"It doesn't matter if you destroy us! Steven is safe! That's what matters!" Alexandrite shouted angrily.
"It won't be hard to reach him and take him back here, you didn't save anyone… in the end I'll get my revenge and Rose Quartz and everything she fought for will vanish into nothing! You failed… do you have any last words?" The Matriarch said showing a wicked, evil smile.
"Y-you really should f-focus more on what you're t-trying to accomplish and less on y-your monologues…" Alexandrite smiled weakly.
"What? What are y-" The Matriarch Gem didn't have time to end her sentence, suddenly, the tip of a bright, blue spear, pierced through the gem on her forehead, completely trespassing it and sticking into the wall in front of her. Blue Diamond quickly reached Alexandrite who immediately defused.
"Y-you saved us!" Pearl cried in disbelief as the former Homeworld's leader approached them, Lapis and Jasper, who regained consciousness, following behind.
"I may not share your or Rose Quartz's feelings about the Earth, but I won't ever let anyone hurt my daughter or the ones who saved her…" Blue Diamond said turning towards the diamond fusion, whose body was now completely covered in bright cracks.
"You have to hurry, Yellow Diamond's gem was already damaged and I just damaged White Diamond's one, the fusion is going to collapse, we have to leave the room…" Blue Diamond said as all of them gems rushed towards the door which leaded towards the hangar. As they all ran away, they turned around only to see the gigantic fusion falling to her knees, holding her head while deep, bright cracks covered her entire body.
"D-DAMN Y-YOU C-CRYSTAL G-GEMS!" The Matriarch Diamond cried before a bright light engulfed her and a loud explosion could be heard from the hangar.
As all of the gems rushed into hangar, they noticed White Diamond's ship and Blue Diamond's one, one on the left side of the room, one on the right, an empty spot remained at the bottom of the room, reserved for the now destroyed ship of Yellow Diamond. A bridge connected White Diamond's ship with the floor of the room, as all of the gems reached the hangar, Peridot, Steven and Jet came out from the ship and reached the group. Before parting, the gems stopped at the center of the room, despite the fact they managed to survive, defeat the Homeworld's leaders fusion and escape from its collapsing form, Lapis noticed something in Blue Diamond's behavior, she was far from being calm, something was wrong, and if this something managed to get a Diamond worried, then it had to be something seriously wrong.
"Mother? What have you done?" Lapis asked as the great gem turned towards her, a worried expression on her face.
"What?" Blue Diamond answered, not giving Lapis really much attention, she looked around as if she was waiting for something to happen.
"While we fought against Yellow and White Diamond… what did you do?" Lapis asked growing concerned.
"I made something that will prevent Homeworld from following and hurting you ever again…" Blue Diamond spoke in a low tone of voice, everyone was getting worried.
"Mother… what… have… you… done?" Lapis asked one last time.
"You probably do not remember about what Homeworld decided to create during the last phase of the rebellion but-" Blue Diamond was interrupted by Peridot.
"Oh my gosh! D-don't tell me you activated the Void!" Peridot immediately covered her mouth, realizing she had just interrupted a Diamond.
"I am afraid that that's what I have done…" Blue Diamond explained lowering her head.
"The Void? What is it?" Lapis asked, sounding confused.
"Do you remember that facility where we retrieved the adapter for our drill machine?" Peridot asked becoming more and more anxious.
"Y-yes, why are you asking me?" Lapis, alongside all of the gems, began to become nervous, what was Blue Diamond talking about?
"Remember how I said that that facility was used by Homeworld to create a weapon that would have reversed the tide of the battle?" Peridot said, wide eyes and breathing heavily.
"Yes, i-is that the Void?!" Lapis asked as Peridot gulped and nodded.
"But w-what does this weapon do?" Steven asked as Blue Diamond raised her head.
"It compresses what is around it at the time of the activation, creating an unimaginable concentration of matter… and consecutively…" Blue Diamond's sentence was ended by a now shocked Pearl.
"A black hole…" Pearl's eyes widened as she understood what was going to happen.
"I managed to communicate on a safe line with my remaining soldiers… they are now escaping from this planet, Yellow and White Diamond's gems must think that they are retreating… they are escaping… if someone is going to judge me, I don't care, I don't have any regrets… this way I'm saving all of you, all of the gems who believes in me and punishing the ones who hurt me and you… I'm going to create a new Homeworld, inhabited by loyal gems, free from White Diamond and Yellow Diamond's wickedness…" Blue Diamond said before crouching in front of Lapis, caressing her cheek.
"Come with me Lapis… together we'll create a new world… we'll create our own empire and we'll take back the greatness that was taken from us a long time ago… we'll have a home again…" Blue Diamond's smile grew sadder as she saw Lapis looking at what was now her family.
"Mother… I will never be thankful enough for what you did for us… for what you did for me… but, I already have a home, and a family that I could never abandon…" Lapis said, tears in her eyes as she smiled at her mother.
"I understand, but just know, that I'll always be with you Lapis…" Blue Diamond kissed her daughter's forehead before standing up.
"You must go now… it's already happening!" She said as cracks began to appear on the walls of the hangar.
"Goodbye Lapis…" Blue said holding her old friend's hands.
