With this, the story is done. Ah, this is mainly just something to throw in to tie up loose ends and all that. Enjoy.

"Good news, the nanos are out of you."

Cyborg turned away from the screen which currently showed Danny's bloodstream and to Danny, who was hooked up to the same ridiculous machine they all had to go through before. Neon green eyes glanced at the screen before settling on Cyborg. He's dealt with enough to know that there was more to it than that. The halfa pulled off the part over his mouth, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What's the bad news?" He deadpanned. "Usually there's bad news that follows."

Cyborg rubbed the back of his head and sighed, glancing back up at the screen. "Due to the nature of the nanos releasing red ectoplasm into your system, my scanners are showing lingering amounts of it. I'm not entirely sure what side effects there will be or how long the substance will stay..."

And there it is... Danny removed the rest of the machinery off of him, watching as the screen cut off to black from doing so. It was worrisome to know that stuff was still within his system; it probably fused with the ectoplasm he already had in him, he figured. There was no one to control it, thus no one to control him and that was almost unsettling as it was relaxing. He glanced at the other Titans in the room before his gaze lasted on Raven, but his it shifted once more to Robin when the other spoke up. The Boy Wonder crossed his arms, looking up at Cyborg. "Well, what do we know about red ectoplasm?"

"Could be used to control ghosts," Cyborg started to list. "though, it might also lower inhibitions, maybe make you more prone to certain things, or it may even have other effects."

Robin looked at Danny, an eyebrow raised. "Maybe more prone to violence."

"So I would suggest being careful." Raven walked up closer to Danny, coming to stand by him. "Chances are you'll have to keep your emotions in check. I suggest meditating with me."

A smile appeared on the halfa's lips. "Thank you Raven."

"As long as you don't turn into Ra-" Beast Boy spoke up, only to pause and back away when he caught the glare Raven and Danny were both giving him. He mumbled an apology before running off to avoid any chances at being hit. Danny couldn't help but chuckle when the smaller teen had rushed away, it was pretty funny. Even Raven couldn't help but smile when she noticed Danny's. Robin raised an eyebrow at the small scene, smiling himself, as he walked over to the pair.

"How about we all go get pizza?" Robin suggested, much to the joy of Starfire and Cyborg.

It was certainly a nice day for it. The teens headed to their favorite place, the one they always went to. Danny figured he would stay in ghost form as it would bring up questions if normal Danny Fenton was seen in Jump, it would cost him his identity otherwise. Normally, people didn't pay attention to the Titans as they respected them enough to stay away, though, some seemed surprised and some excited once they noticed the extra person that was now a part of their team. Some even, mostly young girls, were on the verge of rushing up to greet the halfa as they recognized him from talks on the internet. Whether that was good or bad, he didn't know. The Titans seated themselves down at a table; Danny found himself frowning at the situation he now found himself in.



The argument went on for a little while longer and the halfa sighed, looking at his girlfriend. It's not that he didn't know how to solve the problem, he just didn't expect such an argument to come up here. Raven wasn't entirely phased as she had to deal with this every time, but that didn't mean she wasn't any less pleased about it. Danny then noticed the waitress who was waiting patiently for the argument to end, though she seemed a bit confused and nervous. The signs of a new girl.

He felt a bit bad and signaled her over. "We'll take a pepperoni, and one half meat and half veggie."


Danny turned back, blinking slightly before raising an eyebrow. "What? I've dealt with such arguments before. That was the easiest order."

"Most impressive." Starfire commented happily.

The others nodded in agreement before starting up other conversations. Their pizza didn't take too long to reach their table. Each of the teens eagerly took their slice and started to eat. It was a simple moment, full of jokes and laughs by the young heroes; regardless of what they did or how they acted, they were all teens still. Danny smiled softly to himself as he watched his new friends; he blinked when suddenly, the familiar blue mist had then left his lips. A ghost? All the way in Jump? He supposed it could bee possible through the many natural ortals in the Ghost Zone. Raven, who noticed, was going to ask him, but Beast Boy had spoken up after a small twitch of his ears.

The green changeling was grinning. "Where's that rockin' music coming from?"

"Music?" Music and his ghost sense? Ember.

"Come on Let's go check it out guys!" Beast Boy stood up from his seat and shifted into a bird and flew off in the direction of the park.

The other Titans, aside from Raven and Danny, rushed off too follow the shapeshifter before Danny could warn them that it was the ghost rock star Ember. He sighed to himself, though he was a bit glad he brought and kept his thermos on him. He hoped that nothing too drastic would happen. He then quickly explained the situation to Raven, who was a bit annoyed with it, and the dangers that Ember could possess through the use of her guitar, such as controlling others. The halfa didn't even want to remember the spell he had been under when he was first starting out. The two stood and started for the park.

The park was almost full of people cheering loudly when Danny and Raven arrived, all facing a lone figure on a small stage. Ember was playing her guitar, completely carefree and unwary of anything going wrong. Danny noted that she wasn't singing, figuring it was an instrumental number or such, and that she didn't have the ghosts she had shown up with in Amity; though, it was enough for the crowd to be excited. He scanned the crowd, quickly finding Robin and the others shouting and cheering along with the rest of the crowd. The halfa looked back Raven, frowning just a bit. "We need to stop her, but careful..."

