I have written prequels to Together Again, they are part of what I call my TAU (Together Again Universe) here is a list of them along with its Summary

A Second First Date; Aang wants to take Katara out for the perfect date, their first date was so bad Aang want's this one to be perfect… Aang wants to take Katara out for the perfect date, their first date was so bad Aang want's this one to be perfect… You don't always get a second chance.

Nightmares; A One-Shot Prequel to Together Again. Aang saved the world, he faced Ozai on his own. Everyone kept saying that he was a great hero, that he was so brave. He wore a brave face and acted all the hero they thought he was. But at night in his sleep he was a scared boy, scared for his life as he tried to get away from a psycho Firebender. The Battle came back at night.

Anila's Story; She was ready to travel the world the moment she turned 16. Little did she know, life never goes as expected and that a young Airbending Master just starting out on her own is no exception. Will the winds of change bring her happiness and fulfillment? Or will she only to bed led to sorrow and regret?

I have a new collection of One-shots called Dear Diary: They are Katara's thoughts that take place during the time they traveled the world before the Hundred Year War ended.

Other stories I am currently working on (Together Again Universe are marked as TAU)

A Warrior's Path: Suki wants to be the best warrior she can be and follow in her mother's footsteps. Life comes with so many choices to make, will she always make the right choice? Will life teach her to be the best leader she can be or is there something else in store for her?

Across the Wastelands: (TAU) Aang is sent on a journey by King Bumi… One that only he can take… To search for something very important, except Bumi wouldn't tell him what he needed to find! What will he find? (Completed, takes place during Chapter 132)

Chapter 11

"Ryn come here!" Zuko called from the bridge of the airship. "We're almost there, I want you to see." Taryn had been sewing a new dress for herself.

"Okay." She called to him setting her project aside.

"You know, you don't have to sew your own clothes, I'll buy you whatever you want." Zuko chuckled.

"I know, but I like sewing." She told him. Zuko smiled, she was nothing like the spoiled brat women that had been offered to him in all those letters.

"Well, then I'll buy you whatever fabrics, threads, and silks you want." He took her hand and walked into the front most room in the cabin, stopping next to a man in a Fire Nation military uniform standing at a big wheel.

"Oh, wow!" Taryn exclaimed as she saw the small island grow larger as the moments passed. She could see public beaches that connected to a large town center with lots of shops and restaurants. A few more seconds passed and she could see a hotel district with large ornate buildings and a theater. Beyond that she could see many large houses with small private beaches, the airship began to slow, descending a bit, the men on the bridge began moving around quickly throwing levers and switches; the Captain began calling out orders into a loud speaker. Taryn felt a bit nervous "Should we be in here right now?" She asked her new husband.

"It's fine." He told her. "They can work around us, I want you to see."

"What do you want me to see?" She asked him.

"Just watch." He said pointing out the front window. Unsure of what she was watching for, she gazed out the window. She soon discovered why the airship was slowing and what she was watching for. A house came into view, much larger than the other houses on the island and its private beach was much larger than that of the others, it was also surrounded on three side by thick trees for privacy. The airship had come to a complete stop above water and began to slowly drop in altitude.

"Are… are we going to land in the water?" She asked, wondering if they were going to have to walk through water.

"Yes and no." Zuko laughed. "The balloon will hover just above the water, and the plank will extend to a large private pier on the beach. This is the Royal family's house on Ember Island."

"I kind of guessed that." She giggled. She watched as several servants came out of the house waiting near the now visible pier. "I need to get my sewing put up, I don't want any of it to get lost or messed up."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the plank." He told her, following her off of the bridge.

By the time she came back down stairs the plank was just beginning to open. He took her hand and guided her down it, then off the pier across the beautiful white sandy beach with crystal clear water; up the large decorated staircase and into the house.

The house was beautifully decorated with what looked to be family heirlooms and antiques from generations of Fire Lords and Ladies. She stood marveling at the lavished home. "It's so beautiful!" She told him.

"This is just the front parlor, there's many more rooms." He told her. "Would you like a tour?"

"Oh, yes, please!" She said as she looked around. He guided her from room to room telling her about the different objects and paintings then as they were getting ready to move to the next floor Zuko stopped dead and frowned at a particular painting in a long row of Royal family paintings.

"I told them to take that one down." He scowled at the woman smiling back at him. Taryn's smile fell as she looked at the woman that wore her hair in two buns holding a baby standing next to her husband.

"It's okay." She lied, she absolutely hated his first wife; she hated her because of what she did. "She was Ursa's mother…." Taryn sighed, "And the painting has Ursa in it."

"It's not okay." He shook his head. "She was a treasonous traitor to the Fire Nation." Taryn let go of his hand and walked up to the painting, she lifted it off of its hanger and set it on the floor facing the wall.

"That's better." She smiled. "Now where were we on out tour?"

"How did I get so lucky to have you as my wife?" He asked her.

