Hey, so it's Seaweed Brain's birthday today, so Percy Jackson overload. This is a multi chapter story, four chapters all of which are currently being written and uploaded.

Have a great day and eat some blue cake!


*Set in MoA, just before Annabeth falls.*

Nico had just reached the ladder when a sharp pain shot up Annabeth's bad legs. She stumbled and gasped.

"What is it?" Percy asked.

She tried to stagger towards the ladder.

Why was she moving backwards instead?

Her legs swept out from under her and she fell on her face.

"Her ankle!" Hazel shouted from the ladder. "Cut it, Percy! Cut it!"

Annabeth's mind was woolly from pain. Cut her ankle?

It seemed Percy didn't understand what Hazel meant either. Then something yanked Annabeth backwards and dragged her towards the pit.

Her hands scrabbled at the sandy ground as Percy lunged after her. He missed, skidding across the floor. Annabeth sobbed as she hit the edge and fell over the edge. Pain was washing her vision red and she clawed desperately at the sides of the chasm, kicking with her legs.

Somehow, her hand caught onto a ledge, hardly the size of a bookshelf. Small pebbles rained down at her as she squinted up at the sunlight and the face of Percy leaning over the edge.

"ANNABETH!" He roared down the chasm, the ledge she had landed on was further than she could climb with a gummy leg and her arms were tiring.

"I'll close the doors!" she shouted up at him, the combined force of Arachne falling and the pull of the Underworld made it harder and harder to hold on.

"No, Annabeth, wait! We'll get down to you-"

"I'm sorry, Percy." she whispered, her voice cracking.

Her hand unclenched, instantly falling back, one arm raised to the sky and Percy before the darkness swallowed her up.