Chapter 27

Seth came down the stairs, and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Seth said, yawning. "Is the coffee, ready?"

"It just finished." Machelle said and was going to get up, when Seth put his hand up. "Did you sleep good?"

"Yes but, I was squished by two little Monkey's early this morning." Seth smiled, and poured himself a coffee. "We were watching Rugrats, until I smelled the coffee brewing."

"Sorry, I should have warned you." Machelle smiled. "They like to cuddle, in the morning."

"Ah it's okay, I didn't mind." Seth smiled, and leaned on the counter. "You know I haven't watched cartoons for ages, it was kinda fun watching them again. Besides I left the door open last night, just in case they needed me. I was flipping through channels, when they asked if they could come in."

Just as Matt was going to say something, Roman came in with Joshua cradled in his arms.

"Good Morning, everyone." Roman said. He got two bottles from the fridge, and put them both in a bowl. Then turned on the faucet, and filled it with hot water. Then sat down on a stool, next to Machelle. "Did you guys sleep good? I slept great but, my throat hurts and I don't know why."

Seth put his coffee down on the counter, and practically ran to the bedroom to grab Jordan before anyone else did.

"Machelle was awake all night because, you were snoring like a banshee." Matt smiled, as Machelle took his bowl away and put it in the dishwasher. "I bet Dean heard you, two houses down."

"Try sleeping beside their room?" Mason said, coming into the kitchen. "I had ear plugs in, and I heard him."

"Me too." Mikila said, grabbing the coffee Machelle handed him.

"Uh oh, you woke Goon 1 and Goon 2 up. Now, your on the shit list." Machelle turned and smiled. "Next time I'll push him out of bed, I promise."

They all laughed.

"Sorry, about that." Roman smiled. "I didn't sleep good at the hospital, with all the noise."

"Okay, I hear you on that. I have been in that situation, when you hear everything and can't sleep because people are coming into your room." Mason smiled. "Then you have to make breakfast, I'm starving. Are you going to come with us, to the Centre?"

"Done deal for breakfast but, I can't go unless we bring Josh and Jordan. Machelle, needs to sleep." Roman smiled. "Hope you like pancakes, cause that's all JJ and Jake eat in the morning."

"I love pancakes, now may I hold my nephew?" Mason smiled. "I know he's not but, I don't care about details."

Roman handed Joshua to Mason, and got the bottles for him and Seth. Then started breakfast, just as Jake and JJ came into the kitchen.

"Ro, just bring them upstairs before you leave." Machelle smiled, and put her cup on the counter. "I can't sleep very long, anyway. We are meeting your Mom and Aunts at one."

Since the babies were taken care of for now, she went to lay down upstairs.

Two hours later JJ and Jake snuck up the stairs, and into Machelle and Roman's room.

Since they heard the TV on. They quietly came into the room, and stood at the foot of the bed.

"Mommy, are you awake?" JJ whispered.

"Yes, I am. Come cuddle with me, for a bit." Machelle said, and stretched her arms out. Both of them cuddled up to her side.

"Mommy, you have to get up." JJ said, sitting up. "We have Mo Ma and Papa's party today."

"I know sweetheart, just for a bit." Machelle smiled. "Your all sweaty how come?"

"We went with Daddy and the guys, to the Centre." JJ said, and laid his head on the pillow. "We just kicked the balls around."

"When you were in the hospital, we had a camp fire. We had hot dogs, and junk food. Then we roasted marshmallows, it was fun. Then we all slept in our new tree house, except Auntie Sherri, Mandy and Tia." Jake said, then he started to giggle. "Auntie Sherri said, we could pee in the bushes. But, we didn't. JJ said that you would be mad if we did that."

"Auntie Sherri tickled me and said I passed a test but, I don't know what she meant." JJ smiled. "She was just being silly, that day."

"Your right, she was being silly." Machelle smiled. "Oh, I think I hear Daddy coming."

JJ and Jake, scrambled to hide under the covers. Roman had told them to let Machelle sleep but, of course they didn't.

Roman came up the stairs, and was looking for the boys.

At first he was mad, when he saw the bedroom door wide open. When he walked into the room his demeaner changed. He saw a huge lump, in the middle of the bed. Machelle sat up, and leaned on the head board and smiled.

