A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys. I was hoping to upload the chapter 10 days earlier but I didn't get the time to finish the Chapter. My exams are approaching so my parents rarely let me touch my Computer.

Anyways Guys, Here's the Chapter and it's about 6000 words. I know it is short but it was the best I could come up with.

By the way, did anyone of you heard any news about the upcoming Pokemon Z? I just saw some Pictures of Zygarde. I like the concept and all, except for the 10% form of it. Really the best they could came up with was a DOG? I even saw some pics of Ash's Greninja in the Mega Evolution Act IV. It's also a cool concept.

Enough of my babbling, let's sit back and relax and enjoy the story.

Beta by Dyn4mic Duo

Age of the characters are given below:

Ash – 13

Misty – 14

"Human Speech"

'Thoughts in Mind'

"Pokemon Speech"

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or Pokemon. If I was then Pikachu wouldn't have lost to a starter pokemon in Unova.

Chapter 3 – A day full of Adventure.

Outside Viridian City.

"So when did you start your journey, Ash?" Misty asked our hero, as they were walking down the road to Viridian City. Well Ash was walking and Misty limping since she had sprained her leg in the battle between Ash's starter, Pikachu and a wild Gyarados.

After a long and exhausting battle Ash had caught the Atrocious Pokemon, thanks to Pikachu's help and… a pokeball.

"I have got Pikachu just this morning, and then I left on my journey a little while after" Ash replied to Misty's question.

Misty stared at Ash in shock. She had trained with her pokemon since she was a 10 year old, but even she doubted that she could've handled a wild Gyarados.

Gyarados were one of the strongest water type pokemon except legendaries and even the strongest of trainers have difficulties facing them in pokemon battle. And here was a boy who had just received a pokemon and started his journey earlier today has not only defeated a Gyarados but captured it also.

Yes, Pikachu did had the type advantage due to being an Electric type since electric type attacks are quadruple effective against a Gyarados due to it being dual Water and Flying type, both type weak against electric type. But then again Pikachu could not have matched Gyarados if it was just a starter pokemon.

"Then how on the PokeEarth did your Pikachu defeated the Gyarados?" Misty asked Ash in a dazed manner.

"Well Pikachu was just captured by the Professor who gave him to me, and he thinks that Pikachu had trained in the wild to become stronger. So he is much stronger than the Normal starters given by the Professor." Ash half-lied, skipping the part that Pikachu was abandoned by his trainer which he came to know because of his Aura bond with the Electric type.

"… and I've trained myself since I was little to perfect many strategies to become a better Pokemon trainer. My strategies helped Pikachu to make quick work of the Gyarados." Ash added the last part so that Misty would believe him.

Ash didn't want to tell her about his Aura powers since it would attract unnecessary attention, which he didn't wanted. Aura Users were supposed to be extinct and a reappearance of an Aura User would bound to attract unnecessary attention.

Misty looked at Ash as he gave his reply. Hearing his reply Misty thought that Ash was hiding something, but she didn't wanted to push him to say the truth since she had known him for only an hour or so.

So, Misty turned her head to face the direction of Viridian City as she continued to walk while Ash kept supporting her as she limped on towards the 'Gateway to the Indigo League.'

Viridian City.

Officer Jenny had just finished up her lunch as she looked outside the window. Even though she was an officer, it had been a boring day so far.

She had heard from a report that some members of the villainous organization Team Rocket were in town. Team Rocket had been a nuisance to all the Officer Jenny throughout the Kanto Region. It was one of the most evil organization present and everyone knew it.

Even though Team Rocket's fame reached far and wide, there was no evidence against anything they did. Neither did the Police force knew who the leader of the villainous organization was.

She had just received reports that the Villainous group has entered the Viridian and were on a lookout for Pokemon trainers who they could recruit into their group or steal their pokemon.

She had been given the facial description of the thieves. Even though she had the report she did not read their description. She had just read that there were two people in the group. One a boy and other a girl. They also had a pokemon with them.

As she was worrying about them, she saw two figures from the window. One was a boy and other a girl. They looked like early teens. The boy also had a Pikachu on his shoulder. They looked battered like they had taken a huge beating. The girl was also limping.

