Author's note: here is Chapter 11 enjoy.

Chapter 11: The Guinea Zombie

Soon after James's team go through the next time vortex the train coaches crashes on the ground and the gang climbs out of them and get all together.

"Okay everyone is fine now let's go stop the undead in this season." James said as he leads his team to South Park.

James's team makes it to South Park where they see from the horizon the undead are already attacking the citizens they all watch in shock.

"The dead are already here now my friends let's go kick their asses for Niels." Diana said as James's team runs down there.

James and his gang begin to fight the undead for and it lasts for 10 minutes and end up killing some of the undead warriors while all the others retreat into the Whole Foods store as James's team follow them and then they stop in front of the store and James stares at it with confidence.

"My god the undead went into the Whole Foods what are they going to find in there?" Ray asked.

"So those dead guys think they can hide from us alright guys this is it time for us to show these undead who's boss of our town you ready?" James asked his teammates.

"I'm so damn ready James let's go in." Sylvester answered.

"So am I James bring it on." Diana answered.

"Yeah we need to save space and time from being obliterated." Leslie answered.

"Alright here we go then CHAAAARGE!" James yelled as he and his gang head inside the Whole Foods.

Inside the whole foods they see undead everywhere attacking shoppers and knocking down products as James and his teammates watch this tragedy.

"Oh dear come on mates we must save these people." James said as he and his gang get ready to fight.

Soon James's gang head down to the middle of the store and fight a group of undead warriors for 10 minutes then defeats them all and continue their way forward.

James and his team run down an aisle and then come across another group of undead and fight them for 10 more minutes and defeat them and push forward.

James team runs down another aisle when Angel Wilson stopped and looked at the price of the Orange juice on the shelf and was surprised.

"Woah Orange juice only $2.99 that's awesome." Angel Wilson said in excitement.

Then Selestia notices that Angel is getting distracted by the low prices and ran up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Come on Angel we need to keep going." Selestia said as she pulls on Angel's arm.

"Aw come on Can't I stay here and look at all these cheap price just a little longer?" Angel asked.

"We don't have time for this shit our world is counting on us now let's go." Selestia said as she runs dragging Angel with her.

"PLEEEASE LET ME STAY A LITTLE LONGER!" Angel yelled as Selestia continues to drag him back.

"Keep going guys were almost there." James said as he keeps running around the store and fighting undead.

James's team fight more undead warriors as they make their way across the store until they make it to the end where they come across the last group of undead along with a group of demons.

"Well well it looks like your legion is Shit out of luck." James said.

"You may think so human but you have not seen the last of us you can't stop our dark master once he's finished with his spell he will be more powerful than any of you could imagine world is doomed." The Necromancer explained to James.

"Wait what spell what the hell are you talking about?" James asked the necromancer.

"Less talk more action prepare to die mortal dipshits." The Necromancer said as he and his undead and Demon army begin to fight James's teammates.

"Your on dude." James said as he and his teammates begin to fight the undead and Demons.

The Undead and demon warriors and James's team fight for 10 minutes then the Undead were all defeated execpt for the Necromancer and James went up to him and gave him once final punch sending the necromancer flying off into the horizon as the next time vortex appears James and his teammates cheer.

"We did it guys we cleared this area out." Diana cheered.

"Yeah now just a one more and we'll be done this season." James said.

"No wait before we go ahead there's something you have to do in order to finished this last place." Leslie said.

"And what's that Leslie?" James asked.

"You see these undead and demons are coming from a Demon gate that's located in this last time period we have to destroy it in order to make sure no more demons come to attack us." Leslie explained.

"Alright Leslie consider it done and let me assure you that nothing will stand in our way now let's go everybody." James explained as he and his teammates go into the time vortex.

A few hours later the team comes out of the portal James and his team find themselves at the town at night.

"So here we are but what time period are we at?" James asked as he looked around.

"Well we seemed to be in the final act of the Ad problems the time period where PC Principal finally killed me this is definitely where the Demon gate is hiding." Leslie explained.

