BlackLynx17: I kept wondering and wondering what I should make their child, but in the end I just chose that because I thought it was the cutest. Happy last day of Mendy week! I'm so sad now.
"Wendy? Is that you? Why are you coming home so late and WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT?!"
Wendy was smiling as she struggled to hold her keys, open up the door, and carry the twenty inch pale green egg in her arms.
"A little help dear?" She asked lightly, afraid she was going to drop something important.
Mest couldn't move because he was still shocked from seeing the egg. What in the world was that thing? And where in the world did it come from?! Wendy somehow managed to hop in, closing the door back behind her, and dropping her purse and keys just on the floor wherever.
"Never mind dear, I got it."
"Wendy! What in the world is that?!" Mest asked following her into the other room.
"Aren't you excited?! It's our egg!" She started cheering jumping up and down.
Wendy stopped though, realizing she was shaking their baby egg, and went over to the couch to put it down. She placed it on some soft cushions and wrapped it up in a blanket, sitting right next to it and stroking it softly.
"Our what?!"
Wendy sighed and looked up at Mest, "didn't your parents ever teach you about the birds and the bees?"
"Wendy, did Grandine, a dragon, teach you about the bird and the bees?"
"Now I get why you're believing in this egg."
"Shh, Mest. Anyways so what happens is that when a boy, like you, and a girl, like me, mate, like we've been doing... a lot."
Mest started blushing.
"So after mating an egg appears and then after a few weeks it hatches and we have our baby! What are we going to name it Mest? Because I was thinking Grandine if it was a girl!" Wendy started cheering.
"Wendy, sit down, never mind you are sitting down, alright listen. Eggs is what cold blooded creatures lay, but us humans, us warm blooded creatures, we have babies. Babies grow inside of your stomach for nine months and then you sort of... yeah, it pops out from you and it's alive and crying and screaming. That's what we do, that's where our baby is going to come from."
"But look at the shell! It's the same exact color as your eyes! This is our egg Mest!" Wendy pouted, glaring at him now that he was denying their child.
"Where did you even find that egg?"
"I was walking home and it fell out of a tree right into my arms; it was fate."
"Wendy, that's not fate, that's a coincidence. That is not our egg!"
"Well it is now and if you want to be the father of our child then I suggest you stop denying him or her so much! This is our baby! I'm raising our egg with or without your help and if you can't appreciate or support that I suggest you start sleeping back over your apartment!"
Mest froze, looking right at Wendy who was glaring and hugging their egg protectively. She was serious, dead serious on this.
"I- I'm... I'm sorry Wendy."
Her eyes softened a bit.
"Let's... I'll..." he took a deep breath and sighed out, "the egg can stay."
"Our egg, this is our baby. Our little Grandine." Wendy smiled brightly laying her cheek on it.
"Right. Just in case that's actually the egg to a really giant bird or reptile you might want to stand back when it hatches. I wouldn't want you losing an eye or something." Mest mumbled underneath his breath.
"I heard that! Don't worry Mest, you're going to make a great father! Want to hold him? Her?" Wendy asked picking their egg up.
He had a feeling she'd smack and kick him out if he didn't say yes, so he walked over to the couch and held his arms open. Wendy's smile only brightened as she handed him their egg. It was rough against the shell, but also really warm. This egg was alive right now in his arms.
"Where is it going to sleep?"
"With us in our bed of course!"
Mest paled at the idea, "but you roll around; you might crush it or kick it off the bed-"
Mest started laughing now, "Wendy I always wake up with your foot in my mouth every morning no matter what position we sleep in-"
The first week was rough because everyone wanted to see the egg and tried to explain to Wendy that eggs are not babies, even though Natsu and Gajeel took her side... weird dragon slayers. By the second week everyone was used to and ready for the egg to hatch, placing bets on what it might actually be. The highest bet was an exceed egg with the size of the thing.
Slowly Wendy weighed him down with the idea of him being a father, not to a child though, but whatever sort of creature was hiding inside of that thing. No matter what it was he had no doubt in his mind that Wendy was going to keep it so Mest was going to have to take care of it. He's never seen her so happy though as she carried the egg wherever they went, hugging it tightly to her chest whether eating or sleeping and making sure nothing ever happened to it at all.
"You really love that egg, don't you?" Mest asked her.
"How could I not? It's our egg. Inside this little baby is either a girl who looks like me or a boy who looks like you, maybe even looking like both of us. How could I not love this baby?"
Mest smiled and started rubbing the back of his neck, "Wendy... if our egg turns out to be not a baby... what do you think about making one together?"
"You mean giving him or her a baby sister or brother?! I don't know, taking care of two babies sounds like a lot of work, but yes! Double yes! I'm totally down to having a little Gryder family." Wendy started cheering.
"Really?" Mest grinned from ear to ear.
"Yeah, really."
"I love you Wendy," he said walking over to press their lips together.
Wendy giggled against their lips, "I love you too Mest. Come on, I'm beat. Let's go to bed now."
Mest kissed her again, "alright."
The two laid right next to each other, their baby egg all snugged up and warmed. By sunrise next morning Wendy woke up and yawned, reaching her hand out to pat her egg. She didn't feel rough smoothness, but instead something spiky and poking at her. Wendy leaned up with wide eyes and stared in the middle of the bed, seeing only the shell of the egg.
"MEST!" She screamed.
Mest jumped out of bed and was immediately on fighting alert, looking around the room for the enemy. When he didn't see anyone else though other than the two of them he calmed down and rubbed his eyes open.
"What? What's wrong?"
Mest's eyes flew open as he looked in the middle of the bed and saw the egg shells scattered on the blankets. He didn't see anything else there though and reached out to Wendy.
"Alright, calm down, calm down. Obviously he or she hatched while we were sleeping. We want to be careful as we look for... whatever it is we're looking for. Try not to squish or step on it Wendy, we don't know how big or little this thing is."
"Mest! It's a baby!"
"We don't know that for sure Wendy!"
"Ugh, you just check under the bed while I search through the blankets and closets!" Wendy said throwing the blankets in the air.
Mest reached out his arms and gasped, wondering if the baby whatever flew up in the air along with the shells, but didn't.
"Wendy, I see the door open, why don't you go search the halls while I'll handle our room... please?"
"Fine, baby Grandine! Baby Grandine! Where are you?" Wendy called out in a soft voice walking through the halls.
Her ears twitched lightly hearing a rustle coming from the other room and she started heading over there. She smelt something sweet, a scent that she didn't recognize, but at the same time did. She started creeping over into the living room, sniffing around a bit. She didn't spot anything in the living room, but when she walked into the kitchen...
"Her?" Mest repeated getting off the ground.
He started walking into the living room, turning the corner into the kitchen and seeing Wendy standing in the living room holding a baby... a baby...
"What the hell is that?!" Mest gasped jumping back.
"What do you mean what is that?! It's our baby!" Wendy started giggling.
And that's what shocked Mest the most. Because in Wendy's arms was a small child, a completely normal looking human baby with soft blue hair and sparkling green eyes... it looked exactly like them... BUT IT CAME OUT OF AN EGG!
"I need- I need- oh brother," Mest passed out and fainted right then and there.
Wendy started giggling and kiss little Grandine's cheek, "you're so adorable baby. Let's hide those ears of yours though and that tail; you nearly gave Mama a heart attack when she saw those dragon features."
Grandine giggled and burped, a small flame coming out of her lips.
"Aren't you just adorable? Come on, let's go wake your Papa up, huh?"