Hey guys! Long time no see!

Finally, I'm back to relieve you of this treacherous cliffhanger to inevitably throw you over another cliff of angst and emotion! Are you ready? Are you excited?! Have you stopped reading because it took almost two years to update?! Yes! Then go!

May the force be with you, always!


Tiger Talks

Midnight Luna- Ha! That's probably the best way to look at Bell really. Thanks so much for all your support Luna, I'll send you a DM sometime now that you're on Fanfiction! Hopefully you enjoyed this year's Super Bomb (even if it took a century)! Talk again soon, and may the force be with you always!

Jedi Jelsa777- Well shivers I better shove you right back into your chair and buckle you in because your about to go on a wild ride this chapter!

Ezra's POV

The fire that rippled throughout my muscles was fierce and agonising, pushing a weary whimper from my lips.

"It's okay, I'm here Ezra," Kanan's voice soothed, his tone so gentle.

But despite his voice being so clear, and his touch being so secure, I struggled to believe it was him. The monster called Night Runner had ripped away my sense of reality. Nothing was real anymore. Nothing could be trusted.

In a daze, I raised my free hand to the side of my head, shooting a sharp, searing pain throughout my arm. But regardless, I pushed through and reached out for my hair. I was searching for something, something important in my hazy perception. A braid. A symbol. If I ever forgot who I was, that was what I touched to remember.

But after a few moments, my fingertips treaded over the sharp edges of a patch of hair, far different from the rest.

Once I realised, I immediately recoiled.

It was gone…

My stability, my reassurance, my first step into mending the bond… gone

An emptiness festered in my core, devouring the memories and happiness experienced since the moment I re-joined the crew. Everything just seemed to crumble at once, and the warmth from the arms embracing me had gone icy cold. Was it true? Was it all a dream again? Was I still stuck in that cell, craving for the touch of my family?

But suddenly, a fire reignited around me, a strong, familiar presence heating my frozen soul.

"…Don't you dare let go Ezra…" someone spoke through the mist of my mind. "You promised you'd never leave again…"

My breath wavered, oxygen relieving my aching lungs.

"Don't break your promise, and stay with me," he cooed, the heat coiling tighter around my weak frame.

I released a long sigh, basking in the light of the presence that had embraced me.

"Come back to me Ezra…" Kanan's voice whispered through the abyss.

"…Wake up…"

Ever so slowly, senses returned to my body. Sound. Smell. Touch. Even the taste of blood in my mouth, though it was not a pleasant flavour. And with wavering vision, I tilted my head up and cracked open my crusty eyelids. A sharp light seared my eyes, but it was soon covered by a familiar silhouette gazing down upon me.

"Ezra!" Kanan exclaimed in relief.

I pointlessly tried to blink the water from my blurry vision, but his figure became no clearer. "Don't move," his voice instructed softly. "You're badly injured."

"K-Kan… nan," I rasped, my throat dry and scratchy. Raising my hand, I attempted to reach out for his hazy figure, biting back a pained wheeze at the sting in my shoulder. But the moment I'd lifted my hand I felt my master's fingers curl around my palm, his grip reassuring and gentle, like I always remembered it to be.

"Still, Ezra… Stay still," he soothed once more, carefully shifting his arms to better hold my battered form.

But when his arm slid against my back in an attempt to reposition, a sharp, pitiful yelp lurched from my lungs, unshed tears falling at my reignited sobs. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Kanan blurted as he rushed to fix his mistake, heaving me up and wrapping his arms around me in a loose, caring embrace. "It's alright, shh… please, don't cry… it's going to be alright… I promise…"

He continued to whisper silent words of encouragement as he ran his fingers through my scruffy, blue locks, unaware and unconcerned with the absence of my braid. He may not have felt it, but I did. And with every stroke of my head I remembered that small symbol being held in the clutches of my torturer, sensing the energy slip through my grasp again. Maybe Night Runner had succeeded. Maybe after all of that, he'd finally managed to break me… break my will… break my senses… break my mind

Slowly, I felt my icy fingers curl into the fabric of Kanan's shirt, as if in one last attempt to hold on to reality.

"I'm scared…" I murmured, my voice dry as I stared ahead blankly.

Kanan gazed down at me with warm, teal eyes, replying "Don't be, I'm here now."

"I feel cold…" I shuddered softly.

"I know kid, we'll get you warmed up as soon as we-"

"No," I cut in, my voice dry and coarse. Slowly, I lifted my vacant gaze to level with his concerned stare, murmuring "I'm cold… on the inside…"

It took a few moments, but he finally seemed to understand. The man's expression softened into one of guilt as he gently nodded his head as he formulated what to say.