"You can thank Ursa for that." Taryn laughed. "She dropped the doll, I just happened to see her do it."

"Well good think you saw it, I just bought her that doll right before we went to the zoo." Zuko told her.

"Well…" Taryn began to blush, "I saw it because well… I… I was kind of watching you."

"Watching me?" Zuko looked confused.

"You caught my eye at the platypus bear enclosure… and I thought you were handsome so I was looking at you and her when she dropped it." She told him. "It took me a few minutes to build up my courage enough to give it back… I didn't know if you were married or not but I figured I should return the doll."

"Really?!" Zuko was stunned, he hadn't thought he was good looking at all because of his scar, like the woman that came the day after their wedding, are disgusted by it.

"Yes, really!" Taryn laughed. "You are one of the most handsome men I've ever seen."

"But…" Zuko suddenly became awkward, "But my scar is so…"

"Your scar doesn't bother me." She told him again, brushing her fingers over the red and warped flesh. "It's proof that you are strong… To be burned like that, it must have hurt so much." She started to tear up. "The man who did that to you is no father! How could he inflict so much pain on a child?"

"Please don't cry Ryn." Zuko told her. "I am strong because of it… and I am a strong Fire Lord because of it."

"I love you, I love everything about you!" She told him. "There is nothing you can say or do to change that."

"Scar and all?" He joked.

"Scars and all." She went up on the toes and softly kissed his burn scar then his lips.

"I love you too." He said, then touched his lips to hers again, he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and pulled her body against his. Her arms came up, wrapping them around his neck she deepened the contact and the kiss became more passionate. Her head began to swim as her breathing became more erratic.

Abandoning the tour he cradled her in his arms and carried her off to their bedroom. He set her down on the bed then went to lock the door. Taryn whimpered as she waited for him to return to her, he brought out a side that shy, sweet Taryn would be ashamed of. When he returned to her he sat down facing her, letting her hair down he ran his fingers through her soft waves of chocolate brown hair. He softly kissed his way to her neck, their hands working together to remove their layers of clothes.

Zuko had been watching Taryn sleep for about an hour when he decided to take her out to dinner, he got up and redressed himself. "Ryn," He said softly as he sat down on the edge of her side of the bed "Ryn, time to wake up." He ran the back of his knuckles across her soft cheek, marveling at her beauty.

"I don't want to." She mumbled with a small smile. "I feel too good to move."

"I want to take you out for dinner." He told her.

"Dinner?" Her eyes popped open, reds and oranges streamed in through the open windows. "How long was I asleep?" She sat up suddenly shocked at the time.

"It's okay." He chuckled. "No rush."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." She told him as she scurried around collection her clothes and redressing herself.

"It's fine." He laughed. "I took a bit of a nap myself."

"I guess it's not bad then." She said shyly.

"No, it's not." He told her. "There is this place in the town center that I want to take you to."

"Okay, just let me pull my hair back up then I'll be ready." She told him standing in front of the mirror.

"Leave it down." He told her. "You have such beautiful hair."

"But my flame…" She told him.

"Don't worry about that, I'm not wearing mine." He told her. "We're here to have fun, we don't need to be all formal."

"That does sound easier." She said as she brushed the tangles out of her hair. Zuko came up behind her sliding his hands around her small waist.

"You're so beautiful." He said kissing her cheek then moved towards her neck.

"Stop!" She giggled. "I'm hungry."

"Aaawww, you're no fun." He pouted.

"This is only our first day here!" She told him. "We have two whole weeks for fun."

"I know." He pouted. "Ready?"

"Yep!" She said as she set her brush down. They went down stairs then out the front door, where a carriage was waiting for to take them to the restaurant. On the way there they passed the Theater and Taryn turned to look at it.

"A theater!" She exclaimed. "Can we see a play while we are here?" Zuko looked at the billboard and shuttered, there was two plays they were doing; their regular 'Love among the Dragons' and a special 'Anniversary' of a corrected script of 'The boy in the Iceberg'. "What?" She asked him.

"We can see one but they are both horrible plays." He told her.

"They can't be that bad." She laughed.

"You have no idea." He told her.

"What's 'The Boy in the Iceberg?" She asked.

"A horrible, horrible play about Team Avatar as they called us." He told her.

"Us?" She was confused.

"Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Me." He told her.

"That sound like it would be fun to see!"

"They rewrote the script… the original was just horrible." He told her.

"How… how bad was it?" She was now very curious.

"First off," He shook his head "A girl played Aang."

"Well he was only a boy according to Katara." She told him.

"Before I died they had me and Katara as an item." He told her. Taryn started laughing. "What?" he asked her.

"She… she told me she loved him since the North Pole." Taryn told him.

"Oh…. That was NOT a good time for me." He was ashamed of what he had done there.

"You can tell me about it when you're ready too." She told him lifting his face to hers. "Don't worry about what you did then, you were not the same person that you are now."

A/N Thank you all so much for your wonderful reviews, they help encourage me to keep writing for you guys!