"Machelle have you seen JJ and Jake, I can't find them anywhere?" Roman asked. He walked to the bed and flopped down. Making sure not to hit the lump, then poked the moving lump. "What is this huge lump here? I think, we might need a new bed."

Both boys, giggled under the blankets.

"That, was my stomach growling." Machelle smiled, Roman just rolled his eyes. He knew she was lying through her teeth. "I really love the lumps, in the mattress though."

Then JJ popped his head up from under the covers, almost hitting Roman in the face.

"Oops, sorry Daddy." JJ said. "Mommy was awake, and said she needed some cuddle time."

"That's okay I'm not mad." Roman smiled, and rolled off the boys as they got out from under the blankets, and laid down in between them. "You two need to have a bath, you stink."

"Mommy, why do you call Mason and Mikila Goons?" JJ asked.

"Just to be funny, that's all sweetheart." Machelle smiled, and threw the covers back. Moving slowly, not to make her hip hurt. "Okay boy's, we need to get up. We have a party, to get ready for today."

"Yeah, I can't wait to show Mo Ma our gift we made her." JJ said, and tried to climb over Roman. "She is going to love, them."

Roman grabbed him, and pinned him to his chest. JJ giggled, then laid his head down.

"What gift?" Roman asked, and patted his bum lightly. "You guys, didn't tell me about a gift you made."

"It was a secret, JJ." Jake said, moving closer to Roman. Who put one arm around him.

"Not for Daddy, Jake." Machelle said sitting on the edge of the bed. "Just for Mo Ma and Papa, we can show Daddy. Why don't you boy's go get your clothes on your beds, and I will get the bath started. Then Daddy, can help you into the tub."

Roman let go of JJ and then they both got off the bed, and went to get their clothes. They came back minutes later, and Roman helped them into the tub.

"I thought you guys, were going to the store with Dean?" Machelle asked, when Roman walked out of the bathroom.

"We were going to but, Sherri said it would be cutting it close to the party. So, we took them to the centre and tired them out instead." Roman smiled. "We are going to go tomorrow, after the golf tournament. Dad said, we are just going for a couple hours in the morning. It gets to hot in the afternoon. He is worried about Matt, being out there to long."

"Tiring them out, might be a good thing. Taylor is coming over, she wants to feed Josh and Jordan. They are still sleeping right?" Machelle said, Roman nodded his head. "Oh and Sherri wants to introduce Ares to the babies. So, he can get used to the noises they make. He has never seen or been around babies before. But we better do it without El Torrito around that might cause some trouble."

"Yes they are sleeping, I have the monitor right here. Mandy watched them, while we took the boys out to the centre. You needed the sleep, since I kept you up all night." Roman smiled. "That's no problem, we can do that before we leave. I don't think we will have time today with getting the kids ready. Do we need anything for the boys?"

"Actually we do but, we can do that later." Machelle smiled. "We got a gift card, from my Aunts and Uncles. I think maybe, it should go towards something special for JJ and Jake. They have been really good, and we don't need them getting jealous."

"I agree, Mom warned me about that." Roman said. "When is Mom coming?"

"All the girls and I are meeting your family, in an hour and a half at the salon. We can take Josh and Jordan, with us. That way, you can get them to have a nap. They can show you the art pictures, they made." Machelle smiled, and sat beside him. "It might happen Ro, they have had all three of you guys for so long to themselves. Now they will have to share you guys, and they aren't used to that. So, we need to be patient with them. Shit, I don't know if that dress will fit now without a baby bump, I mean."

Roman smiled and shook his head

"That conversation changed fast. But, I get what your saying, and I will tell Seth and Dean." Roman smiled, and leaned against the head board. "So try it on, I like fashion shows. What is the plan anyway, for today?"

"Sorry, I just remembered. I am usually thinking ahead, and it just popped into my head." Machelle said, and went into the closet.

"It still looks great on." Roman smiled, when she came out. "It matches ours, right?"

"Kinda, yours are a little different. But, now I don't know if I like it. Josh and Jordan, don't have anything to match us. I didn't think they would be coming, into the world just yet." Machelle smiled, then her eyes lit up. "Maybe, I can put them in their overalls with the red onsie-. Oh, even better I can go to the store by the salon. They will have something, hopefully."

Machelle took her dress off, and put it on the bed. Roman just rolled his eyes, and smiled.

