A/N so a friend walked up to me and said how fucked up are you? I answered enough. And somehow we started a conversation then this popped into my head.

"Lord Hater," Peepers says handing the skeleton a bouquet and chocolates and helping him fix his time. "Your blind date is surely to arrive at any moment! Don't be late!"

"Will you please leave!" Lord Hater snarls. "I know what to do!"

"Sorry sir. I just want to make sure everything goes right! Anyway toodles!" Peepers left the restaurant in a flash leaving his commander at the dining table alone.

The Lord huffed. Who said toodles anymore? Isn't that pretty old dated? He mumbled to himself as the minutes flew past. Nothing had changed. Here he was on his sixth blind date. Sixth. He didn't think it would be this hard to meet someone and have the same interests but turns out the world was as small as you think if you traveled it a couple of times. Then the minutes slowly turned into hours as the man impatiently waited at the table. He looked at his watch...it was 11:00...they were supposed to meet at 6:00. He stood. The villain left the restaurant and walked outside to the streets of the epic city. He were on another planet where he thought he found the one.

"Hey Hater, here to conquer the universe?"

Hater knew that voice well. He knew who it came from and he hated saying his name. It was Wander. The stupid nomadic alien that seemed to pop up occasionally in the Lord's life.

"Hey...you look pretty sad." Wander says blinking. "Are you okay?"

"Will you just go away?!"

"Lord Hater...are you crying?" Wander asks seeing the skeletons shoulders shake, "Hater...?"

"Can't you see I want to be alone?! Get out of here!" Hater walked passed the nomadic orange spoonish creature. The villain didn't have to explain himself to the hero. He didn't have to stay here and be humiliated. He didn't need anyone to see him. He didn't need anybody.

Wander gasped before following the male, "Hater? Hater?! What's wrong? What happened?!"

Hater shrugged him off and kept walking.

"Hater please tell me!" Wander appeared in front of the skeleton. He seemed concerned and dying of curiosity as he held his arms out to stop the skeleton from walking. "Please!"

Hater sighed. "It's none of your business."

"Hater, I just want to help."

The skeleton couldn't resist those eyes. The eyes that made the cutest of any person heart melt. Again, the skeleton sighed and avoided to look at the nomad, "I got stood up."

"What do ya mean?"

Could Wander be anymore oblivious? Did Hater have to draw a picture? How blunt could he put it without embarrassing himself more than what he's already done?

"I...my date didn't show up." Hater says quickly hoping that the orange thing didn't hear him but like always his prayers never reign true. Wander had heard everything. The nomad stood in shock and blushed sympathetically.

"Oh..." Wander blushed then gave a saddened look to the skeleton. "Well...maybe we can go on a date then?"

"W-what?!" Hater stuttered a blushing mess.

"Yeah! A make-up date! You and I could go on a date to make up for the time you could have had on your first one!" Wander smiles. "I'll meet you at seven!"

"B-but! W-wait a minute!" The skeleton was already too late. The nomad was gone within a second, on his way spurting obscenities about his and Haters date to the locals and giddily ran to tell his noble steed, Sylvia. Lord Hater only stared. His skull was red hot with embarrassment. Did he just get asked out by Wander of all people?

-Line Break-

"You did what?!" Sylvia exclaimed. She couldn't not believe what she was hearing. Especially from WANDER.

"Me and Hater have a date!" Wander giggled. "He was sad that his date didn't show and so I made it up to him by setting him on a date with me!"

"Wander! You do know what dates are right?"

"Yeah it's when two friends go out and have a good time!" The nomad smiled as if he were right. He was partially, but not all the way making Sylvia roll her eyes and worry even more. "I know what a date is!"

"Thats not all Wander!" Sylvia rubs her forehead. "A date is when two people who have romantic interest in each other go out to test to see if they are compatible."


"Romantic." Sylvia says sternly.

"You mean like kissy stuff?"

"A lot of of Kissy Stuff." She nods her head. "They go out to eat together and make sure they look their finest."

"What's wrong with going the way you look?" Wander asks with worry evident in his voice. Now thinking about it, Hater wasn't dressed in his usual outfit...

Sylvia shrugged, "You're suppose to impress the other person."

"Is that it?"

"Well you can bring flowers or chocolate, that's the usual thing to greet your partner. But do you know where I'm getting at? You're going on a date with Hater. HATER!"

Wander felt his stomach tighten, he was going a date...and didn't know anything about a date! How was he suppose to dress? What if Hater laughed at him?! What is suppose bring?! Oh sweet carrots where were they going?! What was the occasion?! How did he get in this position again?!

"Sylvia! I need your help!" He cried out after a few seconds of thinking. "I need your help picking out an outfit! And buying a gift- What would Hater like?!"

"Is that all you have to say?!" Sylvia tells. "You're going on a date with a super villain that hates you!"