"He can't hurt you now…" Kanan cooed, his tone as gentle as the wind as he swayed side to side in gentle motions.

I grunted, initially at the movement, but then out of a weary doubt of his words.

But his teal eyes were steady, and his face was one of confidence. "I promise," he stated with a firm, yet caring voice. "I'll never let Night Runner hurt you again, Ezra… Never…"

I wanted to believe his words. I wanted desperately to trust that Night Runner was no longer a threat. But every bone in my body screamed, and the scars of his torment would forever stay engrained into my flesh and mind. The dark, cold fear that had worked its way into every part of my conscience consumed my senses, inflaming the deep wounds that buried deep into my body. Tears welt up in my eyes again as I desperately grasped for Kanan's ever dimming presence.

Another voice pierced through my daze, familiar and strong. "I'll make you pay you scum!" it screamed, followed by the vibrant clashing of blades.

Forcing my eyes open I slurred "W-Who…?"

"It's your Father," Kanan replied swiftly, seeming to know my question before I'd even asked it. "He's fighting with the inquisitors."

Panic seemed to overshadow my pain for the briefest moment, stuttering "H-Help… him…"

Kanan's eyes shot open in distress. "But what about you?" he replied. "I refuse to leave you!"

Perhaps if I had been stronger I would have fought my master on the subject, but I found the bubbling anxiety in my gut had forced me from resisting. I'd be lying if I said I wanted Kanan to leave my side, his steady presence the only thing keeping me grounded to reality. So grinding my teeth at a fresh stinging in my cheek, I thought desperately for another solution, one to save both my master and Father.

Kanan squeezed my hand reassuringly as his teal orbs darted around in search for shelter in the exposed corridor. But his touch, the warmth and courage in his signature made an idea spring to mind.

Curling my blood-stained fingers around his palm to gather his attention, I muttered "W-Wall… the wall…"

He seemed puzzled at first, but with a weak flick of my fringe in the direction further down the hall, his gaze fixed onto two scattered crates leaning against the metal wall. It would be hidden from the inquisitors enough that they couldn't sneak up on us while my plan was put into action. Kanan nodded with understanding at my suggestion, and releasing my hand, cautiously slid his arms underneath my battered form.

I bit back a hiss as my back erupted in stinging flames and clenched my eyes shut so Kanan wouldn't realise the tears in my eyes. As carefully as possible the Jedi ran towards the crates with nervous glances over his shoulder, the sounds of the clashing blade growing faint as he lowered me to be behind the metal crate. Leaning against the empty box I release a stifled grunt, my master sitting down beside me and glancing back over the crate with concern. Fear flashed in his teal orbs as the sound of Dad's ferocious and pained cry hit the air.

For a heartbeat I feared he had been wounded, or worse, killed. But to my relief the symphony of lightsabers continued on stronger than before.

Drawing comfort from the fact he was still alive I instead directed my attention to Kanan, his eyes still fixed on the fight behind us. I reached forward shakily and grasped onto his wrist, his gaze meeting mine before he settled down next to me. "So what's the plan?" he puffed, obviously itching to help somehow but unsure how exactly.

Raising his arm I placed his palm over a nasty gash in my side, wincing at the contact but forcing through my gritted teeth "Heal me…"

At that the man went rigid, uncertainty flooding his expression as he stuttered "I-I don't know how to do that! I wasn't ever trained how to-"

"Here's your lesson then," I scowled, more so at the pain rippling through my core than my lack of patience. Grabbing his other hand I placed it over the wound again and sputtered "Focus. Forget the noise, f-forget the fight…"

He hesitated at first, his gaze flickering back over the crates before I grunted impatiently and drew his attention back to my bleeding waist. His tanned skin had gone pale, and I could sense how overwhelmed he felt through our bond in the force. Fear spilled from his presence like ripples in a still pond but allowing my expression to soften I gazed up at him with a weary smile. "It's alright," I assured him.

"I-I can't do it," he said with a shake of his head. "I'm going to do it wrong…"

"You won't d-do it wrong," I replied firmly, my hands resting over his in the hopes it would encourage him the same way he could encourage me. "I trust you…"

He levelled my gaze, his aquamarine orbs welling with doubt and guilt, but reaching out to him through the force once more, I lent whatever courage I could muster to the shaken Jedi. I knew he was afraid deep down, but he was strong. I knew he could do it. And if all three of us were going to survive today, we needed everyone -even me- to help fend off those ravenous inquisitors. And the only way I'd be fit enough to fight again was if Kanan could share his strength with me now.

