The End of the Saga

Disclaimer: I own my OCs, Sarafine and Katia. Everyone else is not mine.

A.n. That's right folks this is it. The epilogue. I hope this wraps everything up very nicely for everyone.


Chopper and Katia attend college together and get married when they are twenty two, almost the instant the ink dries on their respective computer science and linguistics/child psychology degree. They adopt four children by the time they are twenty seven and are twenty eight when their only biological child is born. Katia quickly becomes the go to psychologist for children who are having difficulty communicating because, as she always says with a wink to her husband, she's had a lot of practice with strange communication methods.

Zeb and Sarafine reaffirm their vows after Zeb's first tour is done to make it up to Kanan and Hera when they are twenty six. Zeb does two more tours running aid missions with the army before he retires from overseas missions after Sarafine announces that she is pregnant with their first child. They adopt two more children before they turn thirty and together they start a home for homeless war veterans that offer them access to food, shelter and a little bit of psychological help from Sabine, Ketsu and Satine.

Sabine and Ketsu date on and off until they have a very bad breakup when they are twenty five because they can't agree on foster children. Ketsu is perfectly happy helping them out at work, but she wants to separate home and work. Sabine disagrees and adopts two children a year after the two of them break up. A year after that Sabine starts fostering as many kids as she was allowed and kept up with all the ones who left her. Kanan later accuses her of amassing an army of foster kids for the explicit purpose of having two teams in the annual Syndulla baseball tournament.

Ezra asks Alora, the nurse he meets in the hospital, out on a date because after all she's already seen him at his worst. They get married three years later on a whim when they go to Las Vegas for a vacation. Kanan face palms and demands to know how both of his sons ended up without a single ounce of self-preservation as Hera gives them her infamous eyebrow raise when they tell everyone. The two of them have twins almost exactly nine months later and adopt two other children before their third wedding anniversary.

Even though all the kids come over on an almost weekly basis, Hera and Kanan both can't stand the quiet and they both grieve for the pitter patter of little feet in their now too big house. So the two of them do the only thing that makes sense and adopt one more child. Dawn Syndulla enters their hearts and home when she is eighteen months old.


And there it is! All wrapped up in a hopefully nice little bow.

Reason why Sabine and Ketsu didn't work out? Because their relationship was so strained in the show and seemed to have so much bad history behind them. I guess I wanted to achieve that in this fic. Also Sabine just kind of feels like she wouldn't settle down in that way.

Further questions? You can message me either on Fanfiction or Tumblr!

Thank you once again for how much support and love you guys gave this! I can't say it enough so thank you for all the reads/reviews/follows/reblogs/favourites/likes!