"You can't just trap her in the thermos now?" Raven raised an eyebrow.

"It's much easier when she's weaker." Danny glanced at Ember. "Can you get the others?"

She nodded and flew off, leaving Danny in the air. He rushed down, landing next to Ember and startling her only momentarily. A fist clenched as she glared at her meddler. "What are you doing here, dipstick? I thought I'd be free of you here."

"You should know better, Ember." He fired a blast at her.

Ember brought up her guitar quickly, reflecting the blast away before lowering it. She noticed the Titans that then gathered up behind Danny, a small smirk forming on her purple lips. "I know my music may not effect you now, but there are some who were here for my little unscheduled concert."

Danny's eyes widened when he saw her hand on the guitar's dial and turned to a familiar pink spiral. Before he could react, Ember struck the cords, sending out it's hypnotic spell and hitting the four Titans that were previously enjoying the concert. A low growl formed in Danny's throat as their eyes turned red and he rushed to fighting Ember, attempting to overwhelm her as Raven fended off her friends. She trapped Robin in her magic momentarily before her focus was cut off as she dodged a starbolt and sonic blast.

She brought up a shield to protect herself, looking back towards Danny. "Will breaking her guitar stop them?"

"That's what I'm trying to do!" Danny hissed, holding Ember off with the microphone like before. His green eyes narrowed on her. "Stop this right now."

She smirked in response. "And what are you going to do it I don't? I have control of your new friends. I do gotta say, they are one step up from those other little friends back in Amity, so did you ditch them? Is that why you're here?"

"Shut up."

Ember's smirk disappeared and her eyes widened as she watched Danny's eyes change from bright green to crimson. "Y-Your eyes..."

Danny knocked her back in her surprise, taking her guitar and breaking it over his knee. Her own green eyes widened as she fell backwards and watched as Danny throw her guitar as if it was just trash and walk up to her. Eyes still red, he grabbed her by the arm and lifted her up, only to throw her into the floor. Fear began to bubble up inside her as he placed his booted foot on her chest, keeping her there, and spoke in a cold tone that made her freeze in place. "Do you think I'm going to let you get away with talking about Sam and Tucker like that?"

"I-I...I didn't mean anything by it-"

"I don't care." He put more pressure into the foot on her. "I'll send you back to the Ghost Zone with more than a broken guitar."

Raven relaxed, having her friends encased in her magic until Danny had broken the guitar. She looked at her friends who seemed a bit out of it, but they still understood the situation and looked in Danny's direction only to freeze in place and watch with wide eyes. Raven followed their gaze, suddenly feeling the increase in fear and anger that came from the two ghosts. She noted the way she seemed to be looking up at Danny in fear to match the intensity of the fear the empath was feeling.

Her eyes widened slightly when she caught a brief look at Danny's eyes. She rushed forward worried. "Danny!"

"What?" Danny snapped, looking at Raven. Ember, taking the chance, went intangible and phased through the stage before escaping quickly. He growled as he watched the ghost flee, turning once more to Raven, angry. "You let her get away."

"Danny, get a hold of yourself." Raven replied calmly, seemingly unfazed by his anger. "Your eyes...they're red.."

He paused and blinked. "Wha...?"

He blinked once more, this time his eyes had returned to their normal green. Raven let out a small sigh as the rest of the team walked up, all a bit concerned at what just happened. Robin glanced once at raven before walking up to Danny, placing a hand gently on the other's shoulder. He forced a small smile. "Your alright now...I think...it's just from the lingering red ectoplasm..."

Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I...I hope so..." He paused. "I'll meet you guys back at the tower."

With that, the halfa flew off before the others could say anything to stop him.

He phased into his room, landing on the floor with a loud sigh. His gaze turned to the ground, narrowing in slight anger over the events that happened. He knew he had the right to be angry, but the way he acted...it still didn't sit well with him. It wasn't his fault, he understood that, yet he had also snapped at Raven as well. Danny gritted his teeth as he headed to the mirror in the adjoining bathroom, gripping the sides of the sink. Ember had no right talking about Sam and Tucker like she did; she didn't even begin to understand the situation, he wasn't here permanently and he certainly wasn't going to abandoned his friends. They would always be his best friends, and they were just as good as he was. Maybe his anger was justified. He looked up at the mirror, noticing his eyes were no longer green and once more red.

Red eyes.

He hated the look, such eyes only fit with Dan...The very idea of his future self caused his anger to skyrocket. The very being he never wanted to become; the being he despised and cursed. He was a manifestation of evil and he, Danny, was not...He gripped the sink tighter, an image of Dan flashed in the mirror, replacing his reflection momentarily. However, it was enough to set him off. He brought up his right fist up and with a loud, angry cry, slammed it into the mirror, smashing it. A combination of blood and ectoplasm dripped into the sink, also dripping from the mirror's shards and from Danny's glove, which now was cut up and partially stained green and red. He looked down at it, his eyes returned to green and his hand shook.

