I do not own Avatar: The Legend of Korra or Naruto.
When I was a boy, my father, Avatar Aang, told me the story of how he and his friends heroically ended the Hundred Year War. Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko transformed the Fire Nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations, a society where benders and non-benders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony. They named the capital of this great land, Republic City. Avatar Aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life. But it was during his final hours that he battled the giant, Nine Tailed Fox spirit, Kurama. Unable to banish the spirit back into the Spirit World, Avatar Aang used the last of his power to bind and seal the rampaging spirt. Sadly this came at a price, and his time in this world came to an end. But like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the Avatar began anew.
*Southern Water Tribe Compound*
It's been eight years since Aang's passing and the new Avatar, Korra a young Southern Water Tribe girl, and the current pupil of her predecessor's widow, the water-bending master Katara. They were in the middle of a water-bending lesson, when a small flash of blond hair ran past them.
"Master Katara, has he ran in here?" asked a White Lotus sentry, his face comically covered in paint and ridiculous drawings.
"No I'm afraid he hasn't been by" Katara answered, Korra nodded her head in agreement as they struggled not to laugh at the order member's appearance. Once the sentry had left the women allowed themselves to burst into laughter, before a now calm Katara called over to the jugs of water lining her wall. "Alright Naruto, he's gone."
"Thanks for the save Granny" Naruto smiled, a young boy of Korra's age, with bright blue eyes, blond spikey hair, and three distinct whisker marks on his cheeks.
"That was hilarious" Korra laughed, still enjoying her best friend's latest prank. Naruto's grin grew as he enjoyed hearing his friend's praise.
"You do realize I should punish you for this right?" said Katara sternly, though the smile on her face told the boy he wasn't in any trouble. "Just be sure not to let them know you did it next time."
"Right" the blond smiled, happy that his surrogate grandmother was always on his side.
"Now I believe that's enough for today. Why don't you two go have some fun?" Eager to take her up on her offer, Korra ran to get her water tribe blue parka, while Naruto in his signature orange waited by the door. Once dressed Korra grabbed her friend by the arm and rushed out the door, just barely taking the time to hear Katara's instructions for Naruto to return home before sundown.
"So what'd that guy do to deserve a visit from the master of pranks" Korra asks, as they now walked in a more leisurely pace through the compound.
"The usual" Naruto sighs. "The guy was glaring at me while I was waiting for you to finish with Granny."
"And all you did was paint his face?" Korra said incredulously. For as long as they could remember the Order of the White Lotus has always had a problem with Naruto, the duo had long since gotten tired of overhearing order members bad mouthing the boy and questioning their friendship. Of course the kids haven't taken this lying down and have taken to seeking vengeance against those, they catch mistreating the blond. "We need to do much worse than face painting."
"Well Avatar Korra, what exactly do you have in mind?" the blond asked dramatically, as twin grins spread across their faces, a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. An hour later the kids could be seen running across the compound laughing, as the white lotus member from earlier along with other hateful members were left frozen to a wall, rude phrases written on their foreheads, and otter penguin feathers pasted to their bodies.
"Naruto!" they yelled, choosing to ignore the young Avatar's role in the prank.
"Why don't they ever yell Korra?" the girl pouts, it was her idea and Korra felt she deserved some credit.
"Eh, guess they're too distracted by my awesomeness" Naruto boasts playfully, only to be pelted in the face with a snowball.
"How's that for awesome" Korra laughed, using her water-bending to redirect Naruto's attempt to return fire.
"Hey no fair, I'm not a bender" the blond complained.
"Yeah well, I'm the Avatar and you have to deal with it."
"Oh yeah, deal with this!" Naruto challenged, tackling Korra into a snowbank. They quickly fell into a spontaneous snowball fight, surprisingly Korra was having too much fun to remember she could easily bend the snow making it a more even bout, though she did seem to hit Naruto more than he did her. The children played for hours until they were collected by their respective guardian/parents.
*That night at Katara's home*
"Master Katara, this nonsense has to stop" said a white lotus member, as he along with Korra and Naruto's other pranking victims, assembled in the water-bending master's living room.
"Oh and what nonsense is that?" Katara asked, already having an idea of what they were complaining about.
"That boy, he's corrupting the Avatar!"
"I doubt pulling a few pranks can be called corruption. Now why don't we get to the heart of the matter?" The aged master had grown tired of the White Lotus' poor attempts to hide the real reason why they hated Naruto. Katara's patience was at an end for such behavior, she was only glad that her grandson had already gone to bed.
