The Joanna Protocol

Chapter 25


"Our revels now are ended. These our actors,

As I foretold you, were all spirits and

Are melted into air, into thin air:"

The Tempest

William Shakespeare

Jim closed his communicator after speaking with Mr. Scott. The crew was enjoying shore leave on the Jupiter Space Station and they would wait there happily until Jim, Bones and Spock could rejoin them. All was well on the Enterprise and he could relax for the rest of his stay. He heard happy voices in the kitchen and made his way to join the group. Nogura had given them the weekend off, and the Admiral was coming for his promised dinner this evening.

He walked into the kitchen to see Joanna standing on a chair washing vegetables and Bones, in an apron, chopping them. His mother turned and gave him a smile. "Everything all right with the ship, dear?"

"Everything's just fine, Ma. What are you all making?"

"I don't know Jimmy, I'm just a helper here," said McCoy, eyes intent on his precise chopping; his surgeon's hands making quick, neat pieces of the assembled vegetables.

"I'm helping too, Uncle Jim." Joanna grinned up at him.

"I see you are, sweetheart, but what is it?"

"It's for Admiral Nogura's dinner this evening." Winona told him. "It's a melted Feta cheese and vegetable bake. It has olive oil, basil, parsley, garlic clove, white onion, spring onion, bell pepper, sweet tomatoes, half a fresh jalapeno, olives, mushrooms, assorted veggies, and mixed herbs; everything that Spock can eat. I want him to enjoy the dinner too. I thought we could go out for lunch, what do you think Jim?" She looked at her chronometer.

Jim smiled at his mother. She had a special fondness for Spock. She would never forget his care of Peter during the hostage crisis and his time at the farm in Riverside last Christmas.1

"Going out for lunch will be great. And as for dinner, Spock will certainly enjoy it Ma. He says, and I quote, "your mother is a very proficient cook;" high praise indeed. Admiral Nogura is in for a treat and so are the rest of us."

Winona glanced at her chronometer again and looked out of the kitchen window.

"Expecting someone, Ma?" Jim asked.

"Yes, dear. I'm expecting Ensign Root. I invited her to spend the day with us and stay for dinner."

"That was nice of you, Ma."

The doorbell rang. Bones and Joanna looked up from their vegetables.

"Would you get that, Jim? It's probably Joyce. I hope she can go to lunch with us."

Jim went to the door and opened it.

"Hi Uncle Jim! Surprise!" Peter's excited happy face greeted him. Behind Peter stood a smiling Violet with Davy in her arms.

"Hi there, Jim!"

"Jim, Jim," Davy crowed reaching his little arms to Jim.

An astonished Jim automatically took him in his arms. "Peter! Violet! Davy!" He kissed the excited baby and then he was engulfed in hugs from Peter and Violet. "What are you doing here?" He turned to find his mother, Spock, Bones and Joanna behind him, all of the grinning (except for Spock of course). "Winona Kirk, are you responsible for this surprise," he asked, not moving an inch from the arms encircling him. He held Davy with one arm and hugged Violet and Peter to him. "I can't believe it!" His hazel eyes shone with joy as he gave Davy back to Violet and he reached out to hug his mother, never taking his other arm away from Peter. "How did you make this all happen, Ma?"

"Well, it took a little work," said Winona, her dimple prominent. "Peter was very disappointed that he couldn't come with me, and then I talked it over with Gavin and he was very anxious to see Violet and Davy after your mission and so was I, of course, and I knew you'd love to see them too. Gavin and I talked to Violet and she said she would pick up Peter at Marie's and they would all come for the weekend in her shuttle. Peter is staying with us here, he can sleep on the sofa, and Violet and Davy are staying with Ensign Root. She borrowed a baby bed from one of her friends and her roommate is on assignment so it all worked out beautifully." Winona sighed happily. "It's going to be so much fun having everyone here." She looked up at her son. "Are you happy, darling? I wanted it to be a surprise for you."

