Long time no see?

University keeps me busy, many assignments, too many really.


I am ignorant to the silhouettes passing me. I am caught up in my own thoughts, trying to comprehend what had happened today. Recap. Trapped spirits and demons exists, Yusuke is still here with us in a spiritual form, need to get to him soon. But this doesn't end up here. My father was alike those demon hunters you see in movies. But this isn't the pick in the ice, the possibility that those creatures had put an end to his life is.

"Now, the seal has loosen I sense." I need to break the seal. Since childhood I have been interested in the supernatural and paranormal activities, researching and reading so many books, watching documentaries all day long. I even had my own club named "Supernatural Investigators" in school. I want to know more, to feel more, to control more. Kurama might help me with this. I need to proceed with caution… But I don't know how to protect myself. If things go bad, I'm in deep trouble.

Not paying attention to the surroundings I bump into a man. His belongings are now scattered on the floor: papers, files and an agenda.

"Shit!" he yells angrily.

I bent down to help him gather his things, almost reaching for his agenda but he suddenly slapped my hand.

"Don't touch my stuff!" he yells again.

"I'm sorry!" I try apologizing but my sincere words didn't reach him. He mutters something under his breath and goes on his way.
The agenda! Father kept journals is his study! There must be some recordings about his last missions, about the day they sealed my powers, and about his cases...anything would be worth reading. Until I meet with Kurama I can do some research myself. It's a pity my parents didn't help me control my spiritual powers, but even more, they sealed them.

I rush home, running as fast as I can. I am driven by curiosity, by the need to know more. Excitement. That was why I felt. I am excited because what is happening, I want to control all of this. I stream into the house, going straight to the study. An old simple room with furniture that has already withstood the test of time. It didn't have much: an oak wood desk in the middle of the room, with many bookshelves on the right and left. I look through every book on the shelves, hoping to find anything related to seals or demons. Nothing. I find nothing. Maybe in the desk's drawer! Locked. Forcing the lock doesn't seem to help at all. I need the key but where the key is…

"What was that?" I am sure that I heard scratching noises. I look around trying to find the source. It might have been my imagination. This room has old furniture, it might make some sounds. I decide not to give much importance and go back at my task.

I need to find the key. If I remember right, mother had put all of father's belongings in a box, but where is it? It is a wooden big box, nothings special but you can't just put it anywhere because of its size. It can be in the wardrobe, as it is kind of big and we usually toss there different things. We all have that one place.

There it is! Now the search begins. I open it slowly, hoping it is there. I look through the things that are there: some of dad clothes which don't bear his scent anymore, albums and pictures which I am too scared to open and a little box jewelry box and that's all. No keys. It might be in the little one! I open the little box and find a necklace.

"It's not here..." I sigh.


I turn around and look at the door. Which is cracked open now. I look closely and a dark silhouette bums into the room. A tall man is walking now towards me. He is very solid and massive making evading to be really hard, let alone taking him on.

"What... do you ...want?" I ask with a flattering voice.

"You are scared, aren't you? Little dear, just give me that necklace and I might let you go." he responses.

"Why?" I ask.

"In it, it's the key you had been looking for, fool. Just open it."

He has a very intimidating presence. Even his voice is scary. I have the same sensation as when I was watching Kurama. I open the necklace and he was right. This must be the key! Suddenly I don't feel good. Focus! His image gets blurry and I see an ogre with skin resembling rock.

"I won't ask twice. Now it's your chance. "

I take a few steps back not saying anything.

"Heh. I'll rip that body of yours, devour your soul and still get that necklace." he seems dead serious. He is now slowly approaching me, but I'm too afraid to move. A way out, I need a way out. I can't take him on but at least I should try and evade him. With a fast action I through a lamp at him, hoping it will act as a distraction and I could slip by the door. But, it doesn't work. The lamp smashes into his head because of his rock skin.

"Nice try but -"

He stops realizing he has something around his neck. It looks like the body of a rose. It is Kurama!

"You will not proceed." he says.

"Kurama!" I now find my words.

"I no second I see the ogre's head flying around the room. I shout. Such gruesome, horrible. Still scared I look at the man who saved me.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

I nod.

"You had some courage when facing him but you were again reckless. If you had control over your energy, he wouldn't have been a challenge. But what did he want?"