"Very well, Master Katara" said one member, stepping out in front of the group, his uniform identifying him as a high ranking member of the order. "Naruto is too dangerous. He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the Avatar."
"And why not?" Katara questioned harshly, she was well aware of how the White Lotus treated Naruto but to think they'd have the nerve to try and take away his friend. "It's bad enough that you made me keep Naruto in this compound all his life but to try and take away his only friend."
"I believe you're letting your fondness for the boy cloud your judgement."
"And I believe you're overstepping your boundaries. The White Lotus has no place to question my relationship with Naruto."
"Master Katara, please see reason Avatar Aang…"
"Tasked you with protecting the next Avatar" Katara interrupted.
"Precisely" said the high ranking order member, believing he was getting through to her. "He wouldn't want that boy…."
"To be treated like a pariah. Aang entrusted me to look after Naruto and unless you believe you knew my husband better than me I suggest you drop this. Korra and Naruto don't have any friends besides each other and I will not have you take that away from them!"
"But Master Katara…"
"Enough your place is to only watch over not imprison Korra and you have no say over what happens to Naruto." Seeing that they'd never get through to her the White Lotus members left for the night, leaving Katara to get ready for bed never noticing that Naruto had been listening the entire time.
*Three days later*
After the visit from the White Lotus, Katara told Naruto to take it easy on the pranks, despite personally feeling that it was just harmless fun and that they certainly deserved a little grief for how they treat him. She warned him that the order was becoming rather cross and it'd be better if he stayed under their radar for a while. But the entire time Naruto couldn't help but think about what the White Lotus was saying about him.
Why would they think I'm dangerous? Naruto wondered. "I'm not a bender and I don't know anything about weapons.
"Hey what're you thinking so hard about?" asked Korra, coming to sit next to her friend.
"Just something I overheard these order guys talking to granny about." Knowing better than to try and keep something from her, Naruto told Korra about the meeting and the White Lotus' concern that he was a danger to the Avatar. But Korra just laughed it off saying that Naruto was harmless and that her pet polar bear dog.
"Speaking of Naga, why don't we go for a ride?"
"I don't know Korra. Granny told me to stay under the White Lotus' radar" Naruto sighed but the Avatar could see the blond really wanted to go.
"Really Naruto, since when do you listen to anything?" Korra replied. Minutes later Naga had dug out of the compound and the friends were riding across the open tundra. Sure the kids knew they'd be in a lot of trouble once they got home but in their minds whatever punishment they got was worth it.
It was around noon when they found a cave to rest in while they had some lunch. With Naruto setting up some fish he brought along to cook over a fire provided by Korra, the friends were having a grand time laying against Naga's soft coat.
"See I told you this was a good idea" said Korra glad to see her best friend in better spirits.
"Yeah but you know what's waiting for us when we get back" Naruto replied, though he was happy to get out he wasn't eager to face an angry Katara something that Korra was having similar thoughts about in addition to her parents.
"Let's take our time getting back" they said together with Naga seemingly barking in agreement. Taking their food off the fire they enjoyed the time to just be kids never knowing that they weren't as alone as they thought.
It was hours later that the friends rode upon Naga on their way back to the compound when out of nowhere the polar bear dog's legs were suddenly trapped in ice, the sudden stop sending the kids flying into a snow bank.
"What the heck was that?!" Naruto yelled, freeing himself from the snow. He was quickly joined by Korra doing the same with quick display of fire-bending. The duo was surprised to see a member of the White Lotus standing not far from them.
"Ok we get it." Korra said flippantly. "We shouldn't have snuck out. We're very sorry ok." Upon closer inspection they recognized the order member as Mizuki, a mid-level member with shoulder length white hair.
"Yes you shouldn't have left the compound Avatar Korra" said Mizuki in a cold tone. Thrown off by his attitude the kids take a tentative step back only for a wall of ice rise behind them. "Though I admit I'm glad you did. I've been looking for a way to get to you for months."
"What're you talking about?" the Avatar demanded, strangely all this did was cause Mizuki to throw his head back and laugh.
"It's disgusting watching you pal around with this freak!" Naruto just glared at the White Lotus, tired of the order's treatment of him. "I can't let the Avatar be corrupted by you anymore, you demon!" In an impressive display of water-bending Mizuki released a razor sharp wave of water at Naruto, intending to cut the boy down.
Luckily Katara has been working to develop Korra's speed and was able to intercept the attack with a wave of her own.
"Naruto get out of here!" she cried, dropping into a water-bending stance.
