Ahhh… Guys! I'm so sad! The epilogue! So in my last chapter, I asked what kind of story this should be. The majority said it should be a one shot with an epilogue. Now I must part with the one-shot of Falling For You. Okay. Getting over the sadness. So yeah. I had a lot of Writer's Block for this, because I 'm not good at imagining stuff forcefully. I'm too creative and spontaneous for my own good… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… I still have Writer's Block and Writer's Flow. Help me with feedback! Cheer my Email up by writing a quick review or RRFFing!

I also have tons of excuses. I've also been busy, and I've been responding to idiots at my school who talk like: Hey, _! (I'm not gonna tell you name, stalkers.), listen to this! * insert corny joke*

Me: HAHAHAHAHAhahaha… That's soooooooo funny! The last time I heard that, I laughed so hard, I fell off my dinosaur!

Them: Was that sarcasm?

Me: Nope! That was obviously NOT sarcasm! Me? Sarcastic? Never.

Them: Oh, okay then. Glad you like my joke! Bye!

Me: I live in a world full of idiots.

Get it? I have been going through torture. Save me. On top of that… homework… need I say more? Exactly.


purplicouspolkadot: You have been my biggest supporter. Thank you so much! I love you! Now that I'm looking back, I look at Wise Girl and Seaweed Brain, and think, "Dang. I'm tired of this. But seriously, me? Silver Girl and Ocean Eyes? I hate myself." I just couldn't think of better nicknames. Thank you anyway! I think I'm catching on to your disease of optimism… Thank you again! I think you're a great writer too!

fanficlover13579: Hi! Thank you!

HRSfangirl: Yep, I'm continuing this. For an epilogue… Keep on reading, girl!

SoulHorse: Your reviews are so freaking off topic. I hate you. I still can't believe we have 4 pages of PMs. Let's call them up! Jelsa and Jeyna? Hmm… I don't know how they remind you of each other… And no, no I will probably not come back to the Random Series. I lost interest.

FadingSunlight: THANK YOU! ALL CAPS! I LIKE ALL CAPS! ANYWAY, AREN'T THEY ADORABLE? YES. YES THEY ARE. Relationship goals. Minus the Tartarus thing, of course. Love your username, by the way.

Falling for this (guest): Thank you! And yes, I will continue it. Well, that part's obvious…

FlawlessCatastrophe: Thank you for showing such enthusiasm in my stories! I love it when people do that. To take their time and read through everything. Percabeth is bootiful. Unlike me. Okay, maybe I am, too… Yeah? Yeeaaahhh? I know, I know. I'm freaking flawless. ;)

Disclaimer: Seriously? I don't own this, guys. Sheesh.

STOYTIME, KIDS! Okay, that was creepy. Sorry.

For the first time in her life, Annabeth felt that life was amazing and perfect just the way it was.

Cuddling with Percy, smelling Sally's cookies' aroma waft from the kitchen, and laughing at charades put on by their friends. Yep, her life was pretty darn good. Since meeting Percy a year ago, every step she took felt just like walking in moonlight. Smiling every step of the way, of course.

Now she knew that Percy was definitely the one for her. What kind of crazy god had been watching when Percy stumbled into her cab? Whoever and whatever caused that, she wanted to thank it with all her heart. Annabeth was finally happy. The Christmas season was especially making her mood generally excited and joy-filled. Spending her holidays at the Jackson home was looking like a better idea every day.

When Percy fell asleep in front of the TV, when he made her burnt but yummy cookies, and when he gave her faintest touch of kisses anytime. His kisses made her melt into him, shiver, and feel her heart almost swell because of how much she loved him.

Sally always gave them the house to themselves, knowing how they wanted to gaze at each other and just be well, the best couple ever.

Haha. Just kidding.

Annabeth knew she had flaws. Her pride, for one. Her stubbornness, and her overpowering at times ambition. As far as she could tell, Percy was nothing but sweet, clueless, and sometimes loyal to a fault. Sure, he could be really idiotic at times, but somehow he always managed to win her back.


He could be really dense, but Annabeth knew she couldn't live without him. At least, it would be really hard to.

But it was hard to think with all the commotion going on. Right now, each person had to dress like a famous youtuber and act completely like the person. They had all drawn from a hat and gotten one youtuber.

Annabeth had gotten Jenna Marbles. She couldn't wait to act like her and (unfortunately) put some (a lot) of makeup on. When she was busy trying to guess what Percy's youtuber was, Piper was chosen to go first.

"So, hey guys! Today, I will be showing you how to look like Elsa from Frozen! Eeeeeee! Exciting, right? Anyway, first start with the foundation, and-"

"Oooh, ooh!"


"You are… Michelle Phan! Oh my God I love her. Isn't she the best?"

"Leo? Are you okay? I didn't know you watched her…" Jason said worriedly. "She even looks better than Piper after her tutorials! Right, guys?"

"Um… no, I'm not Michelle… And WHAT? She looks better than me?"


"Sparky, please shock him. I think he needs a shock to clean his jumbled brain. Unless he really meant what he said. In which case I would curse him with permanent makeup for a month."

"AHHHHH I'm good! I'm good!"

"That's what I thought."

Stifling her giggles, Annabeth tried her to not meet Percy's eye. If she did, she would lose it. She saw a black mop of hair from the corner of her eye. Must. Not. Look. Must. Not. Look.

Her eye twitched.

Then, Percy's eyes twinkled at her and they caught each other's eye.