Office Jenny blinked her eyes as she watched them walk on the road towards Viridian City. Without thinking for even a second, she assumed that they must be the pokemon thieves which the report informed her about.

She ran outside the station and went and stood before them.

"You both are under arrest" Jenny yelled out as she grabbed both Ash and Misty.

"Whoa, what happened?" Ash asked the Jenney as he fought to get out of her grip. "What did we do?"

"You both are thieves of the evil organization Team Rocket, aren't' you?" Jenney replied. "I won't let criminals get away from my hand!"

"Criminals, we're just Pokemon trainers" Misty butted in trying to convince Jenny of her innocence.

"So, you both just happen to match the description of the thieves which I was given and you just happen to have an injured Pokemon with you. Can you prove that you are not thieves?" Jenny asked them with an accusing tone.

"Ma'am just check my ID" Ash said, while he took out his PokeDex and handed it to her.

"I am Dexter. A Pokedex programmed by the world famous Pokemon Professor Oak. I have been given to Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town. I serve as an ID. If lost or broken I cannot be replaced."

"Okay, sorry for my misbehavior. I tend to assume anything without thinking." Jenny said as her face lit up like a ripe tomato due to embarrassment, after hearing the Pokedex.

"What happened to you kids?" Jenny asked them, as soon as she recovered from her embarrassment.

"Well… Ash kind of fought and defeated a Gyarados to rescue me." Misty said in a hushed voice.

"What?" Jenny replied. "Is anyone of you hurt?"

"Misty has a sprain in her leg. Except for that we are fine but tired." Ash replied to Jenny's inquiry.

As soon as Ash said that, a motorbike had magically appeared and Jenny was riding on it.

"Hop on kids, I'll take you to the Pokemon Center." Jenny told Ash and Misty.

'Why do I get a feeling that this isn't a good idea?' Both Misty and Ash thought as they got on to the side carriage on the bike as Jenny started the bike and went off towards the Pokemon Center of Viridian City.

Viridian City – Pokemon Center.

Nurse Joy was standing next to the reception table. It was a slow day so far and apart from treating a few pokemon, she was free all day.

Nurse Joy had brink pink hair and fair skin. She wore a Mexican-pink colored dress with a white nurse apron, and low-heel Mary Jane shoes.

Being a Nurse of a Pokemon Center wasn't easy and everybody knew that. Nurse Joy had to work day and night for the safety of the pokemon. She could hardly get rest on a busy day.

But still Nurse Joy loved her job very much. She had always found happiness in treating a pokemon and taking care of it.

Joy thought about going inside her room to rest, as there were no trainers staying at the Center at the moment.

The Viridian city gym leader was absent and therefore trainers didn't visit Viridian. As for coordinators, the contest season had just closed so none of them were travelling now.

'It's so calm and quiet. I love days like this.' Joy thought as she looked outside the door of the Pokemon Center.

What she didn't know was that the peace wasn't going to last long.

As Joy just turned to go into her room, she heard somebody was yelling outside the door.

"Aahh" Joy yelled out as a bike entered the Center and flew across the hall and landed near her. She closed her eyes expecting a crash but only heard a sound, "You can open your eyes now, Joy"

Nurse Joy opened her eyes to see Officer Jenny sitting on the bike. On the side carriage there were two kids who looked worn out.

"Holy Mew! Why did you pull a stunt like that? We have a driveway for a reason" Joy scolded Jenny after she had recovered from her shock.

"These children were hurt and needed immediate medical attention." Jenny said with a straight face but then she added with a laughter "... and I like doing that. He he... "

"We weren't injured so badly" Ash informed Joy after he got down from the bike. Misty however was busy trying to hold her lunch inside her stomach and not puke, all thanks to Jenny's riding skills.

"When will be you learn, Jenny? This was the third time in the month." Joy again started to scold Jenny.

"Okay, I'll use it the next time." Jenny shouted as she started the bike and went off.

Nurse Joy chuckled in amusement before towards Misty and Ash to examine them.

Joy looked at them and saw their state. They were covered with scratches and looked like they had been fighting all day.

"What happened to both of you? You look like you had fought a Gyarados." Nurse Joy asked them after seeing their state.

"Yeah, something like that" Ash mumbled a reply.

