A/N: Of course, I couldn't not do the Bonus Day for GrayZa Week. Well, there you have it folks. The end of GrayZa Week 2015, and the end of this oneshot collection. I'll definitely be participating next year if there is one. I hope you all enjoyed, and thank you to everyone who read, reviewed or supported this. Also special thanks to DeeDee The Dragon-Cat and Absolute-ZERO999 for your frequent reviews. You guys are the best!

Anyways since this prompt was a free for all, I decided to do a Hogwarts AU, since the Potterhead in me couldn't resist. In the future however, I may write a multichap Hogwarts AU GrayZa fic /winks/.

Bonus Day: Free for All (Hogwarts AU)

Gray was in a sour mood. After having broken one of the school's windows during a fight with Natsu, he had been issued a detection in the dungeons. Now normally he wouldn't be as annoyed and would accept the punishment rather calmly. But considering the fact that the pink haired bastard ran off as soon as Professor Porlyusica saw the damage he had left, he was now the one left answering to their actions when clearly, Natsu had played a large part in breaking it also. That flame brain, leaving him to deal with all the mess he created. And people often wondered why he didn't like the brash Gryffindor.

So now he was stuck in the dungeons after being ordered by the professor to clean all the cauldrons of her recent Potions class, and he quoted "as cleanly as possible, making sure they looked like they were just freshly bought from Potage's Cauldron Shop." It wasn't so bad, he had first thought when the task was issued, that was until he saw how dirty the cauldrons were. Some were severely burnt or mutilated, and others, well he wondered what the hell sort of potions these students were mixing in their cauldrons because he was sure as hell that the potion should not directly affect the cauldrons like they did.

And to double the effort he had to put in, he wasn't allowed to use magic because apparently that would be "contradicting the punishment involved" and he wouldn't actually learn from his mistakes. But she didn't know that it wasn't him that had to learn from his mistakes, it was Natsu, that dumbass. When he got his hands on him later, he was going to give him hell.

That thought seemed to drive him as he got to working on cleaning the mutilated cauldrons, using the provided brush and soap he was supposed to use. Doing it the Muggle way he supposed. As a Slytherin who had also come from a pure blood family, he was supposed to be repulsed by anything Muggle in nature. But that wasn't the case for him. Gray could honestly not see what was wrong with them. They were just like them, except without the magic which made him pity them more than he could hate them. They lived such sad lives without magic. It was hard not to pity them.

As he scrubbed down one of the cauldrons with the brush, showing surprising skill considering he never did anything without magic, the dungeon doors opened to reveal a beautiful red haired girl who walked in such a way that she commanded authority wherever she went. Gray didn't look up, assuming it to be the prefect he was supposed to be supervised by. He didn't care as long as they stayed out of his way and didn't talk to him. He wasn't in the mood to speak, not when he had a Natsu to catch as soon as he was done.

The redhead watched him clean with contained surprise and fascination, admiring his skill in cleaning. It was as though he had cleaned cauldrons without magic all his life, but she knew that was far from the truth. Deciding to leave him be after seeing that he had not her acknowledged her presence, she decided to complete some of her unfinished homework that was due soon. Professor Porlyusica had only said that she had to supervise him, and she was but was multitasking. She assumed that she would be there for a while after noticing the pile of cauldrons he had to clean and decided not to waste her time in the meantime.

As Gray silently cleaned the cauldrons, amazingly working at a quick pace after three cauldrons had already been cleaned within ten minutes, Erza was busy doing her homework that Professor Jura had set earlier. There was complete silence in the dungeon, apart from the noise of the scrubbing of cauldrons and the scratching of the quill on parchment. It was only after a good half hour that Gray had finally acknowledged the prefect's presence, and imagine his surprise when he had found out who it was.

"Erza?" he spluttered in surprise, almost dropping the cauldron from shock. He had forgotten that she was a prefect, and shit, now it was going to get all awkward between them. The two had a rather complicated relationship. They used to be close childhood friends, but then people came and they ended up drifting. Also ever since they had entered Hogwarts, bad blood seemed to have existed between the two as other students found them to be frequently arguing, of course not as much as he argued with Natsu, but then Erza was always the one to break them apart and then they would end up arguing. His friends had often said that it was because they had some unresolved sexual tension with each other and that was the only way they could vent out their frustrations but they could not be more wrong. He didn't like Erza like that, at least he hoped so.

Erza looked up, her expression indifferent. "It certainly took a while for you to finally realise that Gray."

