Hey guys, here's Hana from Ichigo to Hana.
This is my brand new fan fiction with Inuyasha and his friends... And to be honest my first one as well.

Anyway, I (unfortunately) don't own Inuyasha. But nevertheless

Have fun^^

CHAPTER 1 Start of something new


The stars shone above the street as a young woman strode along the sidewalk. Her raven hair shimmered in the moonlight, her brown eyes looked straight ahead. I should have never yelled at Rin. It isn't her fault she still believes in demons… The girl sighed heavily. Raking a hand through her shoulder length hair she mumbled to herself: "Kagome why have you done that?" Back then her temper just snapped.

"Kagome!", a seemingly younger version of the raven haired woman hurried towards her. The long dark brown curls stopped just above her hips and were held in a sideway ponytail. The big doe eyes of Kagome's adopted sister glittered with excitement. "He is here! I've seen him again! My rescuer from the past!" Kagome merely rolled her eyes. She knew this story back and forth.

At the age of six, the apartment Rin, her two older brothers and parents lived in caught fire. The cause never could be identified, but nevertheless only Rin survived, saved as she told everyone, by a lightning of pure silver. Or to be more precise: By a man clothed in traditional Japanese clothing with two swords dangling at his hips and silver hair, that touched his knees. What Kagome couldn't understand was why Rin still insisted he was a demon of some sorts. So Kagome just mumbled: "I know Rinnie. I bet he is flying through our window in this exact moment." Rin shot her older sister a glare: "He isn't some fairy! He is a demon!"

"Sure he is some big evil demon.", Kagome smiled at her. "Come on Rinnie you're almost nineteen years old. Don't you think you're a bit too old to believe in fantasy creatures?" Rin growled lowly. "He exists! I've seen him during my whole lifetime! Every now and then he would come to check on me."

"Rin stop this nonsense! Mom already told you about a thousand times: There is no such thing as demons!", Kagome's aura flared at her sudden anger. She couldn't stand the thought of her sister hunting some phantom from her flustered childish mind. Rin looked at her sister with tears forming in her eyes. Sobbing she turned around and ran away, searching shelter in the woods behind the shrine.

Kagome sighed again. I never should let that happen… Nevertheless she had found herself unable to stop it. Rin hadn't returned for the rest of the day and now Kagome felt her guilt rising so high the gods definitely could feel it. Without realising she reached the path with the forest to her right side. Instantly the girl felt a twitch in the pit of her stomach. Kagome realised there were no cars on the road next to her. And there was something – rather someone – behind her. Silent steps followed Kagome on her way back home. Who might that be?, she questioned herself. There are only a few people, who would walk down these streets at this hour. Narrowing her eyes she walked a bit faster. But the longer her strides became, the faster her chaser went. Nervously Kagome watched the woods to her left from under her bangs. Every moment she expected him to make a move towards her. Nothing happened. Silently he trailed behind her without giving evidence that he was even there. The more time passed the more Kagome felt her fear rise. Wincing the woman began to jog along the sidewalk. Calm the fuck down Kagome!, she screamed at herself. You're not even sure, if there is someone chasing you! Her body however wouldn't slow down, in fact, sprinted towards the shrine.

She never came even close to the endless staircase. Suddenly a silver lightning struck her. Shrieking Kagome felt an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her closer till her face was buried in something soft. Kagome couldn't breathe and shortly after the impact with the fury thing the young woman lost consciousness.


Grumbling Inuyasha turned over on his king sized bed. His knee length silver hair was wrapping around his legs in the process. "I'm so bored!", the young man grunted to himself and his empty room. He raised his upper body from the black sheets and gazed around his room. Some sports items laid scattered all over the floor, on his desk were his notes for his studies… Why the fuck is it this boring here? Where is Fluffy if you want to pick a fight for entertainment? The small white triangles on Inuyasha's head twitched from side to side. As the half demon he was, Inuyasha could easily locate a person by their smell or their noise. But this house was just empty…

Scrunching his nose he decided to go downstairs and check upon their puppies. Puppies! Why did they have to appear in our garden some day and why the heck wouldn't they simply return to wherever they've come from?! However the two white puppies refused to leave the side of the two white Inuyokai. Sooner or later Inuyasha and his brother took them in so they wouldn't freeze to death. That was half a year ago. Now the "puppies" were grown up to nearly seventy centimetres in height. Technically the two of them were adults, however Inuyasha still called them puppies from time to time.

With huge leaps Inuyasha jumped down the stairs to the room of the dogs. As soon as he opened the door, the dogs leaped in the air barking happily. "Back off!", the half demon barked back. Softly howling the dogs did as told by their "leader"… "Better" Slightly smiling Inuyasha patted the heads of the Akitas. "Caleb, Momoka", he sighed. "Are you two as bored as I am?" The dogs whimpered in response and nuzzled their noses into the white hair. "Well how about we take a walk then?", Inuyasha questioned, knowing the dogs would love to take a walk. As expected Caleb and Momoka jumped and barked excited at the mere thought of the wind playing with their fur. Grinning wider Inuyasha took the leashes of the dogs, his keys and left the house with hyperactive puppies at his hand.

