Perseus: Patron of the Betrayed

Chapter 8

Location: The docks, New York.

Nico's Point Of View

Nico entered Percy's container, and began to look around at the variety of weapons, guns, boxes and jerry cans. He walked over to one of the walls, there were a variety of trophies of war, swords, knives, most of them he recognised from the hunts he and Percy went out. As he stared at the weapons he started to reminisce memories of the past. His mind wandered to the first time they went out to hunt a demon.

*Flashback in Camp Half Blood*

Nico walked over to where Percy was sitting quietly at the beach. He watched as Percy was staring into the ocean, breathing calmly and remaining motionless. He waited a moment before he decided to speak.

"Hey Perce, Chiron told me that you wanted to see me?"

Percy waited a moment before speaking in a hoarse tone. "Yeah, we're going hunting. I'm gonna teach you a few things."

"I'm confused. If we were hunting i'd expect Thals to be here" Nico spoke bemused

"You see Nico we aren't hunting an animal or a monster, but despite that I think we should do it, hunting with guns like normal people. Right anyway, what we are hunting, is a demon." Percy replied, a small grin growing on his face

"No Nico, not hunting animals or monsters, but natural gun hunting would be fun. But instead, we are hunting a demon." Percy replied, a small grin appearing on his face.

"A demon?"


"Demons exist?"

"Yes. And there's one attacking demigods down south which we are going to find and kill." Percy finished with a finality.

"I thought demons were a myth, like old tales past on by spirits to humans?" Nico asked still lost.

"They aren't a myth, but what the spirits say are true, beings that turn into clouds of black smoke and control a mortal. Yeah they exist, and they're demons, and for the final time we are going south to kill the thing.

"How do we get south then, and where south, you haven't specified . And what about killing the thing, that would be useful to know." Nico listed off a bunch of questions

"We are going down to Tampa for the weekend, Chiron is going to say that we are on a quest of something or other. We're taking my car and you will shadow travel us."

"You expect to shadow travel a car, and since when did you have a car, last time I was her-" Nico started.

"The last time you were here was nearly a year and a half left not long after Annabeth and I broke up." Percy cut in calmly. "A lot has changed since then."

"Yeah I can see, you're at your most athletic, have a car, and hunt demons. How are you still single?" Nico asked jokingly.

"Nico lets just get to my car okay." Percy finished once Nico shrugged his shoulders and they walked to Thalia's pine.

*Flashback ends*

Nico sighed happily as he looked back on how it all started. How the demon was a deranged murderous being who Percy casted back to Tartarus, the drive back filled with classic rock and occasional drink at a bar. As he was about to reminisce more when he picked up a Kurdish marking engraved knife a voice called out shouting his name.

He reacted quickly, grabbing the knife and pulling out his gun, making sure bullets of iron were loaded. He moved out the container quickly and turned to where the demons were coming from. He pulled his knife into the ice pike position before relaxing. What he expected to be demons were in fact warped spirits from the fields of punishment. An easy mistake but the auras of both were different. He pulled the Glock .22 before shooting at both spirits in the head.

Annabeth and Thalia ducked hearing the crack of the gunshots but realised it was Nico. The two spirits disappeared in a pile of silver dust.

"They weren't demons just spirits." Nico spoke calmly.

"What do you mean just spirits, they looked like they were going to kill us." Annabeth spoke angrily and annoyed.

"They weren't demons. They have different aura's, as a child of the underworld I can easily tell them apart, Chase."

Before Annabeth could retort a banging on one of the shipping containers next to them was heard. They turned round quickly, their weapons ready. But Nico relaxed seeing who it was.

"Thanatos what are you doing here?" Nico questioned in wonder.

"It's good to see Percy trained you well. It will be very beneficial for you in the Pit." Thanatos spoke in a calm voice.

"What do you beneficial in the pit? I thought demons went to purgatory. And why are you here" Nico asked in confusion.

"How do you think Percy got into hunting demon. His family has a very strong historical presence and I have been there every ten generations to train myself a demon hunter. Before Percy, it was a man called Andrew Smith during the American Revolution, before him, a Knights Hospitaller in Malta called Antonius Angelo. Each has had a weapon given to them as a gift from myself and I want you to deliver it to him, and that is why I am here." Thanatos spoke in a peaceful manner.

"So whats the weapon then? And how will we get to Tartarus, we have to go to Central Park and it's rush hour, it'll take hours." Nico spoke, partially whinging, partially annoyed.

"Go into Percy's contained and grab the third box on your left, sacrifice it to me and I shall connect the doors of death on earth and Tartarus. Thus, time in Tartarus will move at a normal rate the same here on earth." Thanatos finished. Nico complied with what was asked of him and burned the box in its entirety.

Once the box finished burning the iron doors of Percy containers were turned into magnificent dark mahogany doors. Stygian Iron hinged the doors to white marble columns.

"And this is the weapon." Thanatos finished with a sly grin and threw a ring at Nico. It was gold, studded with tanzanite jewels and engraved inside it said Skotádi, Greek for darkness. Nico ran his index finger on the inside of the jewel and it transformed, turning into a beautiful scythe. The pole and handle was made off gold and tanzanite jewels studded along it, and the blade, a three foot crescent, was made off Stygian Iron. The blade casted a faint ethereal light with an aura of power around it.

"You are unable to use it. The blade has a dark history and only Percy is capable of being able to use it. Unless, you wish to be cursed Nico." Thanatos finished with a warning. Nico simply nodded and turned the Scythe back into a ring and putting it in his pocket.

"Also, do not forget. Percy has been down there for 1000 years. He has most likely changed for the worst and is going to be very powerful, take care." Thanatos finished before changing into a Raven and flying off.

"Well that was a dramatic exit." Thalia spoke, causing Nico and Annabeth to jump. "Anyway, I guess we should go into the lovely hellhole of Tartarus."

Annabeth and Nico simply nodded before opening and entering the magnificent doors, stepping into a hellish landscape only describable as a living nightmare. Seconds of stepping in they faced their first challenge. Hyperion.


Hey guys, Admeto back once again. I'm gonna apologise for the lack of updates, there is no real excuse other than the fact that I was working on the remastered version of my main story. If you haven't seen it, it's Hero Once Broken (Remastered) and many of you will enjoy.

So Question of the day: (QOTD) What do you think was in the box Nico sacrificed to Thanatos? It isn't something completely random and does actually make sense.

Please review your answers, and share your thoughts on the chapters.

Quick shout outs to a couple of OG's who have reviewed.

- Snowdrop02

- TheFallenAce15

If it weren't for these guys the quality of this story would be sub-par and I would have gave in. However, thanks to their constructive criticism I fixed all my chapters and revamped. Which I have done again by the way. Honestly the next chapter is going to be dedicated to those two as a thank you, so go check out their pages, each have to stories on it, and i'm sure they'll appreciate it.

Stay awesome folks, if you're new follow and favourite, and don't forget, reviews are massively appreciated.

Peace out ~AdmetoUltor14