It was over.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! HA! HA! HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Percy and Annabeth both collapsed in laughs and giggles. Heaving for breath, Percy choked out, "Leo, Makeup, YouTube crush! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Blackmail! Oh my God, Leo! Wait until Calypso hears this!" Annabeth managed to gasp, "Calypso... girls… sleepover… tell… her… HAHAHAHA!" They laughed until their sides ached, and they eyes were watery. Annabeth was gasping for air, laughing taking the majority of her lungs. Percy experienced that laugh where you laugh so hard, you laugh silently and you want to do something, but you can't. Yeah, it was hard to explain. He was slapping the table in an effort to do something. That is what happens when you laugh waayyy too hard.

The ends of Leo's hairs were looking like candles, and then his whole head caught on fire. It also looked like his face was on fire, too because it was cherry red. Piper and Jason burst out with snorts, guffaws, and snickers. Hazel looked confused, Frank was grinning like a maniac, and the rest of their friends and family were either rolling on the floor, chuckling, or cracking up and dying of laughter.

Looking around her, Annabeth could wish for nothing more. Slowly recovering, they smiled, and calmly dismissed the scene, which Leo was thankful for. Going on with the game, they guessed all of the makeup gurus they knew about.

"Is it Bethany Mota?" Percy guessed. "Ha, Ocean Eyes! Hmm… how about dope2111?" Annabeth asked. "Well, well, well… Silver Girl doesn't know something! Interesting… What about Charisma Star?" Percy said.

Smiling triumphantly, Piper confidently answered, "Nope, nope, and nope."

Annabeth huffed. Ugh. I hate being wrong. What are some of the other beauty bloggers? Let's see… there were some others, right? Oh, I know! It's probably Zo-

"ZOELLA!" yelled Percy. "Wait. Am I right? 'Cause if I'm wrong, I totally don't watch… her… and… subscribe…and… comment…?"

Smiling, Piper climbed the sofa and announced, "Yep. You're right! Percy wins and gets two cookies from Sally, our sponsor for tonight!"

Sally grinned and tiredly said, "I host AND sponsor you almost every night, honey."

"You don't care, right?" Hazel asked worriedly.

"Nah. She wuvs us way too much to kick us out and not feed us! Right, Mrs. Jackson- Blofis?" said Thalia.

"Call me Sally, dear. It makes me sound old. Good God. I'm not old, am I? Do I look old, honey?" She turned to Paul.

"Sweetheart, you look beautiful! You're only 40, and you look like a 34 year old person! Now I have no idea how I got as lucky as to have you, honey."

Wow. They're in love… Maybe Percy and I can be like that one day. Cute, respectable, fun, and loving at the same time. We would be the best couple anywhere…

"I don't trust you, Paul. You're too nice to me, but I can ask unprejudiced kids… Guys? Do I look old? WELL? DO I LOOK OLD?"

Well that escalated quickly…

"No, Mrs. Jackson-Blofis." Chanted the group.


OH MY GOSH Sally just yelled at us and lost her temper and her sweet disposition! Okay, maybe not exactly like them. Percy and I would be nice to each other, maybe a little love-hate thing going on. But we wouldn't do this, right?

Her thoughts were interrupted by Percy going up to the middle of the room and walking bowlegged. He stopped, made a crinkle appear with his nose, and talking in a nasal voice. After five minutes of trying to make us guess who he was he went to his room and returned wearing sweatpants and a purple shirt. Who the heck was he? Then after another five minutes of guessing he came back with- was that her best red lipstick?

Oh my God. What was he doing? That had better not be her best red lipstick. If it was… Well, you could say that Percy Jackson was in a lot of trouble. She had saved up for an entire month for that lipstick and she had scoured the department stores for the perfect shade that would suit her and look… sexy… Hey, hey… a girl had to keep the guy on his toes. Also, whenever she wore it, Percy drooled like puppy looking longingly at a treat just out of his reach. Oooh… he had better not ruin it. She had painstakingly used it from all angles to not ruin the tip. That much dedication should not be ruined by an oblivious yet endearing boyfriend.

He used it.

All over his lips.

Making a clown lip.

RUINING the tip.

"PERSEUS JACKSON, YOU ARE DEAD!" Annabeth hollered. Looking startled, Percy idiotically asked, "Why?"

"You used my best red lipstick for special occasions! You ruined the tip and now there are your lip germs on my lipstick! It was my favorite! You are DEAD! I hate you so much and you will buy me an exact copy of that lipstick and you are not getting away with this!"

"I…I thought that since it was the least used, you wouldn't miss it… Wasn't it your least favorite one that you didn't use anymore?"

The group of friends and family gathered around the couple in a circle, looking amused. They smiled as if to say, "They'll make up in the next two days." Unaware of the crowd, Annabeth ranted some more.


"Annabeth? I'm sorry. I'll get you a new one. Please?"

"Talk to the hand, Percy."

"But you can't resist me!"

"Watch me."

"Whip, watch me nae nae."



"Bye, Felicia!"

Well, my evil broccoli minions, that is officially the end of this story. Unless you want me to continue it. But I think this is a good place to end it. Also, I want to concentrate on other stories and other ideas I have for more stories.

Thank you guys for supporting this one-shot thing.

I mean, look at this: 300 views.

2000+ words!




READ MY OTHER STORIES! (Shamelessly promoting myself now.)

Bye, and be awesome like Percabeth!
