Disclaimer:1 0wn N0th1n9

"Maybe raindrops are the bravest things God created. Wanna know why? Because they're not afraid to fall."


The Visit

Byden's P.O.V.

I'm not quite sure how I ended up in my memory hall, since I was just in the old clock tower, but it would seem a new door is open now. It's down the hall I've always had trouble walking by because every time I did, I had this hollow feeling. I asked Brick if he could pick the mental locks, but even his abilities were useless. He told me the person who'd locked them in the first place had to help me. I wonder why they unlocked it.

"Well," I look up at the message atop the door frame, "might as well have a looksy."

The door had no handle, only a small hole in the shape of my ring. A pair of angel wings folded in. As soon as I put the ring close to the door, it flies out of my hand as if it were pulled and secures itself in the hole. There's a click and the door flies open.

Walking forward feels like moving in water, it's slow and restricted with a lightness to it. I hear the door slam behind me as the seen focuses.

In front of me is the vampire courtyard. It's me and my cousins we're around seven and another figure that looks about six. I recognize her immediately. Princess Seirina. The Siren Princess. That's not her real name, but I can't remember what it is.

She wears something covering her face everywhere, so as to keep her identity a secret. She would always come visit us when we were younger.

In the memory, her hair is blowing in the breeze as she glares through her mask at Butch, who'd apparently pushed her. For some reason Brick and Boomer are holding me back. Slowly, meticulously, Butch raises his hand and gestures her to come at him. She smiles a sickly sweet smile and with the flick of a wrist has a long beautiful whip made of moon light and water in her hand. The glare from it slowly dims as her outfit shifts into a short black dress with bell sleeves, a silver belt, and matching silver combat boots, which replaces her long gold and white sun dress. Her mask turns into a hooded cropped cloak that covers the top half of her face.

"So, that's the thanks I get for getting you out of trouble with your uncle?" Her voice is soft and to mature to be her natural one. Butch just smirks at her and, with a nod to his brothers, super speeds toward Seirina. She stands in a battle stance and I hear her mutter something of a spell. Butch trips as a flash comes from her sleeve opposite her whip hand. She smiles wider and starts to laugh, but it's off. It's hollow, and high pitched and it sounds like it could shatter glass. "Of course you'd try using your powers before anything to solve your problems, use a weapon or two, since that would make it fair." Her voice came out louder and was hoarse as if she'd swallowed glass and lemon juice.

Butch got up and dusted himself off. He looked at Brick who only glared back at him while covering my mouth. He sighs and pulls his sai out from a nearby tree. The tree groaned as he pulled them from its trunk.

"Alright, now can we fight I don't think Boomer and Brick can hold lover boy back much longer." I hear my seven-year-old self pause a second after hearing Butch before struggling even harder.

Seirina only nods twice. Once at Butch and once at seven year old me with, what I assume is, an adoring smile. Butch comes at her a second time, this time only using his natural speed. He manages to get three feet from her before she finally moved. It was a swift twirl and her whip struck Butch directly in the chest, sending him back. Impressive. Even then it was hard to knock him back. He flips to his feet and throws his sai at her while conjuring up a pistol made of dirt. She spins out of the way of the sai and snaps her whip. The snap causes a chain reaction and her whip morphs into a long sword. Butch starts shooting at her upper body with his pistol, trying to see where her weaknesses are. She deflects them with perfect precision. Grunting in frustration, Butch aims for her legs. The deflects get sloppier, making Butch's smirk reappear. Seirina frowns and puffs out a breath. Her long sword glows and turns into a metal staff, which she immediately starts spinning like a pro. How many weapons can one six year old wield?

This continues on until a black blur tackles Butch. He manages to throw it off him. When it lands you can clearly see it's a jet black panther cub with jade and gold eyes that glow. One, That was fucking epic, 'cause no one has ever managed to sneak up on Butch and tackle him. Two, those eyes are beautiful, bet Boomer really wished he had his paints. I watch as it regains balance and strides over to Seirina, with an air of confidence. When she looks down at it however, the air seems to fade.