Inuyasha felt the urge to leave his normal route with the dogs and instead walk through the park near his apartment. Caleb and Momoka sniffed the air, curious on every single change in their environment. Inuyasha glanced at his dogs before he as well inhaled deeply. Around the grounds of the humans he had to wear a concealment charm. A necklace of violet beads with white beads between them, which looked slightly like small fangs. Fortunately this charm didn't block his overly sensitive canine senses. Right now Inuyasha could tell that somebody was ahead of him, someone in great distress. Frowning the half demon slowed down. Should I go and talk to him or not? Silently debating with himself he felt his inner demon awaken with a low growl: "Damn just ignore it already! I don't care who it is and why it is…" But aren't you curious why someone would be up and wandering through the park at this hour?, his human side asked. "No", was the only answer his demon gave. However Inuyasha never got the chance to end his debate with his demon side as the white Akitas made the decision for him. Skipping forward they dragged him in the direction of the person.

On a bench sat a lonely figure. A petite girl maybe around twenty with long brown hair, which currently was put in a side ponytail. Inuyasha growled so low nobody, not even the dogs could hear it. Though the dogs didn't hear they tensed as if sensing the irritation coming off from the half demon in waves. Both raised their heads, touched their wet noses to Inuyasha's hands and gave a whine. Immediately the head of the girl shot upwards. Now Inuyasha could easily see the streaks tears had left on her porcelain skin. Sniffing the young woman looked at him. Taken aback by such raw emotion Inuyasha took a step back. I never could see a woman cry. I just can't!, as if protecting himself from the small human girl he raised a hand to his face.

But then again there was the urge to help her, to know the reason for this girl to be out all by herself in the twilight of nightfall. "Do you always have to help innocent looking humans?", growled his demon. "Think of the last one and how it ended…" It won't happen again! I won't let anything like her happen again!, the human side retorted. Inuyasha's inner demon just snorted in response. "Sure. Sure you won't." Inuyasha growled at his demon side, forgetting completely about the human girl in front of him.

Her soft yelp let him return to reality. The poor thing shook on her whole body looking at him with huge frightened eyes. "Sorry", Inuyasha muttered. Slowly the human relaxed a bit. Even more as she registered the two white dogs, who pulled at their leashes to get near her. A soft smile spread across the full red lips of the girl. "May I?", she asked Inuyasha. "Hm", was all he could think of. Raising herself from the bench the girl bent forward and stroked the fur of Momoka and Caleb. "What are your names sweeties?", her voice was filled with adoration for the dogs. "Momoka and Caleb", Inuyasha responded while pointing to each of them. "What beautiful names for two so beautiful doggies, huh!" The girl giggled as the dogs started to lick her hands. "Why are you here all alone and uh stuff?", Inuyasha scratched the back of his head. Emotions never were his favourite topic to talk about…

"You wouldn't comprehend…", the girl responded. Her big doe eyes were dimmed with sadness. "Try me", Inuyasha growled on instinct. "I know pretty much every kind of sadness one can feel. So explain it." The girl simply raised an eyebrow at him. "Rin", she said. "What?", Inuyasha blinked rapidly. "What is a Rin? I've never heard of anything like that…"

"No stupid", she laughed, "Rin is my name. So what is yours?"

"Inuyasha", Inuyasha answered. "It's nice to meet you Inuyasha.", Rin slightly bowed to him. The education of his father kicked in. Returning the bow he said: "The pleasure is all mine." Right after he had said it, Inuyasha blushed bright red. I can't believe I've said that… "Me neither", his demon seemed to bang his head against something in the background of his mind. The girl, Rin, titled her head to the side and smiled a close-eyed smile at him. "A real gentleman, huh? Well they are rare these days.", she grinned. "Well, do you still want to hear my story?" Inuyasha simply nodded, still too stunned from his own behaviour to find any proper answer. Rin sat back at her bench and laid her head on the back of it. "But beware, it's pretty sad and even a bit crazy. You know, when I was young, I lived with my older brothers and parents at an apartment in the inner city. Some day a fire erupted and we were trapped in it. My brothers and parents tried to save me. They shooed me to the balcony to get fresh air while they simply… they simply", small tears fell on Rin's cheeks. "So the fire grew bigger and I thought I would die as well, but at the last second I was engulfed by a light brighter than the sun. In this light I found a man with long silver hair and honey eyes. He had pointy ears and markings on his cheeks and forehead. I even can recall his clothing, as it was traditional Japanese with some fur draped over his shoulder and two swords on his hip. He brought me to safety. Now I know it really has to sound like I am crazy, but I think he was a demon.", Rin took a deep breath, "I got adopted by the Higurashi family although they never quite believed my story of the demon rescuing me… Today my older sister Kagome snapped at me because she thinks I'm too old to believe in this story." Inuyasha snorted even before he realised what he had done. Rin looked him straight in the eye. "I don't think it's inappropriate to believe in such supernatural things. It makes the world a more interesting place. Don't you think?" The eyes of the girl lit with pure joy: "You understand me?" Her broad smile was contagious and soon Inuyasha found himself smirking along with this innocent little human, who in fact had met his older brother without even noticing. That bastard has a whole lot of explaining to do when he returns home. I won't let him get away that easily. The mighty Lord of the Western lands saving a human child… Tsk tsk tsk. Inuyasha shook his head at the mere thought and had to control himself to not roll over the floor laughing. Rin on the other side wasn't able to make sense out of this weird guy. So she decided to stroke the dogs a bit more before she said her good bye to Inuyasha and returned home to the shrine. Her sister was certainly worrying about her.