Nurse Joy's eyes widened at his reply but she decided that she should do the inquiry later and treat the kids before.

Nurse Joy started to examine them, but Ash asked, "Please treat our pokemon first. Misty had sprained her feet but apart from that we've not received any injuries."

"Okay. Chansey come here for a minute." Nurse Joy called her pokemon assistant.

"Chansey Chan" A pokemon cried out as it entered the room. It was a pink, ovoid Pokémon. There was three hair-like growths on the sides of its head, tipped with a darker shade of pink. On the center of its belly there was a dark pink pouch that contains a single white egg. Its arms were stubby, and it had small, dark pink feet. Additionally, it had a short tail.

As the pokemon came and stood near Ash, he took out his Pokedex to scan it.

Chansey, the Egg Pokémon.

The evolved form of Happiny. Chansey is a kind Pokémon who shares its egg with those who are sick or injured.

"Sounds like a pokemon useful for healing" Ash commented after hearing the Pokedex.

Ash took out his pokeballs from his belt and gave them to Nurse Joy. Misty also did the same.

Pikachu jumped down from Ash's shoulders into Joy's arms. Joy then turned to Chansey and gave her the pokeballs and Pikachu and told her to treat them for their injuries and check their health.

Since all Chansey working in a Pokemon Center were trained to heal pokemon, they had the authorization to heal pokemon without the help of Nurse Joy.

Chansey took the pokeballs and went outside the room to the healing area, leaving Nurse Joy, Ash and Misty alone.

Nurse Joy told Misty to sit down as she bend down and examined her feet. She saw that she only had a minor sprain and had no serious injury, thanks to Ash's timely intervention when Gyarados attacked her.

Nurse Joy brought a Pokemon Potion like spray for human and sprayed it on Misty's feet. Misty shuddered as due to the stinging sensation she felt when Joy had sprayed her feet.

"You will have to rest for a night, if you want to fully heal. I recommend that you stay in the Center for the night so that your feet may heal quickly." Nurse Joy told Misty after helping to heal her.

Misty nodded her head as an approval of the suggestion.

Seeing that Misty's healing was finished, Ash asked, "Nurse Joy, even I am staying for the night. I am exhausted due to today's events. Can I get a room?"

"Yes Ash. There are rooms available at the Center." The Pokemon Nurse replied to Ash's enquiry.

Joy went over to the reception desk and took out a key kept there and gave it to Ash. "Here is the key to your room. Your room number is 2C"

Ash took his room keys and thanked the Nurse and went off towards his room to freshen up.

20 minutes later

Ash had just came out from the bathroom and changed into another identical set of his travel clothes. His mother had packed 2 sets of travel attire so that Ash would not face any problems during his travels throughout the region.

Ash had taken a long shower with hot water to relieve the tenseness of his muscles after the tiring day.

Ash still hadn't retrieved his pokemon from Nurse Joy and had decided to take them in the morning before he left to continue his journey.

Ash laid down on his bed and couldn't help but think about the events of that day. He had received his first pokemon and soon afterwards had received a pokemon egg which hatched into a Riolu. Then he defeated Gary in a one on one battle and captured his first pokemon, a super-sized Pidgey. Soon afterwards he defeated a whole flock of Spearows and their leader, a Fearow.

On top of all this he had seen a legendary pokemon native to the Johto region and defeated a Gyarados and captured it, saving a red headed girl named Misty. He had also found another pokemon egg after seeing the legendary pokemon, Ho-oh.

As his thoughts wandered over the egg, Ash opened up his bag and took out the incubator containing the green colored egg.

Ash took out the egg and began polishing it gently with a cloth. As he was polishing it, it started to shake. It also started to shine after an interval of a few seconds.

Ash was alarmed that the egg was so close to hatching. Ash picked up the egg and ran out of his room towards the lobby of the Pokemon Center where Nurse Joy was always available.

As Ash reached the lobby he saw that the lobby was empty except for Misty and Nurse Joy. They were sitting down on the couch and was chatting away.

"Nurse Joy, I need your help." Ash called out to the Pokemon Nurse, once he reached them.

Nurse Joy turned quickly as she heard Ash called out to her. Joy saw the egg which was in Ash's hands and called out to Chansey.