"He wanted… I don't know." I still don't trust you.

"Finally learning? Good. Now let's go."


"I'll help you train." he ignores my question.

That isn't an answer to my question.

You've been walking for a while, going deep into the city. We haven't talked, I just follow his shadow. I am feeling a bit uneasy about this whole situation but at least we are surrounded by people so I may be safe.

"Where are we going?" I ask again firmly.

"You have already asked me that. Twice now. Behind those buildings there is a big open space before you get into the forest." he replies.

"Why that place? And what we will do?" I continue.

"Be patient."

What kind of response is that? I deserve to know. I don't like it, I shouldn't have accepted! Damn… But for his help I'm still alive. I can't know what the future has in plan for me and I don't want to be helpless again.

"Very well." I say.

I can't see his face but I feel like he is smiling. Again.

"We are here." he suddenly turns around pointing onwards.

The city is embraced by a forest and mountains and even a temple of the Great Master Genkai, and martial art master, an old woman who has gained her respect because of the hard years of training. Judging by the looks we must be nearby, but at safe distance. Remember, he is a demon after all. I don't remember coming here before, I would sure remember such a special place. Firstly, we are in the clearance, trees surrounding this open space. In the middle of the space there are six stones, five of them are forming a circle and one of them is in the middle. I seem some dried up flowers around the outside of the circle because of the powerful sun and lack of water, but inside there are beautiful white ones. The tall stones may keep them dark at times during the day.

"What are we going to do here?" I ask still confused.

"You are going to meditate. No point in trying to control your power if you aren't aware of it." He replies softly.

"But...I don't know how to...meditate." I say feeling awkwardly.

He sighs.

"You really aren't in touch with your spiritual energy at all?" He pauses awaiting a response for me but none came. "Listen, it's not that hard. Just relax. Firstly you should stretch out a little. Meditation involves sitting in one position for a while, so you need to any tension or tightness of your muscle." had already started exercising while he was talking. "Good. After you finish, go and sit on that stone."

I am now sitting on the stone, with my eyes closed and my my legs crossed, half lotus position much?

"Now relax. Follow your breath and stay focused. Concentrate on one object for example, your necklace for example. It should have a good energy. "

Easy said than done. I doubt this is very useful, I don't feel connect at anything at all. This is a waste of time, I won't learn anything by meditating. He should show me stuff to do, something more interesting than standing on a rock.

"Yuki, concentrate." I hear his firm voice.

He seems mad. I'm not taking it seriously enough. He's trying to help me after all. Don't know his true intentions, true, but he wants me to get to the truth. Ok, Yuki, time to focus.

Inhale. I imagine the surface of the red pendant and in it I can see my parents holding each other's hand smiling. Family. Love. Protection. Exhale. Suddenly, I remember the ogre that came after the key. Ok, doubt he is the only one involved in this. He sure has some boss or something. But what do they want? Father's been long dead, why now?

Inhale. The image of my mother appears, now alone. She has her arms open and her face is joyful. She is ok, now, she will be coming home too. Balance. Home. Stability. Exhale. I feel a warm blast of wind dancing with my hair.

Inhale. I imagine Keiko, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama. Why Kurama? Keiko is waving and they seem to be waiting for me. Bounding. Friendship. Travel. Exhale. The blast is now embracing my body and I feel like I am above the ground, being carried by it.

I open my eyes and the scenery is different from before. I see various light orbs gravitating around me, around Kurama who I see now in his fox form. I am both fascinated and confused by what I see.

"Kurama?" I look at him. He smiles.

This is totally strange, but I feels warm and nice. As soon as I start moving the orbs came to my side, surrounding me.

"Kurama!" I now yell, fearing what may happen.

"Don't be afraid. Embrace it." He tries calming me down.

I close my eyes. Inhale. Exhale. He is right, I should calm myself… Nothing will harm me, no? There are 5 orbs of bright light blue gravitating around me. Some say that in the nature there are energies we cannot see but feel. I look at Kurama. He is just standing there, showing no emotion in his expression. Some is pushing is me? I look behind and of the orb is pushing me back towards the middle of the stone circle. They are now dancing around me. It's beautiful!

"What do you want from me?" I ask. "You are beautiful but… I am confused. What should I do?"

"Hello there, young one. You are the first to come to us in a very… very long time." says one of them.