"Well then come on my fellow mates let's go find that demon gate and destroy it." James said as the team start looking around the town.

"Wow this place is so empty where is everyone in the town?" Ray asked as he noticed there were no other people around but James and the others.

Soon everyone was looking everywhere for the gate until King J.B notice giant foot prints in the ground and he ran up to the rest of his douchebags and holds up a sign that says "Hey guys take a look at this!" as J.B shows the douchebags the footprints on the ground and look in shock.

"HEY GUYS COME OVER HERE!" Mark yelled as James and the rest of the gang come and take a look at the prints.

"They look like Guinea creature footprints but that's impossible I thought the Peruvian flute bands have driven them all off." James said.

Then Leslie walks up and examines the footprints and then comes up with a observation.

"James I'm afraid to tell you this but this is not any ordinary Guinea Pig." Leslie said.

"What do you mean?" James said.

"Well from the look of these tracks their skin seems very corrupted and dead even though this is still the same species it seems they were resurrected into undead monsters by the Legion it looks like were dealing with..." Then Leslie turns towards her teammates with a serious look on her face and says "The Guinea Zombie."

Then everyone gasped as Angel screams and runs behind a tree.

"My god getting to the gate is going to be harder than I thought but we must push on we can't let anything stand in our way." James said.

"NOT SO FAST!" A voice out of nowhere yelled.

Then a Bunch of undead warriors jumped out infront of the team.

"Oh god damn it there's more of them." Ray moaned.

"Your going to destroy our gate you get passed us." Necromancer said as the undead warriors fight the team.

James's team and the undead fight for 10 minutes and the undead were killed as James and his friends continue their way through the town.

Then James teams runs down the street until they come across more undead warriors and fight them for 10 minutes and defeat them and continue their way and see the giant undead guinea zombie attacking the town and is behind the Doom guard with the demon gate.

"Oh shit it's the guinea Zombie." Ray said in panic.

"And he's guarding the demon gate now what are we going to do?" Diana asked.

"Well there's something I have to tell you don't let this thing bite you cause like with zombies if it bites you become a zombie yourself that's the same thing with that creature execpt if it bites you weather it be skin, bones or organs you will become a Guinea pig yourself not a Zombie or a zombie guinea pig just a regular giant monster guinea pig." Leslie explained to her teammates.

"Well good advice there well guys you heard her don't let the guinea zombie bite you." PC Principal said as the others all nodded in agreement.

Then Sean Corbett said "Don't worry my fellow friends..." Then James interrupts him.

"Were not your friends Sean." James said.

"I will take care of this bad giant animal." Sean said with a stupid smile on his face as he walks towards the guinea zombie.

"Oh now this should be interesting." James said as he watches along with everyone else.

Then the Guinea Zombie turned to face Sean as the little retarded train boy began to speak to it.

"Hey you will you stop destroying our special little town cause that's very wrong and that makes you a very bad animal." Sean explained.

James face palmed at Sean's explaination as the guinea zombie jump right infront of Sean and snarled at him.

"P-p-please." Sean said nervously.

Then the Guinea zombie grabs Sean with his mouth then eats and swallows him whole and runs up to the rest of the gang and roars in their faces.

"Huh so that's how he wants to play well bring it on then bitch." James said as he and his team gets ready to fight the giant undead Guinea monster.

Then the whole team get out their guns and starts shooting at the Guinea zombie as the monsters tries to attack the team but they all avoid the guinea zombie's attacks.

"Damn it these guns aren't working you know what that means right?" James asked Diana and Ray.

"Oh we sure do." Ray said.

Then the three get out their new equiptment case and pull out their jet packs and put them on and then get their swords out.

"Alright let's show this dead furry how we do things downtown guys keep firing at that thing the three of us are going to fly and take a closer look." James said as he Ray and Diana fly off with their jet packs closer to the guinea zombie.

As the team continues to fire their guns James, Diana and Ray fly up to the monster with their jet packs and start slashing it with their swords while the monster tries to grab the three with his mouth.

Then the three land on the Guinea zombie's back and James then stabs it's back with his sword causing the beast to roar in pain.