Her indifferent attitude annoyed him as he looked away, a scowl plastered on his face. What was she doing here? Of all the prefects Professor Porlyusica had to send, it just had to be her didn't it? As if things could get any worse for him. "I wasn't exactly bothered to see who had come to supervise me. I was after all, kinda busy," he replied, scrubbing the cauldron harder to prove his point.

She shook her head with a sigh, deciding to redirect her attention back to her homework. Of course, when she had tried to have a civil conversation with him for once it backfired. What had happened between them? It was a question she often asked herself and she couldn't help but miss the time when they were still such close friends, not enemies who constantly tore at each other's throats. Feeling regrets bubble up inside her, she pushed them away with a shake of the head. Now was not the time to be nostalgic. She had homework to complete and a student to ignore.

Gray grunted to himself when he realised that the conversation had just ended there but he didn't mind, at least that's what he kept telling himself. That was the most civil conversation they had ever had with each other after six years at Hogwarts, and he had blown it because he was so annoyed. He had to admit deep down however, that he truly did miss her company and oftentimes he wondered what would've happened if circumstances hadn't changed. Would they still be the best of friends? Or maybe something more? Shaking his head, he scrubbed the cauldron harder to try and rid himself of those thoughts. He would not go down that route, not again anyways.

The silence between them continued for another twenty minutes until Erza had decided to break the silence, surprising them both. "Gray," she uttered, garnering his attention.

"What?" he asked a little too harshly, realising that that had come out wrong. What was he doing? If Erza was willing to do something to improve their relationship, he should take the chance. It was right there and already he was ruining his chances.

That didn't faze Erza however as she motioned toward his cauldrons. "How many?"

He paused in confusion. "What?"

She pointed toward the pile of dirty cauldrons. "How many cauldrons left?"

Gray moved back to check, counting only five. "Five left. Why?"

"Just asking," she answered in satisfaction before returning back to her homework.

He sighed to himself. Well that went well. But at least it wasn't him who screwed up that time. Shrugging, he continued to scrub, washing out all the soap that had built up inside the cauldron. Five left huh? If he were to finish these quickly then maybe, maybe he would be able to get the chance to fix his relationship with Erza. The thought of killing Natsu didn't seem so desirable right now after Erza had waltzed into the picture.

With a newfound determination, the Slytherin was able to finish cleaning all of the remaining cauldrons in record time, satisfied when he saw some twinkling as if they were brand new. Wiping his hands on a towel, the wizard picked up his satchel and walked up to where the redhead was seated, halting right in front of her.

Sensing that someone was near, Erza looked up to see Gray looking down at her with a serious expression. She looked beside him, impressed that all the cauldrons were cleaned before turning back to look at him. "Do you need something?"

"Yeah, your time," he replied brusquely, taking her aback.

"What?" she asked in disbelief, not believing what she had just heard.

Gray sighed. "We need to talk Erza."

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "About what? You're clearly done here, meaning that I should go back to report to Professor Porlyusica."

The Slytherin rolled his eyes. Either she was dense or she was plain avoiding him. "We need to talk about us. Clearly we haven't been on the best terms these past six years."

At this Erza stood up defiantly. "Clearly not Gray. And what's your point? Are you trying to repair our relationship? Or are you looking for another reason to fight?" she asked, her voice hardened.

He frowned. "My point is is that I want to be friends with you again Erza. I don't know why we drifted but I don't care about that now. I just want us to be friends again."

She looked suspicious. "Do you really mean that? Or do you have some hidden intention behind your words? I know how you Slytherins are. You weren't put into Slytherin without a reason Gray," she replied, her arms crossed.

Gray almost wanted to pull his hair out in frustration, but he had to keep his calm. If this were going to work, they had to be civil. "That has nothing to do with this. And don't try act like you Gryffindors are the best things the world has ever seen just because you guys have such good reputations. We're not bad people you know. But you judge us because of our predecessors. You Gryffindors aren't all that anyway. You're cocky, arrogant and stupid," he retaliated, his fists clenching. Well there goes civil out the window.

This was a sensitive topic for him, for all Slytherins actually. Just because they had some really stuffed up people in the past didn't mean that they were just as bad. Slytherins were always put into a negative light, and they were always placed as the bad ones in comparison to the all-loving, all good hero types that were the Gryffindors. Frankly Gryffindor had their fair share of rotten eggs too, if Natsu was anything to go by.

Erza glared at him, offended by his words. "I wasn't even saying that."