"Lily! I could handle this! You didn't need to tackle the prince. I bet Jay asked you to do it. God, you guys are too overprotective." Her voice came out like that of a child's this time, soft and high. My cousins and I all looked at her with confusion. Apparently, as seven-year-olds, we didn't know about spirit animals and shapeshifters.

The four seven-year-old boys watch in utter disbelief as the small dark panther turns into another six year old. This one with ebony locks streaked with dark green and gold and the same jade-gold eyes. She looks down and brushes leaves and dust from her forest green top and black cropped leather jacket.

"Well sorry, if a seven-year-old boy with questionable aim starts shooting at your princess, I think you'd try stopping him too!" She grumbles out, looking away from the glowering face of her princess. Out of the corner of my eye I see Butch pick up a boulder near the gates and look directly at Lily's head. Brick's about to shout when a voice calmly says, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Butch jumps, causing him to drop the boulder, and turns around to see a red head with white-tipped hair and eyes that faded from red to white. She had on a short sleeved salmon dress that went to her knees and a long off-white vest over it. Holy shit she even scared me and it's my memory.

"Who're you? Peasants aren't allowed in the-" Brick started to say. Ha not so fun when it's you huh.

The redhead only smirked, Princess Seirina made a noise similar to a snort.

"She isn't a peasant, not even close. She's my royal advisor, Abbi." Princess Seirina announced, making Abbi's eyes flash all red. Lily starts laughing.

"I will not explain this to you again Seirina, my name is not Abbi, it's Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom shouts stomping toward her princess. Lily keeps laughing in the background, rolling on the ground. It's not even that funny.

"Well that was a mouth full so I tried to shorten it." Seirina's outfit started to shift back. She kept the cloak, only now it went to her elbows covering her hair completely. Apple Bloom sighs.

"And how ever did you come to the conclusion of Abbi?"

"Well, I thought 'hmm your name is Apple Bloom, so I guess I could just put the two initials A and B together. A.B., A.B., , Abbi!' and that's how I found the name Abbi." What a special individual.

"Liliana I swear to Gabriel if you don't stop laughing..." She trailed off knowing Lily got the point.


Butch tried a second time with the boulder. This time he made sure no one was paying any attention and there weren't any more people behind him, then he shot the boulder straight for Lily. Always playing dirty Butch. She notices at the last second and drops into the splits, much to her destroyed jean shorts protest. The boulder flies over her head and goes straight for the Princess. Lily and Abbi both throw their hands up and a heavy wind manages to catch the boulder, while a wall of fire is put around their Princess.

"Butch! What the hell was that?! You can't just throw boulders at people because you lose a fight with them." Boomer shouts as Butch pouts while looking at his pistol still on the ground. Butch, please don't do what I know you will. Butch's gaze shifts to the princess and her advisor, who are talking with Lily not too far away. Then they make eye contact and she shakes her head.

He smirks at Lily and mouths something I can't see to her before he dives for the gun lying on the ground. Everything is in slow motion from there and I can't tell if it's because the memory itself is doing it or I am, either way, slowly I watch as a bullet shaped pebble spirals toward the Princess' chest. Lily moves, but not fast enough to block it and her throwing star flies right past of it. Abbi manages to get in front of the Princess, though she doesn't get a chance to keep herself from getting hit.

The pebble nicks her on the left arm before Seirina slices it cleanly in half with a katana. She drops her weapon and dives to catch a profusely bleeding Abbi, who was falling over in shock. Time begins to move at a regular pace again as Boomer and mini-me tackle a frozen Butch and disarm him. Brick is too busy looking at Abbi's wound with a strained expression to do anything. It must be her blood, he might've found his mate that day.

He starts walking toward them, slowly at first, but then he breaks into a full out run when Abbi's eyes started to close. Lily is screaming about needing to get her away from my psychotic cousin, while Seirina starts humming something that sounds like a nursery rhyme. Guards start filing out into the courtyard along with my uncle, when he still had red hair with blond highlights, and a woman with chocolate brown skin and black eyes rimmed with silver. Queen Symfonía.