Jim dropped a kiss on the soft curly head. "So happy, Ma. Thank you, it's perfect. Only you could pull off something like this." He bent to pick up Peter's luggage. "Come in everyone." He looked down at the covered carrier that Peter was holding. "Squirt, did you bring Sorrel too?"

Peter grinned. "Yep. He would've been lonely, Uncle Jim, and he wanted to see you too. Noni said he could come."

"I see," said his Uncle, looking down at the spoiled kitty and he laughed. "Well if Noni said so, that's the way it has to be. Bring him in, just one more to join the party."

He nudged Bones. "Did you know about this? And you, Spock?"

Spock's eyes twinkled and he nodded. "I did."

"Yes siree, we all knew, Jimmy. Even Joanna, right baby girl?"

Joanna nodded. "I kept a big secret, Uncle Jim. Daddy and Noni told me I wasn't s'posed to tell you, and I didn't," she said proudly.

Jim shook his head, mock frowning at her. "You sure didn't, baby girl. I didn't suspect a thing." He ruffled her hair, and she giggled.

He put Peter's luggage by the sofa and Peter opened the cat carrier to let Sorrel out. Violet's and Davy's luggage, along with the crib, would stay in the shuttle until they got to Joyce' Root's quarters.

"Violet, I'm so glad you were able to come. Davy looks like he's grown a foot!" Jim said as he looked at the happy toddler sitting by Peter and Sorrel. "I've been hearing a lot about you from Gavin," he teased her.

A soft pink color came to Violet's cheeks. "Are you kidding? When Winona commed me, I couldn't say yes fast enough. It's wonderful to see you, to be here with all of you again." She sighed. "I miss all my friends in Riverside, Jim, and I miss your mom most of all."

"I know, Violet. I miss everyone too, but we both have a job to do, and Ma understands that better than anyone."

The front door opened again and Gavin came in with Joyce Root. "Gavin!" Violet ran to him and he held her close, dropping a light kiss on her lips. Davy shrieked. "Gabin, Gabin!" He ran to him on unsteady legs and Gavin got down on his haunches to grab the running baby.

"There's my Davy!" Gavin said, kissing the blond curls. He stood holding Davy with one arm, the other tight around Violet.

"Now there's a pretty picture," McCoy said to Winona.

She smiled softly. "It's wonderful that they've found each other after all they've been through. Violet lost her husband so young and she's coped beautifully being a single mother. Gavin is a wonderful person. He deserves all the happiness in the world and so do she and Davy." She glanced at her son and sighed softly. She hoped that one day Jim would find someone who would love him as he deserved to be loved. He was such a good man, so loving and affectionate with Peter and Joanna. He would make a wonderful father.

McCoy followed her glance and smiled in understanding. "Hold that thought, Winona. Jim knows better than to entangle himself permanently with anyone right now. His ship and his crew are what drives him right now; but maybe someday it'll happen."

"I hope so Leonard."

She moved to join the circle and was hugged and kissed by Violet, Davy, and Gavin. She turned to Joyce. "Thank you, Joyce."

"My pleasure, Winona. I'm already having a great time with Davy. He's a darling baby."

There was catching up conversation among the adults, play time for Peter with Davy and Sorrell, and then Jim made it a point to take Peter aside for a short walk and some quiet conversation. He was happy to see that Peter was happy and healthy; enjoying school, his friends and the farm chores; happy that he was able to talk about and remember his life with Sam and Aurelan without obvious pain. In short, Peter was doing great thanks to his mother and the other adults who loved and cared about him.

Soon enough it was time for lunch. Joyce and Gavin suggested the Fisherman's Warf area; they could eat at the historic San Francisco Waterfront PIER 39 which was still going strong after a couple of centuries and which had many restaurants. There was also parking available at the PIER 39 Garage for the two shuttles they would need to take.

