Chapter 12
Yui woke up to a cry, rubbing her eyes she turned on her light and pushed the bed covers off her. She stood and walked to the source of the cry which was coming from a white cot besides her bed. Inside the cot was her baby girl Miya, Yui picked her up and began to rock her gently in her arms, making Miya's cries decrease. It had been a few weeks since Yui had given birth, due to her inhuman self she recovered faster then humans would but she was still told to take it slow. Yui was a very good mother to Miya, she knew exactly what to do since she took of children in the orphanage next to the church where she, her sister and her father lived, they would always go over there every week and on holidays.
Yui wasn't the only one getting along with Miya, Christa was also good at handling her. She was always gentle and made sure not to hurt the precious baby, besides Yui Christa would also sing to Miya to get her to sleep or to cease her crying.
Subaru was also on good terms with Miya, he was scared at first, afraid that he would break Miya with his strong hands but after a few holding sessions with Reiji he managed to hold Miya without causing her pain. The others told Subaru that he didn't hurt her the first time he held Miya but he didn't listen and wanted to make sure that he wouldn't crush her. After that Subaru had gotten more around Miya, often holding her and gently poking her nose making the baby girl giggle. According to Christa this was the happiest Subaru has ever been but he would deny it, the blush on his face didn't help convince them.
Reiji was a good carer for Miya, he took responsibility at being her uncle at made sure that she was well looked after along with Yui. During his visits he would bring a ice pack full of blood, some were from blood donors and some from animals. Yui refused to drink from a human and was going to protest from drinking from animals until Reiji told her that she needed to drink either human blood or animals, if she didn't drink either of them she would grow weak and her thirst would extend which would cause her to go out on a rampage. However Yui would still drink vampire blood from Subaru to give her more energy, it was in fact Subaru's and Reiji idea, Yui didn't like it at first, she didn't know how she got convinced. She started to enjoy it now.
Looking down at Miya, Yui realized that she was now asleep and gently placed her back in her cot and kissed her forehead. She smiled down at her child before going back into her bed and pulled the covers over her and going back to sleep.
Yui woke up again to but the right time, the sun shined through her almost closed curtains and reflected off the walls. Since she didn't got to school anymore there wasn't any need to go to bed at night, even if she was a vampire, plus she wanted to do it for Miya. This way Miya would see the sun like a normal person would, she didn't want her daughter to wake up at night when they're was nothing to do, she also didn't want Miya to go to night school. If she went to day school then she would manage to go out with friends and spend more time with them.
Yawing and rubbing her eyes again Yui got our from her bed and went to the cot besides her bed. Miya was now awake and opened her eyes and began to rub them.
"Hey there" Yui greeted her gently, Miya looked at Yui and instantly smiled, knowing who she was. Yui picked her up and held her close to her, Miya hands went onto Yui's shoulder and she leaned her head down onto her neck. Yui rubbed Miya's beck gently before walking out of her bedroom door.
"Let's see what's for breakfast shall we?" Miya looked at Yui with shining eyes causing the blonde to giggle. As she made her way to the kitchen she could smell a sweet aroma but was confused when she found Christa sitting at the table. Didn't she cook in the mornings? When Yui walked into the room Christa noticed her presence and smiled at Yui.
"Good Morning Yui-chan"
Yui returned the kind smile. "Good Morning Christa-san" Yui sat on a chair at the table next to the white haired women, Christa turned to Mia and smiled at her.
"And Good Morning to you Miya" Miya smiled at Christa, knowing who she was as well, Christa giggled as she poked Miya's cheek making the baby giggle as well. "She just too cute!" Christa gushed "It's impossible not to smile at her"
"Right" Yui agreed "By the way Christa-san why aren't you cooking? I smelled something delicious when coming here but I was confused when it wasn't you. All the food you make is really good"
"Oh thank you Yui-chan" Christa was happy with the compliment she got from the blonde "Actually someone else is cooking today, someone you know as well" Yui blinked and look at Christa confused.
