Chase...he's feeling pressure right there an way to tell who is infected?

Chase's pov

*why did I yell at Skye...i..i just don't feel like myself anymore...even if I get out ...I really don't think I can live with myself...I shot best friend... and now Skye hates me...what did I do to deserve this?*... Chase walks towards Rocky's room and is greeted by a terrifying sight... Rocky continually smashing his hammer into Mayor Goodway's head... *oh well she was infected anyways* Chase thought... "ROCKY! YOU'RE OK!"...Chase says happily as he begins to run to his friend...Rocky backs away... "Chase...stay away from me..." Rocky says ..."but's me?...Chase?.." Chase tries to calm Rocky down "I don't know that...I don't know what's going on anymore... ..I don't want to see anymore of whatever these things are... I saw what happened to Ryder...and...I don't want that to happen to me" Rocky said as he grabbed a knife sitting on the table... "Rocky...what are you doing?" Chase asks worried on what his friend is doing "I don't know...wether you're one of them or not...I'm not going to let you take me...I have no idea if you're really Chase or I won't give you the chance to trick me..." Rocky said as he held the knife to his neck... "Rocky no!" Chase jumped at Rocky...and tried to wrestle the knife away...Rocky kicked Chase off...but Chase tried for the knife again...this time...Rocky used the hammer from his pup pack to hit Chase "Ruff hammer!" Rocky said... He hit chase a couple of times on the body...but then he finally managed to hit him in the head...knocking him out

1 hour the dark...Rocky's room...

Chase's pov

"Whaaa...ROCKY!" Chase woke up in Rocky's dark room and realized he was in the middle of wrestling keep him from taking his own life...but when Chase looks over...he realizes he's too late... Rocky's blood covered the floor...and was all over Chase as he was next to the body... "Rocky...why?...why did you do it?" Chase kept saying... not believing his friend was so afraid scared of whatever these aliens were... he didn't trust his own friend...he couldn't live his life anymore...Chase started crying...and stared down at his gun...thinking about taking his own life... *what's the point...all my friends are dead...or infected ...I'm probably the only one left...* Chase had made up his mind... "I'm coming pups" Chase said as he held the gun to his head...but then he heard a familiar voice.. " ok?"..."yeah are you alright?" was Ryder and Skye in the doorway... "yeah...I'm fine" Chase said as he pulled the gun away from his head ... "hey you know where Marshall is?...I haven't seen him.." "No I haven't seen Marshall...not in a while...want to go look for him?" Skye asked... "yeah I haven't seen him in a while" Ryder added "no...I think I'll stay right here..."...Chase raises his gun...and fires his two remaining shots...killing Skye and Ryder... "you aliens have to be smarter than that..." Chase said as he knew Skye was infected as she was with him when he killed infected since Ryder was with her...he was likely infected as well... Chase thinking it was over...made his way to the lookout roof...he couldn't have been more wrong...he gazed upon an army of infected adventure bay citizens and also several larger alien creatures...much larger than the infecting ones...Chase realized what he must do...he went to Ryder's room where he knew Ryder kept a rifle and a small amount of ammo...he unlocked the door to the room and grabbed the gun off the rack and checked his ammo.. "damn...10 rounds?" Chase said not believing how little there was... he then realized he had some gunpowder from some experiments the pups helped Alex with one time...and he also realized there were bottles of chemicals that Ryder used to clean the lookout with... and he realized he could make some bombs...and he also though of the bear traps Ryder used for hunting... he created a plan with these few items... as he knew the battle could not be won...he took the gunpowder and placed it in packs...and put it on the large generator the lookout used for power...he rewired the generator so it would turn on again as the cables were cut from before...he looked at the marks... "from a dalmation...Marshall..." he realized that the cable wasn't bitten off was gradually chewed off...there were also small blood stains on the floor...a flashback occurred... * "Marshall...did you cut your mouth on something?'re bleeding".. Chase said. ..."oh um... I should go ask Katie to look at it...I'll talk to you later Chase" * ... "damn...I should have seen it coming...and...poor Katie...she doesn't deserve this" Chase thought as he continued to rig the gunpowder to the generator...which had plenty of gasoline to blow the lookout to the sky...Chase was ready...he was back on the roof...and had Rocky's old catapult...and launched a few chemical bombs on the aliens...he shot the 10 rounds he had...and he realized after a few minutes...he only had one thing left...the generator bomb...he had the detonator in hand...but he had something in mind...he walked to Zuma's room where Marshall's body was...he decided that at least he can be next to his friend...during his final moments... "I...wish I could have told you this Marshall..." Chase begins talking to Marshall's body... "Before you ...well turned... I've always had these...feelings...and I wish I could have acted on them...I always wanted you to know...but I have a strange did...but...we were too scared to tell each other...well...I love you Marshall...and...I hope you can hear me from beyond...because.. I hope you're there...waiting for me...with Ryder and the rest of the all deserve to be in that better place...away from this...and well..." Chase hears the chain on the main door snap... "I'm coming...I'm coming real soon Marshall buddy..." Chase says as he kisses Marshall's forehead...the aliens begin down the hallway to the room...they stop in the see Chase holding Marshall's body... " took everything from friends,... my life...and now I'm going to make you pay..." The aliens inch closer... " took my love...and I never got to tell him how I felt in this life... and I feel bad about that...but...I'll show you aliens what happens when you fuck with the Paw Patrol...because...well... you know what they call me?" Chase said... as he raised the detonator...the aliens begin to run into the room..

"They call me...Pup-Legend"

the bomb goes off...Chase's fate is sealed along with all the other aliens...Chase kills several aliens but...not enough to save the planet...there are still several more...but that's not why he did it...he just wanted to see his friends the great beyond

"Zuma?...Ryder?...Marshall?..." Chase is in darkness... "am I alone?... is this all that's left?" Chase asks himself But then... "CHASE!..." he turns around to see an all to familiar Dalmatian that he knows and loves... "MARSHALL!" Chase runs to him...and realizes the rest of his friends are there too "You're a hero buddy" says Ryder... "No...I'm not a hero...I'm just a happy pup...happy to be at home...where he belongs" Chase says "What home?..." Marshall asks... "With the Paw Patrol...where ever they may be...and...with love...Marshall..." Chase says as he leans in to kiss Marshall... Marshall moves in and kisses him back... "Chase how did you know?...that I li-liked you?" Marshall says nervously... " get to know these things...when you are around someone as caring as you...and...also it was a little obvious... because you had a picture of me with a heart surrounding it in your pup uniform pocket" Chase says... They all laugh...and head to a new scene forming in the's a beautiful tower...a white tower...with a big paw's the lookout...and Chase...even knowing he's dead...couldn't be happier