So biting his lip, Kanan finally accepted what he had to do and stared at the blood staining his fingers with distress. "Tell me what to do," he spoke, his voice steady but his face one of deep concern.

"Close your ey-eyes," I began, feeling my chest ache with each word. "B-Block out the noise…"

He nodded, his eyes clenched shut as he took long steady breaths.

"Good. N-Now… Open, open yourself up, and ch-channel the force… to me," I slurred.

His brows furrowed in concentration, precious seconds turning to minutes as the raging agony in my side continued to burn. A growl rumbled in Kanan's throat as he released an exasperated sigh and snapped "I can't do it!"

"Don't give up," I chided, forcing him to keep his hands on the wound even as he went to pull away in defeat. "Just focus… f-focus…"

"On what?" he grimaced as he attempted it once more.

Allowing my eyes to slide shut I opened myself to the force, reaching out to his unsteady presence as I murmured gently "Me… focus on… m-me…"

There was a brief silence, until the Jedi returned my call through the force and released his tension with a steady exhale. His hands shifted under mine until his palms covered the nasty gash, his fingers stained red with blood. I remained still and tuned out the roar of fighting behind us, praying to the force that Dad could keep it up for a little longer. Long enough for us to jump back into the action, or at the very least run away.

Then, the world went quiet, and for the slightest moment I could only sense Kanan, his signature like a lighthouse in the inky darkness of night.

Within seconds though the wound in my waist lost its sting, my eyes shooting open in surprise as I drew a shaky breath. An energy pulsed around me as I glanced down at Kanan's hands, the man shooting me an equally startled gaze before carefully pulling his hands away.

And there, where a deep cut once lay in my flesh, was a red scar, inflamed but never the less secure and sealed.

I slowly raised my eyes to level Kanan's stare, finding his teal eyes blank as his mind ran a million miles an hour. But a smile broke my lips as I let out a ragged chuckle. "Kanan," I wheezed, grasping onto his wrist comfortingly. His expression was frozen in shock, as if he couldn't comprehend the feat he had just accomplished. I squeezed his arm weakly and mumbled "Y-You did… it…"

He remained silent for a few more seconds, before turning his gaze back to the wound and muttering softly "I did it…"

His face lit up in triumph as realisation finally dawned on him, breathing out a sigh of relief as he marvelled over his newfound skill. My expression softened as I watched him celebrate with pride, but found the throbbing in my head too severe to hold back any longer. "Now," I spoke, my words painfully slow as my chest constricted with each inhale. "Y-You need… to do it… a-again…"

This brought the Jedi's attention back to the matter at hand as his face grew solemn once more. "Right," he said, his voice firm as he placed his hands carefully over the next wound.

For the next few minutes Kanan methodically healed my aching injuries, focusing on the bleeding cuts first, then working on the most painful wounds. But by the seventh round of healing I noticed the sweat dripping down the side of his face, his shoulders coiled tightly in stress. He was getting tired. Who wouldn't when trying to direct the force into such savage injuries? Even I would have been exhausted if I was him. Afterall, it hadn't even been that long ago since he was the one in my position, mending the marks left on his figure by the Seventh Sister.

Finally, I couldn't take the sight any longer, brushing his hand away as he reached out shakily for the next cluster of wounds. "E…nough," I mumbled hoarsely, my words raking across my throat. "That… will do… f-for now…"

Kanan's brows furrowed in disapproval. "You're still hurt though," he pointed out.

"If you… use all your… e-energy… neither of us… will be gettin'… out alive…" I slurred, refusing to meet his gaze.

He paused, the sounds of clashing behind still echoing through the metal hallways, before Kanan's eyes lit up. "I know," he said, shifting to glance back over the crates. "I'll get your Father here, he'll heal you faster."

I perked up in alarm. "What about… the inquis…itors…?" I grunted.

"I'll fight them," he resolved firmly, already clicking together the pieces of his lightsabre as he readied himself to fight.

"But…!" I blurted out, reaching out for his arm wearily as I sputtered "T-There's two… of them…"

He cast a confident gaze back at me as he rose to his feet, replying "If your father can fight them so can I."

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he had made his decision. And when Kanan set his mind on something, he never backed out. No, there was no way to convince him otherwise, so I reluctantly leant back against the crates and gave him a cautious nod. "Be… careful…" I rasped, wishing desperately I could fight alongside him but knowing I was in no condition to help.

"I will," he said firmly before pulling something from his belt. I stared in surprise to see my lightsabre cradled in his palms, recently polished and cleaned. "Sabine grabbed it on her way back to the Ghost the day you were taken," he explained quietly as he pushed the metal cylinder into my hands and wrapped his fingers over mine. Concern flashed across his gaze but it was quickly veiled with a smile, adding softly "Just in case."

