HELLO AND WELCOME. Now for an explanation. If you are new to my stories this is connected to And the Blossoms Turned Red. This is a story including all the victors. Ranging from the 76th-124th.

76th victors POV down below. But read the rules and stuff first.

So that being said I need a lot of victors. Yes it's a SYOC. The reason I'm doing this now is so I have plenty of time for you people to give me victors. This way, if you are ever bored and trying to procrastinate... SUBMIT A VICTOR. So if you get a victor in, not only will they get a special chapter. They also will be featured in my stories. Some might even become important main characters…so SUBMIT.

Now for the nasty rules and such.

There is no limit to which you can submit.

The victors of the following Games I have already created:








125th (YES there will be a chapter including the victor of ATBTR)

I have already all the district 7 victors.

121st and 124th were both won by District 1

Now, here's something about the victors. They won for a reason. They aren't perfect people. MAKE THEM STAND OUT. Make them with as much care as you would be making a tribute that won a syot. That being said, some tributes do win by chance, and don't stand out and fade away… so there will be tributes like that.

The majority of victors will be people from 1, 2, and 4. As haymitch says, they win it almost every year.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: I know people love submitting girls, but the victors can't all be girls. Sorry. IF too many girls are submitted I won't be able to accept them. Same goes for if there is too many guys.

There are other victors than careers, but if you submit, make sure to submit a career and then someone else.

Don't make them copies of cannon victors. That's no fun.


Ok I think I didn't miss anything… so the form will be up in my profile. If you don't see it right away, most likely I'm editing it.

So now since there will be exactly 50 chapters. Here is the Victor of the 76th Games. This chapter really steps a little over the line of T, but just a little. It's pushing it though. Other chapters wont be like this.

WARNING: this chapter is extremely disturbing. If you don't think you can handle it then don't read it. It's not sex related but it is violent. It's not as bad as you might think actually.

Games: 76th

Victor: Marlene Grove, 8 years old, female, District 5

Arena: Since this was right after the second rebellion the Capitol sent 96 people in from ages 5-25. The arena was the deadliest the Capitol had ever constructed. It was a huge, multi-landscape arena with 4 Cornucopias. The mutts ranged from harmless to things that would eat 6 people at once, slowly digesting them in acid.

All is quiet now. No more screaming. I walk along shoreline, letting the blood lap against my bare feet. I walk to the center of the small island. The island is made of all the people who passed away. Their bones are my walkway. Around the island is a lake of blood and three waterfalls of it. A sum of 95 people's blood system. I crunch my way to the very top and survey the area. Daddy wanted to save me, so he came in with me. He fought to protect me. I miss Daddy. I'm probably standing on him right now. He was here to the very end. There were 4 of us. One boy slipped in blood and got eaten by fire ants. It lasted a week before the other boy caught up with us. He killed daddy, and then a volcano went boom and killed him. I hid in the underground blood river with the blood spiders and giants. Now they are all gone. And then there's me. I go down to the edge of the water. Things move around inside it, but I just pick up two skulls.

"Say there Mr. Bones, would you like a cup of tea? You do? Here I'll go some."

All of Panem watched in horror as Marlene had a tea party with two skulls, shoulders for cups, and blood for tea.

So that wasn't as bad as I originally made it. Make sure to submit! It will be fun!

Did you like Marlene?

What did you think of that arena and the twist?

Too messed up or naw? I trying to decide.