Then the Guinea zombie starts running down the street with James, Diana and Ray holding on tightly onto its back as the rest of the team run after them.

Then all of a sudden the undead guinea pig stops in his place and then pukes out Sean Corbett who is still alive and breathing then continues running and the rest of the team stops to Sean's aid.

"Sean are you alright well obviously your not I mean there's so much wrong with you but I'm talking physically." Selestia said to Sean.

"H-h-help m-me." Sean said in pain.

Then Leslie notice Sean has a bite wound on his arm.

"Oh my god everybody stand back." Leslie said as her teammates stand back.

Then Leslie grabs Sean's arm and examines the bite and notices that it hasn't infected his bones or organs and sighed in relief as she got out a needle.

"Wait what are you going to do with that?" Angel asked.

"Just a little bite shot see since Guinea pigs have smaller teeth then real zombies and he only got bitten in his skin then that can be easily cured but if the bite infects your bones or organs then there is no hope for you." Leslie explained.

"Oh okay proceed." Angel said.

"Now Sean this going to hurt a little bit." Leslie said as she stuck the needle into Sean's arm.

Then Sean started Screaming and Crying which was annoying everyone even Leslie.

"OW STOP PLEASE!" Sean cried from the pain.

"Jesus christ I hate that kid so much." Rudolf said in anger covering his ears.

"OH GROW UP YOU LITTLE PUSSY IT DOESN'T HURT THAT MUCH!" Leslie yelled angrily at Sean as she takes the needle out.

Meanwhile back with Guinea Zombie James, Ray and Diana were still holding onto the guinea zombie as it continues to run through the town.



The Guinea Zombie then stops in the middle of the road and tries to shake the three kids off it's back as they start slashing the beast with their swords.

Then finally they put their jet packs back on and get off the guinea zombie and start flying in front of the monster and start fighting from there and finally they land and have one final battle.

They fight the undead guinea pig for 10 more minutes and finally James jumps and slices it's head off which finally kills it and James, Ray and Diana cheer for their victory as they high five eath other while in the school it shows past PC Principal punching through Past Leslie's face then it cuts back to James and his friends jumping for joy.

"Yeah we did guys it the zombie Guinea pig is finally dead." James said.

Then the rest of the team run towards the three as Liz comes up to Ray and hugs him.

"Ray I was worried you were hurt." Liz said still hugging him.

"Don't worry Liz I'm fine." Ray said hugging back.

"Well done James I'm really proud." Sylvester said as he puts his hand on James shoulder.

"Thank you Sylvester I really appreciate it." James said with a smile.

Then the gang look towards the doom guard and the Demon gate.

"Well guys I guess this is it let's go finally save save this season." James said as he and his teammates charge towards the gate.

Then the doom guard block their way and get ready to fight and says "You kids are not going anywhere for this we need this gate in order to destroy this world so if will have the gate over my dead body."

"Well we are the champions of our town and we will not let you assholes continue this invasion if we have to fight a huge buff demon such as yourself to save our town then so be it." James explained as he and his team get ready to fight.

"Yeah bring it on I'm a skilled solider in the Russian military." Rudolf said.

"Very well to battle." The Doom guard said as the fight begins.

They fight for 10 minutes and James kills the doom guard with one final blow and then destroys the demon as the team cheers again and the next time vortex appears.

"Good job the season is finally safe now let's head our way to the next one and hopefully join Stan, Grant and the others real soon." James said as the team go through the portal.

Then as King J.B was about to go into the portal the ghost of Big Bad Government guy appears behind him.

"King J.B you can not defeat us." Big Bad Government guy whispered.

J.B was the only one who heard him and he holded up a sign that said "Wait what?" then he turned around and saw that nothing was there then he puts up another sign that says "What the fuck was that?" then Dennis looks behind him and saw that his king was just standing there and yelled out to him.


Then J.B holds up a sign that says "I'm coming Dennis" Then they both went into the vortex with the others getting ready to go to their next season.

Author's note: That was chapter 11 I hoped you enjoyed.