The Fox Scroll
Disclaimer: I do Not Own Naruto Or Fairy Tail
A/N: This chapter has been revised of of 12/29/2016
Konoha Gates...
Three men stood at the front gates of the great village Konohagakure for the last member of their group.
"Hey Naruto! Are you ready to leave for the mission?" One of the men called out to a young teenager, who was running towards them with haste.
"Yeah, sorry Yamato-Taicho, I just forgot something." Naruto responded back running up to the group.
He had been called to go on a mission with Yamato, Gai, and Aoba. What that mission was, he didn't know yet.
"So what exactly are we going to be doing on this mission?" Naruto asked eagerly. The old lady Hokage had told him it was a super-secret S-Ranked mission and that she could only trust him to do it, so saying that he was a little excited would be a bit of an understatement.
Gai did his trademark nice-guy pose and grinned. "That is a most youthful question Naruto! Our mission is to-"
Before he could finish explaining what their mission was, Naruto suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Hargeon Town...
Lucy was sulking to herself on a park bench. "Stingy old man only giving a tiny discount and this old looking scroll. What's in this thing anyway?" She opened the scroll and found and a drawing of a fox with nine tails in it. "A fox painting? Is this all my sex-appeal is worth!?"
While she was raging, Lucy unconsciously gave off a little magic, and some of it seeped into the scroll.
Something suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a cloud of smoke and fell to the ground. When the vapor cleared away, Lucy was able to see what it was. Or in this case, who it was.
It was a boy who looked to be around her age. He had spikey blonde hair, bright blue eyes and three whisker-like marks on his cheeks. He was wearing a bright orange and black jacket with a matching pair of orange pants. Black open toed sandals adorned his feet and his forehead was covered by a metal headband with a strange symbol on it.
"Wh-who are you!?" Lucy all but screamed at the guy.
"Huh? What the heck just happened? Who are you?" He asked but wasn't answered.
Lucy looked at the scroll. 'Did he just come out of this scroll? I must have accidentally channeled some magic into it.' She was pulled out of her thoughts when a hand waved in front of her face.
"Hello? Earth to blond girl. OI!" Naruto asked impatiently, not being the type that liked being ignored.
"Oh! Sorry, I'm Lucy. Were you trapped in this scroll?" She asked with a bright smile.
Well that was a complete turnaround in attitude, he had to be careful of what he said around this girl. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and no, I wasn't trapped in that scroll. Where am I?" Naruto asked while looking around.
"Oh. Well nice to meet you Naruto, right now you're in Hargeon Town."
The boy frowned. "Hargeon Town? I've never heard of a place like that in the Elemental Nations before."
Lucy blinked and tilted her head to the side. "Elemental Nations? What's that?"
Naruto sent the girl a flat look. How did she not know what the Elemental Nations were? "Um, it's the name of the continent we are currently standing on."
Lucy raised an eyebrow. Was he trying to pull her leg or something? "This is the kingdom of Fiore. As far as I know, there isn't a place in Earthland called the Elemental Nations."
This time it was Naruto's turn to raise an eyebrow. He was about to call her bluff when they heard a commotion nearby.
"Did you hear? The great fire mage Slamander-Sama is here!"
"No way! Really!?"
Lucy gasped "Salamander? THE Salamander from Fairy Tail is here?" She squealed in excitement and ran off towards the crowd.
"Hey! Wait a second!" Naruto called out and ran after the girl.
When they reached the crowd, they fought their way to the front and found a man wearing fancy robes signing autographs.
Naruto scoffed.
"This guy doesn't look all that special." He said and looked over at Lucy, only to sweat-drop when he saw her eyes had hearts in them as she sighed dreamily. 'You've gotta be kidding me...' Naruto looked back at the popular man again and felt something weird in the air. 'This feeling… A genjutsu?' Naruto thought as he put one hand in a seal and the other on Lucy's shoulder, then brought forth some chakra from his vast reserves.
With a burst of chakra, the weird feeling disappeared and he looked at Lucy again to find her now glaring at the man in the middle of the crowd. She really did change her emotions a lot.
"What's up with you?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.
"That guy is using an illegal magic called Charm." Lucy said without looking at him.
"Magic? What kind of jutsu is that?" Naruto asked, earning a strange look from the girl.
While they weren't looking, a boy with pink hair had snuck in through the crowd and ran up to Salamander. "Igneel! Is that you?" He shouted, gaining the attention of the whole crowd, including Naruto and Lucy.
As soon as the boy's excitement had come, it vanished and he started to walk away in disappointment. "Another dead end huh?"
The crowd didn't seem to like this and began to beat him up, and Naruto couldn't help but laugh. "Poor guy, he should have known better than to mess with fan-girls." He said with a shiver, remembering the beatings he got from Sasuke's followers.
Seemingly satisfied with their beat-down, the girls walked away in a huff. Naruto and Lucy walked over to the fallen boy and helped him up.
