~ Hi!!! It's me again! I'm back! So here's another story that I made...I mean another crazy story that came into my mind! Well, Just wanna say thanks to those people who reviewed my last story...A very BIG THANKS!!! Hope you like this story as much you like the other one! It's also S+S! Hope you ALL like it! ~hana-lai.


*** Syaoran and Sakura are best friends since they were kids! Now, they're already in Grade 8, 14 years old according to my calculation. Syaoran is as hot as ever...I mean still so HANDSOME! Also he had fallen in love with Sakura even she's so BOYISH!!! What do you think will happen? Well, just read and find out! ^.^


+++ In this fic, Sakura and Eriol are cousins! And at the same time Tomoyo is Eriol's girl! Also Sakura is rich! I mean her father is...a successful businessman! Touya also here has a girlfriend namely, Keikei. Also Syaoran and Touya is buddy! Yeah! You're reading it right! They're friends! And Tomoyo will not appear yet! You'll know why as you read this fic! And no 'MAGIC' thing here! Sorry guys for many changes but it's needed! Well, On with the story... and major OOC... I've warned you guys already...


I don't own CCS! If I own them I wouldn't write this fic! I only own the character that's not appearing on the anime...Ok?


Do you...?

Chapter 1


" Hey kaijuu!? Wake up! You're going to be late...as usual!" Touya yelled as he banged the door of her sister room.

" 5 more minutes..." I said, as my soft bed don't want to let go of me yet.

" No more 5 minutes kaijuu! You only got 5 minutes left--" he was cut-off by a loud--

" WHAT!?! Why didn't you wake me earlier!" I said as I quickly rushed to my bathroom and take a bath... or rather a 'quick' bath.

After that, I hurriedly went to wear my school uniform then, fixed my hair. I went to pick my favorite cap and my backpack! [A/N : Their school uniform is different from the uniform of Tomoeda! It's like the um... uniform wherein don't have cap. So? Sakura's Cap is a CAP! As I was saying she's BOYISH! Ok! I'll stop here.. I'm blabbing! Sowi...]

Then, I hurriedly went to our dining room and saw my dad and my brother who are eating their breakfast, of course. Hey! When I woke up late, Dad already left... Why... I thought as I stared at Dad as if he was a ghost.

" Morning Sweetie... You sure are early today." Dad said as he took sip of his coffee.

" Huh!? But Touya said I only have 5 minutes left..." I was cut-off by my so annoying brother.

" Yeah! Kaijuu you only have 5 minutes left before 7:30! You didn't let me finish you suddenly shout." Touya said as he laughed...not just laughed a really HARD laugh!

I stomped really hard at his foot, " Itai...!" he yelled. I smiled in satisfaction as I went to sit on my chair that's just beside my father and across my brother.

" You know Touya, You really disturbed my sleep!" I whined as I eat my breakfast.

Touya smirked. Here he goes again... " Oh, sorry for disturbing your sleep Kaijuu." he said and I knew it!

" FOR MY SAKE! Stop calling me Kaijuu! 'Cause I'm not and Besides, I'm already 14 years old! So? Quit calling me like that!" I whined at him again but if Dad wasn't there I was going to yelled this in front of his so... annoying face!

" Oh yeah! I almost forgot you're already 14. I think I'm not going to call you kaijuu anymore..." Finally! " I'm just going to call you Monster... ne?" he said, and then laughed.

I growled at him! But, he just decided to leave us. I mean going to school. " Grrrr...He's such an annoying oniichan!" I said as I heave a sighed.

Anyway, I'm Kinomoto Sakura! 14 years old! I live in this HUGE house with my soo...nice, kind, responsible, and almost everything Dad, namely Kinomoto Fujitaka. He's also a very successful businessman. That's why were rich like this. And next was my soo....annoying brother Kinomoto Touya, he really want to annoyed me in anyway he can! But I know deep inside he's a caring and loving oniichan. So? Where's my mom? Well, she already died when I'm still 3 or something. But its fine with me 'coz I know that Mom is in a much better place...And another thing! I'm not that girly-you-know! I more like to wear pants and loose t-shirt! Imagine leaving with 2 guys in your house! And I really hate wearing this school uniform! It's so...SHORT! Yuck! Good thing! That school doesn't mind me wearing a cap!

" Mistress, Your best friend is already here." one of our maids said.

" Thanks! Dad, I gotta go! See you later!" I said as I give my dad a kiss on his cheek.