"Why did you put it on over your shorts and tank top?" Roman said, then shook his head, remembering the boys were in the bathroom. "I love you the way you are, before pregnancy and after. You know that, right? That is a big ass bruise on your thigh, does it hurt still?"

Machelle's face went red, and she kissed him.

"Good answer, and Thank you. Only when I try to hurry out of bed, then it bugs me. That's why I got up slowly. Plan is, there is a car coming for us all at 3pm. We have enough time to check in, and drop the bags off. We just need to pack the playpen, and the rails from the boy's bed. We are meeting in the lobby, after. The plan is staying at the hotel for one night, having breakfast the next morning. On your way to the golf course you guys are, dropping Tia, Sherri and Vanessa off at the airport. Mandy and the kids, are helping with the boys." Machelle smiled, then the doorbell rang. "Shit, that was fast."

"It will just be us and Matt's family, from here." Roman smiled, kissing her again. "Mason, Seth and Mikila have an errand to do, and will meet us at the hotel."

Then he got off the bed, and went down stairs to answer the door.

Machelle went into the bathroom, to get the boys bathed.

Roman was just coming down the stairs, when the front door flew open and Taylor ran past him.

"Hello, Uncle Roman." Taylor said, stopping long enough on the first stair, for a quick hug. "Where are Josh and Jordan?"

"Relax, they are still sleeping." Roman laughed. "JJ and Jake, are in the bath. But, you can help Auntie Machelle with them. The babies, should be up very soon."

"Okay." Taylor said, and ran up the stairs.

"Sorry, Taylor has been bugging me to hurry up and come over. I kept telling her to relax, and let you guys have some time together. She wanted to come over last night at midnight, for their feeding." Dean said, following Roman to the kitchen. "Did you steal the ring back, like you wanted to? I still think, you should tell Machelle. She's going to freak if she thinks it's lost."

"That's okay." Roman smiled. "Machelle told me, she was excited. They are going with the girls, to the salon."

"Yes I have it, and No I didn't steal it. I told her I wanted to get it changed." Roman said and reached into his jeans pocket, and pulled out Machelle's ring. "Sherri is taking it to the store, and they will change the stones to Rubies. Steve said, it will be ready by the time we get there. We can stop at the store on the way to Tia's."

Then they heard thumping and laughing, coming from up stairs.

"Sounds like, they are having a great time." Dean smiled. "Have the guys left for the surprise?"

"It is always like this at bath time, Dean. Especially, when we have a schedule to follow. It's like the boys know, and act out. Coffee?" Roman asked. Dean nodded, and sat down on a stool. "The guys aren't leaving, until the girls leave. Albert is driving the bus with Afa. Mikila and Mason are meeting them at the airport in Dad's van, for the luggage and anyone who can't fit on the bus. Dad and I, were talking after your wedding. He thinks the girls Aunt's and Uncle's, are great and wanted them to come and celebrate with them. There is like 30 or so of them coming. I think the girls, will be surprised."

Then Taylor came downstairs, and into the kitchen. She didn't know about the surprise, so they stopped talking when they heard her coming.

"What's going on up there?" Dean asked. "Why is your shirt wet?"

"The boys were jumping up and down in the tub again, JJ slipped and fell on his bum and farted. That made Auntie Machelle and I laugh, cause it smelt really really bad. Can you text mom and ask her to bring me a shirt, Please? I forgot to bring my phone." Taylor smiled. Then she went to the fridge and got two bottles out, and put them in some hot water. "They are just getting dried off, and will be down in a bit."

"Okay I will." Dean said, and texted Sherri. Taylor was just going to go back up, when Dean grabbed her arm. "Wait, How did you know to do that? I mean, put the bottles in water. Why do you have to do that?"

"Auntie Machelle told me to, why?" Taylor said, looking at Dean then at Roman. "Did I, do it wrong?"

"She did great, Dean." Roman said, shaking his head and smiled at her. "You need to warm the bottle, before you give it to babies or they get sick."

"Oh okay, I was just asking. When we came home from the hospital, I didn't get my lesson on that." Dean smiled. "I want to know these things so, I can do that next time that's all. I am in the learning stages still so, I ask questions. I am going to have to start learning so, I can feed Jackson when he gets here. Then I won't have to bug anyone, to know what to do. Shit, I just learned to put a cloth over parts so you don't get peed on."

Taylor and Roman laughed.

JJ came running into the kitchen with his clothes in his hands, dropping them at Romans feet as he ran past.

