Heir to the solar throne
My sweet foal
Long ago in the land of Equestria, peace had just returned, Nightmare Moon had been banished and her terror over Equestria was over. But Celestia didn't have time to mourn for her sister, she was eleven months pregnant and her water had just broken. A few hours later Celestia lay in her beautiful chambers, the last doctors had just left. Celestia had just given birth to her daughter, the secret daughter which very few ponies knew about. Celestia had to hide the pregnancy from the nobles, who still had resentment against Luna and a foal born to an unmarried royal. Celestia managed to hide her pregnancy, she used many spells in order to hide her growing stomach, but in the end it was all worth it.
"Hello there little one" Celestia held a small purple bundle in her hooves, purple eyes staring right back at her, a navy blue mane with pink and purple stripes; her precious daughter named Twilight Sparkle. "Don't worry Twilight, I'll always be with you and I'll always protect you no matter what" Celestia gently nuzzled her newborn foal; Twilight had already fallen asleep with Celestia not too far behind.
"Princess Celestia" Celestia sat in front of one of her personnel doctors, he was the one who delivered little Twilight and the very few who knew about her pregnancy. "For the birth certificate...could you please tell me the father's name?" he asks while he held a quill with his magic. Celestia just sigh, Twilight's father...he was a special pony that for sure and a story of its own.
"He's gone...he died before I told him about Twilight" said Celestia, Celestia glance at the nurse who stood behind her, she held Twilight while Celestia did all the papers.
"Died?" the doctor questioned
"He was a royal guard...I loved him so much and he loved me back" Celestia tried to hold back her tears, she could easily remember him. He was an earth pony, he didn't think he was special but in Celestia's eyes he was much more than a simple earth pony. "He was a kind soul, loving, protective and gentle...he would have adored Twilight" Celestia continued with her story, she couldn't believe she was saying all of this to her doctor of all ponies.
"What happened to him?" ask the doctor, he was surprisingly intrigue with this story
"When Nightmare Moon attack the castle, she killed many royal guards in order to get to me...he...he was one of them. My beloved wanted to protect me...and he did but pay the ultimate price for his bravery" Celestia held no grudge towards her sister; her mind was gone and taken over.
"I'm sorry" said the doctor, he didn't know what to say, all he wanted was the name of the father and nothing else.
"Twilight takes after me...but her personality is his" Celestia gently took Twilight out of the nurse's hooves and dismissed her, Twilight smiled at her mother; she waved her tiny hooves at her. "I'm certain of it" Celestia nuzzled Twilight who gave a small giggle.
"Princess, I can leave the father's name out if you wish" said the doctor, Celestia just shook her head.
"His name was Kind Heart" Celestia chuckled slightly, Kind Heart's name went very well to his personality.
"Kind Heart" the doctor repeated, he immediately wrote it down on the certificate.
"The funny thing was..." the doctor glance up from his work, he could tell Celestia enjoy talking about him, "He...he wasn't suppose to work that night" Celestia choke slightly, she could hardly hold back her emotions. The doctor sadly looks away from Celestia, he could hear her cry quietly, "He...he...he would have been alive...if...if he just stayed home" mumbled Celestia through her tears.
"Majesty, he did it for you" said the doctor with a smile on his face
"If only he stayed" she said
"Princess, if I may? But did you start showing signs that you were pregnant before his death?" ask the doctor, Celestia just nod her head at him. "I believe he knew, I believe he went that night because he wanted to protect his family to be" said the doctor, Celestia stop crying, she look at Twilight.
"You...believe he knew that I was pregnant?" she ask him
"I do! And I know that any parent would go to the ends of the earth, if it means the safety of their child" said the doctor as he place his hoof on Celestia's shoulder, "He knew about Twilight, he went to work that night because he wanted to protect you both"
"Kind Heart..." Celestia just smiled, yup, it sounded exactly like something Kind would do
"Are you going to tell the citizens? About Twilight Sparkle and Kind Heart?" ask the doctor
"No...Kind Heart wasn't a royal or noble, we weren't married and Twilight was born outside of marriage" said Celestia as she sighed in annoyances, "The nobles would have never let me wed Kind, and they won't accept Twilight as my daughter and heir to the solar throne...for now"
"Very well princess" the doctor took the certificate and rip it apart, "None of this ever happened, Princess Celestia as never had a relationship with a royal guard, nor did she give birth to his child. If anypony questions this! I will deny it!" he said while he threw the torn paper away.
Celestia thank the doctor before she returned to her chambers, Celestia had place Twilight in her crib; Twilight had already fallen asleep. Celestia just lay on her bed, Twilight right beside her; she held a small photo in her hooves.
"Everything makes sense now...why you went that night" Celestia looks down at her photo of her and Kind Heart, the only photo she had of him. "You would have just adored Twilight...and protected her with your life" Celestia kissed the imagined of Kind Heart, she place the photo into a frame and set it next to her bed. "Goodnight Twilight" whispered Celestia as she gently kissed her on the forehead.
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