My lips cracked into a weak smirk, replying "I'll be… b-by your side in a minute… I promise."

He nodded sharply in return, leaving the lightsabre in my grasp before leaping over the toppled crate and bolting in the direction of the fighting.

The wait was agonising as Kanan's ferocious cries joined the battle behind me. I tried to ignore the throbbing in my head, pounding like war drums in my ears as my eyelids began to droop. My fingers curled around the base of my sabre as I fumbled to clip it to my belt, weary with exhaustion. I fought the call of slumber and shook the darkness from my vision. I had to stay on guard, I had to be ready in case they needed me!

Suddenly the crate beside me screeched against the metal floor, a heavy thud landing barely a foot away. I glanced up in alarm but breathed a sigh of relief as a familiar voice cried "Ezra!"

"Dad…" I smiled weakly, following the man's form as he settled beside me.

"I thought… I t-thought I'd lost you…" he admitted warily as he pulled me into a warm embrace. "But you're safe now… I promise…"

I leant into his chest and focused on his heartbeat, drumming rapidly against my ear as he released shallow breaths of exhaustion. His muscles were taught in anxiety as he held me fiercely and yet I couldn't help but sense relief flooding from his presence. I could have stayed like this all day, wrapped in my father's arms and shielded from the world, but the symphony of lightsabres in the back of my mind drew me back to reality.

"Dad?" I breathed weakly.

"Yes son?" he replied before pulling me back with concern. "What's wrong?"

I grimaced, holding a deep gauge in my forearm as I muttered "K-Kanan. We need… to h-help…"

His brows furrowed tightly as he answered tersely "You're in no condition to fight."

"Then heal me," I said with a hint of frustration leaking into my tone. Didn't he understand? I needed to help Kanan! I refused to leave my master defenceless, I would stand by his side and fight till the end. No matter what.

Thankfully the man didn't fight though, dipping his head in understanding before beginning the process. The force flowed much easier through my father as he focused the energy on my numerous scars, barely breaking a sweat as he mended my torn flesh. With each jolt of energy I felt the tension in my lungs release with deep sighs of relief, the fog lifting from my mind like mist burning away in the morning sunlight.

Before long the numbing pain that had rippled across my body had eased, and with a sharp inhale I flexed my muscles cautiously. Though they were stiff and ached a little still I knew I could fight again if needed.

"Almost as good as new," Dad offered with a weak smile. I could tell he was worn down from his fight from the Inquisitors, but even after having to lend his strength to me he still managed to give me a confident nod. He wasn't going to back down from the fight, and neither would I.

"Let's go…" I grunted, pushing myself off the crate behind me.

And then, like the waves of a tsunami crashing into me, I felt a darkness as cold as space engulf my senses. I stumbled in my attempt to stand, crashing into my father's form as he held onto me in distress. I'm sure he was calling my name but I couldn't hear it through the haze in my mind. It was as if the oxygen had been dragged from my lungs by some unseen force, rasping for air that never seemed to arrive.

And then, like flashes of lightning, images sped across my vision rapidly. A vicious dance of sabres. Kanan, weighing against locked swords with a glint of victory in his gaze. A strange scaled alien that stared at me with cloudy, empty eyes.

And that's when it hit me. I'd seen this before, I'd felt this darkness consume my vision before. That day I gave myself up in Sabine's place I had seen something, a vision, of Sabine getting captured. It had come true and to my horror I remembered what else had happened in that dream-like state. The image of Kanan fighting the Seventh Sister, unable to see the inquisitor charging behind-

And as if I had been thrown back into my body my senses returned in a barrage of noise and light. I stumbled in my daze but somehow found myself scrambling against the crate beside me. Ignoring my Father's frazzled presence behind me I focused my cloudy vision on the blurs of red and blue in the distance.

The figure I realised was Kanan shoved the Seventh Sister to the side, spinning in time to land a hefty kick on the huge, reptilian inquisitor who charged at him with a bone-chilling roar. Taking Kanan's boot right to the stomach he crumpled to the ground with a winded gasp, his crimson lightsabre distinguishing as it fell to the floor. Figuring he had solved one problem my Master twisted back in time to block a swipe from the Seventh Sister, their blades locking tightly.

And with a suddenly pang of terror I realised I had seen this before, my heart falling into my stomach like a stone as Kanan began to overpower the Inquisitor with a triumphant smirk. "KANAN!" I screamed, the words raking my throat like talons. "WATCH OUT!"

His teal orbs flickered in my direction, sharing a concerned gaze as I stared at the scene blankly. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream at him to move!