"We are amazed by your powers. You can see us even if they are under a seal." Continues one of them.

"Young one, do you want us to break it? You want to gain your full powers, don't you?" I can't understand which of them is talking. It is like an echo.

"I...would very much appreciate that." I smile.

"Hehe..." They all giggle.

"Very well, since you were such an entertainment, we will grant you this very wish. But..." It pauses.

"But?" I ask.

"But, you shall use them wisely. We feel that something will soon change for the human world. We don't know what but we feel it. "

"Something will change? What do you feel?" I ask concerned.

"Something will change for you too. Hihihi." It giggles again.

"Don't even imagine that we give it for free. We can see that you are a good person, we have seen that you have shown kindness towards your fellow humans." It explains.

"Enough talk. Let her gain her powers once again."

Suddenly they charge at full speeds towards me, entering my body. But, I am not afraid. I need their help, I need their power. As soon as they disappear, the scenery goes back to normal. No orbs, no light, no fox form.

"Kurama, I-"

"Gained your powers? Good, it's time for training. But not today." He cuts me off. "Let's head back, for now. And on the way back, you can tell me the truth about what really happened back to your home."

We are walking towards my home. Even if it felt like I had only spent few minutes meditating, hours had passed. Not many, but enough that it is now dark. I should explain him what had happened. I can trust him, I hope.

"Kurama...Listen." I pause waiting for a reaction but he keeps walking.

I start explaining him in details what had happened. I reminded him that my father was a demon hunter. I didn't know his motive but I knew he wanted something from my dad's office. But the drawer's content was a mystery for me too.

"Let's find out." He proposes.

"Like now?" I ask.

"The sooner the better. We need to find out more. We talk about your safety now." He explains.

"You are right…" I sigh.

"Glad you agree." He smiles.

He smiled. Such a sweet and innocent smile. I didn't even notice that I was staring at him, blushing. He sees that and continues smiling making my face all red.

"Now, that you have discovered your powers it's time to train. We shall meet tomorrow. You are no fighter, but I must say that you are quite unique. I've never seen someone who can see things in forms of energy. Think you can even sense other's energy. So, you are much like-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but why do you help me? It is ...weird. I mean, you are a demon, shouldn't you be one of the bad guys? And even more, it's hard for me to trust you, at least in theory, when I don't know your real intentions...It's-"

"Yuki." He calls my name in a sweet, calm voice. "You remind me of someone I used to know. You are very much alike, actually. That's all. Surprisingly, there are demons with good intentions too. "

"Thank you."

Soon we arrive to my home and head into my father's office. We open the drawer and we find...Journals, letters, pictures and an old book and a crystal ball. I'm sure he wanted that book and crystal ball.

"Kurama, do you know what these are?" I ask him while he is browsing the book.

"Yes… In these books are various spells, seals and magical places. There are also some recordings regarding the spirit world. I think that…" he is now facing me "...this book has been in your family for a long time, for generations in fact. See…" he shows me the last pages "...these were made by your father, I'm sure. The ogre was after all of these. Precious information is in them. Interesting. I understand why, there are things in here I don't even know about…. "

He won't take it, no? If it is true, then… There might be precious information that he needs. Information is the key to power. And these recordings might answer all of my question….And if what he said is true then I might learn even more about my family, about me and spiritual energy.

"Yuki, read them. And after then, ask me whatever you want. I'm sure that there are information you won't understand. Now, I shall take my leave."

"You...don't want this? You said it yourself, there are things you don't know…" I ask confused.

"You are right, there are but it wouldn't be right. In time, I hope you will share these with me, after you will fully trust me." He smiles. He looks at me waiting for a reaction but I just stand still. Disappointed he walks to the door.

"Let's read it together!" I shout. "I… want to understand and I think that…." I didn't know what to say. I am reckless again but I don't want him to leave.

"You are kind. Are you sure?"

"Uhm...Yes...I don't think it's wise but there will be much information that I won't understand and I do trust you...100%. Just...stay." Did I just say that? This is awkward. I should stop talking.

"Yuki...very well. And under other circumstances this wouldn't be wise." He looks at me a bit disappointed of my thoughtless. "But, thank you. Then, I will call my father and tell him I won't be coming home soon so we can start."

"Yes!" I am glad, I really am.

And soon we start reading the book.