AN: Sorry! With the series in full swing, I can't update this as much, what with the characters busy filming.

There's apparently a bismuth oxide crystal in the series now. Bismuth oxide is not a Gem in Homeworld Bound (It's not even a gem! It's a freakin' METAL!), as I made this AU before that episode came.

Pink Diamond is not Rose CONFIRMED! In this AU Rose did not kill Pink Diamond (obviously), but at least now I have a good idea of what PD would look like in Homeworld Bound's AU.

Looks like the fusion between a rose quartz and an amethyst is a smoky quartz. How uncreative. In Homeworld Bound's AU the rose quartz/amethyst fusion is still going to be rhodocrosite, but if you add a jasper it becomes a smoky quartz.

Centipeedle got healed! Sort of. No word on what Gem she is, so there's still a possibility she's a diopside.

Carnelian is not a fusion in the series canon, but rather an individual Gem type. :( But she will still be a fusion in this AU.

Yes, I think that the bird thing is a mega-fusion of smaller corrupted Gems, which gets larger every time it consumes another Gem or fusion. Now I believe that Gems of the same type can fuse (and PD told Rose otherwise because same-Gem fusion kinda defeats the purpose).

This chapter takes place during chapter 11 of Homeworld Bound.

Enjoy! ~ T. Nerdinator

A whole bunch of fusions screamed, save for the ones who were unconscious and Malachite, Rainbow Quartz, and Azurite.

"She's escaped!" A sunstone exclaimed.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" a dioptase shrieked.

Azurite eventually had enough of this and summoned her water whip, which she then snapped.


Everyone stopped (except for the unconscious fusions) stopped panicking and looked at the lavender fusion.

"Everyone calm down!" Azurite bellowed. "Malachite was still under the influence of Jasper when that incident happened. And besides, everyone here has been stuck under the personalities of their dominating component the first time they came. Alexandrite, did you try to punch your way out of this realm because you were still reeling from Garnet?"

Alexandrite lowered three of her arms.

"Stevonnie, did you not try to find your familar in here because you were so used to Connie's mind?"

Stevonnie pondered that for a moment, then solemnly nodded.

"Look at yourselves, people! All of you were stuck under the influence of your dominant component. I admit, I was completely fine with a party because my dominant one is a fun-loving amethyst. Malachite was just the same as us! Only her dominant component is a psycho."

"Not helping," Malachite grumbled.

"But you can be helping," Rainbow Quartz said. "You said you know something about getting the healing serum."

"I'm hydrokinetic, duh. Plus it kinda turns out that the bubble I was in was made of that stuff."

Everyone else stared at Pink Sapphire, who was evidently responsible for the construction of the bubble. "What?" she asked. "I didn't have anything else I could use, okay?"

Malachite produced a bubble of the aforementioned fluid and carefully guided it towards Garnet, reasoning that she would be the first to reform. She smeared it on the burns on Garnet's face and arms, which went away. Garnet opened her eyes...and then, as predicted, was summoned.

After Garnet had gone, Azurite said, "This is good. You're doing good, Mal."

Malachite's cheeks flushed dark green. There was no denying that she had a crush on Azurite. Trying to keep herself together, she produced another bubble and hovered it over Opal's chest, where a large, nasty burn took up most of her torso.

A screech filled the air.

"What," Malachite said, dropping the healing fluid on Opal's chest and causing her to wake, "was. That?"

"The bird monster," Opal grunted. "It's a megafusion of several dozen corrupted amethysts. I poofed it when I went to retrieve the Heaven Beetle."

"So you mean to tell me that that's been running around ALL THIS TIME AND YOU NEVER WENT TO STOP IT?!" Malachite roared.

"We wanted to, but we didn't know which part of Fusionland that thing had entered through. Bear in mind, this realm is huge. And we can only cover so much."

Malachite groaned.

"But hey, look on the bright side," Rainbow Quartz piped up. "We know where it is now."

And she was right, for at that moment the bird monster came. It was even bigger than Opal had seen it last, at roughly the size of the 80-foot-tall Agate.

"It's grown," Opal said. Her eyes widened. "It's grown! It must've been capturing other fusions and using them to fuel its growth. Where's Agate? She's the only one who can stop this bird monster now."

A massive explosion of cream-colored light answered her question. Agate had been summoned.


"SCHIST!" Azurite roared.