Hi and welcome to my second fanfiction (not that the first is done)! I do not own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games (unfortunately) and I'm sorry to say that a lot of the plot from the Hunger Games will be used in this story, because it's kinda necessary. But I'll try to skip over the parts that you already know, so just be sure you've read the books.

Spoiler Alert! Spoilers for the Hunger Games, and maybe a few for Percy Jackson and the Olympians (but not Heroes of Olympus). If I feel like making a HoO fangirl joke, I'll A/N it.

Warning! Slight shipping of Percy & Katniss, and Peeta & Annabeth, but I'll only actually make that go somewhere if you guys want me to. Otherwise, it's Percabeth and . . . seriously, what is Katniss and Peeta's ship name anyway? I guess for now let's go with Katpee, as it's better than the alternative.

R&R, thanks!

Percy and Annabeth zoomed up the elevator in the Empire State Building. They had received a summons from the gods while on winter break, to come up to Olympus immediately. So, naturally, they came.

The throne room was mostly empty, just Artemis and Hestia waiting for them.

"Um, hi." Percy said awkwardly. Artemis looked up. Hestia smiled.

"Hello." Hestia said gently. "We have a task for the two of you."

Percy and Annabeth looked at each other. After having recently traveled through the Labyrinth and made it out alive, they felt pretty caught up on "tasks".

"Anything you need, milady." Annabeth said formally.

"Yeah, sure, I guess." Percy said informally.

Artemis shifted. "There are two demigods in grave danger. We need you to watch over them. Protect them. And when you can, bring them to Camp Half-Blood."

Percy let out a breath. Just collect two demigods. Easy peasy. He did this last winter. Sure, he'd almost died, and one of the half-bloods died, but that was still a passing grade. Right?

"Okay, whose kids are they?" Annabeth asked. Hestia and Artemis glanced at each other.

Hestia spoke first. "My son, and Artemis's daughter."

Annabeth raised her eyebrows.

"Hang on," Percy said. Annabeth kicked him, but he ignored her. "I thought you two had sworn off mortals. Since when do you have demigod children?"

Artemis glared at him. "Gods make mistakes, Percy Jackson. You should know."

Percy glared back. "Are you calling me a mistake?" he growled.

Annabeth kicked him harder. "We'd be honored to help your children, of course. Where are they?"

Hestia grimaced. "They're in, well, the future."

"The future?" Percy exclaimed. "How are we supposed to get to the future?"

"Well, we are goddesses." Artemis said, annoyed. "We can take you there."

"Why do we need to go there, though? Can't some other demigods from their time help them?" Annabeth wondered.

"Annabeth, in their time, Camp Half-Blood is in Africa. And so are the gods." Hestia explained. "There are no other demigods to help them. They don't even know that they are demigods. You two are their only hope."

"Okay, fine. We'll do it. But I have to be back before school starts in January."

"Yes, yes. Three weeks at most." Artemis said. "Now are you ready?"

"Wait." Annabeth said. "Who are they? Where exactly are we going?"

"Yes, of course." Hestia handed Annabeth and Percy each a letter. "This will explain who the two kids are, and more importantly, who you are."

"Who we are?" Percy asked.

"Well, yes. Because of the, uh, circumstances of this world, you will have to blend in. Don't worry, we've rigged the … government system, so that you'll be with the kids … wherever their path takes them." Artemis said slowly.

Annabeth opened her envelope.

"We're not going to be together?" she asked Hestia.

"No, your homes are in different regions. But you will see each other on the second day of the . . . holiday festivities. Which will begin the morning you arrive. So don't worry about it."

"Okay, I'm ready." Percy said. "Just . . . tell my mom something." Hestia nodded. They were surrounded by light so bright it burned. Percy closed his eyes. When it came to Greeks, glowing could cause dying if you looked.

"So," Percy shouted over a weird humming noise. "At least tell me these kids' names!"

"It said," Annabeth replied, "that their names are Katniss and Peeta."