shorts and her arm covering her boobs. "No bra." I ask huskily.
"These are too tender." she says before dropping her arm to reveal her full breasts. I whimper and feel myself get hard. I watched as she crawled into the bed with me, slipping underneath the sheet and pressing herself against my side.
With energy I didn't know that I had, I pulled her face to mine and cover her mouth with a kiss. Whimpering against her mouth when she had her hand make a trail from my neck, down the chest and wrapped around my cock.
"Mine." she whimpered against my mouth. She moved her leg and she straddled my body the only thing between me and pure bliss were the pair of boy shorts.
Slowly she started to move, grinding ever so slowly.
I flipped her to her back and ripped the underwear for her body and laid flush against her.
"I thought you wanted to sleep." she panted her eyes flush with desire.
"Soddenly wide awake." I growl before moving her leg so that it was wrapped around my waist and entered her slowly.
They both whimpered and moaned as I began to move. Her hands stroked and scratched every part that she could reach.
She kept the tempo and with a small growl flipped them so that she was riding.
Groaning, I looked at her with half open eyes.
"I'm in charge." she said grabbing my hands and lacing our fingers.
I watched as she lifted herself, using my hands to keep her steady before slamming her body down.
She did that and I lay there watching my mate take charge.
She lay there beside me, nearly asleep and I slowly traced the tattoo on her back, dropping kisses every so often.
"Love you."she mumbled not fully awake or asleep.
"I love you, too." I whisper in her ear. I lay down next to her, pulling her flush against me and fall into a deep sleep listen to her breathing and the sound of the heartbeat of the pup inside her.
Months Later
"You seem happy, Bella." Rachel says staring at the little boy in my arms.
"Thanks...how are you doing?" I ask trying not to be pissed at her for what she's about to do.
"Okay...everything is all set. My plane leaves tomorrow morning. Paul is going to bring me to the airport." she says.
"He loves you." I say.
"I know but if it wasn't for the imprint, he wouldn't have even looked my way. Bella, I saw the way he looked when Sam placed Levi in his arms. It hurt him that Sam was the first one to hold his son. Being with an imprint that's unable to have children, it's not good for him. I just think time away from each other is what each of us need. The fact that Levi is the only child he's ever going to have."
I open my mouth to say something but Levi has other ideas and starts whimpering. "Could you help me?" I ask sitting forward. Rachel comes forward and unties the halter top so that I can breastfed Levi. I grab a receiving blanket to cover since Rachel has been uneasy when I feed Levi.
"He's got that down." she says when it's clear that he quickly latched and starts drinking.
"Fast learner. I have to ask, are you sure about this?" I ask looking up at her.
She breathes softly. "Some days, I look at him and want so badly to be the woman he needs but I know that's not who I am."
"It's only going to be for six months." I state.
"Backpacking around Europe by myself. I just need time." she says unable to make eye contact. What are you planning?
"You are going to call him, Billy and Jake as much as possible." I order her. I see her flinch slightly. Knew you were going to try to cut off all contact.
"As often as I am able." she says looking anywhere but at me.
"Rachel, do not make me order you again. Six months, that is the most the imprint will be able to handle that kind of distance but that only if there is contact of some sort. After three months of no contact, you will be in pure pain and so will Paul. My son is not losing his dad because his dad's imprint wants to act like a spoiled bitch. Do what you need to do, figure shit out but you need to stay in contact otherwise..."
"Otherwise what?" Rachel asks coldly.
"I will have your ass dragged back here and the imprint ripped to shreds with your father's fucking blessing." I snarl as I switch breasts, Levi uninterested in the conversation going on above him.
"Bella, I need..."
"Time. You chose to change the imprint from just friends to lovers less than a week after I moved in with Sam. You were so fucking happy until a week ago, when I had Levi. Suddenly you need time away from Paul. Sam, your brother and your dad are giving it to you. Six months, call every once and a while and come home to either break the imprint or be here in some kind of form, be it just friends again...but I've noticed that suddenly you are unable to look anyone in the eye the closer the date to leaving gets. Were you planning on coming back, yes or no?"
"Honestly..." Rachel says sitting down. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I care about him, Bella. The sex is amazing as you well know but I'm not sure if I can see myself stuck here for the rest of my life. I never wanted kids, being told I would never have them made me so happy. I came home to have a quick visit before I started my backpacking tour and end up being imprinted on by a guy that's years younger and phases into a wolf. You having Levi made me see that I'm not ready to do this. I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready."