"Feeling better?"

Danny gasped and turned around, gripping the sink once more. He relaxed when he saw Raven, but frowned as he gaze shifted to his hand and the broken mirror. "S-Sorry..."

She pulled down her hood, shaking her head. "Don't apologize. I sensed your anger the minute I reached the tower."

Raven walked closer to him, reaching up and placing her hand on his left cheek. He smiled faintly and lifted his non-bloodied hand to cover hers. "I...I understand what is happening, yet..." He paused, sighing. "It was...still unsettling."

"I told you...you'll have to keep your emotions in check. " She smiled and pulled away from him. "I think now is the best time to start your meditation sessions with me. Don't worry about the mirror."

He smiled and placed a quick kiss on her lips before walking past her back into his room. Danny ran a hand through his hair, looking back at his hand which was now healed even though his glove was still cut open. He knew the next time he transformed into Phantom the glove would be fine. Raven walked up to him, however, the sudden appearance of a hand of a clock startled them. Danny blinked before his eyes narrowed in a squint, walking up to it. "I...I know this..."

The hand turned clockwise, opening a portal in the middle of his room. Danny looked back at Raven, smiling. "Come on!"

Raven's violet eyes widened as she watched him fly into the portal without any further words. Normally she would have warned anyone about the dangers of entering a random portal, but the halfa seemed to know where the blue portal lead. She followed him in, now finding herself in a dark tower full of gears. She looked around, noticing Danny standing not to far off with another being, which she immediately recognized as a ghost. The other smiled at the ghost before noticing her and rushing over to her, still smiling. "Raven, there's someone I want you to meet."

She looked at the ghost that had now floated up. He was tall for the most part and covered mostly by a cloak that still revealed his red eyes. He smiled a calming smile, like a knowing father. "Hello, Raven. I am Clockwork, Master of Time. Though, I've lately been Phantom's babysitter."


Clockwork smirked and floated over to his screen. "I'm fully aware of what is going on."

Danny frowned and glanced down, sighing softly. "It concerns me Clockwork."

"I know." Clockwork saw the other's gaze shift to where Dan was kept. He already knew how the other thought about the situation. "However, I think you're forgetting I see everything. If there were any problems with possible outcomes...I may...nudge."

"You're right..." He smiled a bit.

The ghost shifted to a much older form. He turned to Raven, still smiling. "Danny will need your help controlling this, which I presume you already know."

Raven looked at him, nodded. She knew not to take what he said lightly. "I know, I was planning to start meditation sessions until he went back to Amity."

The ghost of time nodded before going silent, taking a small glance at his screen. "Good then..." He smiled, another brief moment of silence coming over them before he spoke once more. "I also have a suggestion Daniel."

A suggestion? Danny looked over at him, a bit confused at what the other may ask. There weren't many things Clockwork suggested suddenly, so he was curious, "What?"

"I believe once you finish up your senior year, you should move in with the Titans." Danny blinked and looked at Raven, who seemed a bit surprised, but also welcoming of the idea. He wasn't so sure. Yes, he'd get to stay with his girlfriend, but what about Sam and Tucker? Or Amity Park? He couldn't just leave them all behind for the Titans and Jump. Clockwork noticed the younger's distress, already predicting it; he smiled, "Don't worry, I know what you're thinking."

"That's only a couple more months, Clockwork. And what about everyone back home?" Danny frowned, fists clenched. "Without me there, all the ghosts will just terrorize everyone."

Clockwork nodded, his form once again changing this time to a child. "It's much simpler than you think, Daniel. All around, ghosts terrorize, however, it's not too often of an occurrence." He floated closer. "Close the portal, it'll cease ghost activity. Also, t's not like you'll be kept away from seeing your friends and family forever."

Danny went silent, knowing that all he said was true. His silence prompted the ghost to continue. "It is an opportunity, but as I said, it is only a suggestion."

A small smile graced the halfa's lips. "Right...thanks Clockwork."

"It was nice to meet you." Raven stepped up, giving a slight bow of her head.

Clockwork smiled and merely nodded in response. Raven looked at Danny before they left Clockwork's tower in another portal, back into Danny's room at the tower. Not too much time had passed since they left and it was a small meeting with the Master of Time anyways. The half demoness looked at Danny before placing herself in her common meditation position, obviously not letting the other get away without her session. Danny smiled and also got into position, mirroring her.

Ah...I'll just leave it at that. ...I'm not that good with Clockwork and...I just needed to throw something into this chapter. I don't think I'll be doing a squeal to this any time soon, and if I do...I hope you all read and enjoy. For now, I have other stuff I want to work on and start. Rosario Vampire x Danny Phantom was suggested, and I wanted to try a hand at that. While I love TTDP crossovers, I need to spread out and such regarding crossovers. If you want to suggest crossovers for Danny Phantom or Teen Titans, let me know either review or PM. I was also thinking of DP x Noragami, possibly, just something up in the air right now along with Tokyo Ghoul x DP.