AN: WARNING! Harsh language, huge age-gap, and sexual content.

Chapter One

His hands roamed her aching body as she lost herself in all the sensations. The cool sheets. His smell. His touch. His hands slipped under her nightshirt, sliding up towards her swollen breasts.

"Clary," he moaned.

"Clary!" Clary shot up out of bed to find the golden eyes of the man of her dreams, literally. The guy she had just been dreaming about. It was her father's best friend, the immensely sexy, and way-to-old-to-have-sex-dreams-about, Jace Herondale. Realizing that he had been speaking, Clary tried to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"Hmm?" she mumbled, purposefully sticking out her breasts as she stretched. She took note of his eyes drifting to them, as they were clearly visible through the thin white silk of her night dress, especially considering the hardened state of her nipples. He swallowed hard.

"Uh," he cleared his throat and looked back to her beautiful emerald eyes, seeing her blush. Why had he come in here? His best friend. The father of the sixteen-year old girl in front of him. Jace repeated this to himself a few times before continuing. "Luke asked me to wake you up for school. He had to leave earlier. The gang will be over later, so if you have homework or something he wants you to go to the bookstore. Alaric's old lady left him, so we're gonna get pretty rowdy."

"Okay," she said quietly. She was so beautiful. She was so perfect, so sweet, and so innocent. Jace just wanted to wrap his arms around her and never let go. He wanted to keep her safe, to protect her, but there was another side of him that she would need to be protected from. One side of her wanted to climb out of bed and flash him her little lacey, black panties. On the other hand, she was too self-conscious. She was pale, freckled, skinny, plain, only sixteen, and completely inexperienced. She had never even kissed with tongue! When she and her old best friend, Simon, were seven, he "confessed his undying love" and gave her a peck on the lips. That was it. Her only experience with a boy, and he was practically her brother. Jace was like a sex god! He was perfect, a biker, protective, caring, family oriented, – even though that wasn't in the traditional sense – he was very experienced, and he had known her – and had been there for her – since she was eight. He was loyal until death to her father and their group. He had seen her grow up, since he and her father had moved back to his hometown, after her mother died. That was also when she lost contact with Simon, who had been her best friend since they were in diapers. Jace was nineteen then. He was expelled from high school in ninth grade. He had gotten into countless bar fights. He was on the fast track to prison, before he met Luke and the Downworlders. They were part of a larger group known as the Shadowhunters. They weren't exactly angels, but they had morals. They didn't kill unless it was in self-defense or justice. Most importantly, they protected their family and they kept their community "clean." They didn't allow crimes against the innocent go unavenged. Since Jace had joined them, he often looked after Clary. They had had many a pretend wedding at her request, when she was little. Jace had been with many of the groupie-like girls, who always seemed to be doing someone in her father's group. Clary also knew there were many before she met him and many that she was too young to take note of. She knew he was completely out of her league. On top of it all, he was eleven years older than her, at twenty-seven. Her own father was only thirty-four, having had her when he and her mother were in high school.

"Alright, beautiful," Jace said, reveling in the blush it brought to her cheeks, "I'll see you later. Do you need a ride to school?"

"Would you mind?"

"Of course not, baby girl," he said as he left. She loved when he called her that. Her father had called her that since she was little, and – spending so much time with them – he had picked up the habit as well. She hopped out of bed, grabbed her clothes, and headed to her bathroom to shower. It was the last week of school and she couldn't wait to be done with her junior year, with her birthday only a little less than three months away. She was so excited for the summer. She didn't have to worry about school; all she would do is ride with the gang, relax at the beach, and – due to her father's long hours at his legitimate job and late meetings with other gangs – spend a lot of alone-time with Jace.

AN: So, I know I need to update my other fanfics, but I needed to get this out. I've had the idea for quite a while. Luke is Clary's father and her mother is dead. The main drama in this is pure Clace, without all the distractions. The other characters will be here soon, even Simone. There is a huge age gap, but tough shit. If you don't like that, don't read it. I know it's a bit risky, but that's why I need reviews. IF I DON'T GT REVEWS, I'M NOT GOING TO CONTINUE. Either way, this story is least priority. I promise I'll update every three months at the least. I'll do my best to update more frequently. I love you guys! Thanks for reading! ~C