She looked at her daughter, searching for an answer. Seirina mouths out something in what I assume is greek and the Queen commands all the guards and Uncle to go back into the castle until Seirina was done healing her Advisor. They agree albeit reluctantly.

I feel a disturbance in the(force) connection between my mind and soul and realise I'm beginning to wake up. The memory wavers and I see Brick trying to help me up, then it's back. Abbi lays with her head in Lily's lap and Brick holding her right hand. Two blurs appear one golden and one bronze, hovering close to the little clump. The last thing I see before the memory completely fades is Seirina's hood falling off and two blazing gold cat eyes staring at her Advisor's arm.

After the boys hop through the portal

Normal P.O.V.

The boys finally make it to the cafeteria, only to find it in a frenzy. Each boy looks at the scene before them with a different expression. Brick's astonishment. Butch's amusement. Boomer's confusion. Byden's nonchalant. And Mitch's, well he was too busy thinking of Robin to notice.

The cafeteria was in chaos. There were girls running about trying to fix their clothes and makeup, boys adjusting their hair. A bird had escaped from the kitchen and was landing on people's' heads. Three of the chefs and the guidance counselor were trying to get everyone under control, but no one could hear them over Berserk, Brat, Brute, and Princess screeching out orders to everyone and squealing about someone's visiting the school.

The five boys slowly make their way through the crowd and over to the Plutoniums and Princess. When they notice them there, they pull the Princes, the Duke, and the Head Knight up onto the table. Berserk and Brat press themselves against their respective boy, while Brute jumps onto Butch's back. Briar just starts whispering to Byden. Princess tries and fails to get Mitch's attention on her.

"Why's everyone in panic mode? What did we miss?" Brick asks looking at Berserk. She bats her eyelashes at him before answering.

"Well, our dear friend Princess Seirina is coming to this school. She didn't tell us why, but who cares."

Brat interjects here, "I mean, like, really the Lost Princess of the Sirens is coming out of hiding for the first time in, like, seven or eight years."

"And the first people she told was us." Brute points out, still on Butch's back.

"Technically, she told me first, but you guys are nosey and read over my shoulder. She said she didn't want to cause a scene, but you don't listen." Briar rasps over all the shouting people, still not fully on the table.

"Details, details." Princess dismisses her commentary. She looks over everyone, then sees the principal walk in. He looked nervous.

"I think she's here! Come on we need to be in the front! The next Rulers of the Realm of Fays, the Vampire Court and the next empress of the Warlock world should greet other royalty." She screams and starts pushing through the crowd.

"We know that; you don't have to be so fucking loud." Berserk grumbles, flying to the front. Her sisters follow, finally letting go of the boys. Briar slowly fades into the shadows with Byden and the boys, who all reappear at the front seconds later.

"Announcing the Lost Siren Court, the Princ-" The principal stops mid-sentence and turns around. He seems to be having a conversation through the door, before it bursts open, almost knocking him over.

"Whoops, sorry. I thought you'd move. Wow this is quite the greeting ensemble you got here. Briar I thought I said don't tell everyone." Came a soft high-pitched voice from the doorway. There stood Princess Seirina, sporting a black and silver tailcoat over a short white dress with music notes strategically set onto the skirt. Her shoes were simple black wedge knee high boots with gold laces and upon her head, covering her eyes and most of her face, was a silver top hat with gold designs, a black ban around it, and white trim as the accent. Overall the outfit compliments her curvy figure nicely.

"The Plutoniums read your message and announced your arrival, not me. Abbi, Angel it's good to see you two again. Where are Jasmine and Lillian?" She greets stepping forward. The crowd is shocked at how informal she is with the most recognized princess in their world.

Apple Bloom nods a greeting, though irritation is evident on her face. She stands to the left of her Princess and dear friend. She wears a carnelian tank top under a turndown neck long sleeve asymmetrical black sweater that seemed to hug her torso. On the bottom, she wore light salmon jeggings with pearl ballet flats. Her hair is still the same ombre but it's shoulder length.

