
'Come back to bed.' Sasuke murmured as he hear Sakura shuffle through her belongings. It amazed him that she wasn't tired after last night's activities.

Sakura had woken earlier than him. Initially basking in the afterglow of their sex; only to have been overcome with indescribable fear.

What she been thinking? How could she suddenly have told Sasuke that she loved him like that after keeping it to herself her so long since he returned to Konoha?

It worried her that - perhaps - he had only slept with her out of pity.

But the way he touched me last night... His words... Sasuke-kun wouldn't lie to me like that.

'Do you really want me to Sasuke-kun?'

He had slept on his stomach, with one eye poking through in between his bangs and the pillow, looking at her questioningly.

'I love you.' A pause. As if deciding what to say. 'About what I said last night, I'm sorry if you felt any responsibility towards me. But I can't take it back. And I don't want to.'

'Sakura-' He sits up, a frown marring his face as he spots her picking up the remains of their clothes, as if to cover herself from him.

'Please let me finish Sasuke-kun.' She said with a wavering smile.

'If you want to pretend like last night didn't happen… That's okay with me.' Her voice becomes small as she continues. 'But if want this to go on, you have to be okay with me loving you. Because I'm not going to take it back.'

Understanding the situation, he growls at just how annoying Sakura can be.

'When I said you were mine, I meant it too. I'm not going to pretend like last night didn't happen, because I've waited too long for it.' Snatching her hand to draw her closer to himself.

'I know you Sakura. I know that when a woman like you says that, it means everything.' He's cupping her face with his hand as he brings it close to his own, forcing her to look at him and make sense of his words and actions instead of assuming things of him.

'Marriage. A house with a swing. Children.'


'I want all those things too.' Kissing his lips bravely, Sakura lets him guide her back to bed. As his mouth lowered to hers, she yielded easily. Her lips parted.

He drew in the taste of her, delighting in her response. The casual kiss deepened, altered into something both patient and hungering. Eventually Sasuke lifted his mouth, hands still cupping her face as if she was the last precious little of water he had in a desert.

He had a unique way of touching, she thought dazedly. His fingers gentle and artful, sensitive to every one of her reactions no matter how minuscule. She supposes it comes with being a ninja.

'Your lips are swollen.' He whispered. Dragging is thumb over the corners of her mouth. Sakura smiles into his newly found contact, pressing her cheek to his palm.

'We have many kisses to make up for. You owe me one for every year has passed since I told you I loved you.'

'More than kisses.' His eyes darkening as a smirk stretches over his face. 'As a matter of fact, should I show you exactly what you've been missing?'

Dragging her back to bed as he lay down this time around (he was still tired), Sasuke let Sakura straddle him. Making use of her inhuman strength as she pushed him deeper into the mattress.

'How about I show you instead, Sasuke-kun?'


Truly happy with the situation they were in, they lay under the thick covers of the duvet. Exchanging soft touches and speaking glances. His arms circled her waist, holding her back against him.

'Kakashi-sensei and Naruto can wait a little longer. I really need a shower.' Sakura giggled, poking her tongue out in what he supposed was to be a cheeky manner as she poked Sasuke's chest, as if to say that it was all his fault. But the sight of the pink appendage only brought suggestive thoughts back to his mind.

As she got up from him and headed for the bathroom, her naked figure swaying side to side as she walked in front on him. Sasuke resigned himself to the bed, staring at the opening of the shower. This time, she had left the door open.

At the image of Sakura's come hither fingers appearing through the filtering screen of steam, Sasuke was sure Naruto and Kakashi could wait a little longer as well.

Icha Icha Hotel was famous for it's aphrodisiac baths. That was why there was glass installed in front of the showers - so couples could appreciate each other's body. It was even voted the top class hotel for honeymooners. 'A hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed' was the slogan they adopted for the advertisement at the back of his volume.

But Kakashi doubted that in the chakra depleted state his two students had been in, they would have noticed where they were entering. The copy-nin had even made sure to split their belongings so that they could only afford a single room.

Having been tasked with the mission of 'cheering up' Sakura by the fifth Hokage, he was sure that he did a great job and nodded as he admired his handiwork.

He now also had excellent raw material to continue Jirariya-sama's series on.

Looking over his shoulder at Naruto, who had been unnecessarily worried the past night, he wondered if his favourite idiot required any help in his love life.


And that marks the end for Love, don't be shy.

Where the 'xxx' is present, I originally planned another lemon - however, I've decided that I'll save it for a special occasion (100 favourites? 30 reviews?). I'm evil, I know. But honestly, I need to focus on my other stories a bit more.

A sequel (NaruHina) may be uploaded depending on whether enough people want one.

If you've enjoyed LDBS, please leave a review - it would honestly mean the world for me as a new writer (and it'll make me want to write more smut XD). Please don't favourite without a review, it makes me sad =[