"Goodbye Blue, live a happy life, wherever you're going…" Lapis smiled and hugged Blue before parting and following the others.
"Come on! We gotta go!" Garnet yelled as all the gems rushed towards the bridge of White Diamond's ship, while Blue Diamond, alongside Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl rushed towards Blue Diamond's one.
One by one, all of the gems started to reach the bridge which connected White Diamond's ship to the hangar's floor. First one to reach the inside of the ship was Jasper, the ones closing the line were Peridot and Amethyst. Suddenly a loud crack was heard by everyone… the roof of the hangar had been detached from the structure and a powerful wind began blow in the room. All the gems covered their own faces as they fought against the force which was pulling them back. Peridot was going to stumble backwards but Amethyst caught her hand in time.
"Hang on!" Amethyst shouted holding onto Peridot.
"Thank you!" Peridot said, both of them smiling at each other… but their smiles soon faded as Amethyst's eyes became wide.
"Watch out!" Amethyst cried pulling Peridot towards her, too late however… when Peridot opened her eyes and looked down, she became terrified as she noticed that a hand was grabbing her by her leg.
"Did you really think it would end like that?!" Yellow Diamond laughed maniacally as another loud crack could be heard.
The whole hangar began to fall apart, the first wall to fall was the one on the back of the room, and when it fell, all of the gems remained speechless… there was absolutely nothing in front of them… just darkness… a deep, endless darkness which was trying to swallow them. Yellow Diamond began to raise in the air, Peridot's leg the only lifeline which was keeping her to the ground. Without thinking, before Peridot could be swallowed by the void, Amethyst grabbed Peridot and held her hand as all of the gems did the same, forming a chain.
"You destroyed everything I had! But if I have to die with my empire… then you'll die with me!" Yellow Diamond shouted as Peridot tried to form her blaster but was anticipated by the Homeworld's leader who used her free arm to crush her robotic arm, revealing Peridot's real arm.
"Hold on everyone!" Jasper cried holding everyone with all her strength.
"What's that face Peridot? Afraid of the dark?" Yellow Diamond chuckled evilly… but her laugh soon faded as she noticed Peridot's smirk.
"You grabbed the wrong gem!" Peridot said.
Suddenly, Peridot reached her robotic leg with her free arm and touched it, Yellow Diamond's eyes becoming wide as many yellow lines began to stretch on the robotic limb. It all happened in a moment, Yellow Diamond couldn't even react, Peridot's foot detached itself from her leg and with it, the Homeworld's leader flew away, into the darkness, disappearing forever. Jasper used all of the strength she had left and pulled the gems on board, the large, mechanical entrance door closing behind them.
"Quick! We have to bring Peridot to the control room!" Garnet said as Jet took Peridot in her arms, carrying her and leading everyone to the control room.
As Jet sat Peridot down on the seat in front of the controls, everyone prayed that the technician would have been fast enough to bring them away in time. Luckily, Peridot had already started the ship during the fight against Yellow Diamond and White Diamond's fusion, she just needed to take control of the ship using the holographic panel and the ship began to move.
"We made it!" Steven yelled happily as the ship distanced itself from the large void behind them.
"Congratulations everyone!" Garnet said as all of the gems hugged each other, laughing and sighing in relief, they really managed to do it, they escaped and they would have never had to worry about Homeworld again.
As the ship distanced itself from the long gone planet, Peridot stopped the ship as all of the gems saw that Blue Diamond's ship was in front of theirs. The communication panel displayed a call and all of the gems held their breath as Peridot answered, a large holographic screen forming in front of the gems.
"Here's Blue Diamond, communicating from the third imperial ship, what are your conditions?" Blue Diamond asked.
"A little dented but fine…" Peridot grunted looking at her missing robotic limbs as everyone chuckled.
"Thank you for saving us mother… we won't forget it…" Lapis said smiling as the great gem smiled back.
"I hope you will all find your way and I hope that your life will be happy, now I have to go, me and my gems have a long journey to face and an even more long work to do in order to rebuild our world from nothing, but it's better this way, this time it won't be cruel and corrupted… I have one last request…" Blue Diamond asked as everyone nodded.
"Everything after what you have done for us…" Garnet said.
"Be a good family for my daughter, I don't wish anything else…" Blue Diamond asked.
"Of course! We'll be the perfect family for her!" Steven said happily as both Lapis and Blue Diamond smiled to him.
"Then… I shall leave you to return to your home… goodbye Crystal Gems…" Blue Diamond terminated the call.
As Blue Diamond's ship moved away, Peridot took control of the ship again and set the course for the Earth. All of the gems started to talk about what happened, to laugh and even to cry, after all they've been through a lot, Steven couldn't believe he would have had the chance to see his dad, Lion and Connie again, but it was true, he was going to see them again, and all of them would have been able to see their home again. They were finally going to return, and this time, there would have been nothing to threaten them or their home… and as the ship started to move again, one thought crossed everyone's minds… 'We're coming home'.
And so guys, this is the end! We hope you have liked our story, with all of its happy and sad moments. We want to thank you for all the reviews, favs and follows because they have been what made us go on writing this story and because your appreciation has been very important to us. So thank you all again and again and again, we hope you liked our idea for the finale and well… maybe we'll see each other again in another story, bye!