"Hey, you okay? That was quite the beating you took." Lucy asked in concern.
"Yeah thanks, what was their problem? Name's Natsu by the way." He greeted with a bright smile.
Returning the smile, Lucy introduced themselves. "I'm Lucy, and this is Naruto. Those people were under the effects of an illusion spell, so don't take it personally."
"Spell? Okay what exactly is magic?" Naruto really wanted to know what is was that Lucy was talking about.
Though before she could say anything, both Naruto and Natsu's stomachs growled rather loudly.
"Ugg..." Naruto grumbled while holding his stomach. "I was in such a hurry this morning I forgot to eat."
"Same…" Natsu said, also holding his growling stomach.
Lucy sighed and pointed towards a restaurant. "We can talk while we eat if you want."
"Yes please!" They both said in unison.
"Can I have some fish?"
Naruto and Lucy looked down to find a little blue cat wearing a backpack.
"A talking cat!?" Lucy yelled out in surprise.
"Are you a summon?" Naruto asked looking at the cat.
"No, I'm Happy." The cat replied.
"Oh, nice to meet you." Naruto said and casually started to walk towards the restaurant with Natsu and Happy, leaving Lucy standing there at a loss of words.
"He accepted a talking cat, just like that?"
After ten bowls of ramen, Naruto belched and rubbed his stomach happily.
Lucy just stared at the boy with a mixed expression of awe and disgust. Shaking her head, she decided to start up a conversation. "So, you saved me from the Charm magic, right? Are you a mage? What kind of magic do you use?" She asked a little too eagerly, getting closer and closer to his face with each question.
Putting a hand up to get some space, Naruto shook his head. "No, I'm not a mage. I'm a ninja. What I used was a release technique to dispel that guy's genjustu."
"Oh, well thanks anyway." Lucy said and smiled. She still didn't really understand, but she could always ask him about it later.
Naruto laughed sheepishly and scratched his cheek. "It was no big deal, really."
"She likes you..." Happy teased.
"Sh-shut up you stupid cat!" Lucy stuttered, her cheeks turning red. "Who do you think is paying for your meal?"
The cat stuffed his face into his fish. "I'm Sowwy Lucy-Sama!"
Naruto laughed at their interaction.
"Hey Naruto, what's that chakra stuff you keep mentioning?" Natsu asked between bites.
"Hm? Oh, well chakra is the energy I use to do my techniques. Like ninjutsu." Naruto then rubbed the back of his head. "I would tell you more about it but I'm not very good at explaining things. I didn't really pay attention when I was taught all this stuff."
"Where exactly are you from?" Lucy chimed in. "You say you don't know what Fiore is, or even magic."
"Wait you don't know where this place is?" Natsu asked with an amused look.
Naruto sighed. "All I remember is one moment I'm about to go on an important mission, and the next I'm here."
Lucy brought out the scroll and opened it. "It's gotta be this scroll's doing."
Naruto looked at the scroll with interest. "Hey, let me see that for a second."
"Oh, sure." She said and handed him the scroll.
"This is...!" When Naruto opened the scroll, he was surprised to find a painting of the nine tailed fox in it. 'The Kyuubi... Does that mean this is a summoning scroll?' If this was a summoning scroll, then where in the world was he?
Lucy raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"
"Where did you get this?" Naruto asked with a bit of urgency in his tone.
"I got it from this town's magic store. Why?" Lucy said, he was starting to worry her a little.
Naruto looked back at the scroll. "I think this is a summoning scroll. Back where I come from, it's what we use to move things from great distances in an instant. Seeing as no one seems to know what the Elemental Nations is, I'm guessing I'm a long way from home."
While Lucy processed the information, Natsu snorted. "Maybe you got summoned from another dimension!" He joked and laughed.
Naruto's eyes widened, maybe he really was in another dimension. As silly as that sounded, it would kind of make sense. He couldn't read the menus of the restaurant, and he'd never heard of a kingdom named Fiore in his life.
He shook his head, it was best not to jump to conclusions. He'd never heard of a scroll that could pull someone into another dimension. Maybe he really was just far away from home. After all, his knowledge on geography wasn't the best.
Having decided on a plan, Naruto stood up from his seat. "I'm gonna go ask that shop keeper if he knows anything. Thanks for the food." He said and waved goodbye.
"Hey, hold on a minute!" Lucy put money on the table and turned to Natsu and Happy. "This should cover for the food, nice to meet you guys!"
The two got up from their seats and got on their hands and knees to bow. "Thank you very much!" They said together.
Getting embarrassed over the stares they were drawing she yelled at them and ran off after Naruto. She couldn't just let the guy wonder off on his own and get lost.
"Naruto!" Lucy called after the shinobi, who was currently standing in front of the restaurant with a hand on his chin.
"Huh?" Naruto turned around and saw Lucy come out of the restaurant. "Lucy? What are you doing here?"
