The pain that was inside of me lasted for what seemed like forever. And boy was it intense. Not even the pain of giving birth couldn't stand a chance against this. It was like being dipped in acid, set on fire, and run over by a tank all at the same time, and yet, I was sure that I was untouched. How could so much pain exist in this world? How could I be in so much pain? But then I heard Carlisle explain to me what was happening. Over my screams, I could only hear so much, but I did get the gist of it. Basically, I was turning into a vampire, that's why I was in so much pain. He also explained that I would now have to tell everyone that I was dead, because it was too dangerous for me to be near them, and that it'd be better if they thought I was dead.
Great. Now Ryan and Sally are gonna think that I'm dead. They're both gonna be devastated. Why does this kind of thing happen to me? First, I got the horrible gift of seeing someone's death date, then my parents died in 9/11, then I got pregnant, then Derick "Died", then Isabelle died, then I turned into a murder suspect, then I got my arm broken, then I found out that my brother was still alive, and now I was transforming into a vampire. Couldn't God have given me a break? I mean, I've been through so much, more than most people my age go through. But why? What did I ever do to deserve this? Things were finally looking good for me. I was going to graduate high school a year early, then go to college. I finally had some sort of relationship with Seth and I had hoped that I'd finally be able to have a relationship after Ryan. Now how can that be? As far as I know, vampires and shape shifters are enemies, so what's going to happen between us?
All those thoughts ran through my head as I went through the change, but after a while, I tuned into what everyone was saying.
"What are we gonna do? Bella and Edward are most likely going to have their wedding here, but we can't have Bella around a newborn vampire," Esme said.
"I'm not sure," Carlisle said. "Maybe she could stay with the Denali coven for a while, while she gains control of her thirst."
"What?! No!" Seth exclaimed. "She can't go anywhere."
"We might not have any choice. She can't be around here with Bella having to go in and out often. Sending her to Denali would be the best option because they are also vegetarians like us, and they live in a remote location, so they would be able to help her gain control over her thirst without drawing the attention of humans."
"Wait, what's happening to her hair?" Emmett asked. I heard a little shuffling.
"She had dyed her hair, looks like the venom is burning away the dye to reveal her true hair color," said Carlisle.
"I love her black hair," said Esme.
"Yeah, it's so pretty," Alice chimed in.
I don't know how much time had passed when the pain began to fade. And it didn't fade at the same time. It started at my fingertips and toes, and slowly made its way towards my heart. Then it reached my wrists and ankles, then my elbows and knees. Then, finally, it got closer and closer to my heart. My heart started to beat as fast as helicopter blades and as it did, my back arched up a little, until, finally, my heart stopped and my body slumped back to the table.
There was no talking, no breathing except for Seth's and all I could think about was the fact that my throat was extremely dry, like I'd just spent the last month in the desert without water. I didn't know what to do next, so I did what everyone was expecting me to do. I opened my eyes and stared above me in wonder.
A/N: What did you guys think? So this is the last chapter of this story, and I won't be posting the sequel for a little while. And I have to admit that I'm gonna miss these characters in the time that I take to focus on my other stories, but I'll probably prewrite a bunch of chapters before I post the actual story. Please review!