"Really? Who?" Just then a clatter was heard, Yui looked at the table to find a plate in front of her with small round pancakes topped with strawberries and cream, she looked up and was surprised to see who cooked it for her.
"Subaru-kun?" He didn't say anything and placed a plate in front of Christa with the same food and toppings, Christa thanked her son before eating, Yui continued to stare at Subaru, he noticed this and got a bit annoyed.
"Stop staring and eat already!"
"H-Hai" Yui quickly turned to her food and grabbed a food to cut a part of a pancake off, she then got a strawberry and dug it through the pancake. She blew on it a couple of times before eating it, she again was surprised on how good it tasted.
"So good!" Christa moaned as she took another bite of her pancakes "I could eat these all day"
"Are they that good?" Subaru asked, a bit shocked.
"Yes" Christa answered
"She right Subaru-kun, they taste delicious! I wished you cook more often"
"Me too" Christa agreed
Subaru's cheeks were red form their compliments, he turned his face away in hopes of it going away and them not seeing it.
"You guys are overreacting" Christa and Yui just giggled and gave each other a smile saying 'what ever you say big guy' and continued to eat their food. After they finished Miya cried, signalling that she was hungry. Yui excused her self and went back to her room, she placed Miya in her cot and pulled off her jumper and got held Miya in her arms again. Yui was happy that she didn't wear a bra, making it easier for Miya to get milk from her breasts.
As Miya drank Yui gently combed her fingers through Miya's red hair, she couldn't help but think of the red head Sakamaki. His hair was just as soft as Miya's and just as red. Yui couldn't help but think of Ayato, the horrible thing he had done to her created a beautiful baby girl. Even though she was away from him she had wondered what would happen if Ayato found out that Yui had his child.
Would he be Happy? Sad? Angry? Yui didn't know, she had wondered if Ayato should know the news of his child, Yui decided against it for now since he'll then know where she is. Perhaps in the future, when Miya is older that Ayato can learn that he has a daughter. Yui had also decided to wait until Miya is older to know of her father, she'll tell her when the time is right but for now she wouldn't mention the word 'father' or 'daddy'.
Speaking of fathers, Yui had also wondered what her's is doing right now. Even though he left her to live with sadistic vampires she still cared for him, she also cared for her sister who Yui doesn't know where she went. What would happen if they knew what happened to her? Yui knew that her sister will be angry and try to kill the guy that caused Yui to give birth, although Yui loved her sister dearly she still needed to scold for such things. Going against a vampire when your human is suicide but also not impossible. But Yui had done it and look where it got her. However Yui refused to give in, and she had a feeling that her sister would as well.
"Done?" Miya had finished drinking and was now full, she rested her head on her mothers shoulders and moved her fingers. Yui then pulled her away and looked at her. "We gotta get you dressed now, Mommy too" Yui went to the chester draws and pulled out an white with pink bunnies onsie. She proceed to change Miya and make sure that she was comfortable in her clothing, once she was done Yui placed Miya back in her cot to let herself get dressed, properly. Yui chose to wear an off shoulder baby pink dress with white floral patterns which ended just above her knees, she then put on open pink flats and ties her long blonde hair into a pony tail with a rose band.
Yui picked Miya up again and walked out of their room, she made her way down the hallway and went inside one of the rooms. Inside the walls were a light pink, the carpet was cream and there were many chests filled up. Yui placed Miya gently down on the soft carpet and opened one of the chests, she got out some toys and laid them in front of Miya who smiled brightly and tried to make her way too them.
"Oh? Your already trying to crawl?" For human babies it would take more then a few weeks to them to try and crawl.
But since Miya is half vampire I guess that she'll grow and progress faster
Yui turned to Miya and sat on her knees, she held her arms out and smiled at her baby.