"I can't just leave you!" Naruto argued but he knew there wasn't much he could hope to do against the traitorous White Lotus.
"Just go! Take Naga and find Master Katara!" Korra ordered, just managing to bring up a burst of water in time to block Mizuki's water whip. Reluctantly Naruto ran towards the trapped polar bear dog, relaying on Korra to protect him as he worked on freeing Naga's legs.
"So the demon has already corrupted you, Avatar." Mizuki snarled.
"He's not a demon!" Korra yelled, angrily launching a fire blast at the man but Mizuki easily blocked with a water shield. Dropping into the octopus form, the snow around him melted and formed over his body extending out into eight tentacles. It soon became clear Mizuki was just playing with Korra as before she could even blink, she and Naruto found their limbs trapped by the enemy's watery arms.
"I forgot nobody told you." With twist of his wrist Mizuki quickly froze the water whips holding the children, freezing them in place. "No one told you the truth about Naruto."
"What're you talking about?!" Naruto demanded, feeling as if this was his chance to find out why the order hated him so much. A sadistic grin made its way across Mizuki's face as he paced around the children enjoying how much this seemed to unnerve them.
"It's quite simply really. I'm sure you've always wondered why the White Lotus hates you so much."
"Just get on with it already!" Korra yelled, trying her best to escape her prison but to no avail.
"Haven't you ever wondered Avatar, why someone as revered as Master Katara would take in such a worthless little brat?"
"He's not worthless!" Angered by the girl's defense of her friend, Mizuki violently punched Naruto in the face.
"I see you've really got her under your control. Don't you demon?!" Mizuki moved to throw another punch only find his arm caught by a water whip.
"That's enough Mizuki" said Katara, arriving on the scene. With a snap of her arm the aging master sends the traitor flying into a snowbank.
"Master Katara/Granny!" the kids cheered glad to see the old woman. Freeing them from ice Katara did a quick check for injuries, relieved to see that the worst was just a bruise forming on Naruto's cheek. She didn't have long to relax though as she surrounded them in a ring of water, protecting them from a volley of water bullets from a recovered Mizuki.
"So it seems you're better than I thought." Katara said calmly. "But I don't appreciate you threatening my student and grandson." Shifting her stance Katara condenses the water ring into a power stream at the traitor, who dodges by riding on a wave of water, freezing into ice as he approached.
But Katara easily raises a small spike of ice out from under Mizuki, tripping him up and sending him flying landing painfully on his face.
"Go Granny!" Naruto cheered.
"She's amazing" Korra awed this was the first time either of them have seen Katara show her prowess as a master fighter.
"Just stay down Mizukia. It's over" said Katara. But Mizuki didn't agree shattering the ice beneath them he launches a barrage of ice daggers at Katara who easily deflects the attack only to notice one of the ice daggers wasn't aimed at her but instead…. "Naruto!"
Thrown by the threat to her grandson, Katara tackles the boy out of the way, the ice dagger carving into her side as it passes over head.
"Granny/Master Katara" the kids cry worried by the blood stain forming on the master's parka.
"So even the great Master Katara has fallen under Kurama's influence" Mizuki sneered. Not beaten yet the water-bending master tried to get to her feet but her age was fighting against her the damage was done and the wheels were now in motion.
"Kurama? What're you talking about?!" Naruto demanded.
"Kurama was the name of the Nine Tailed Fox spirit" said Korra having heard the story during her history lessons. "What does that have to do with Naruto?!"
"That's enough both of you" said Katara, intending to finish this battle but Mizuki had no qualms with answering.
"What's wrong Master Katara? Doesn't the Avatar deserve to know she's been palling around with the demon that killed her predecessor?"
"What're you talking about?!" Naruto yelled, angry that it seemed like Katara was hiding something from him.
"I'm sure you heard how Avatar Aang battled the demon fox when it rampaged."
"Yeah he sealed the spirit away. What does that have to do with Naruto?!" Korra demanded, her anger growing as Mizuki had the nerve to smirk at her.
"Avatar Aang didn't just seal the demon he imprisoned it in the form of a human being. Naruto is the Nine Tailed Fox!"
"What?" Naruto couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it. But the White Lotus' treatment of him started making sense as Mizuki continued to explain that the order had intended to have Naruto locked away from the world but had no choice but to let him stay in the compound when it was clear Katara wasn't going to leave him behind.
"That's right you are Kurama!" Mizuki sneered enjoying the shattered look on the boy's face. "Now you know the truth Korra. This freak has just been biding his time waiting for when he can return to his true form and power. You must destroy him now while he's still mortal!"