"He doesn't hate me! And please Sylvia! I need your help on this date!"

"I-! Ughh! Fine but I have to chaperone! I'm not leaving you alone with him!" She sighs looking at the nomad. Wander jumped up and down happily before hugging his steed joyfully. "Alright, alright! I get it already! I love you too buddy."

"I just really want this date to go well!" He hugged her tightly. "I want it to be the best date Lord Hater has ever been on!"

-Line Break-

Lord Hater paced back and forth in his room. His servants were beginning to worry about the Lord. He was so nervous. His stomach twisted and turn as sweat formed on his skull. Wonder was going to meet at seven o'clock tomorrow night for a...date. He had never been asked out before. Usually he'd be hooked on a blind date with a person who had never met before. And the result would always be the same. They'd leave in the middle of it or wait till the end and say they had a good time and would never call him back. But this time he was going on a date. A real date. With Wander.

"Its not really a real date..." Lord Hater thought to himself. "Its just a makeup date to make up for lost time."

"Lord Hater are you-"

"Peepers! What have I told you about entering my chamber with no permission?!" Hater yelled when he saw the watchdog.

"Sorry sir-"

"Peepers! I need a dinner prepared for seven tomorrow night! Something special! And make sure everything is clean! I'm having a guest over!"

"Yes sir!" Peepers ran out the room in a hurry before stopping in his tracks. He had forgotten to ask how did his date go but since Hater was bringing over a "guest", the watchdog believed that it had went well. He kept going, "Guess the lord got lucky."

-Line Break-

"How do I look?" Wander says asking Sylvia. He tried fixing his tie but ended up messing it up. It was crooked and sloppy. "Do I look good?"

"You look great Wander." Sylvia says fixing the nomads tie and patting him on the head. She smiled at him warmly. "Come on, your date is in five minutes. We better hurry."

Wander nodded. He didn't want to be late for his first date. He wanted this to be the best experience if his and Haters lives. But mostly he wanted to make Hater happy. The nomadic traveler had a box of chocolates under his arm and a few roses in his hands. He didn't want to mess this up.

"Here we are."

Wander hadn't notice how fast time was when he traveled with Sylvia. He slowly hopped off her back and walked towards the spaceship door, making sure he had gifts in his hands. He knocked on the door then looked back toward his chaperone for the night. Wander had never been so nervous in his entire life. Before he could knock again, the door swung open to a very nervous Hater.

"H-hello Wander."

"H-hello t-to you to." Wander stutters as he shakingly hands the skeleton the box of chocolates and roses. "I-I got these for you."

Hater took them cautiously. "Thanks."

"Y-your welcome." Wander looked down like a blushing idiot. His face soon contorted into shock when he realized he had not made plans for where they were going. His stomach dropped to the base of his feet realizing of how an idiot he was for not making plans.

Hater coughed. "W-would you like to come in?"

"Huh?" Wander looked up confused and heart racing. "Oh! Sure I'd love too!"

"Not so fast." Sylvia interjects. "I'm coming to! There's no way that I'm leaving Wander alone with you! If he goes, I go!"

Hater looked to Wander in surprise and the nomad looked back at him. The orange fluff had a look that read "sorry". Instead of getting fed up, Hater just nodded and let the two within his ship. This was just a makeup date, it wasn't even real so why did it matter if Sylvia were here or not? It would only be for one night.

"Wow Hater I like what you did with the place!" Wander says looking around the ship. Instead of its usual arsenal and villainous features, it was replaced by a more homely look. And it was cleaner. Wander sniffed the air, "And it smells so good!"

"It must be the dinner I had the servants make for us...I don't know if you had any other plans for us but if you-"

"Its fine! It's totally fine!" Wander giggled happily. He felt so relieved that Hater had something planned. The nomad smiled, "I'd love to have dinner with you!"

"And I was thinking after dinner we could go to the movie room."

"Movie room? You have a movie room!" Wander gasped. "Ive never been to the movies! And nevertheless a movie room! Sylvia isn't this exciting!"

Sylvia stayed silent. Was it only her or did this seem like a date date? She looked between the two nervous males. Hater seemed to enjoy Wanders excitement and Wander hadn't seem to notice it.

"The dining room is this way." Hater leads then to the enormous room at the back of the ship.

Sylvias jaw dropped when she saw the different types of dishes laid out on the table with two lit candles. The room was mildly dark and had a nice strawberry scent to it giving it a romantic aura. Hater and Wander took their seats in front of one another awkwardly.

"This looks nice." Wander smiles, he grasped the fork in his hands. He couldn't stop trembling for some reason. His smile even trembled. "I-I really like it."

"T-thank you." Hater suffered from the same symptoms. A blush scattered on the skeletons face and traveled all the way down to his chest."Would you like some j-juice?"

"I-I'd love some."

