A/N – Decided to change things up a little, was feeling uninspired for the conclusion to the last chapter, so I've left that on hold for while. I got some great feedback last time (thanks to all that left some!) and I'm liking FarmerGirl55's idea, so here ya go! Hope its similar what you envisioned.

Day One – Art Attack

"Hey, err, Sabine, heh, whatchya up to?" Ezra squeezed out in his lowest voice. He'd noticed her room was open and was intrigued by the sounds of disapproval from within.

"What's it to you kid?" She said monotonically, looking back over her shoulder at a hopeful Ezra. She internally sighed 'nothing worth my interest, for sure…'

"Well, er. Hmm… Just asking" He grinned sheepishly and the Mando rolled her eyes, knowing what he was trying to do.

"Look, kid. I'm just trying to paint, but there's this really annoying thing getting in my way." She said quietly as she approached the doorway slowly.

"And, err, what might that be?" Ezra said expectantly.

"You." Sabine frowned; exasperated, and shut the door in Ezra's dumbstruck face, returning to her work across the room.

"Yay! Another successful attempt at conversation with an antisocial Mandalorian by Ezra Bridger." Ezra thought sarcastically. "Hmm, would make a good biography title...". The dejected teen plodded off down the hall, suddenly he felt quite hungry.

Day Two – A Wall

Sabine sat at the dejarik table, reading a pad on new explosive technology and minding her own, quiet business when she felt a disturbance, an uncomfortably close disturbance…

"You're looking good today, Sabine." A recognisably intrusive voice could be heard from across the table, and she looked up, disheartened to see the same old blue-haired menace looking straight back at her.

"Thanks, kid." She returned, careful not to offer him any compliment back.

"I wish there was something between us..." Ezra whispered under his breath as he sighed, but not inaudible to Sabine, who smirked and leant in.

"Me too." She said excitedly, perking Ezra's attention.

"Really?!" He burst out.

"Yeah, hah, a wall." She replied, packing her pad up and walking off.

Ezra, red eyed, gave her a look of death before stopping quickly. "I just can't hate her. Godamnit."

Day Three (Lothal Stay Part I) – The Lunch Incident

The crew were on a two-day stop on Lothal to restock and refuel. Kanan decided it would be a good idea to spend some alone time with his padawan in the city, so they could not only bond more in a Jedi capacity, but a familial one too.

After strolling around and joking for a while, they both got hungry and Ezra suggested they go to a restaurant that he said his parents met in.

After they'd both ordered, Ezra noticed a local girl about his age glancing at him from across the packed room. Leaning back in his chair he smirked as he caught her looking back over at him. Kanan took the situation in and shook his head.

"Look, kid, if your tries on with Sabine aren't going as planned I wouldn't risk it." Although knowing his advice would fall upon deaf teenage ears, he felt a duty to at least offer it.

A further five minutes passed and more exchanges of glances were made between the pair. Kanan decided it best to take a more passive role and let his student learn the lesson for himself. Ezra leant forward suddenly and uttered confidently:

"I'm off to the bathroom." whilst winking at his Master, who just rolled his eyes and trailed his vision after the cocky padawan.

Ezra managed to keep eye contact with the blonde girl all the way from one side of the room to the other, before his foot came into sudden and unmerciful contact with a low step. Safe to say Ezra went flying and landed face first at the embarrassed girl's feet, although her awkward look was nothing in comparison to the critical damage to Ezra's ego.

"Uhm, sorry... I'll be off then." He blurted out awkwardly and fastwalked to the toilets. Leaving his flirt interest to silently giggle with her friends and Kanan busting his lungs out laughing at his padawan's fail of epic proportions.

Leaving Ezra to drown in his regret and clumsiness for a good ten minutes, Kanan entered the bathroom with a massive grin plastered on his face.

"Smooth moves, Mr. Spatial-awareness." he chortled out, being given a look of unrefined anger by the blue-haired, sullen-looking washbowl patron otherwise known as Ezra Bridger.

Day Four (Lothal Stay Part II) - Trainwreck

After inadvertently showing the Lothal population his apprentice's knack for balance, Kanan decided it best to suggest to Hera that Ezra go with Sabine and Zeb on the next cargo trip, to take his mind off yesterday. He could still see the red on Ezra's face, for Force's sake.