"Chan Chansey" The egg pokemon yelled out as it hurriedly entered the lobby.

"Prepare the delivery room for the hatching of the pokemon egg." Joy ordered her assistant. Then she turned towards Ash and said, "Follow me to the delivery room."

Misty saw the whole incident and started feeling excited. One would be lucky if they see a pokemon egg hatch. So she didn't wanted to miss the opportunity and followed Ash and Nurse Joy.

Ash and Nurse Joy entered the delivery room and saw that Chansey had already prepared everything. A table was kept there which had a huge cushion on it.

Nurse Joy asked Ash to place the egg in the table. So Ash went and kept the egg on the table.

Ash saw that there was water kept near the table as well as a towel which would be used to clean the baby after it hatched.

Ash was growing excited and anxious as the egg began to shake and shine more frequently.

Misty wanted to get closer to the egg but Nurse Joy didn't let her.

"The baby will think the person which it sees first to be its parent" Joy informed Misty and Ash. Then she added, "So Ash should be the one which it should see first."

Hearing this Ash became nervous. Riolu already thought that Ash was his father but now Ash had to be the father figure of two baby pokemon.

Ash was thinking about this when the egg suddenly started to glow with a blinding white light signaling that the egg was just about to hatch.

Nurse Joy and Misty stepped back as the egg glowed. Ash stepped closer to the egg after Nurse Joy signaled him to get closer to the egg.

At last the bright light faded away revealing a bipedal Pokémon with a white body. Its body and legs seem to resemble a nightgown or an oversized dress. Its blue hair resembles a bowl cut, which covers most of its face. Its hair was split by two flat orange horns, a large one toward the front and a smaller one at the back. It also had a pair of pinkish red eyes hidden by its hair.

"Ra ralts" It cried out as it opened its eyes and saw Ash.

Ash identified the Pokemon to be a Ralts which was native to the Hoenn Region. It was one of the rare pokemon found there and had a huge potential to become strong.

Ash noticed that its hair and horns were coloured differently than a normal Ralts, indicating that it was one of the rare shiny pokemon.

Ash slowly brought forward a hand to pet the Ralts since Ralts were known to be shy and they rarely interacted with humans.

As Ash's hand reached Ralts, he gently stroked Ralts's horns so that Ralts could read his emotions and open up to him.

What Ash didn't know that this Ralts was not similar to other members of its species. It didn't have the shy nature which Ralts were famous for, instead it was born with a curiosity and determination which Ash was known for.

Ralts gave a delighted cry when Ash touched its horn. Ash was busy stroking its horn when he heard a voice in his mind.

'Papa' a voice spoke in his mind. The voice sounded like it belonged to a young girl.

Ash looked around to see whether Nurse Joy or Misty had heard it and by the expression of their face he figured out they indeed had.

After the initial shock Misty spoke, "Did anyone heard that?"

Nurse Joy and Ash nodded their heads. Joy was just about to give an explanation for the weird occurrence, but Ash beat her to it.

"I think it must've been Ralts. I think that Ralts has the power of telepathy." Ash spoke in a wise tone.

"Ralts must be a very special pokemon. It's a shiny rare pokemon from Hoenn and on top of that it could use telepathy." Nurse Joy said.

Misty was shocked at the revelation that this newborn could use Telepathy. It was an ability that only the strongest Psychics could use. The only pokemon known which was strong enough to use Telepathy were owned by the members of the Elite four or the trainers who were as strong as the Elite Four.

"Hey Ash, How did you get the egg?" Misty asked, trying to figure out the riddle.

"I found it on the roadside after seeing Ho... I mean before meeting you." Ash replied. He had nearly spilled the secret about meeting Ho-oh and was glad that he didn't.

"Ohh" Misty muttered an uninterested reply. She knew Ash was trying to hide something but didn't push the topic too much.

"All matters aside, we must now clean up the Ralts." Nurse Joy said to both Ash and Misty, and signaled Chansey to clean up the pokemon.

"Chanseyy" Chansey cried happily as she picked up the newborn Ralts using her small but strong arms and placed her in the tub filled with warm water. Then took her out of the tub and dried her by gently rubbing her with a cloth kept near the table.