Taking a calming breath, "Take the next six months to travel, just please call us at least once a week. At the end come back to the pack and really talk to him. If you are still feeling this way, I'll support you breaking the imprint and the two of you going your separate ways." Levi finishes drinking, so I unlatch him from my breast and move so that I can burp him.
"If I do keep the imprint, I'm never going to be comfortable with Levi. If Paul and I are together, I don't want a baby in my house." she says her eyes on my son.
"You would make it that his child is unwelcome." I snarl softly.
"I'm not a mom. I will not let Levi stay with us. Paul can come visit him here but I don't want him in my house at all, even for a few hours."
"First off, it's Paul's home not yours and two, if he wants his son there, go stay with your dad." I snarl at her.
Rachel scoffs and stands collecting her bag before she leaves.
"She's a piece of work." Angela says coming out of the kitchen, wiping off her hands.
"I can understand not feeling comfortable around a baby if you didn't one but to say that Levi is unwelcome if she's living there..." I growl.
"Maybe she'll get some clarity while she's gone. All the dishes are done and there is a load of clothes in the washer. I'm going to run to the store after I get Kim to fully stock the kitchen."
"Thanks. I can go to the store." I say smiling at her.
"Bella, you just gave birth a week ago. Let us do this, please." Angela says.
"Okay...but I'm helping you cook for the bonfire tonight." At Angela's nod I got up and placed Levi in his bassinet next to the couch.
Hours Later
I held Levi sitting in Sam's lap as the pack, my dad and Elders sat and joked around the bonfire. The others were confused why we were in the clearing but I knew that things would be known soon when I felt Sam stiffen than relax instantly.
Looking around I noticed that all the wolves did the same.
"Alright! Where is my nephew?!" Emmett yells out revealing himself. Rose, Char, Peter and Jasper right behind him.
Laughing, Kim points to me. Sam helps me stand as they come over.
"Oh..Bella..I won't ask to hold him..so cute." Rose says her voice getting soft.
Looking at Sam, he nods when he understands what I want to do. Moving up to Rose, I slowly allow her to hold him.
Rose just stares at Levi, mesmerized by him.
"Thank you." Emmett mouthed.
Char stood next to her memorizing his face. If they could, I knew Rose and Char would have tears running down their faces.
Reluctantly, Rose handed him back.
"You're happy." Jasper says with a smile.
"Very." I say softly as Sam wraps his arm around me and moves me so that Levi and I are pressed into his side.
"You have someone with you." Sam says staring at Jasper.
"What?..Did you..?" I ask hopeful.
Jasper nods as a bigger smile crosses his face. "Bella, I would like to introduce you to Emma Swan." he says as a young woman comes out of the forest.
Charlie stands and comes over to join us as Emma joins Jasper.
"Swan?" he breaths.
"I am your Aunt, many times removed." Emma says.
"That's why Bella was your mate but not you true mate." Old Quil said joining them. "You felt the call to her bloodline."
"That's what we think as well." Emma says looking at me and my dad. She comes forward and stills at the growls that escapes Sam and the pack. "I understand being wary. You have my brother's eyes. Both of you. It's good to see my family growing strong."
"Jasper, are you happy?" I ask looking around her at him. He sends so much happiness into me that I start giggling. "Good." I whisper.
"Sam, the new treaty..." Billy calls out.
"New treaty?" I ask looking at him.
"Yes, the treaty with the Cullens has been voided. Billy sent word to Carlisle. Even unintentional the broke it by allowing the nomads to get access to you. As Alpha I would like to extend a new treaty with Jasper's coven."
Jasper and Rose get closer.
"What is it?" Rose asked.
Peter just smirks and wraps his arms around Char.
Glancing at Billy, "We would ask that us phasing is due to your proximity that NO cold one reside in Forks or the area surrounding La Push for longer than six months at a time. That we are allies, if we need your help you will come and should you need it, don't hesitate to call on us. We ask that if you need to hunt human, do so in PA or Seattle but we ask that they be ones that will not be missed." Sam says.
"If need be, call me and I'll give you a list of criminals or areas that none drug dealers like to hang out. Also check with Sue at the hospital, in case there is someone on their deathbed or nothing can be done." Charlie tells them.
"Why only six months?" Rose asked.
"Sam phased after you and the rest of the Cullens had been in the area for about seven months, which started the chain reaction of the others phasing. Billy and Sam think that it was the extended amount of time that triggered the gene." I tell her as Levi starts to whine.
"He's hungry." Jasper tells us.
"I know." I say sitting down on a nearby blanket. Sam unties the halter top while Paul comes forward and hands me a receiving blanket to cover.
