Author's Note: Hey guys, I think I said this before but Bonus Chapters for this story are going to be rather smaller than the other chapters.

Anyways, I'm still open for more baby girl names for Natsu and Erza's kid. Either you can PM the name or leave the name in the review(s).

Anyways, story time…

1st Month

A month has passed already since Erza told him he was finally going to be a dad, and Natsu couldn't be any more happier and scared at the same time.

Happy, because well, who wouldn't be happy that the love of your life is carrying a little you inside of her. Well a little bit of herself as well. And the fact that you build so many memories with him or her, and in this case it's a her.

Scared, because well, they're going to be such a hassle. From giving you nights of little to no sleep to breaking everything and eating everything it sees. And the fact that when she grows up, you'll have to make choices that either make you a good parent or make you a bad parent.

Still though, the good outweighs the bad, and that's how Natsu and Erza will tend or will try to keep it that way.

It was already late at night and Natsu, along with his beloved wife, Erza, were doing their… sexual exploits as usual to lighten up their romance.

From making out nonstop to exploring each others bodies, they enjoyed every little bit of it. "Natsu…" Erza moaned. She held Natsu's head underneath the covers where he used his tongue to explore her lower body.

"Oooh…" She moaned loader than before, this time putting both her hands over Natsu's head and tightening her hands on his hair. She didn't neither pull or pushed his hair.

She could feel his tongue coming in and out of her vagina. And after a few seconds of that certain pleasure, Natsu finally stopped. He came of the bed sheets and laid right next to Erza. "How'd you like that?" He gave her a smirk as the two began to cuddle.

"I liked it very much," she put her left index over his lips and began to smooch with him. Their lips smacked together while the two giggled in between. "You know what I would like right?"

"Yeah?" Natsu grinned.

"I would like some Pineapples with chocolate right about now." She said. That killed the mood and tension they had.

It was going to be one of those nights where he has to venture all over the city just to find a store that is opened with the right foods or snacks. Natsu sighed. "Does that combination even taste good at all?"

"I don't know, I don't really care, just go to the store and buy them." She commanded.

And with that Natsu got up from his bed, quickly changed into his clothes, quickly washed his teeth and without further questions, went to go find a store that had what Erza wanted.

Luckily for him, Natsu remembered there was a 24 hour store not from where they lived. He quickly took his motion sickness pills and went his way.

At night, there was really no type of traffic in the city of Magnolia. The City, in his mind, was truly asleep. He made his way into the store's parking lot and parked right in front of it. He turned off his engine, went out of the car, locked it and walked right in.

He looked around and saw exactly the stuff he needed. Fresh pineapples and wondrous amounts of chocolates from Nestle Crunch to Snickers. He grabbed 3 pineapples and grabbed as much as he could of chocolates and walked straight towards the register.

"Pineapples and… Chocolates?" The man looked puzzled at combo.

"Don't ask." Natsu didn't want to explain himself.

"Are you high?" Even when Natsu said don't ask, the man behind the register did anyways.

"No." Natsu said, irritated at having to answer that question.

"Let me guess, wife is pregnant and she's having those weird cravings, isn't she?" The machine beeped as the man passed the chocolates through the scanner.

"Yeah." He rolled his eyes.

"Trust me man, it gets better." The man tried to reassure him.

"Really?" Natsu asked.


2ND Month

"Damn Natsu, you look like hell." Elfman, his firefighter coworker, said as he noticed Natsu's red puffy eyes.

"You're telling me," Natsu yawned as he sat on the bench near the lockers. "I was up all night trying to find a pizza restaurant opened."

"Erza's cravings?" He asked the pinkette.

"Yeah, and when I finally got her the Hawaiian Pizza that she wanted, she had one of those sudden mood swings, threw the pizza in my face and told me to sleep on the couch…" Natsu rubbed his eyes. He felt a small burning sensation around them.

"Ouch." Elfman was putting on his firefighter gear now.

"Yeah, this morning she apologized for it," he deeply sighed, massaging the side of his neck. Must've accidentally slept on it wrong if it was hurt. "Man, I don't know how I'm going to survive the next 7 months if it keeps going like this…"

"Hate to be you right now." Elfman slightly laughed at Natsu's current predicament.

"I hate to be me right now." Natsu joined with his own laugh.

"Goddamn Natsu, did the wife not let you sleep?" Orga, another firefighter colleague, said as he came in and saw Natsu. Since Gildarts sudden departure, Orga had to step in as temporary Fire Department Chief.

"That's only the half of it…" He weakly laughed.

"Get some sleep bro, you need it." Orga patted the back of Natsu's shoulder.

"You got it, bossman." And with that, Natsu fell face flat to the ground and sleeper away.

"Not on the floor though…"

3rd Month

By now, Erza and her raging baby hormones practically run the hospital. Her belly was bigger and she enjoyed the attention she got when her coworkers, either doctor or nurse and patients gave her when they remarked on her size.

"Wow, your pregnancy is finally showing, huh?" Millianna, one of Erza's most reliable nurse and friend, remarked her.

"Yeah," Erza happily smiled. "I'm very happy."

"Why shouldn't you be happy? You always wanted a kid and in 6 more months, that little cure little girl of yours is going to come out." Millianna said.

"Me and Natsu are still trying to come up with good girl names." Erza exclaimed.

"Oh really?" Millianna tilted her head, a bit intrigued at the names they've come up with.

"Yeah, so far, we have at least 5 names we can name her." Erza said, now leaning on the counter. She gets easily tired now with the baby.

"That's good," Millianna gave her a thumbs up. "How is Natsu by the way? You haven't killed him yet, right?"

"Natsu is livid," Erza smiled. "He's been very helpful. He's been doing a lot actually."

"How so?" Millianna asked.

"He's helped me cook and clean the house, he's massaged my back whenever I get backaches and whenever I get my weird cravings, he always pulls through," Erza smiled. Natsu has not once complained about her in anyway. Maybe behind her back but probably nothing ill. "I swear, he's always good to me and I really love that about him."

"You got one of the good ones, that's why." Millianna complimented.

"Well I have to get back to work now, Millianna," Erza sighed. She stopped leaning on the counter and stood back straight. "Oh, I almost forgot, have you seen Jellal? I can't find him anywhere."

"Oh, he's probably hiding." Millianna started to fix a pile of patients files in order.

"Why?" Erza raised an eyebrow.

"Probably because your baby hormones now run this place." Millianna slightly laughed.

"I guess so."

Author's Note: Hope you like this little bonus chapter. And don't forgot to leave baby girl names in the reviews, your suggestions mean a lot to me.

Anyways, 'til the next update.