Title: You, Me and Horse
Rating: T
Genre: Humor, Friendship
Pairings: undecided but probably lots of hinted stuff like US/everyone and US/UK
Summary: Fresh out of high school Alfred F. Jones goes to work on his grandmother's horse farm in Virginia. He didn't realize that it's also been converted into an all male dormitory for international students!

One: Arrival


Hey bro! I made it finally. I've arrived at the plantation and it's just as massive as it was all those years ago. Remember how we used to ride through these amazing pastures on our horses in the summers? I wish you can visit me some time. You won't believe all the crazy that has happened and it's only the first day...

Cue music and Hetalia title card...

The cab pulled up to the beautiful stately brick plantation home. Out stepped Alfred F. Jones, a young man with a backpack slung on his back and a suitcase in one hand. In the other hand he held a paper with a picture of said house on it as well as the address.

He looked at the paper confirming that that place was indeed the same as the one in front of him before nodding to the cab driver who promptly took off.

Heart beating a mile a minute Alfred made his way up the graveled path and observing the beautiful green lands surrounding them. It was his first time in many years back at the family plantation.

The plantation had been in the Jones family for generations. It used to be a tobacco farm during the colonial period and continued to be used as a plantation well past the American civil war. About 50 years ago the family decided to focus more on horses.

There was a reason Alfred was there. His parents were divorced which led him to grow up half the time in Montana and the other times in Washington D.C. He just graduated from high school but failing to get into the university of choice he was having trouble finding the correct path in his life. On the other side his twin brother Matthew was succeeding and got into a good school. Alfred didn't want to live with either of his parents any longer. When his grand mother offered position as the wrangler and stable boy at her plantation house he jumped on the chance. He could do that for a year while he reapplied for schools or whatever he decided to do. The military was looking more promising every day. Marines: the few, the proud.

He felt a shiver of excitement run through him as he looked at the quiet yet quaint building. Thinking of living there was quite daunting he had to admit. His grandmother said there were some people staying in there but they'd keep to himself and he wouldn't have much to manage outside of the horses. There was even people there who would cook! Alfred was thankful for that.

Finally he ambled up the steps and knocked on the massive wood door but there never came any answer. He rang the old fashioned bell and waited once more but upon no response he tried the knob and the door opened. Alfred stepped in.

"Hello? Granny?" he called and his voice echoed in the atrium against the high ceilings.

He set foot into the house and his foot steps fell heavy against the wooden floors.

"Granny? It's me Alfred!"

There was no answer.

"I guess she's not here," figured Alfred as he shrugged. "I better put my stuff in my room."

He ran up the stairs to go into the room he used to share with Matthew in his childhood when they visited. He stepped in and noted it looked much the same as it usually did. He dumped his things and then felt bored.

"I don't remember it being this quiet here back then," mused the youth.

His stomach growled.

"Oh! I guess I'll eat!"

Alfred made his way to the kitchen. There to his surprise he saw quite the assortment of foods on the counter. There was a little bamboo container which he opened up to see contained buns. On the stove was a pot of still warm marinara sauce and another of noodles. On the island there was a trey of assorted cheese, sausage and breads. His stomach only growled louder at the display.

"Holy shit look at all of this amazing food! I didn't realize I was so hungry!" he groaned.

He grabbed a stool and pulled it up to the counter and proceeded to eat. He hadn't eaten since that morning and it was already 3 so being the growing boy he is Alfred ate every single bit of it up. Only a tiny scrap of bread crust on the trey and a smear of sauce were left in the pot after he was finished.

With a burp Alfred pat his stomach and went into the living room where he saw a bunch of video game systems were laying about.

"Huh?" he said. "Granny doesn't like video games."

His face lit up.

"She must have got this for me!"

He jumped onto the couch and turned on the TV only to see that a game was already in session, only it was paused as if someone got up and left it suddenly. It was a racing game and whoever was signed in (tehAwesome9001) was apparently in the middle of a campaign and in 1st place. Sure it was a weird name for his Granny but Alfred decided not to question it too much instead. He began to play. After 10 minute of fierce battle tehAwesome9001's rank dropped into the final spot.

"I'm not used to it yet," gave Alfred as an excuse to no one and then paused it to go find something else to play.

He looked at the titles and found some of his favorites in the mix and couldn't wait to get started with it. However, that's when he remembered that he was supposed to go check on the horses as soon as he arrived.

Alfred left to do that before he got engrossed into anything else. He exited out of the back of the house to head towards the stables. On the way though he noted the tiny garden near the kitchen. It was always there as Granny enjoyed growing her own veggies. However a new addition caught his eye. A row of merry sunflowers pointed joyously towards the sky.

"Huh?" he said. "That's new."

He walked over but tripped on something on the way crushing two of the sunflowers down and bending the stalk.

"Oops!" he said sheepishly standing up and attempting to straighten them. Unfortunately they wouldn't stand as they used to.

"Well at least it wasn't all of them," Alfred muttered as he turned and continued his trek to the horse stalls.