"Hello Briar, it's been awhile." Angel, standing to Seirina's right, speaks calmly. Her golden hair is braided into a halo, which contrasts nicely with her royal blue long sleeve off the shoulder mini dress, white lace tights, and ankle-high black boots. "We assume they're securing the perimeter."

"How do you do Princess, I am Berserk Plutonium of the Realm of the Fays. These are my younger sisters, Brute and Brat. That over there is Princess S. Morbucks next in line for Empress of the Warlock world. And thi-" Berserk is interrupted by Seirina squealing with delight, obviously ignoring the girl's attempt at impressing her.

"By! You're here too?! Boomerang! Brickhead! Yall are so grown up now." She runs over to them. "Oh, and Butch is here too." She said boredly looking up at his green eyes, revealing gold and silver blended cat eyes. He pouts before seeing her grinning and starts running at her trying to grab her legs. She vaults over his head and lands in the exact same spot, watching as he plows toward a short girl with long gold and dark green streaked ebony hair and Jade-Gold eyes. She grabs one of his outstretched hands and flips him over her shoulder.

"So you do still remember how to greet me, even after seven years. Lily, be a dear and help him up. Briar told me he got quite a beating earlier." Seirina giggles out. Butch's eyes shoot open as he looks between his childhood rival and the girl he just realized is his childhood crush. Lily sighs, before pulling him up.

Butch looks directly at Briar asking, "How did you know I got beaten in sparing?" Briar shrugs at him.

"Rumors spread faster than any plague ever has."

He goes into his little emo corner.

Berserk, who had been watching in silent astonishment finally spoke, "Um, excuse me Princess Seirina, I have two questions."

Seirina barely registers what she said, too distracted by her staring contest with Boomer. "Go ahead." She mumbles dismissively.

"Well, first isn't it considered rude to not greet others of high class and second how do you know Briar, Brick, Boomer, Butch, and Byden?"

Boomer blinks, losing and Seirina turns to Briar. She seems highly amused.

"You didn't tell her your connection to the siren kingdom?"

Briar smiles her own Cheshire smile, making the Plutoniums uneasy, "Of course not, that's why I still haven't shown my true appearance. Berserk to answer your second question, my real name is Nýchta Reíki Petrakis, Duchess of the Siren kingdom, Cousin of Princess Seirina."

"Why do we call you Briar then?" Brat whines, wanting more attention on herself.

"Because Reíki means Briar in Greek. My full name is Night Briar."

Seirina looks over at the Boys. "Why don't you explain your relationship with me and my closest friends."

"Seirina, Abbi, Angel, Lily, and Jay, who could be anywhere, are our childhood friends. Actually, if I remember correctly Brick and Butch had cr-" Boomer's cut off by a slap to the head from both of his blushing brothers.

"Hey! What have I told you two about hitting your brother!" Lily shouts from where she sits perched on a support beam. Both boys pout up at her.

"Don't do it unless he does it first, and especially not when he's talking." Brick answers. Butch continues to pout, sitting under the beam she's on.

"Boomer? Do you still have that thing I gave you right before we went into hiding?" Angel asks from behind him. Boomer jumps and flushes pink, nodding slowly. He pulls out a small box and holds it up, making Angel smile brightly.

Watching the moment, Brick shakes his head, mumbling, "And he said we had crushes."

"What was that?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Nothing. So yeah, if you wanna you can come to this school, unless you have to go back into hiding." He says, though the last part has a sad undertone. She reaches over and gives him a hug.

"Not planning to do that again for a while. Hiding in plain sight is obnoxious anyway, I literally saw you all the time, but couldn't even say hi." Apple complains, letting her ice cold walls come down.

"Really?" She nods, "Well, when are you starting school?"

"In a few months. The council is still hellbent on us staying as hidden as possible. I know for a fact that we'll be coming here, though. Seirina has been waiting for almost seven years to be with Byden and you guys again. We all have." She blushes at the end, a rare sight for her.

"I still have that gift you gave me all those years ago." Apple smiles her small sincere smile, hugging him again. Someone clears their throat.