But before I'd even had a chance to utter another warning, a shadow rose behind my Master like a storm cloud, a red blade suddenly jumping to life and shooting straight through Kanan's waist. He roared a cry so raw and agonising it tore my heart in two, the sound echoing in my skull as I howled "NO!"

The Jedi stumbled, gazing down at the red blade protruding from his stomach with dismay as his sabre fell to the floor with a resounding clatter. The Seventh Sister cackled in triumph as she watched her opponent stand impaled before her, until the male Imperial retracted his blade with a lifeless stare. Kanan swayed as tears fell from his aquamarine eyes, welling with anguish, before collapsing to the floor with a pained grunt.

"NO!" I cried again as I scrambled over the crates.

"Ezra!" Dad's voice yelled but it was drowned out beneath the blood pounding in my ears.

It seemed as if my heart were about to explode from my chest as I sprinted towards the three with a flurry of speed, slamming my boots into the metal before thrusting my hands forward just before reaching the Imperials who had turned to face me. Unprepared for my attack, they were flung by a wave of force into a branching corridor and thrown against one of the sturdy hangar doors. Their metal helmets slammed into the door with a satisfying bang as they slumped against the wall with a groan.

But I hardly noticed their muffled whimpers as I fell to my knees beside my master, grasping tightly onto his blood-stained jumpsuit as I cried "Kanan?! Wake up! Y-You need to wake up!"

His normally thoughtful gaze was stagnant as his eyelids weighed down heavily, his breaths ragged and unsteady. I found myself gazing at the crater in his waist with horror as crimson blood leaked into his lime green suit. Frantically I moved to hold the wound, my first instinct springing to mind as I stuttered "I-I can fix this… I can fix this…"

But as soon as I touched the charred flesh Kanan yelped in alarm, his muscles shuddering in a spasm and his eyes wide with unshed tears. "I have to fix this!" I said as he tried to shift away. "Let me help! Please!"


The voice was calm despite my panicked state, and feeling a familiar hand rest over mine, I allowed my tension to ease ever so slightly.

"I'll do it," Dad murmured softy as he ushered my fumbling hands away from Kanan's wounded stomach. I resisted at first, unable to move my quivering hands until my father took hold of my wrists firmly, his tone gentle as he cooed "Let go, Ezra…"

There was silence for another moment, until I finally pulled my hands back to my chest and stared at my blood-stained fingers in revulsion. How could I have let this happened? I'd seen the danger moments before it had happened, and yet I still couldn't save my master in his moment of need. I'd left him to fight the Inquisitors by himself, hindering his own energy to heal me before allowing him to race into an unfair battle. Why didn't I stop him? Why didn't I go with him?!

What kind of padawan was I to leave my Master to perish…

Suddenly, a cold grip on my hand dragged me from my slur of thoughts. I perked up in surprise to find myself staring into Kanan's hazy, teal orbs, flashing with agony but surprisingly gentle. Curling my fingers around his I leant forward and murmured "We're going to fix you, j-just hold on a little longer."

He grimaced as Father laid his hands over the wound, his eyes sliding shut in concentration. I kept my eyes on Kanan though, squeezing his hand in comfort. "You have to hold on, okay?" I said, my voice shaky.

His touch was growing cold, I could sense the heat leaving his body as his breathes became a light wheeze. "E-Ez…ra…" he spoke croakily.

"Yes?" I replied swiftly, forcing back the tears in my eyes.

Despite the pain that radiated from his presence he managed to tilt his lip in a saddened smile. He released his grip from my hand and rested his bloodied palm to my cheek, as if it were the first time he'd seen me after years of waiting. Leaning into his touch I couldn't hold the tears back any longer as they fell from my eyes in small, pitiful trails. "Ezra…" he wheezed again, his eyes shimmering with a hopeful light for a split second. "P-Proud of… you…"

"My padawan…"

Suddenly his body slumped, his hand falling to his chest and his eyes glazing over with a heavy fog.

"No, no!" I screamed before shaking his shoulders harshly, begging him to wake up again. "Wake up! W-Wake up!"

"Ezra stop!" Dad barked. "You're making it worse!"

"H-He can't be dead! He can't!" I yelled, holding his head between my hands as I called desperately "You can't leave me Kanan! Please! Don't leave me!"

He didn't respond, his skin pale and clammy beneath my fingers. His body remained still despite my distressed wails as my cries echoed from the metal walls eerily. "Ezra calm down, please," Father's voice soothed but no words could heal what I felt in my soul right now. The tearing of our bond seemed like a scratch compared to the emptiness I had been thrust into now, leaning over my master's lifeless form, his light forever extinguished from the consequences of my own stupid actions.