They landed the shuttles and walked along the pier before deciding on a restaurant. They took turns carrying Davy who kept wanting to be put down so he could walk with Peter. After lunch they went back to the house and Joyce and Gavin took Violet and the protesting Davy off to get settled in Joyce's quarters. Davy would need a nap before the dinner this evening.

Jim, his mother and Peter, had a great afternoon. It was so good to spend time with them and he could tell his mother was very happy to have the two people she loved best with her. Winona had baked an apple pie and they all had dessert and coffee mid-afternoon. Spock and Bones came to the table to share the pie bounty. Bones sighed happily at the sight of the apple pie with ice cream on top.

"Winona darlin' this is the life, it looks delicious. Can't wait to dig in.

Jim looked up and frowned at Bones' 'darling', but for the moment he let it go since the children were present. Spock ate his precisely and methodically and Peter and Joanna finished theirs in 5 minutes.

"As always, it's delicious, Ma" Jim said. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome. Now all of you shoo. I have to start dinner. Remember we're hosting an Admiral this evening. Spock and Leonard I'd like some help with setting the table and Jim if you wouldn't mind going out to get some good wine, I'd appreciate it."

"Spock and I are glad to help, Winona."

"I'll get right on it, Ma. Squirt, you want to go with me?"

"Sure, Uncle Jim. I'd like to if I can leave Sorell with Noni."

"You go with your uncle, Peter. Sorrel will be just fine."

Jim and Peter walked to the grocery store a couple of blocks away from the house and Jim picked out several bottles of good wine after consulting with the wine clerk. It was a beautiful day in San Francisco, cool and sunny and they enjoyed the brisk walk together.

At 6:45 the kitchen smelled wonderful, the table was set, and everyone was dressed. The men had opted for civilian wear and Peter, Joanna and Winona had on their Sunday best. The doorbell rang; Jim answered it and found Joyce, Gavin, Violet and Davy at the door.

Winona sent the children off to her room to play with Davy and Sorell and Bones and Spock passed around drinks and appetizers. The doorbell rang again to admit Admiral Nogura. He too had opted for civilian wear, which made the atmosphere much more relaxed.

"Thank you for inviting me, Dr. Kirk. I have been looking forward to this. I've heard about your wonderful cooking," he told her.

Winona's dimple came to the fore. "I hope you enjoy everything, Admiral. Just remember that the accolades come from four very hungry and home cooking deprived men," she laughed.

"Winona, that's not true. I'm neither deprived nor a man, and I can assure you Admiral, her cooking is outstanding. Just ask anyone of Jim's friends in Riverside. Winona fed us for years while we were in school." Violet's brown eyes twinkled with glee as she remembered those happy days.

In a few minutes, Winona excused herself and Jim followed her to the kitchen.

"Do you need any help, Ma?"

"Just carry this in for me, dear," she said pointing to the big baking dish. "I'll bring in the rest."

Winona announced dinner and Violet came to the table to put Davy in his portable high chair by her side. Peter and Joanna sat side by side, Jim and Winona at either end, the Admiral to Winona's right, and the rest scattered themselves along the big table. Jim stood. "I'd like to propose a toast," he said. "First, to the successful completion of our mission," he said meeting the Admiral's eyes.

"Hear hear!" everyone said.

"To my mother," he said looking at her lovingly. "Thank you for coming to help Bones' Ma, and for arranging to have Peter, Violet and Davy here this weekend, and thank you for cooking this great dinner for all of us."

Everyone raised their glasses. "To Winona."

Winona's cheeks pinked. "Thank you, everyone. It's a joy to have you all here."

"Noni! Noni!" Davy yelled, and everyone laughed.

Jim looked around the table at his friends and family with a deep sense of contentment and satisfaction. "Time to eat!" he said grinning at them and they did.

1 See "Hostages" and "A Riverside Christmas Mystery"

As always my thanks go out to my friend Carol who helps me so much with proofing the chapters. Thank you, Carol!