After Ralts was cleaned Chansey placed her on the cushion again. After Ralts had settled down Ash went near her and picked her in his arms.

'Father' Ralts again spoke telepathically as she tried to put her arms around Ash to hug him.

Ash hugged her back and then looked towards Misty and Joy and asked "Can I take her now?"

"Yes Ash, just be careful with her since she's a newborn baby" Nurse Joy nodded and replied.

"Okay." Ash spoke and went out of the room with a sleeping Ralts in his arms. It seems that Ralts had fallen asleep in his arms.

After two hours or so

Ash had already formed an Aura bond with Ralts and was now introducing his pokemons to her. Ash had brought his pokeballs from Nurse Joy after Ralts had fallen asleep in his room.

Ash had introduced Ralts to all his pokemon except Gyarados since Ash had still not formed an Aura bond with it and the pokemon Center lobby didn't had enough space to hold such a large Water serpent.

Ash had noticed that Riolu and Ralts didn't get along so well. They were constantly glaring at each other when he had introduced them.

When Ash saw that Ralts and Riolu were glaring at each other with narrowed eyes, he said a silent prayer that they would get along and became friends.

After all introductions Ash took out Dexter, his Pokedex and Id. He opened the Dex and pointed the scanner towards Ralts to scan her.

Ralts, the Feeling Pokémon.

Ralts is the pre-evolved form of Kirlia. It can use the horns on its head to read human emotions. Ralts rarely shows itself to humans, but may occasionally approach when it senses positive or happy feelings.

Type: Psychic, Fairy.

Ability: Synchronize, Trace, Telepathy.

Gender: Female.

Moves: Growl, Teleport, Confusion, Double Team, Disarming Voice, Magical leaf.

Egg Move: Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Disable, Shadow Sneak, Locked move Skill Swap, Locked move Synchronize.

After seeing Ralts moves and abilities Ash sat down in the lobby of the pokemon center. He had already finished his dinner, so he was about to go to sleep since he was tired.

He had returned all his pokemon except for Pikachu, Riolu and Ralts.

Ash looked around the lobby and saw that no one was sitting there. They whole pokemon center was empty and the only one staying at the Center tonight were Misty and Ash.

Since Misty wasn't there at the lobby Ash thought that she must have gone to her room to rest after having her dinner early.

"Ash lets go to sleep. I'm fully exhausted" Pikachu told Ash.

"Yes Dad" Both Ralts and Riolu said together and then both looked at one another and turned away their faces.

"Okay, let's go" Ash replied to them and got up from the couch on which he was sitting on.

As he got up, Ash heard an announcement in the loudspeaker which was on the street outside the Pokemon center.

"Attention citizens of Viridian City, we have just received an information that a group of Pokemon thieves from the villainous group of Team Rocket had arrived in the city. Please exert caution if you have are a pokemon trainer. Please inform a Police officer if you see anyone suspicious. Thank you." The speaker blared out with the unmistakable voice from Office Jenny.

'Why do I get the feeling that I'm gonna met up with the thieves?' Ash thought to himself as he heard the announcement.

Ash was just about to go to sleep when he remembered that he had forgot to call his mother and the professor to inform them about his journey so far and that he had reached Viridian city safely.

Ash walked over to the phone booth and then dialed his mother's number to call her.

As soon as he dialed his mother's she picked up the phone. Ash smiled as he saw her mother's face on the screen.

"Hello, this is the Ketchum Residence." Delia said as she picked up the receiver. "Ohh, hello Ash"

"Hi mom" Ash replied to his mom. "I've reached Viridian City safely."

"That good. I am happy that you have reached Viridian city without any problems" Delia happily said.

"Err... Yeah Mom. I reached here safely" Ash lied to his mom since he didn't want to worry her.

"Okay Ash" His mom replied, but Ash could see that she was suspicious of him.

"Kay mom. Gotta Go, Bye. Love you." Ash said as he was about to disconnect the phone.

"Bye Ash. Love you too" Delia replied before Ash disconnected his phone.

Ash then dialed the number of Prof. Oak in the phone.

The screen lit up, indicating the person called has picked up the call. Ash could see the back of the Pokemon Professor as he was busy eating noodles.

