I Trust You

by 13BlueBananas

(published 08/17/15 - edited 12/1/15)

Dipper couldn't understand. What was taking Mabel so long? Surely she didn't actually believe Stan that liar he lied to them all summer about everything about the JOURNALS he's a LIAR, right? His little speech was nothing more than a distraction tactic to buy the countdown more time - a tactic that was working. Their "great uncle" was nothing more than a filthy liar set on keeping that portal open and nothing more. The portal that was going to kill them all if she didn't do something about it!

"Mabel, what if he's lying? This thing could destroy the universe! Listen to your head!"


Stanley (Not Stanford. He could never be his brother, no matter how much he wanted to) was frustrated. Not only had he lost Dipper's trust - something he would probably never fully gain again, but he had made Mabel cry. THAT was something he never wanted to see or hear again. Assuming, of course, that the portal didn't explode or something. His brother's instructions were pretty clear, but he was no portal-scientist...

Okay, yes, he lied to the kids (and everyone else), but it was only to protect them. He never wanted to drag them into this crazy world, the world that had consumed the reason they were in this situation at all. He didn't want the same thing happening to either of them. If only they could see that he never meant for any of them to find out this way. If only they could see that he really did love them, no matter what he said of did. If only he had a way to prove it...

"Look into my eyes, Mabel! You really think I'm a bad guy?"


Mabel felt conflicted. Dipper and Grunkle Stan's voices were like the devil and angel on her shoulders, but it was unclear which was which.

"Listen to your head!"

All the facts said that her Grunkle was the bad guy here, to shut down the portal before the timer hit zero. Dipper was usually right when it came to using his head, and he was her brother - her twin brother... Yeah, the facts gave her every reason to NOT trust him. But what about earlier? What about all the other awesome memories they had?

Listen to your heart..?

Grunkle Stan couldn't have been faking EVERYTHING... right?

She was barely able to keep her tears at bay as she gazed into her great uncle's wide eyes. Desperation to keep the portal on. She quickly glanced at her brother's. Desperation to turn the portal off.

"He's lying! Shut it down, NOW!"

"Mabel, please!"

Ten. Nine.

In the end, it was a choice between her twin or her Grunkle - not the possible fate of the world.

Dipper would have never taken this long to choose. He would have already gone with the facts and pressed the button.

Listen to my head..? or...

But Mabel was not Dipper.

listen to my heart?

She bowed her head and made her decision. "Grunkle Stan...

...I trust you."

I'm sorry, bro-bro.

The world dissolved into white.