Lucy stopped right next to him and sent him a flat look. "Do you even know where the magic store is?"
Naruto realized he had no idea where he was going and scratched his cheek. "Hehe, nope. Mind helping me out?"
Lucy sighed. "You're hopeless, you know that?" She grabbed his arm and led the way.
"Sorry, but I don't know where that thing came from. I just found it in my shop and was giving off a special feeling." The shop owner explained and the two sighed and left the shop.
"Where did this thing come from?" Naruto wondered aloud while looking at the strange scroll in his hand. The idea of him being in another dimension was starting to sound more likely to him now.
"We could ask a mage guild for help." Lucy suggested.
Naruto looked up from the scroll and raised an eyebrow. "A magic guild? What's that?"
"It's a place where mages gather and go on missions to help people and get rewards. I want to join Fairy Tail!" She explained with starry eyes.
Naruto shrugged. "Sounds like a good place to start. Sure, I'm down. So where is this Fairy Tail?"
They were both startled when a man walked out of the bushes behind them. "You guys want to join Fairy Tail?" Salamander asked coolly.
Naruto pointed an accusing finger at him. "Dude! Not cool! Who randomly comes out of bushes like that!?"
Lucy sweatdropped. 'Coming from a ninja...'
The man shrugged it off. "Never mind that, I heard you wanted to join Fairy Tail, is this true?" He asked with a glint in his eye, one that Naruto instantly disliked.
"I don't like this guy, Lucy. Let's leave." Naruto said and started walking away, but he was quickly cut off by Salamander.
"Wait wait wait!" He said frantically before regaining his cool. "I'm having a party tonight. If you show up I can probably get the master to let you join."
"I can join Fairy Tail!?" Lucy beamed, but Naruto seemed skeptical.
"I don't know..." Something sounded a little off about all of this and Naruto didn't like.
"Yes, I am a famous mage from that guild after all. Just come to my party and you can join." He said and he started walking away, but not before glancing back at Naruto. "Oh, and just the lady, no men allowed." With that he disappeared back into the bushes.
'Well I didn't want to go to your stupid party anyways…' Naruto thought with a scowl and turned to Lucy, who was jumping for joy.
"If I go to his party I can join Fairy Tail!" Lucy cheered.
"I don't know Lucy, that guy was pretty sketchy."
She waved him off. "Ah don't worry, I'll just put up with him for the party and we can go to Fairy Tail!"
Still unconvinced, Naruto frowned. But he reluctantly nodded. "If you say so..."
Later That Evening...
Naruto sat at the docks as he waited for Lucy to return from the party.
"Guess I might as well take a nap while I'm waiting…"
He leaned back to get some sleep when he noticed something in the sky, and it was flying towards ship that the party was being held on.
"Natsu?" Naruto wondered aloud when he took a closer look. Did Happy always have wings?
A couple minutes passed and Naruto was about to go and investigate when he noticed a large wave making its way towards him.
Naruto jumped out of harm's way and onto one of the nearby buildings.
As the wave crashed onto the docks, he watched as the boat slid onto the harbor. Taking a closer look, he could see Natsu on the ship fighting Salamander.
Well, fighting was a bit of an overstatement. The pink haired teen was beating the living tar out of the guy. "Did Natsu just eat fire…?"
He looked down and saw Lucy and Happy waving at him, trying to get his attention. Naruto jumped down, surprising them with the action, and met with them halfway. When he got to them, he noticed that they were both soaked to the bone.
"Hey guys, what happened?"
Lucy gained a sour look on her face. "That guy wasn't the real Salamander, he was a fake tricking girls into becoming slaves."
Naruto frowned deeply and cracked his knuckles. "I'm gonna teach that guy a lesson-"
"That won't be necessary." Happy interrupted, gaining Naruto and Lucy's attention. "Natsu is the real Salamander of Fairy Tail." He said with a surprisingly dark expression, and the two looked at the cat in surprise.
Natsu, having just finished his "fight" with the fake, was now walking towards the group.
Naruto pointed at him. "How come you didn't tell us you were a member of Fairy Tail?"
Natsu just stared at him blankly and shrugged. "You didn't ask."
"Get them!"
"They destroyed the Harbor!"
The group turned when they heard the shouts coming from across the street, a group of men in robes with a cross design on their chests were running towards them with angry looks on their faces.
Natsu paled and grabbed Naruto and Lucy by the hands before he starting pulling them. "Crap, Rune Knights, we gotta go!" He yelled as they ran, Happy flying just above them.
"Where are we going?" Naruto and Lucy both asked.
Natsu grinned a toothy grin. "To Fairy Tail!"
A/N: This story takes place right after the five kage summit, and right before Naruto goes to train with Killer Bee on the giant turtle.
I've always wanted to write my own crossover fic, I just never did it until now.
This is my first story so I'm sorry if it feels like I'm sticking too close to canon. I do have plans though...
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter of The Fox Scroll!