So I've given dardarbinx101 a bit of a challenge. Five senses, five chapters, in five days. I couldn't give a challenge and not do it myself so Happy Saturday ... Here's "Sound".
I will "See" you all tomorrow. LOL... Ok that was corny.
Tris made her way trough the pit her head swimming from the days training. It had been more bearable than she expected to spend a whole day cooped up in an office with no one to talk to but Eric. It certainly wasn't the best day of her life but she had expected disastrous and argumentative, and instead, had been pleasantly surprised with educational and cordial.
The thing Tris couldn't shake from the day was the sound of Eric's voice. She had heard it enough during initiation, deep and rough, but today it was different. It seemed to hold less malice.
He'd spent most of the day going over where things were, showing her the computer, and explaining how to navigate through the live feeds that filtered through the control room. As he spoke she found that somehow the sound of his voice was calming her over active mind.
Sometime just before lunch she had been engrossed in an old inter-faction meeting report when he came up behind her, crouching to read over her shoulder, and said, "interesting to see how they all interacted isn't it?"
Tris had jumped a bit at the gravely baritone just at her ear, and could only nod in response. The vibration of his voice at her ear had sent an odd warmth through her veins that pooled in her lower belly.
As she walked back to her apartment Tris could still feel his breath, warm against her neck, and hear the low rumble of his laughter when she'd managed to knock over the stack of files beside her when he startled her.
Tris entered the sparsely decorated studio apartment she had been assigned when she chose leadership over Four and toed off her shoes as she closed the door. She stripped off her clothing and stepped under the comforting rush of a hot shower. As she rinsed away soap suds and the stress of the day she realized her fingers had found the exact place the edge of his lip had caught at the tip of her ear for a fraction of a second as he turned his head to laugh at her earlier. Her shower lasted longer than usual that night and she'd emerged less tense but still fixated on the voiced that had caused her to be so self serving.
The last thought that passed through her mind before she drifted into a fitful sleep was that she was looking forward to hearing the sound of his voice again.