He finally made it and saw the horses were in the corral. When he walked up to the fence a few of the horses approached him and he patted their noses. He counted and they were all accounted for. He went into the stable and saw all of the tack was also in their right places and the stable was actually clean.

He went back to the house and was about to go play the game again when he felt the urge to pee. He had to handle that first so he went to go to the bathroom. Of course, seeing as nobody was in the entire house all day he didn't think to knock.

The door swung open revealing a man who was in a state of half undress. He had just pulled off his shirt, obvious by his mussed up hair, and was in the middle of pulling down his trousers. Blue met green as Alfred and the stranger stared at each other in shock. The stranger was the first to react however.

"Ahhh!" he cried out and threw a nearby bar of soup at Alfred.

Alfred had great reflexes and slammed the door shut in time to block the soap and turned into a run down the hall. The scream sparked the curiosity of another boarder it seemed. As Alfred ran by he didn't noticed the way one of the room doors were opened just a crack and the head of an Asian man poked through.

"Kiku! Help!" came the blonde haired, bushy eyebrow stranger's voice from behind Alfred as he began to make chase.

The head only slipped back into his room without comment.

Alfred continued to run scared for his life.

"Dude! We're both guys! Why are you so angry?" Alfred tried to reason as he slid down the banister.

"This is private property!" went on the man in what Alfred realized was a British accent.

Alfred reached the bottom of the stairs and veered left into the kitchen and was shocked to see two people in there, another man with silky blonde hair and a woman with long dark black hair.

"It's an intruder!" came the British voice from the atrium behind him.

"I'm not a-" Alfred tried to explain holding up his hands but he was cut off.

"Aiya! He ate our food!" the woman protested.

"My cheese!" the Frenchmen exclaimed.

The woman grabbed a wok from nearby and the blonde grabbed the trey and began to chase after Alfred too.

"NO!" Alfred screamed and he turned and proceeded to run out of the back door.

As he did he noticed a very large hulking man bending down and fingering the stalks of the broken sunflowers.

"Ivan! It's an intruder!" the woman alerted him.

Ivan glanced at the doorway and zeroed in on Alfred noticing the yellow sunflower petals that were still stuck to his shirt that hitherto nobody else took note of. A dark aura began to surround him and scared Alfred even more. He turned and began running through the yard of the plantation now with four crazed foreigners chasing after him.

"Granny!" he cried feeling a bit of tears collecting in the corners of his eyes.

He wasn't even looking and ended up careening between a brunette artist and his easel causing the canvas and ain't to go every which way!

"Sorry!" He apologized but wouldn't stop running.

"Ve," said the painter as the Russian, Chinese, British and French people also ran past.

The painter decided to join.

"What's happening?" he asked.

"It's an intruder, Feliciano!" said the British blonde.

"I'm not an intruder!" Alfred shouted back but he kept running forward.

He rounded the front of the house feet pumping frantically against the lush green grass. Finally! He saw before him a car pulling in and he it was his salvation.

"Granny!" he cried out recognizing that blue Ford pickup from all those years ago.

The truck stopped and Alfred collapsed against the hood and the small angry mob surrounded him. The doors to the truck opened and Alfred looked up in glee but his face only fell when he saw the occupants of the vehicle were definitely not people he knew. There were two men, one blonde and the other with shockingly white hair.

"Kesesese, so I see you met our new stable boy," said the white haired man with gleaming red eyes. "Alfred Jones."

America's voice: "Hetalia!"

The crew was all assembled in the living room. They all sat on the couches in a semi circle as the white haired man and Alfred stood in front of the TV doing their introduction.

"Sorry about that, Alfred. Your Grandmother told me you'd be arriving this afternoon but Ludwig and I were a bit later than usual coming back with the groceries," apologized the pale man.

"Ah, no big deal, bro," Alfred said trying to downplay how nervous he felt.

"Anyway, time to meet the gang. I'm Gilbert from Germany. I work for your grandmother and I manage this dormitory."

"Dorm...?" Alfred scrunched up his face.

"Yeah, for the past few years your Grandmother has been letting International students from the nearby university stay here. We get to experience countryside life on an American ranch and for cheap too!" explained Gilbert. "But I'm not a student. I just help run the place and help them adjust to life in the states."

Alfred nodded to show he understood.

Gilbert gestured towards the couches, starting at the far left.

"That's my little bro Ludwig. I'm his guardian so he is also not a student at the university. He attends high school here and is 17."

"Hello," Ludwig greeted getting up to shake Alfred's hand.

They shook and then Ludwig sat back down.

"Cool! I'm 18!" beamed Alfred.

"That makes you the second youngest then," Gilbert grinned. He then continued on to the person beside his brother. "Beside him is Feliciano. He studies art but I guess you know that now."

Gilbert gestured to the paint splotches on Alfred's body.

"Yeah," Alfred said. "Sorry, dude."

"This is Yao from China. He studies at the university as a graduate student. He's the oldest."

"He's a dude?" Alfred said shocked. The people were beginning to see he had no filter.

"I'm a man!" scolded Yao. "And you ate all of our buns. That was for dinner."