"You still haven't answered my first question. Isn't it considered rude to not greet others of high class and to ignore them?" Berserk walks up to Seirina. She trips half way on her platform. A hand catches her on the way down, promptly setting the Siren Princess into a fit of giggles.

"Late as ever I see," Briar says teasingly smiling at Jay, who's still helping Berserk regain her balance.

Jay rolls her eyes when Berserk pulls her arm away and haughtily struts the rest of the way to Seirina.

"Whatever. My timing was impeccable as ever." Jay retorts flipping her bronze hair sassily.

Berserk starts again, "Will you stay on-"

"Jay, have you seen Henki anywhere? He was supposed to be bringing Briar a change of clothes and he's really late."

Jay shakes her head. "Haven't seen him since we left."

"I think he said something about wanting to visit an old friend first." Angel shares before going back to her conversation with Boomer and Butch.

"He told me that he wanted to make an entrance more amazing than Rina's." Lily adds, appearing next to Jay. Butch narrows his eyes at her.

Berserk now fuming, shouts, "Hey! I'm talking here!"

Apple turns from her spot next to Brick, "We realize that. But you're an annoying bitch that's been lying to everyone about her rank, so we're all gonna keep ignoring your ass." She shouts back. Lily snickers and avoids Butch's attempt at surprise hugging her

"Bitch don't talk to my sister like that." Brute spits walking toward her. A wall of flames appears in front of her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. A lowly demon such as yourself should know not to challenge a fire fae and siren hybrid." Apple says standing and walking closer to the black haired girl.

"Seirina you need to get your court members under control. I am offended that she'd imply such an insulting accusation." Brat and Berserk say together, turning to the Princess.

"How dare you call me by my name without putting my title before it. Such an offense could lead to devastating consequences for the Fairies," the Plutoniums nervously look at each other. "Unless, of course, you tell the truth about your rank and origin." Princess Seirina smugly says.

Princess is about to make a snide comment, but the Princess adds, "You too, Princess."

Brute and Brat both look at their leader, whose face holds a grave expression. She nods at her sisters before addressing the few people still in the cafeteria.

"We are the Princesses of the three Demon tribes. We lied about being some of the next high council members for the Realm of Fays, but we are part Pixie." The crowd and Principle gasp.

"I'm also not next in line as Empress, my stepsister is. She goes to school here and told me that I could say I was until someone fact checked me." Princess dejectedly adds, pouting next to her 'friends'.

"Why don't you tell them who the real royalty is." Jay says smirking.

Berserk sighs dramatically, "Do I have to?" She asks looking at the Princess

Seirina pretends to think about it, then smiles.

"No, right now the Princes and Duke are coming with me for the rest of the school day." She exclaims putting her arms around Byden and Boomer.

"Wait! That's not fair! Mr. Mayor! You can't allow her to do that, even if she is royalty!" Princess shouts at the Principle.

"I'm sorry my hands are tied, she holds more authority than I do." He shrugs. Seirina sticks her tongue out at the Plutoniums and Princess.

"Abbi, get the boys excused for the day. Angel, get the car, please. Briar, you need to go change into something else so you can transform. Jay and Lily, go find Henki an-"

"It's Henry! Holy shit it took forever to find this place. Anyway, you all can now die happy, because I have arrived." He dramatically states, striking an equally as dramatic pose in the entrance to the cafeteria. This causes everyone to pause.

"Dude, you're later than Jay. Try harder next time. Rei's been waiting for you to bring her clothes for, like, twenty minutes!" Lily yells smacking him upside the head. He pouts before trudging over to the Duchess. They talk before she nods and they walk out the doors.

"Well, if that's all, we'll be going. Boys, we've got a lot to catch up on." Seirina says walking with her court behind her. The boys follow close behind.

Briella: Look at that. It's done before the new year starts!
Buttercup: Good job. Now go finish writing the other one.
Briella: But my hands hurt!
Blossom: Too bad, you've procrastinated long enough.
Bubbles: Plus it's good practice for when the new year does start.
Briella: Y'all are mean! I'll get it done before winter break is over!
BC, BL, BB: Yeah right.
Briella: Whatever. By everyone!