Wish Coming True

By Takako

Takki's notes: Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! My new fic and x'mas/new year gift to all those Jenruki fans that supported my last fic Never Alone, which I read again and found out that ..it's so "lamely written". Then I start to think why does everyone like it so much * cough cough *?? Oh well that always happens. Thank you u guys. And those who have been waiting for a new fic from me to come out, sorry u have to wait so long * looks around and sees no one *. And I'll try my best to write a one- shot. It's so sad, I can never write one-shots. I have exams and I'm exhausted after Never Alone. Oh well me have a major fic coming up, and I just hope I can work out the whole plot.

Dedication: To all my 'fans' and people who review my fics. You guys have no idea who much ur reviews mean to me. An X'mas prezzie for u guys. Hope u guys like it. PS: I know it's crap

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. This is getting' boring, saying da same thing everytime. zzzzzzzz


Chapter 1

"Juri I'm not going!" Ruki Makino shouted at her friend, trying to scare her off before she tries to do something else, but being Ruki's best friend for such a long time, Juri knew how to handle these kind of situations.

"Pu-leeeeeeze? Pretty please with a cherry and strawberry and mango and a scoop of cookies n' cream ice-cream on top?" Juri pleaded her friend with puppy dog eyes.

Ruki looked away, frowning. "Please, no puppy dog eyes. Still I'm not coming to that countdown festival, especially when we have to wear kimonos."

"Ruki-san, come ON!" Juri wailed like a 6 year old, "I'm leaving in a week! Please?"

"I'm sorry Juri, I'm still not over it yet." Ruki said solemnly, "I don't want to have fun and go out with my friends just like this. I feel like I'm not respecting them."

Juri became silent. Two months ago, Ruki's mother and grandmother died in a car accident. Ever since, Ruki was back to her old self, she never talked to anyone, or even came out of the house. The only person that she talked to was Juri. The 17 year old girl inherited all the properties of her mother and grandmother. That was all. No one will care about her anymore, since Juri will be leaving in a week.

"Sorry." Juri looked down, feeling a bit ashamed. She knew her friend had been through too much and she knew how it felt, since she herself had been through these kind of stuff. Maybe it was time to leave her alone.

"It's OK." Ruki patted her friend on the head and smiled at her, she was rather relieved that her friend finally gave up urging her to go to the traditional countdown festival, which consist too many people that she didn't want to deal with now.

"I better get going now, just come in case you change your mind." Juri gave Ruki a reassuring smile before she left.


6 heads looked up promptly when they heard the door open. Juri stepped out as 12 eyes stared at her for more information, but Juri simply shook her head. Immediately, the 6 heads dropped down again.

"I hope she'll be OK soon, poor Ruki-san." Shuichon said.

"This might sound, weird, but I feel so sorry for her now." Hirokazu sighed.

"We all do." Kenta added.

"She just needs time to be alone," Juri pointed out, "and I'm leaving next week."

"It's not your fault and don't worry, we're gonna take care of her." Takato comforted her.

Hirokazu shuddered. "I suppose so."


It was New Year's eve. Ruki was all by herself, in the empty house and tons of money. She took out the kimono her mother bought her, but being her, she refused to wear it, since it was considered as a dress. Ruki stared at the fine midnight blue kimono with traditional designs on it, as tears filled her eyes and uncontrollably rolling down. She was glad that her mom didn't buy her a pink one. 'At least she bought blue.' Ruki thought, she sighed and grabbed the kimono and disappeared into her room.


Takki's notes: Yeah call that a one-shot. Oh well I give up. Next chap up in a few days. I know, da plot is LAME. Who cares, I just want the Jenruki. Sry about the plot..For those who dunno what an ema is, oh well:

If you're not interested in Japanese culture don't read this

If you don't want to know what an ema is don't read this

If you simply don't understand what I'm ranting about don't read this

Japanese people (most of them) go to 'temples' called jinjas and they pray for luck and good health etc. They have these wooden signs (ema(s)) which are about half an A4 paper big, and they write their wishes on it, it doesn't matter what u write about. Then u hang it in the jinja (there's this rack where everyone hangs their ema there) and they believe that their wish will be answered. I'm not 100 percent sure about this, but that's what my Japanese teacher said.

Oh well sorry but a late Merry Christmas (a Happy New Year in the next chapter). Hopefully I will have the rest of the fic out before I leave to Korea for 5 days. Get your fingers crossed and REVIEW please??


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