"Come on Miya, you can do it" Yui encouraged her daughter to crawl and in fact it worked. Miya laid on her stomach and had her arms in front of her, she had fisted them into the carpet and began to push herself forward, she tried to get her legs up as well to help her move.
"That's right Miya! Keep doing it" After a few good 5 minutes of pushing herself Miya finally reached the toys that were near her mother, Yui was so proud of her that she picked her up and spinned her around gently causing the baby girl to squeal and laugh.
"You did it Miya! Well done!" Yui gave her daughter an eskimo kiss then kissed her forehead "Let's go tell the others!" Yui then made her way to the lounge of the castle with her daughter in her hands. When entering the room she saw Christa sitting on the long sofa reading a book and immediately went to her.
"Christa-san!" Christa looked up from her book and looked at Yui.
"What's wrong Yui-chan" Christa then stood up with a worried expression on her face, fearing something bad happened.
"Miya learned how to crawl!"
"Wah really!" Christa smiled and clapped her hands together "You need to show me"
Yui nodded and then took a few steps away from Christa, she sat on her knees and laid Miya on her stomach.
"Miya, can you get to Auntie Christa?" Miya looked from her mother to Christa who as well sat on her knees, she smiled brightly at the child and did the same thing as Yui and held her arms out.
"Come here child" Miya smiled and began to drawl her way to Christa, it took the same amount of time for her to reach Yui earlier. When she reached Christa the women wrapped her in her arms and snuggled their cheeks together.
"Oh well done child!" The two girls stood up and Yui made her way over the Christa and her child. Christa looked at Yui impressed "She's progressing"
"I know, I was kinda surprised when I found her wanting to crawl already"
"Well even though Miya is half vampire she'll still progress faster then human babies"
"I figured" Yui smiled at Miya and brushed her hair "Next you'll be wanting to walk" Miya made a happy noise and clapped her hands, the two women giggled. They couldn't wait for Miya to grow.
Yui let out a tired sign as she put a sleeping Miya in her cot, she had changed Miya into her pyjamas after a fun day of playing and immediately fell asleep, Yui kind of envied how Miya could go to sleep so fast.
Must be a baby thing
With Miya now asleep Yui went to her draws and pulled out a cream knee-length nightgown with long sleeves. Yui laid it on her bed and pulled the dress over her head and took off her bra. Ever since Yui became a vampire she found it more comfortable for her grown breasts to go to bed without a bra on, she let out a relaxed sign as she felt her breasts sprung free. She was the about to put on her nightgown until...
Her bedroomdoor open.
"Oi Yui, I was wondering if-" Subaru stopped talking, he saw Yui, dressed in nothing except her pink panites. His cheeks went red as he didn't realize that Yui would be topless when he came in. Yui instantly blushed and covered her chest and let out a surprised scream.
"S-Sorry!" Subaru quickly rushed out the room and shut the door behind him. He leaned his back against the door, his face was pure red.
Dammit that's the second time I've done that! (1) Subaru whacked his forehead for his stupidity for not knocking and asking to come in. A jiggle at the handle brought Subaru to jump away from the door, it opened t reveal Yui now dressed in her nightgown, her blush still remained. She was looking down at the floor and pulled at the ends on her sleeping attire.
"G-gomen Subaru-kun-"
"No, I'm the one that should be sorry" Subaru interrupted her while scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, his face turned to avoid her. Even though she was now dressed he still felt a bit awkward to look at her.
"You, erm..." Yui now leg go of the ends of her nightgown and twirled her fingers together, she brought her lead up to look at the vampire "You were going to ask me something?"
"Oh yeah" Subaru brought his hand down and looked at Yui "I was just wondering of you were okay"
Yui blinked at Subaru. "OK? Of course I am Subaru-kun"
"Are you sure?" he asked "You don't look it"
"I am though"
"Your not"
"I am!"