Sylvia had no idea whether to be appalled or stricken by the cuteness of the two. They looked like two teenagers on their first date. It was awkward but at least they were getting somewhere. Wander had managed to stay in his seat and Hater had not threatened anyone. It was all good.

"So what movie are we going to watch?"

"I was hoping you'd like the movie Galactic Buds-"

"You watch Galactic Buds?!" Wander gasped in shock.

Lord Hater blushed, "Yeah but if you don't like it, we can watch something different or-"

"I love Galactic Buds! Best movie ever!" Wander screamed happily. "Let's watch it!" He jumped up and down inside his seat then hopped over the table into Haters arms. "Can we watch it now! Can we watch it now!"

"S-sure, I g-guess."

"Yay!" Wander giggled snuggling into Hater. "I just can't wait!"

The two stopped their dinner and headed to the Movie Room. Wander didn't ignore the stairs from the watchdogs as he walked with Hater down the hall, he waved to them with a smile and kept going. Hater on the other hand was blushing madly and repeatedly telling himself that he didn't have to explain himself to his servants.

"I really like this movie." Wander whispers as they sit down in the theatre. He made sure to sit as close as he could to the villain and he surely did. Instead of sitting in the other seat, he sat straight in the skeletons lap. All shyness had been replaced by his optimistic behavior and kissed the skeleton out of excitement for the movie on the cheek. Hater blushed madly and tried to keep his cool as he wrapped an arm around the nomads waist. It had not been ten seconds into the movie when Wander had turned around on his lap and kissed him again on the cheek which turned into a kiss on the mouth. A deep kiss. There was slight movement against each other as Wander rubbed himself on the Lord.

All Wander knew was that it hot. It was hot and all he wanted to do was be with Hater. He kissed him so hard he was sure to leave a mark. The nomad let out a moan as they both fell onto the theatre floor.

"Oh Hater! Oh Hater!" Wander cried out as the skeletons hands rubbed against him. "Just like that!"

Hater threw off the nomads tie and coat. He squeezed the males small thighs and continued to tongue the young alien. This had to be the most action he had ever experienced. And Wander was certainly putting him on edge with those moans.

"Wander..." Hater growled softly nibbling on the orange fluff.

"Hater!" Wander arched his back with his eyes closed. They snapped open a second later when he realized that this was a date. "Hater! Hater! Stop! Please! Hater!"


"Hater, please get off me." Wander pleads. "This is not how first dates go."

"What do you mean?"

"We're not suppose to kiss right?" Wander asks standing up on his two feet with Hater. "We're suppose to get to know each other and talk."

"Well I already know you and you already know me..." Hater mumbles. "Can we kiss again?"

"No, no, no!" Wander shook his head. "We have to do this right!"

"But this is a one chance date!" Hater says defensively, "We can only do this once!"

"Who says we only have to do this one time?" Wander smiles. "We can have as many dates as we want! Then...then we can...I mean..." Wanders face flushed, his words traveled off into the distance.

"Then we can do what?"

"We can..." Wander whispered. "Do kissy stuff."

"You mean like a-" Hater gulped. "A couple?"

"Well yeah sure!" Wander nodded. His hands were sweaty and his throat was dry. "I wouldn't mind being all kissy with you! Your nice and warm and cute."

"T-thank you." The Lord tugged on his collar, the room was beginning to feel heated again. He and Wander stumbled out of the theatre to be greeted by Sylvia who stood against the opposite wall. She seemed bored.

"Movie over?"

"Uhmm change of plans." Wander rubbed the back of his neck. "It's late and we decided it's best to cut our date short."

"It's for the best." Hater said looking everywhere except at Wander. "It was...nice."

Sylvia shook her head. And to think she actually thought this was going to work out. Hater walked them to the door and said his goodbyes to the nomad.

"Goodbye Hater, I had a fun time." Wander giggled a little and leaned over to kiss the skeleton on his cheek.

"I d-did too." Hater blushed as he watched the two friends leave his home. He walked inside and made sure to close his door.

Sylvia cleared her throat as she and Wander traveled through space, "So...that kiss?"

"I-it was nothing." Wander stuttered. "He deserved it for a good date."

Sylvia just shrugged. She knew Wonder for his weird ways and she never judged it. He always did things to make sure a person was happy. And if going on that date made Hater happy then Wander was happy even if he did or didn't enjoy the date. But since it had been cut short something bad had to happen to make Wander leave early. It was a bad date probably. She wouldn't ask about it unless Wander brought it up. If not she'll just keep quite and they would never speak of it again.

Wander quietly sat on her back, his mind filled with thoughts of Hater. A blush rose on his cheeks and he balled up on her back. This was the most painful experience of his life. The only thing he could think about was Lord Hater and how nice the skeleton could kiss.

"Ughhh this is so confusing!" He mumbled bringing his head to his knees. "Urrgghh!"