"Sorry, man," Alfred rubbed the back of his head. "They were super delicious though."

"Well, since you're a growing boy I'll excuse it for today," Yao assented.

Gilbert chuckled, "Don't go easy on him just because he's a kid."

"Don't worry, Gilbert. Ludwig's still the house baby," interrupted Feliciano with a smile.

Ludwig merely looked away with a slight blush.

"Kesesese, next up is... Ivan! From Russia."

"It is nice to meet you. I wonder will you bend as easily as my sunflowers did when you stomped them?" greeted Ivan with a smile that didn't match the strange aura emanating from him.

"Yikes!" Alfred said then whispered to Gilbert. "Am I gonna die?"


Alfred tried not to let that deflate his spirits. Positive thoughts! Positive thoughts. "So, next is...?"

"Francis Bonnefoy, my sweet American," said the Frenchmen before Gilbert could. "From France."

He jumped up and took Alfred's hand and placed a kiss to the back of it. Alfred pulled his hand back and wiped it on his hoodie.

"Uh, weren't you just trying to kill me with a trey?" he asked.

"Oui, but do not be offended about it. I tend to get swept up in the passion of the moment," Francis replied.

The man beside him stood up and pulled his back down by the back of his blazer.

"Can it, Frog!" he grumbled with a scowl. "I'm Arthur Kirkland. I apologize for my reaction but I do hope you'd knock in the future."

The scowl was still on his face despite it being an apology.

"Uh sure, sorry, man," replied the American teen. "I didn't mean anything by it, really."

"Just don't let it happen again," the Englishman said though the scowl did soften by a little.

Alfred nodded not entirely sure how to take the exchange. Out of all of the people present Alfred felt intrigued about Arthur the most. Of course they all seemed like interesting people but while they all sat with open and accepting body language, even Ivan but Alfred didn't want to think what that could even mean, Arthur looked reserved and closed off, as if there were a wall he had built up already. Alfred didn't think it were fair to already close yourself off without giving someone a chance. Unless of course Arthur was still embarrassed about Alfred seeing him in a state of undress.

"It's OK, dude, relax. It's not like you have anything I haven't seen, Ha Ha Ha!"

"I,idiot!" Arthur said and went beet red. "Just forget it!"

The blonde turned and stomped away leaving a confused Alfred behind.

"Oh, Arthur! Are you embarrassed?" Francis went and chased after him.

"Go away!"

"Heh," Alfred shrugged.

He looked around at the remaining people.

"Hey, wasn't there another guy here?" he asked.

"Like who?" Gilbert asked.

"Well, when I was running away from Arthur after that bathroom incident I could have sworn he had said a name... Key... Keyko or..."

"Oh! Kiku!" Gilbert said. "Yeah, Kiku is from Japan but he basically never comes out of his room ever. He does leave for class and he also likes to take super long baths but other than that nobody really knows about him."

"We want to be friends with Kiku, right Ludwig?" Feliciano said sadly as he looked at the German teen.

"Uh, yes, but we can't force anyone to be our friend," Ludwig said.

Alfred was perplexed.

"Why not?" the loud youth asked. "Why don't we just go in there and make him come out?"

Yao answered, "You can't just do that."

"Yeah? Watch me!"

Alfred turned to march up the stairs but suddenly three people were grabbing onto his arms.

"Don't do it!" Feliciano said.

"You'd be crossing his boundaries!" Ludwig warned.

"We just have to let him do it on his own time!" advised Yao.

Prussia watched with a smile.

"Just listen to them for now. You've already had an exciting day. We don't wanna add the eruption of Kiku to that mix," said the pale German caretaker.

"Ah, right," Alfred said relaxing.

The three let go of him with a sigh.

"Let's get ready for dinner again," said Yao.

Feliciano beamed happily, "Alfred, you have to help us since you ate it all."

"OK!" said Alfred.

Alfred, Feliciano, and Yao disappeared out of the living room to go to the kitchen chattering happily. Gilbert was happy to see it. He loved it when a new tenant got along well with the others. He took a seat on the now mostly free couch between Ivan and Ludwig.

"I should go do my homework," Ludwig said dismissing himself as he left the room.

"Ok," Gilbert said waving him off then turned to Ivan. "How about you Ivan?"

"The house is even more lively now with Alfred, yes?" said the Russian with a smile.

"You can say that again," smiled Gilbert. "And now time to return to my game!"

He turned on the TV only to see that his car, which was in first place was now in last place.


He leaped up to run into the kitchen in anger leaving the smiling Russian behind.

"Much more lively," Ivan sang song.

-to be continued-

AN: HEY! welcome to the ranch. uhm... My 2nd hetalia story. as you can probably already see this is gonna be kinda like Love Hina or a harem genre. If you know how those go. Imagine the anime adaptation of a dating game... yeah one of those! But the genre is Humor and Friendship. A lot of mishaps but no actual pairings in the beginning but a kinda obvious one glaring at you. That's probably US/UK. I plan for this to be kinda episodic with each boy also getting their "episode" and time with Alfred but also other hijinks and bonding involved! Thanks for reading and I hope you follow and review!