"Prof. Oak?" Ash called out to the Pokemon Professor with a sweat drop adorning the back of his head.

"Aye... Ooh, how's there?" Professor called out as he got up from his chair and started looking around for the source of the voice.

"Professor turn around. It's me Ash." Ash again tried to gain the professor's attention.

"Err... Ash my boy. It seems you caught me eating my noodles. Well, I was very hungry. He he..." The Professor sheepishly replied to Ash.

"Okay Professor" Ash said to the professor. "You won't believe what I'm about to tell you!"

"Did you catch any rare pokemon?" The Professor asked him in an ultra-excited manner. "I had bet a million dollars with Gary that you would catch a rare pokemon before

"Yes Professor but this is about something else" Ash replied to the Pokemon Professor's enquiry.

"Tell me what pokemon did you catch?" Oak asked Ash again.

"Well, I caught a Riolu, a super-sized Pidgey, a Gyarados and a Shiny Ralts" Ash said in an excited manner.

"What?" Oak shouted as he fell down. "You caught a Gyarados, a Riolu and a Ralts"

"Yup" Ash said with a smile.

"How did you catch them? Riolu and Ralts aren't even native to the Kanto region" Prof. Oak asked Ash.

"Well, I received Riolu's egg as a gift and I found an egg near the roadside on the way to Viridian City which contained the Ralts."

"So both of them are newborn baby pokemon." Oak said. "And what about the Pidgey and the Gyarados?"

"I saw a Pidgey which was double the size of a normal one on my way to Viridian and captured it. While, the Gyarados was attacking a girl when I arrived on the scene and captured it to save the girl."

"Wow, Ash you are truly special. Even advance trainers have difficulty to battle a pokemon like Gyarados, let alone capture one."

"Thanks Professor Oak" Ash thanked him on receiving the appraise. "But I wanted to talk to you about something else."

"What is it, my boy?" Oak asked him.

"I saw Ho-oh, the legendary bird from Johto!" Ash exclaimed.

"What?" Oak shouted in shock for the second time. "Are you sure it was Ho-oh and not a Fearow or something? Did you get a closer look? "

"Professor I'm sure that it was Ho-oh. Even the Pokedex confirmed it. But it was flying way up in the sky, so I could not get a closer look."

"Ash it is a huge discovery. Ho-oh has never been seen by anyone for over 200 years. It is said that it only reveals itself to a pure-hearted person.

"Then I must be very lucky. He he..." Ash said goofy smile.

"That you are. Keep me informed of all your adventures and don't hesitate to call me if you face any problems. Bye Ash, I've got to share the news with the other Pokemon professors."

"Bye Prof." Ash replied and then cancelled the call.

Ash turned around and saw that Riolu and Ralts again got back to their glaring games. Riolu's eyes were narrowed and Ash was sure that it was the same in the case of Ralts, even though he couldn't see it because of Ralts hair.

Pikachu was sitting between them to avoid a fight between the two newborns.

"Thanks Pikachu for taking care of them while I was busy." Ash thanked Pikachu.

"No problem boss." Pikachu replied sarcastically. "It's been my pleasure to take care of the kids while you were busy chatting."

"Yeah right" Ash replied with a sweat drop. "Let's go to sleep. Hopefully we could get a good night's sleep."

'I doubt that' Pikachu thought to himself as he climbed onto Ash's shoulder as Ash picked up both Riolu and Ralts and started moving towards his room.

Meanwhile a group of three were flying on a hot air balloon above the Pokemon Center in the Viridian City.

"At Least someone acknowledge us" A purple haired guy said as he heard the announcement from the speaker.

"Yes, a beauty like me cannot hide from the world for long" The crimson haired girl giggled as she appraised herself.

"Yea you wish." Another short figure said as he listened to his comrades. Then he asked to himself "Why did I join yea guys?"

The crimson haired girl hit the short guy on his head in anger. Then she said, "Setting other matters aside, we need to complete the job our Boss gave up. We cannot fail on this one."

"Yes" The other guy replied as they reached the roof of the Pokemon center and they lowered the altitude of the balloon.

"Let's start things with a bang" The short guy said as he threw a bomb on the roof of the pokemon center. As soon as the bomb hit the roof, it exploded and a part of the roof collapsed due to the explosion.