"You...you...Bella... boobs." Emmett stutters staring at me while I get Levi to latch before covering, earning him a slap from Rose.
"It's called breastfeeding, Emmy." I laugh.
"Umm...the treaty." Emma says forcing Jasper to look away from my chest and back at Sam.
"I know...trust me, man. I forget about everything when she takes them out." Sam says with a smile as his hand plays with my hair.
"Sharing with the kid has to stink. I would want to be latched on those all day long." Peter says earning him a elbow to the stomach from Char and death glare from Jasper. "Worth it." he mutters.
"I have no problems with the new treaty." Rose says as Charlie takes the new treaty from Billy for everyone to sign.
"We should get going." Rose says.
"I would hug you..." I say motioning to the fact that Levi is still drinking.
"It's okay. Send more photos." she says as she and Emmett disappear into the trees.
"Bye sug." Char says grabbing Peter by the ear.
"Bella, thank you for loving him. And keeping the Swan line going." Emma says with a soft smile before following Char.
Jasper kneels down in front of me, and softly kisses me on the mouth. He sends me love, happiness and pure joy before leaving without a word.
Sam drops to the ground next to me, "Marry me." he whispers in my ear.
"Yes." I whisper before he kisses me.
Six and A Half Months Later
Once again they are on First Beach. Rachel on one side, I am holding Levi with the pack around us. Old Quil promised this one shouldn't be as bad as Sam's since both Rachel and Paul wanted to break the imprint.
Paul was hurt when Rachel came home and told him that she had met someone. She knew that she didn't want to be tied to the rez and she didn't want to be a mom at all. It had hurt him but he loved being a dad and wanted to have more children someday.
Paul drank from the flask that Old Quil gave him and moments later he joined Levi, me and the pack.
"Be happy." I mouth to Rachel, who smiles shakily before walking off to meet the man she met aboard.
"Paul...Billy and I discussed it. If you want, you can go away to school. Give yourself some time away from the rez." Sam tells him when all of us are sitting in the living room back at the house.
"I think I'm going to do what Bells is doing. Do most of my classes online and take one or two classes at the community college. I don't want to go away and miss the big things like first steps or first words." he says as Levi snuggles into him.
I smile and lean into Sam.
Three Months Later
I look around at my pack.
Seth, Collin and Brady are joking around near the water, kicking water at each other.
Jared and Kim are on the make shift dance floor slow-dancing. It will only be a matter of time before the announce that Kim is pregnant.
Embry has his arm around Angela while they talk to Quil and his date. Embry was going to taking online classes instead of going away to school.
Quil was waiting a few more years before he broke his imprint with Claire, right now she was too young to understand what was going on. So in the mean time he was taking over Paul's title as rez playboy.
Jake and Leah were talking with her mom. Leah had decided to stop phasing in hopes that her infertility would end. She wanted so badly to have a child with Jake when he finished school. Jake was going to take automotive and business classes so that he could open his own garage.
Paul was sitting with his date, watching her son try to make Levi laugh, who was in Bella's lap. Paul had met Teresa his first day of class and were now dating. The fact that she was a single mom helped.
She got along great with Bella, even loved having Levi around when she and her son, Hunter visited.
I looked at my mate, my wife. Feeling my eyes on her she stood up and handed Levi to Paul.
"Hello husband." she said holding the bottom of her dress so not to trip on it.
"My wife. I like the sound of that." I say kissing her.
"Me too. Rose and the others send their congratulations. They say don't fuck up, they will know." she says with a smile showing me the text on her phone.
"Damn Yoda." I mutter. 'So how long do I need to wait before I steal you away from here to have my way with you." I ask stealing another kiss.
"Okay, I'm stealing her before you steal her into the woods." Sue says laughing as she pulls Bella away from me. "You have your entire lives for that. Now is time to party."
Reluctantly, I follow. My own wedding reception and I can't get away with anything.
I look at her and thank everything above that she's part of my world.
My phone buzzes and I take it out.
Try BEST of many worlds...
Bloody Yoda
Laughing, i look at her smiling with her dad, holding Levi.
He's right it's not just my world she belongs in, she is in her dad's, the pack's and the cold ones...
"What are you thinking about so hard? I could feel you all the way over there." she says standing in front of me with Levi on her hip.
"Just that I love you." I say before dropping a soft kiss on her mouth.
She smiles as I pull the two of them into a hug.
"I love you, too." she whispers looking up at me.
I catch all of my pack's eyes and the nod in understanding, pleased that she chose to be a part of our world.