"OH NO, IT'S THE STREAKER." Taylor yelled, and started to laugh.

Dean, pretended to cover Taylor's eyes.

That made JJ laugh even more.

Mason and Mikila, came out to see what all the commotion was about. JJ didn't see Mason come in. He ran right into Mason's leg, and fell on his bum. Mason, reached down to help him up.

"You okay JJ?" Mason smiled.

JJ nodded his head, and laughed even more.

"JJ, what are you doing?" Roman smiled, getting off the stool he was sitting on. "Grab your clothes, please. Taylor and everyone else, don't want to see your naked bum. At least put some underwear on. What does Auntie Sherri say?"

"Keep my junk, in my trunks." JJ laughed. "Right, Daddy?"

"That's right. Now what does Mommy say?" Roman smiled.

"No running in the house." JJ said, hanging his head knowing he was in trouble.

Roman went over with his underwear and help him put them on him, and messed his hair. Just to say to him, that he wasn't in to much trouble.

"Jake, come back here please." Machelle said coming down the stairs.

Jake came running into the kitchen, and hid behind Dean. At least, he was half dressed.

"I really hate bath time." Machelle said walking into the kitchen. She smiled, when Jake started to giggle. "Uncle Dean, isn't going to help you buster. Okay, I give up. There your problem, for at least two hours."

Machelle sat on a stool. She handed Jake's shorts and socks to Dean. Who put them on him, with no problem.

"Is it always like this?" Mason asked laughing, and handed Machelle a coffee.

"Yes, it is always like this." Machelle smiled. "It's funny most of the time but, sometimes it's not like today."

After hearing the babies start to cry, Dean followed Taylor into the spare bedroom. Taylor showed him how to take the air, out of the bottles. Then they sat down on the couch, to feed them.

While the babies were getting fed Machelle got the tub ready, and Taylor helped Dean bath them, and got them dressed.

Machelle stood back and let Taylor do the lesson but, stayed in ear shot just in case they needed her.

Then the girls and the two babies, met Sherri and Tia and went to get their hair done.

Five minutes after the girls left Mikila, Mason and Seth drove to the airport, to meet Afa and Albert.

By the time they got to the airport, the first of the families had arrived.

Mason and Seth, put their luggage in the van. As the rest of them, waited for the next set of the families to arrive.

Sika and Vanessa, had made all the reservations at the hotel for them.

While Summer and Heather's daughter Leyla, had made the flights so they all came in about 20 minutes apart.

Machelle's family except for Leyla and her husband, were staying for Two weeks. They had to leave for work reasons but, left their daughter Milana with her Abuela (Spanish for Grandma) Heather.

The Party.

Once at the hotel, they got everything set up in their rooms, then all met in the lobby about 20 minutes later.

That's when the girls saw, that their family was there.

Everyone of their Aunts and Uncles, and their kids and their kids, had come.

Both the girls were so excited. Neither one of them, had seen some of the cousins for years. They hadn't even met Uncle John's Granddaughters, Olive and Dyllen.

After some chatting and introductions, to the kids. They walked through the lobby, and onto the patio outside.

Everyone was in aw, to see all their months of planning had come together so great.

It was like they were at a luau in Hawaii, and that's exactly how the girls pictured it.

There were Tiki wood carvings and Surf boards all around the patio, with fresh flowers in bamboo vases. The smell of them filled the air, and they were all glad they decided to have it outdoors.

Taylor and Vanessa, had made sugar cookies in the shapes of flip flops that had Sika and Patty's initials on them. Cynthia had put them on the dessert table. Right beside the three tiered cake, the girls had ordered.

All the layers had blue icing to make it look like water, with marzipan shaped shells on the sides of each layer. On the top layer there was a Guy and Girl, standing in front of a Tiki Hut with a sign that said Sika and Patty's 30th Anniversary Party.

Around the perimeter of the patio there were Tiki torches, that would be lit when it got darker.

They had a Tiki hut, setup for drinks. The signature drink was a Mia Thai, served in either a bamboo shaped cups or, a pineapple shaped cup with a straw and umbrella. There were also Shirley Temples, and juice for the kids.

The centre pieces on the tables were glass hurricane lamps. With Hibiscus flowers around the base, and a candle inside. There were white table clothes on the tables, with bright blue table runners in the middle.

The tables were set up all over the cement patio, for people to sit and eat.