"Oh shut up!" Korra yelled, surprising Mizuki and earning a proud smile from Katara. "I don't care how Naruto got here or if he used to be the Nine Tailed Fox. He's Naruto now. He's my best friend and you've got to deal with it!" she declared, finishing by launching a fire blast at the traitor.
But Mizuki wasn't impressed and easily defended with a wall of water. "It's a shame but don't worry once I finish with these two, I'll take you away to become a proper Avatar."
Numb to the world Naruto was still struggling to deal with what he's learned. I'm a demon. I can't be. But then why did Granny Katara take me in. I'm the reason Avatar Aang's dead. What…Who…I don't know. I can't breathe. "I don't care how Naruto got here or if he used to be the Nine Tailed Fox. He's Naruto now. He's my best friend and you've got to deal with it!"
"Korra is absolutely right. It doesn't matter where he came from. Naruto is my grandson and don't think for a second I'll let you get away with hurting him."
Mizuki stood confidently against Korra and Katara believing the elderly master's injury would give him the edge to win but then the unexpected happened. In a huge surge of power blue wisps of energy came pouring out of Naruto, leaving them all stunned by what they were seeing.
"If you even think of hurting them…I'll kill you!" Naruto threatened.
"Don't you see this is the fox spirit's power; he has to die!" Mizuiki roared, sending a razor sharp disk of ice at the blond. Katara moved to defend the boy but to her surprise Naruto just smirked as instinct took over and he took command of the energy within him. In an instant one Naruto became a thousand surrounding the battle field leaving no place to run or hide.
"Amazing" said Korra, easily accepting this new truth about her friend.
"Now where to run" said one Naruto. "Now we're coming for you" said another. As one the hundreds of Naruto clones rained down on Mizuki, who was helpless against their sheer numbers and in no time at all was left in a beaten bloody pile as the clones dispersed leaving behind the original Naruto.
"Naruto that was amazing" Korra praised with Naga barking in agreement.
"Yes it was certainly impressive." Katara agreed, taking the chance to heal her wound.
"Granny, its true isn't it, that I'm the Nine Tailed Fox?" Naruto asked wanting to hear the truth from Katara.
"Yes it's true. You are the Nine Tailed Fox reincarnated. Unable to return Kurama to the spirit world, Aang was forced to battle the raging spirit not far from the Southern Water Tribe. Kurama was simply too powerful for Aang so he used his power as the Avatar to bind the spirit in the form of an infant, you Naruto. Shortly afterwards Aang left this world but asked that I be the one to look after you believing you deserved the chance to live a happy life and I never regretted it."
"Granny" The gentle smile on Katara's face brought tears to Naruto's eyes as the elderly woman brought him into a hug. Korra decided not to tease her friend for crying and instead just smiled happy to see that Naruto would be ok.
"I could never associate you with the raging spirit from back then. Maybe you are the Nine Tailed Fox but aren't Kurama you are Naruto and I love you my grandson."
Mizuki was later imprisoned and shipped out of the South Pole with plans for the Order of the White Lotus to interrogate him to find out if he was working alone. Of course despite everything that happened Naruto and Korra got an ear full for sneaking out of the compound. Thankfully Korra's parents agreed with Katara and didn't want to separate their daughter from Naruto.
Katara also made it clear that regardless of the fact Naruto now knew who he was that should any White Lotus member threaten, mistreat, or try and interfere his and Korra's friendship she would personally kick them out of the South Pole by any means necessary.
*Korra's House*
"So you're the Nine Tailed Fox and I'm the Avatar" Korra summed up as she and Naruto set the table for the group dinner their families were having.
"Guess so." Honestly it still seemed a little overwhelming for Naruto and he was curious to see where Korra was going with this.
"Well you know we're just going to have to fight harder to stay together right?"
"Well you know how some of the White Lotus still bad mouth you?" a grin splitting across the Avatar's face. "We got to show them how nobody can split us up!"
"Yeah" the blond agreed with a matching grin on his face. What neither of them noticed was the smiling adults looking in on them.
"Oh boy looks like they're planning something" said Korra's father, Tonraq.
"I almost feel sorry for the Lotus sentries" Korra's mother, Senna laughed.
"I don't imagine if they weren't here. They'd have to prank us" said Katara.
As the house was filled with the sounds of friends and family Korra and Naruto made a vow no matter what happened they would be there for each other. The Avatar and the Nine Tailed Fox only time would tell what fate would have in store for these two.
Thanks for reading. Leave a comment/review.