"But you were thinking it right? We're Slytherins, we're all bad people," mimicking her voice exaggeratedly.

"No I wasn't! Stop twisting my words Gray. And I wasn't even implying something bad, but you just had to take it out of proportion. Maybe this is why we ended our friendship in the first place. We never got along," she said before haphazardly gathering her stuff and storming out the dungeon. He was making her fume.

But before she could make it to the door, Gray had already slammed the door shut, muttering "Alohamora," to seal it closed. Erza glared at him, taking her wand out and aiming it at his chest.

"Move Gray, before I use a hex on you," she threatened, pushing the wand's tip deeper into his chest. He knew she was serious but didn't flinch.

"Not until you accept my apology. I'm sorry," he apologised sincerely, taking hold of her wand. He stared deeply into her eyes, waiting for her anger to subside.

And it did, soon enough. Her breathing calmed as she cleared her mind, rationalising that he was giving her a chance and that she wasn't going to let it slip by her fingers. She slowly lowered her wand and stepped back, giving him more space. "I'm sorry too Gray. I guess I overreacted."

He cracked a small smile when he realised that she was willing to make it work. "I was the one who overreacted Erza. There's no need to apologise."

"But–" She was stopped by a finger being pressed against her lips. "No buts, it's all on me," he said softly, Erza nodding as he let his finger fall away.

A silence overcame the two of them for a few moments, and surprisingly it wasn't as heavy as before. It was comfortable, both relieved that they were making good progress. "So, about what I originally said to you. Can we be friends again Erza?" Gray asked, his eyes locking with hers.

For the first time in a long while, he watched as a soft smile graced her features and honestly, he didn't think he had ever seen her look so beautiful. "Who ever said that we stopped being friends Gray?"

He shrugged but was overjoyed at her response. This, this was good. "So what now?" he asked, realising that they had already sorted out their issues.

Erza's smile grew wider, happy that she had regained her old friend back. She had missed him, immensely. "Well I have to go report to Professor Porlyusica remember? Though I have to admit, you were much more skilled than I thought Gray. I never knew you could clean like that."

He smirked at her. "There's a lot you don't know about me."

She rolled her eyes but was happy to see the atmosphere lifting. For the first time in a long time she felt content. "And there's a lot you don't know about me."

At this he frowned. "Yeah, now that I think about it we have a lot of catching up to do."

The Gryffindor nodded in agreement. "I know right. Six years was an awfully long time. I don't remember ever talking to you without arguing."

"That's because you didn't. Every time you saw me, you always had something to say," he remarked, chuckling when he felt her lightly hit his shoulder. Ah, the good times were back.

"That was only because you always had something to reply with," she accused.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Can't argue with you there Erza. Though, if Mira had something to say in all of this, she'd say we had some unresolved sexual tension between us and that the only way to let it out was by arguing."

Mirajane Strauss, a sixth year Hufflepuff, was perhaps Hogwarts' resident matchmaker. She always knew who had feelings for who, and would always pair students up together because she believed that they would find immeasurable happiness with each other. She was also exceptionally cunning, and both of them wondered how she never ended up in Slytherin when all she did was push people together. Her matchmaking skills were unrivalled however, and many of the most well known couples of the school had her to thank for bringing them together.

Erza rolled her eyes when she heard of the girl's antics. "Same old Mira. Unresolved sexual tension though? Really? Sometimes I do wonder if someone spiked her pumpkin juice or something. That is the only reasonable explanation for her ridiculous ways of thinking."

Gray stood beside her silently, brows furrowed in deep contemplation. "They're not so ridiculous if you think about it."

She turned to him in surprise. "Are you sure? Because they seem ridiculous enough to me."

The Slytherin smirked at her with a smirk she knew all too well. It was a Slytherin smirk, the same one all Slytherin's had. It meant that they were always up to something. And it was only then that she had realised who her company was. How could she forget?

She felt less like a Gryffindor at that moment, feeling her courage dwindle. What was he up to? "Nope, they're not ridiculous at all. In fact, I'd say she was rather accurate," he uttered.

Before she could react, Gray had trapped her lips with his, giving her a kiss the made her legs weak and her body feel like they were a puddle of goo. He released her after a good twenty seconds for some air, his Slytherin smirk still in tact.

"See you later," he whispered huskily before waving her off with a wink, leaving the sixth year Gryffindor breathless and her heart hammering as she pressed her fingers against her lips.

A Gryffindor and a Slytherin. Who would have ever thought?