Everyone sat at the tables, and chatted. When the staff of the hotel announced that dinner was ready, they all went to the buffet to get their food.

Roman had gone up to the room to get the stroller, for Machelle to put Josh and Jordan in. She covered them up with a receiving blanket while they ate. Roman, and Seth helped JJ and Jake get their food.

Everyone turned their chairs towards the stage to watch, the Hula dancers on the grass.

Alice, Maizey, Olive, JJ and Jake were all dancing by the tables, and were trying to mimic the Hula girls moves.

One of the dancers asked the kids up, so they could dance. Since they were all under 10, everyone thought it was cute.

Then it was time, for the guys who danced with the fire sticks to come on.

JJ wanted to try that but, of course that was not going to happen. He had a bit of a fit but, calmed down after Roman gave him a little talking to.

For the rest of the night Taylor and Dyllen, kept the younger kids busy. They played Tag with them, just to keep them busy and to let the adults talk.

By the time they had to leave at 11pm, all of the little kids had to be carried up to their rooms by their parents.

It was a fun night, for all.

The next morning they met up for Breakfast, and talked about what they were going to do.

Then the guys dropped Leyla, her husband, Sherri, Tia and Vanessa off at the airport on their way to the golf course.

While the rest of the family, came back to Machelle's.

The family's had decided, that while the guys were in Vancouver. They would go and show their relatives, a good time in Florida. Afa had a friend that lent them a motor home. Valentina and Gina and some of the Aunt's and Uncles were staying at Sherri and Dean's for the week.

Two days later, Mason dropped Patty, Sika, Tao, Dean, Matt, Roman, and Seth off at the airport.

When Mason got back from the airport, the rest of the family had packed the buses up. Then they were off to Orlando, for a couple days.

The cousins and Roman's Aunt had never been to Florida, and wanted to see Disney World. Machelle thought it was a perfect idea, since they wouldn't have been able to do a lot without people asking the guys for autographs.


By the time the guys had gotten to Vancouver, the girls were all done packing.

Jackie Tia's mom, had recruited some help. The moving truck was all packed, and ready to go. They decided to have lunch with Tia's Mom, Dad and sister then leave. But, once they got to the border, there was a huge line up. So, they spent some time shopping and looking around town.

They made the trip, in a day and a half. Since there was Two drivers for each car, they didn't stop. Except to eat, coffee, and gas the cars up.

When they got back to Tampa they rested, and waited for the rest of the family to come home from Orlando.

Tia and Seth had talked before she left, and they thought it was a little early to move in together. It had only been two months, since they had started dating.

Tia was going to move into Machelle and Roman's guest house but, she was over at Seth's most of the time, once he had possession of the house. So, her and the boys moved in with him.

Tia's Dad John, really liked Seth. He himself didn't watch wrestling but, started to watch after both the boys talked about him all the time.

Tia's Mom Jackie on the other hand, loved Seth from the start. She loved that he took the boys places, and spent time with them. The boys loved him, and that was good enough for her.

Three months later, the guys were in Vancouver for a show. Seth had gone to go see Tia's parents.

Seth had come to the conclusion that he was like Roman and Dean, and had found his soul mate in Tia. He realized he couldn't live without her, or the boys in his life. He wanted to ask both of them permission, for Tia's hand.

He had already asked Christian and Evan, if it was okay with them of course they said it was cool. He just wanted to ask her Mom and Dad, to make sure. Her parents were so happy, and both of them said it was okay.

The next day, he went with Roman and Dean to see Steve. He got a ring designed from, Lilian. A couple weeks later, Steve sent it to Machelle's place.

When Seth got home three weeks later, he had arranged for Tia and the boys to go on a dinner cruise.

Just after they had eaten and dessert was coming, he had got down on his knee. Tia of course was surprised, and said yes.

Sherri's due date was November 30th but, Jackson wasn't ready to come out. The Dr said they would wait for a week, and see how he was doing.

On December 6th Jackson Laverne was born, via C-section. He weighed 7lbs 10oz.

Dean had picked the middle name, and since he was born on Sharron's Birthday he thought it was a fitting middle name. Sherri hated it but, understood why he picked it.

The girls family, and Tia's parents had come for the birth. They had planned on going where there was snow but, they ended up staying in Florida for Christmas. Hoping that Next year, they could go someplace with snow.

The End