This isn't true! It's just a dream! I just have to wake up and everything will be alright!

I pleaded to myself that what I was saying was right as I clutched tightly onto my master's bloodied jumpsuit. This is fake, this has to be fake! Kanan can't be dead… he can't…

The cold fear rushing through my veins said otherwise though, feeling my senses fade with each gut-wrenching sob that escaped my clenched teeth. Resting my head against Kanan's chest I shut my eyes in the hopes to rid myself of this awful nightmare. I wanted to open my eyes and gaze back into my master's teal orbs, filled with confidence and life. I wanted to hug him fiercely and never let go, to feel the steady beat of his heart against my ear as a silent reminder that he was still with me…

Like he had always been…

But I only felt the cold, the loneliness, the pain. Was my father still beside me even? I couldn't tell through the fog in my mind. It all just felt so…


"It's a shame really."

The sick voice cut through my overwhelming thoughts like a lightsabre, slowly raising my head to glare at the figure standing a few feet away. "What did you just say?" I snarled hoarsely as I curled my hands into fists.

"I said it's a shame," the Seventh Sister repeated coyly, snickering as she said, "I would have preferred killing him myself."

Suddenly a fire ignited in my chest, burning away the fears and sorrow in my soul and replacing it with an inferno of rage. And as if drawn to me my sabre flew into my blood-stained fingers, outstretching my other hand to call the hilt of my master's fallen sword to my grip. It was thrown into my cold grasp with ease as I staggered to my feet, feeling an energy so raw and powerful surge through my veins that I almost forgot the ache and sting of my own wounds.

Two blue blades jumped to life as I stared at the inquisitor through slitted eyes. "You're going to wish you'd never said that," I hissed, feeling the hum of the swords in my firm grip.

She didn't move, her expression veiled but her signature flaring with alarm.

Good. I wanted her to be afraid. Because what I had planned for her was far worse than anything the Night Runner had done to me…

Sabine's POV

"How did Ezra ever get through these?" I muttered as the metal walls of the vent scrapped against my armour.

Shaking off my frustration I focused on the access point a few feet away and concentrated on dragging myself towards it. It was a tight fit but I eventually found myself glancing down through the grates of the panel, light from the corridors below pouring into the darkened space around me. I pulled the scanner on my helmet down and searched for the heat signature of my target. He'd be here soon, Zeb had told me he'd seen the masked figure and two of his guards racing through the halls, too distracted to notice the lone Lasat.

I hoped he'd be that distracted on his way to the hangar and give me a slight advantage in this game. Though Bell was on my side -from what I could tell-, she wouldn't be able to assist me in the fight with her brother, Night Runner. If she was seen trying to help she'd be labelled a traitor and the whole plan would be thrown off track.

No, it was all up to me to win the awaiting battle.

So I remained still, listening to the crackle of smouldering fires that had engulfed the bounty hunter's support ships. Though Bell at first had been disgruntled to hear some of her future fleet had been taken out she was satisfied with the agreement that the flag ship would remain untouched by us. At the end of the day she could still return home on the lead ship to whoever knew how big of a following she'd amass. As long as she kept them to herself, I honestly didn't care.

I perked up though at the sound of pounding footsteps somewhere down the corridor. Glancing through my heat sensor I watched as three figures bolted down the hallway, two signatures who I assumed were guards falling back behind the leader. My muscles tensed as I realised the ambush was almost about to start.

First step, as planned, Bell ran to intercept her brother's wild dash, stopping him just below the vent opening I hid in. Night Runner skidded to a halt, just able to stop himself before colliding with his sister. "Bell!" he yelled in shock. "What's happened?!"

"The ships have been attacked brother!" she wailed fearfully, finding myself smirking at her acting skills. It was a little overdramatic but I only hoped it would be convincing enough to fool her future followers.

Night Runner didn't seem to care though, shoving her aside with a frustrated grunt as he moved to get a look at his partially destroyed fleet. "Karabast!" he spat acidly. "If that scraggly band of rebel filth think they're going to get away with this they've got another thing coming. I'm sure the Empire will be happy to pay for another dead Jedi anyways."

At that I froze. Dead Jedi? He couldn't mean- No, no, Ezra couldn't be dead!

In my jolt of panic I reached for my commlink, whispering swiftly "Spectre 1, have you retrieved Ezra?"

The comm, to my dismay, remained silent.

"Spectre 1 do you read me?" I murmured. "Kanan?"