They group threw two pokeballs towards the lobby of the Pokemon center. As soon as the pokeballs touched the ground, they opened and revealed two purple coloured pokemon. One resembled a snake while other was a levitating ball like pokemon.

"Ekansss" The snake pokemon called out.

It was a purple, serpentine Pokémon. Its eyes, underbelly, stripe, and rattle were yellow. It had three pairs of black lines encircling its body, as well as another line that connects each slitted eye and curves toward its nose. Its large mouth had a round, pink tongue and had no visible teeth.

"Kof Koffing" The ball like pokemon made a noise.

It was a spherical Pokémon and it looked like it was filled with toxic gasses. It had vacant eyes and a wide mouth that had two pointed teeth in the upper jaw. Below its face was a cream-colored skull-and-crossbones marking. Several crater-like protrusions, which was releasing a yellowish gas, cover this Pokémon's body.

"Koffing, Use smokescreen" Ordered the purple haired guy.

Koffing used smokescreen and filled the whole lobby with smoke. All the three figures leaped from the air balloon and jumped down to the lobby.

As they touched the ground, they heard a voice, "What's happening?"

They turned around and saw a raven haired boy with a yellow rodent on his shoulder. He was also holding two pokemon which they could not recognize.

"Who are you?" They boy asked them again.

"We were waiting for that question" Both the woman and the man said together.

"Prepare for trouble," the crimson haired woman said as she struck a pose.

"And make it double," the purple haired man said. He also gave a pose similar to the woman.

"To protect the world from devastation,"

"To unite all people within our nation,"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love,"

"To extend our reach to the stars above,"



"Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light,"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight,"

"Meowth that's right," The Third figure suddenly jumped between them and shouted.

He was a small, feline Pokémon with cream-colored fur that turns brown at the tips of its hind paws and tail. It's had ovoid head features four prominent whiskers, wide eyes with slit pupils, two pointed teeth in the upper jaw, and a gold oval coin embedded in its forehead. Its ears were black with brown interiors, and were flanked with an additional pair of long whiskers. It stood on its hind legs. The tip of its tail was curls tightly.

"What a talking Meowth?" Ash shouted as he heard the Meowth speak. "How's that possible?"

"How dare you ignore our motto?" The crimson haired woman named Jessie shouted.

"Yeah how dare you? We spend the whole night trying to make a motto" The man named James went to the side and started crying anime style.

"Shut up yea idiots. We ned to finish the job the job which the boss gave us" Meowth shouted angrily and did a scratch attack on the faces of both Jessie and James.

Ash stood and watch the Idiots who had claimed themselves to be the member of Team Rocket fight among themselves. 'Why can't I rest in peace?' He questioned himself.

Ash waited for the group of three to finish their fight and then spoke, "So, why are you here?"

"To steal rare and strong pokemon, what else?" Jessie replied angrily to Ash's question.

"Yeah right, as if I'll let you" Ash replied to Jessie and the others calmly.

Meowth saw two pokemon which he couldn't recognize. So he pointed to them and asked James, "James do yea know what they are?"

"Wait for a second" James said as he took out some cards and started searching through them.

After 10 minutes

"We are waiting, James" Both Jessie and Meowth said together.

Ash sweat dropped as he stared at them. They were the weirdest bunch of criminals he had ever seen.

"At last, I've found their information." James said to both Jessie and Meowth. "The blue and black guy is called Riolu and it is from the Sinnoh Region. They are very rare and powerful. While the other one is called Ralts and it is from Hoenn. It is equally rare and powerful. Although it is coloured a little differently."

"Must've been the weather or something" Jessie said. "But who cares they are rare and powerful. Just the type of pokemon which the Boss ordered us to bring."

"Yea you're right" Meowth said. Then he turned towards Ash and said, "Now hand over your Pokemon or else you'll regret it."

"Yeah? You really think that you three clowns can defeat me?" Ash taunted the Team Rocket. "You all look like you belong in a circus not in Team Rocket."

"What how dare you? I'll make sure that you'll regret it." Jessie said.

"Ekans/Koffing go!" Jessie/James ordered their pokemon. They pokemon ran... or in their case slithered and levitated between the two groups.