" Ok Sweetie! Bye...Have a nice day!" he replied with a smile.

Then I went outside. Even though where rich I just feel like walking to reached our school. Of course I'm walking with my best friend.

" Hey! Morning Syaoran..." I said as I meet him. Like me, he also walked to school even though he's also rich like me. I mean he's definitely richer than me!

" Morning! So? I notice your early today. Something wrong?" Syaoran asked as we walked towards our school.

I put my cap on my head. " Well, thanks to my so...Loving oniichan that he wakes me saying that I have 5 minutes left before 7:30!" I exclaimed annoyed again remembering that fateful incident.

I hear my best friend laughed. " OH! I should really thanked Touya for waking you up that early so I wouldn't wait for you that long!" he said, laughing even more.

" Haha...Very funny Syaoran!" I said as I crossed my arms. Totally annoyed! Honestly speaking, my brother and my best friend would make a good team! A team where in to annoyed Kinomoto Sakura!

Syaoran, knowing Sakura, her best friend will get easily annoyed. " HEY! I'm just kidding!" he said.

" Yeah! It's fine." I said as I gave him one of my smiles.

He sighed. " C'mon! Let's go!" I said as I run up to school with my best friend following behind...


" Hey! You're a cheater!" I yelled as Sakura reached the school first.

" Huh!? Give up Syaoran! I'm faster than you..." she said to me with her tongue stuck out at me.

I just sighed at her childishness...Heck! Knowing Sakura she's always like that! Childish, sweet and so... kind! That's why; I'm in love with her! Yeah! I'm in love with my best friend! Not just any other person but my B-E-S-T-F-R-I-E-N-D!

Actually, I didn't notice it first...First, when were just grade four I just have a crush on her...then when we're grade six I suddenly realize that it's not a crush...my feelings developed and it becomes...LOVE. Until now, I still have this feeling for her. Good thing! She's dense to notice this. The only thing she knows is were best of friends.

Well, I'm Li Syaoran! 15 years old! Ya! I'm a year older that Sakura! I just live besides Sakura, In short were neighbors! Yeah! It's such a small world! Anyway, I live with my Mom, Li Yelan! She's soo... nice like any other moms! For me, She's like my both father and mother. Even Sakura like my mom too. Well, maybe because she lost her mom like I lost my dad.

[A/N: Yeah! I know, Syaoran's mom is a little well, strict! But in my fic. She's so nice...ok?] As for me, I also like Mr. Fujitaka, actually he treats me like one of his son and I treat him like my dad. Well, my dad died when I'm still young. But, I kind of accepted it already. I know my dad is in a much better place...like Sakura's mom.

Next, I also live with my FOUR annoying sisters! They are Li Xiefa, Li Fuutie, Li Feimei, and Li Fanren. Their number one hobby is to annoyed me! They fuss over cute things! Especially to Sakura and Cute guys! But, it's also fun having them in our home. And I'm contented for having them...Another thing, were also rich! I mean my mom owns many companies here in Japan and some in China!

As I walk towards our school, many girls looked or should I say stared at me with those hearts in their eyes...Oh! I really hate that look! They're so....annoying!

" Hi Li." One of the girl said, with her flirting smiles.

" Morning Li." The other one said, while smiling so sweet at me.

HECK! When do these girls planning to leave me alone! Every morning this thing occured! How I hate those kinds of Girls! Why does they just be like Sakura...Nice, Sweet, and almost everything...but then, Sakura is unique!

" Hey Syaoran! Those girls are looking at you again." Sakura said as she received some glares from the girls.

" I know! This always happen." I replied as we reach our classroom. Yeah! Were classmates.

" Morning!" Sakura said as cheerful as ever! That's why almost all the students there like her.

" Morning Kinomoto/Sakura." they replied. " Morning Li." they continued.

" Morning." I simply replied.

My family and close friends are the ones allowed to called me by my first name... That's why some of my classmates called me Li but Sakura have the right to called me Syaoran... she's my best friend after all.

Then Sakura went on talking some of her close friends there...namely Chiharu, Rika, and Naoko. Then here comes our teacher and what do you expect...another day in school!



Whoa! How did you like it! Anyway, What does Syaoran's mother true name? 'Cause in some fic its Yelan while in some are Ieran! But in my fic it's YELAN! Ok!? But tell me what's the true Ok!? Yeah! Tell me in your reviews whether you like it or not! I mean whether you like the story or not...


~hana-lai! ^.^