AN: This was prompt given to me by a friend.
"Come one snake eyes!" Tony yells as he tosses the dice. He holds his breath as he watches them roll. Thor lets out a happy chuckle when instead of the hoped for snake eyes Tony gets ten which lands Tony on one of Thor's properties. Bruce chuckles softly grabbing the dice, Tony had rolled a six and a four, and therefore it was Bruce's turn. He rolls the dice carefully and laughs when he gets enough to land on Free Parking. He gathers up the money in the middle and adds it to his meager pile. It's unsurprising that Natasha and Clint are winning and surprisingly Tony is losing.
"Why is Bruce using the Ironman piece?" Bucky speaks up from the doorway. He and Steve are standing together, flush from the snow that is coming down in droves outside.
"Because I like Big Green and Big Green likes his Tin Man."
"And why is Thor using my piece?"
"Because Lightning Bolt's girlfriend stole his from out game."
"Lady Jane did not!"
"She so did dude."
Steve blinks and shakes his head.
"Keep it down please. Some of us wake up at a decent hour."
"Fiiine mooom."