Ash pulled out his Pokedex to scan the pokemon.

Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon.

Meowth loves to roam at night to gather coins and other objects that sparkle, but it spend most of the daylight hours sleeping.

Ekans, the Snake Pokemon.

Ekans curls itself up in a spiral while it rests. Assuming this position allows it to quickly respond to a threat from any direction with a glare from its upraised head.

Koffing, the Poison Gas Pokémon.

Koffing hovers in the air, thanks to the poisonous gases it contains, which have a foul odor and can explode.

After hearing the information Ash closed the Pokedex and put it in his pocket.

Ash gave a thought on which pokemon he should use. Ralts was out since it was just born and wasn't ready to fight yet. Gyarados was also ruled out since the lobby didn't have enough space to release Gyarados and Ash wasn't sure that it would obey him or not.

So Ash decided on Pikachu and Pidgey since Riolu was weak against Poison types.

Ash signaled Pikachu to go to the battle field and threw a pokeball and shouted "Pidgey, I choose you."

As Pidgey came out of the pokeball, Team Rocket was dumbstruck. "That's one hell of a Pidgey!" All of them muttered together.

"Guys we ned to capture these pokemon" Meowth said. "I would be our chance to get promotion and rise in the ranks of Team Rocket"

"Yes" Jessie and James echoed together.

"Pidgey use a Gust attack and Pikachu use a combination of charge and Thunderbolt." Ash yelled and ordered his pokemon to attack Team Rocket before they could get a chance to attack.

Pidgey flapped her wings and formed a tiny tornado. Koffing and Ekans tried to retain their footing but were trapped in the tornado. Meanwhile, Pikachu was busy charging himself up.

"Eat dust" Pikachu yelled out as he released a Thunderbolt.

The whole room lit up due to the attack which went on to hit Koffing and Ekans, nearly fainting them.

Ash noticed that the pokemon were very low leveled and that even a Thundershock will knock them out. The pokemon weren't trained and lacked the strength and endurance which a well-trained pokemon has.

"Thundershock" Ash ordered Pikachu again.

Pikachu ran near the two poison types and released a low powered electric attack knocking them out.

"Aaa... You'll pay for this kid." Jessie said as she and James recalled their pokemon.

"I'll deal with da twerp." Meowth said as he revealed his sharp claws and leaped towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu dodge with Agility and counter with Thunder punch." Ash barked orders to the yellow rodent.

Pikachu vanished due to pure speed as he used Agility. Then he hit Meowth on his side with an electrically charged punch.

Meowth was thrown away due to the punch, but he had a soft landing due to falling on Jessie and James.

"Finish them up with a combination of Thunderbolt and Gust" Ash ordered both of his pokemon.

Pikachu used a Thunderbolt attack while Pidgey used Gust attack.

"Aaa" Team Rocket yelled out together as they suffered the attack.

Due to the strong attack there was a strong explosion which caused Team Rocket to be sent flying off.

"Why did we have to attack the Pokemon Center?" James cried as they were sent flying off into the sky. "The Boss is so going to kill us"

"Yea whose idea was dat?" Meowth retorted.

"It was your idea, idiot" Jessie yelled and hit Meowth.

"Team Rocket blasting off!" They yelled collectively as they vanished into the sky with a twinkle can be seen later where they blasted.


Meanwhile down on earth Ash was happily congratulating his pokemon.

"Both of you did great" Ash complimented both Pikachu and Pidgey.

"Thanks Ash" Both the pokemon said out together.

Ash looked around and saw that the roof and one wall of the lobby had collapsed due to the battle between him and Team Rocket.

'Remind me never to battle indoors' Ash thought to himself as he and his pokemon left towards his roof to rest after a day full of adventures.

A/N: So Ash battles Team Rocket in this chapter and Ralts hatch.

If anyone of you is wondering this Fic will contain Mega Evolution and Sixth Gen pokemon. Primal Reversion will also be included.

And to answer a Review, Ash will get a Girlfriend in the Fic. But you'll have to wait a bit for it. I am not revealing with whom he will be paired. But you all are free to guess.

Please Fav, Follow and Review.

Nikit Periwal signing out.