Just like before, there was no answer. I shuddered as dark thoughts sprouted in my mind like weeds clinging to the earth. It couldn't be true could it? Why capture Ezra alive if they were just going to kill him anyway? It didn't make sense, but the thought of the hunter speaking the truth sent my head spinning. I stared at the commlink a few moments longer, like if I waited long enough the Jedi's voice would sooth my wild fears.

Kanan may not have heard me, but to my horror, someone else did.

"Sir there's someone in the vent!" a guard yelled from below.

"I'm aware," Night Runner's voice chided coldly. "You up there! Come down here and fight if that's what you're here for!"

I hesitated at first and weighed my options. With my element of surprise gone my advantage would be lost as well. I hadn't seen Ezra fight the masked figure, I had no clue what his fighting style and moves would be. It would be a dangerous fight, and if he was as skilled as I had heard, I may very well suffer a worse fate than death if I lost.

But I thought back to Ezra, to my dear friend who had sacrificed his own life for mine. He'd barely taken a second to surrender when Night Runner had threatened my life that day. Would I not do the same for him? If Ezra were alive and I left without ending the fight, Night Runner would only come back to finish the job. And if Ezra wasn't…

I clenched my eyes shut tightly. The thought was almost too painful to bare. I couldn't lose another part of my family, not again.

But using that feeling as encouragement, I mustered my courage and unlatched the cover, sliding through the vent to land nimbly on my feet below. I stood face to face with the masked hunter now, his posture straight and his emotions unreadable. His guards behind him tensed and readied their electricity-spitting pikes but were silenced with a flick of their leader's wrist. "No," Night Runner spoke, his voice sending a shiver down my spine. "She wants to fight like a warrior. One on one."

"I didn't think you'd have the spine to fight like a true warrior," I sneered. "But I guess even snakes have some dignity."

He scoffed in a light chuckle, seemingly amused by my words. "The fact you think you are even slightly threatening to me is beyond comprehension," he spoke warmly as he took a step forward. "How about this? I will agree to your little game, but if I win, you take me to the rest of your crew. I'm sure the Empire will pay a hefty amount for that Jedi Master of yours."

"I don't make deals with scum like you!" I snapped, spinning my pistols before taking aim straight for his horned mask.

Night Runner dodged a moment before the laser could blast his skull open, dashing forward like a shadow as the glint of a blade flashed across my vision. I'd felt the punch before I'd seen it, getting jerked to the side as I rushed to regain my balance. There was a movement in the corner of my eye and taking my chance I swung out my leg, managing to catch the bounty hunter as he streaked by.

I would say he seemed startled but there was little emotion from his posture as he stumbled to the floor, recovering with a roll before bouncing back to his feet.

Within seconds he was back on me though, dancing around the corners of my helmet's vision as I took more shots at his evading form. They all missed as he jumped back and forth between rounds, pouncing forward like an animal the moment the pistols ran out of charge. I steadied myself at the sight of his imposing figure and holstered my guns, balling my fists as my new defence to give the pistols time to recharge. No point in overheating them or they'd be bound to explode, which was the last thing I needed happening during the midst of this chaotic battle.

A fist flew forward but with a timely block I managed to throw a hit of my own to his face. He gripped onto my wrist a moment before the blow could land though, and with a mind-blurring spin he held my hand behind my back awkwardly, straining the muscles as they contorted to the abnormal position. I bit back a cry of pain and instead ground the heel of my boot into his toes, causing him to jerk away with a startled grunt.

Spinning on my foot I leapt forward and tackled the hunter to the floor, knocking him to the ground with a metal bang of his helmet. In his moment of shock I began pummelling his unarmoured stomach with punches and kicks in the hopes to wind him. However, this only seemed to enrage the masked figure as he released a blood-chilling roar and caught the collar of my jumpsuit, throwing me to the ground and pressing his weight over mine.

Pinned and unable to move there was no way to defend myself as he took hold of my helmet and began slamming my head into the hardened floor beneath us. Once, then twice, then again, and again, and again. Each smash against the once polished floor sent my head into a daze as my eyes spun in confusion, the rich taste of blood staining my tastebuds.

With a final resounding crack of metal he released his grip on my head, his breathing ragged as he spat "Give up yet scum?"

Thanks to the brutal beating my muscles had gone stiff, my energy drained in an attempt to combat the aching in my skull. The metal that had once protected my face now jutted into my head uncomfortably, causing me to push it off and gaze at the dented armour with disgust. But regardless of the blurriness in my mind and the blood lining my lips I cast a hardened stare over my shoulder, snarling coldly "I never give up…"

Night Runner scoffed, rising to his feet as he remarked "It wouldn't seem so."

I held his gaze and mustered a weary smile. "Then you really don't know me."

