It's cold outside. I have been out for four days now. I know mommy isn't coming for me. Mommy has never loved me. I love mommy much. I lay on the bench shivering from the cold bite of the air. I ran as fast I could I had to get away from mommy and the bad man. Mommy let the bad man hurt me all the time. I hated when the bad man came to our house. He liked to hit me and touch me. Mommy never did anything. Why didn't mommy save me? She always told me I was a mistake. She told me I was a bad girl and bad girls deserved to be punished. I guess that's why the bad man hurt me. I needed to be punished.


"Mommy?" I whisper as I walk out of the dark closet. I always hide in the dark closet when mommies friends are here. Sometimes they find me but other times they don't. I like when they can't find me. I don't have to feel pain when they can't find me. I walk in to the living and see mommy on the couch. She's passed out with a pointy thing in her arm. He would cut me with the pointy thing. It didn't look like mommies but more like the thing she would cut food with. I don't know much because I'm not allowed to go to school. I wonder why mommy always had pointy things in her arm. Didn't they hurt her? .

I gently touch her face. Mommy is pretty when she's sleeping. She doesn't look sad or angry when she's sleeping. I love seeing mommy happy. Maybe if I let her sleep more she wouldn't be so angry with me. Mommy was always angry with me. She said I made my daddy leave her. She said it was my fault my daddy went to heaven. Heaven..Mommy says that my name is heaven backwards. She said she did it for daddy. I wish daddy was still around I don't remember him but he made mommy happy. I just want mommy to be happy.

I jump when I hear the front door open. Its the bad man again. He gets angry when he sees me next to mommy. I try to run when I see him walking near me but he's too fast and catches me anyway. I scream as he hits me across the face.

"Mommy help! Help me mommy!" She never does. Mommy never helps me when the bad man hurts me. I hate my mommy...but yet I love her. How does that work? Mommy says feelings can be confusing sometimes. I think I know what she means. I love my mommy and I want her to love me but I hate her because she doesn't.

I scream and cry as the man takes off his belt. I have to get out of here before he hurts me some more. I scream and kick him in his private parts. I get up and run. I don't stop running until I hit the park.

End of flashback

I can see the sun coming up now. I have no shoes and no jacket. I'm scared and I want my mommy but she doesn't want me. I can never go back there. The bad man will hurt me if I do. I get up and start walking some more. There has to be food somewhere. I'm so hungry. Mommy never feeds me. Only him. She only cares about him.

I stop when I see a huge building. This looks nice. They must have food here. Mommy says the rich can have what ever they want. Its the poor people like us who suffer. I don't really know what rich and poor means though. I really wish mommy would send me to school. She says school is pointless. I see a gate open and make a run for it. If I could just get inside maybe I could find food. I hide behind one of the cars and wait to make sure no one saw me. I jump back when I see a scary man with short hair looking at me. Oh no he's going to hurt me just like the bad man.

"Mr. Grey come see this sir." I hug my knees tighter as a man with copper hair and gray eyes walks over to me. He looks mean but he's very pretty. I hope they leave me alone. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I watch warily as the gray eyed man eyes me curiously. I jump when he bends down to look at me.

"It's okay.. Can you tell me your name? I promise I'm not here to hurt you." I stare at him wide eyed. He says he won't hurt me. Can I believe him? Why wouldn't he hurt me? Everyone hurts me.

Okay guys here is chapter on a little sneak peek at my idea. Let me know what you think in the comments I am really excite for all my stories but especially this one as I have wanted to write something like this for a while. Please REVIEW and tell me your thoughts