The three 'kids' decided to take public transport, so as to arouse less suspicion around them. They found themselves a handy four-seat and table in one of the maglev trains. They sat in a moderately awkward silence, bar Ezra and Zeb occasionally hitting each other, and Sabine just eye-rolling at them.

On their second stop, an extremely attractive girl hopped in the carriage and sat in the booth opposite the triplet. Ezra stared gormlessly at her, while Sabine just frowned disapprovingly at the obviously hormonal boy and Zeb contained a snigger expertly when he saw his compatriot's expression.

About 30 minutes after the girl's arrival, she noticed Ezra's staring and smiled awkwardly at him. He took that as a clear-cut chance. In one motion, he slid out of his seat and into the one opposite her.

"Hi, my name's Ezra. What's yours?" He asked, with Sabine simultaneously slamming her head onto the table between her and Zeb.

"Umm, can I help you?" The innocent girl nervously replied, looking over at the teenager's two companions for some kind of support, but finding little.

"You, err, smiled at me."

"'Scuse me?"

"I saw you just smile at me, just then, right now."

"mmHmm, ok then." quickly losing her interest, Ezra struck up conversation again masterfully.

"Am I bothering you? You wanna go back to you book, or?"

"No, its fine, dude."

"Where're you headed? I'm off to the market." He smiled cheerfully.

"I'm actually headed to see my boyfriend."

"Right..." Ezra twiddled his thumbs awkwardly and found the luggage compartments interesting suddenly. A snort could be heard from across the carriage and Ezra frowned heavily at Zeb.

"Who's that you're travelling with?" The voice made Ezra jump.

"Oh, those guys? The purple guy's my room mate and the girl's my – er – she's my, uh-"

"Sister. I'm his sister." Sabine shouted sternly, saving Ezra from publicly announcing his crush on her.

"Oh, right."

"Ah, looks like our stop!" Ezra jumped up from his seat and looked out of the door window. "Is it our stop, guys?"

"No, we've got another 5 to go yet, kid." Zeb chuckled. "This is gonna be fun." he muttered under his breath.

Day Five – Caution: Wet Floor

The crew were back with the Rebel fleet after their stop on Lothal, and Ezra was trying to find the command centre. He came across some of the new officers in a hall.

"Hey, guys you wouldn't happen to know where the command centre is, would ya?" He asked politely.

"Why could you possibly need to get there, kid? How are you even on the ship, little dirty kid like you." Ezra frowned at the officer and crossed his arms.

"Have you even paid attention in any of your briefings?" Ezra asked sarcastically.

"Cut the attitude, kid. I'm reporting an intruder." Ezra simply rolled his eyes.

"Wait, Jack." Uttered a feminine Coruscanti accent from behind the square-faced officer.

A girl equal to Ezra's height revealed herself from behind the well-built man, shaking her black hair.

"That's the Jedi Sato was going on about." She pointed towards Ezra, offering a smile.

"Really, Lynn? Doesn't look like much to me."

"What do you want as proof, then?" Ezra said, trying on his most macho accent (undoubtedly to try and impress 'Lynn')

"Well, I've heard the Jedi were quite athletic back in the day. How's abouts you sprint down this here corridor and back. Then we'll see."

"Sure." Ezra smirked and used a force run to launch himself down the corridor.

"That's so mean, Jack. You know he didn't notice the wet floor sign, you stood right in front of it."

Jack smirked as he saw the teenager hurtling towards them.

"See, No normal person can run that faaahhh!" Ezra's face changed into a look of terror as he found himself unable to stop before smashing head first into a shellshocked Sabine.

"Shoot, kid. I only came to look for you. Didn't need to smack into me."

Ezra groaned and rubbed his forehead, slouched miserably against the wall as he saw Jack keeled over laughing and Lynn giving him a sympathetic smile.

"Great start to a working relationship, there, Ez. Good going." He thought to himself as the pain began to wear off and he followed an amused Sabine to the command centre.

A/N – I had all these written and decided to post them in one long chapter, because they were far too short to put in individually.

I'll get that second part to Feeling the Heat up next week at some point, too.

Until then, enjoy the new episode and the rest of your week, chaps/chapettes!