Imbued with a sudden burst of energy I kicked at his armoured knee, not enough of an impact to harm him but enough to unbalance him from the mere shock of my attack. I took my opportunity without hesitation and threw my arm towards him as bolts of electricity pelted from my wrist guard. They hit his chest dead on, causing the hunter to scream and scramble backwards as the current danced across him like lightning.

Finally free from his crushing weight I staggered to my feet again and watched as he twitched and roared at the electric pulses. At the sight of their master in peril the two guards finally sprinted forward with their pikes raised, their lifeless masks only highlighting their stiff, unmastered skills.

I raised my fists, ready to fight once more despite the ringing in my ears, until a shadow suddenly barrelled into the guards, knocking one to the ground and holding the other by the neck. "Stay out of this you fumbling idiots!" Night Runner barked as he cast the guard aside like a ragdoll. "I can handle this myself!"

His penetrating gaze fixed back on to me but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the fallen guards who lay on the floor, startled and trembling in shock. Bell ran to the one her brother had thrown to the ground and reassured him with gentle words, pulling him from his daze as he took a moment to comprehend what had just happened.

Bell hadn't been kidding when she said her brother was brutal. Night Runner's guards, the ones assigned to protecting his life, had been beaten down for doing their sole job. How he ever managed to gain their loyalty in the first place astounded me.

But I quickly pulled my attention back to the hunter before me, his muscles twitching and his breathing ragged with fury. Now we stood across from each other, our gaze unbroken as we circled one another in cautious motions. His guards remained to the side now, fidgeting but not daring to enter the fight again.

I took hold of my now recharged pistols and resisted the urge to start firing a barrage at the hunter. If I was going to take aim I'd need to pick the right moment, as he was obviously nimble enough to evade the shots if I weren't careful. There wouldn't be a second chance today, so there was no room for error. I had to be patient…

In the blink of an eye he was leaping forward, a knife held firmly in his powerful grip. I didn't move, didn't even breath as he came barrelling towards me. Patience. That was how I would win today. I would use his brash, volatile state to my advantage and make him pay for all he had done to my friend. This is for you, Ezra.

The knife flashed.

The trigger pulled.

I spun around and gasped for oxygen, as if I had been held in the cold clutches of space, unable to breathe for the small moment that had felt a lifetime. Night Runner was behind me now, still as a statue. During his dash he had made a swing straight for my head, but ducking out of the way I had aimed my gun and fired, the bang still echoing in my ears eerily.

It was a direct hit, surely. There was no way he would survive a shot at such close range at his heart. It was over…

Night Runner, his back to me, gazed at me from over his shoulder. He didn't speak at first as a shudder ran up his spine, his helmet shielding the eyes that seemed to bore straight through my soul. "Not bad," he sighed with a respectful tilt of his helmet.

I stilled, my muscles coiled like a bowstring as the hunter slowly turned to reveal a shallow dint in his polished armour, the charred rim of the impact practically blending with his midnight uniform. "But not good enough," he spoke icily.

Blast-proof. Of course his armour just had to be blast-proof!

But before I'd even had a chance to fully process this revelation he was rushing forward, knocking me off my feet with a forceful shove. I stumbled as the blood pounded in my eardrums, barely able to keep my balance as his lithe figure came rushing upon me once more. I screamed at myself to move but my muscles were too exhausted. How could I even think straight as the rapid beating of my own heart drowned out every sound around me.

Something grasped my arm before I was slammed to the ground once more, my metal helmet unable to protect my skull this time as stars danced across my vision from the impact. Splotches of darkness crowded my sight as I glanced around with a groan, desperately trying to understand the world around me.

Was I dead? No, the images that wisped across my eyes were real, just too far out of reach for me to hold onto.

They fell through my grasp like sand but as I felt my cheek rest against the cold ground, the sight of a girl appeared through the fog. She looked terrified, her eyes wide and her jaw trembling. Did I know her? She seemed familiar but… I couldn't pin why.

The frozen girl suddenly jolted, sprinting towards me with her hand outstretched as her wavy blonde hair twirled behind her. It looked as if she was yelling something… something like-

My gaze was torn away from the approaching girl as a cold hand forced me to gaze upward, staring straight into the lifeless visor of the hunter they called Night Runner. I saw my own defeated reflection through his mask, my gaze as hazy as my mind. Something sharp pressed into my neck as the voice of my enemy cut through my thoughts like a cold, winter breeze.

"Say hello to Bridger for me."

*Dies from writing so many fight scenes*

Super Bomb V

The Light in the Dark

Remember Me

Lost Chapters

O' Family of Ours

There is no Death, There is the Force

To Mend the Bond

Beasts of Legend

Family Ties