"An too!" Yui was getting rather annoyed by Subaru's pestering "Look Subaru-kun I really am fine" Yui smiled at him. He stared at her for a few moments before giving in.
"OK if you say so, you really are stubborn" Yui giggled and ran a hand through her blonde hair. Subaru then stepped forward and placed his hands on her shoulders, Yui looked at him confused.
"You know...if something is really bothering you don't be afraid to say it. We're all here for you ya know"
Yui felt her chest get warm at Subaru's words, if she was human she was sure that her heart would be beating fast at this moment. She smiled warmly at the comfort a vampire gave her, even though Subaru had his own fair share of doing horrible stuff to Yui he would be the one to make up for it, well sometimes. She pulled herself closer to Subaru and wrapped her arms around him, her face laying on his shoulder.
"I know, thank you Subaru-kun" Subaru was quite shocked by Yui's actions but he returned the affection. As Yui laid her head on his shoulder she could smell the scent of his skin.
And his blood.
"Hold still" without warning Yui bit into Subaru's neck and began to suck his blood, Subaru gasped as he felt Yui suck his blood, when she was done he would lick his wound until it stopped bleeding.
"Sorry Subaru-kun, I just felt thirsty" Yui apologized as she pulled back from the embrace, however Subaru still held on to her "Subaru-kun?" Subaru pulled her against him and buried his face in her neck.
"This is your fault" he said as he pulled down her nightgown to reveal the skin of her shoulder "Your blood, I can resit it anymore" Yui then gasped as she felt Subaru sink his fangs into her shoulder. However this time the bite didn't feel painful, it felt...good.
Yui gripped his clothed back with fisted hands, she let out a loud gasp, suddenly feeling pleasure going through her body.
Subaru detached his fangs from her and looked at her face by the corners of his eyes, her facial expression wan't in pain, it was in pleasure. He chuckled at this, suddenly feeling confident and proud.
"What's this, you feeling good" he hands went lower and grabbed her waist, his fingers tracing circles.
"Your lying" he stated with a smirk "Your gasping, clinging onto me, even your face shows it all" he leaned up to look at Yui completely and saw her blushing, which boosted his confidence. He then pulled down the other half of the nightgown to reveal her other shoulder. He placed small and soft kisses along her skin causing Yui to let out small gasps.
"Stop it..." Although Yui felt pleasure go through her body, it was not something she wanted. She didn't want to do these things, a small part inside her told her that it was wrong and she went along with it.
Subaru signed and let go of her, Yui took a step back and pulled her jumper up, her cheeks remained red from embarrassment.
"I-If you don't mind I'll like to spend some time in my room alone"
Yui shut the door behind her, blocking out Subaru's words. Her legs wobbled and she fell on her knees, she let out a breath she didn't know she had.
What happened back there? Why did I feel good when Subaru-kun bit me?
Could she be turning into a masochist? No. Yui shook her head at the thought.
But, it is possible...
After taking a few deep breaths Yui stood back up and walked over to the cot, Miya was sound asleep. Yui signed as she fell back against her bed, she closed her eyes and let her body rest for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.
I'M BACK! *evil laughter* *cough* Anyway I'm sorry that I haven't updated any of my stories, I had a writers block and just didn't feel any motivation, but now I have it back!
I'm starting to plan my stories, with my upcoming ones I'm writing out the plot and I will write 10 chapters before posting the first chapter. Hopefully with this way I won't have as much hassle ^^
BTW what do you guys think of the new DL game Lost Eden? I for one am looking forward to it, I'm gonna but a PSVita and pre-order the game when I can. Also I, as many as other DL victims have fallen for Kino. How though?! There's only a pic of him and I fell for him! I hope that Kino x Yui won't be my OTP, that's why when I get the game I'll do Ayato's Route, then Kino's and then back to Ayato.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to more. I have planned what will happen to Mia when she get's to 17/18 *evil smirk* UNTIL THEN...just deal with this, please? ^^
See You.