Disclaimer: Any characters you recognize, I DO NOT OWN! They belong to JK Rowling, Marvel and any other affiliates.

Last time:

She sent it off with the owl and Harry squeezed his sister's hand.

Chapter 7: Birthdays

They were all back in New York after their peaceful stay at Marauder manor. Steve's birthday was coming up in just three short days and Alex wanted to do something special for him. She was out doing some window-shopping when she saw it. "Perfect," she breathed, smiling. She went into the store and went up to the counter. "Hello, I'd like to see that pocket watch in the window please."

"Of course," the man replied, smiling. He walked over to the window and picked up the pocket watch. "This is a 1939 Waltham Premier Military pocket watch. The face is a black military metal dial with cream-colored numbers and at the bottom, you'll notice a sunk seconds dial. The metal hands were polished and shine now like they had when they were first made. The whole thing is enclosed in a Keystone metal case of silver," the man told her.

"It's a beautiful piece," Alexandra said, smiling softly. "I'll take it."

"Lovely choice, my dear," the salesman told her. He rang up the sale and she paid with the right amount of muggle money. He put it in a box and bagged it for her. She smiled and left the store with her purchase.

Alexandra got back to the tower and hid her purchase in her purse. She got her Hermione's attention and the two women went up to her room without the notice of anyone else.

Once they were safely in Alexandra's room, she took out the pocket watch. "Do you think he'll like it?" she asked, biting her lower lip.

"I think he'll love it," Hermione replied.

"I'd like to charm it so he knows if I'm safe or if I'm in danger. Warm for safe and cooler if I'm in danger, with it going freezing cold if I'm in grave danger," Alexandra told her friend.

"That's brilliant," Hermione said, smiling.

"Can you help me with the charming bit?" Alexandra answered.

"Of course," Hermione smiled and the two women went to work.

(Three days later)

Alexandra smiled as she, Harry, Ron, and Hermione along with the Avengers, Darcy, Pepper, and Jane celebrated Steve's birthday. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Steve…happy birthday to you!" Steve smiled and blew out the candles. He cut up the cake and when he took the first bite, the others dug in.

"Alright, time for gifts!" Tony announced as they were eating cake.

"Stark…" Steve looked at the genius warily and Tony just grinned.

"I'll start us off," Alexandra said, feeling nervous. She picked up her gift and gave it to him.

Steve unwrapped his gift from Alexandra and opened the box. Inside was a sterling silver pocket watch with a chain attached and a cover on the face. She bit her lower lip as he opened the pocket watch and he let out a low whistle. "This is a Waltham Military watch," he said softly.

"Yeah, I found it as I was trying to get you something you might like. It was made in 1939. I got Hermione to help me and we charmed it so it would let you know if I was safe or not. When it's warm, it means I'm safe, but it gets colder the more danger I'm in," Alexandra told him.

"It's perfect," Steve said softly. He pulled his girlfriend close by the back of her neck and kissed her deeply. She kissed him back, her hands resting on either side of his neck.

Alexandra smiled softly and brushed her nose against his. He smiled back and held her at his side as he opened his next gift. It was from Hermione. "I noticed you were running low on supplies and running out of room in your book. I know it's more of a practical gift, but I got you those in the hopes that you might pursue your art further. You're so talented," Hermione told him, blushing. She had gotten him a sketchbook and a variety of pencils, charcoals, as well as a set of oil paints.

Steve smiled at the young woman. "Thank you Hermione," he told her. "I love it." Hermione smiled back and the next gift he opened was from Natasha.

"Ken Burns is the best film Documentarian in the U.S.," she told him. "He doesn't make it dry and boring like you're sitting through history class with a boring teacher. He makes it interesting with letters from soldiers, pictures, and re-enactments."

"Thanks Natasha, I'll enjoy this," Steve said, smiling.

"You're welcome," she answered, nodding, smiling a little. Or maybe it was a smirk.

"Open mine next!" Tony urged.

Steve looked apprehensive. "It's nothing dirty is it?" he asked.

"Dirty?!" Tony asked, faux outraged. Everyone looked at him, most with raised eyebrows, but Harry and Ron looked mildly interested. "No! It's not anything dirty!" he said, with a roll of his eyes.

Steve opened the gift and looked mildly interested. "What is it?" he asked.

"It's one of the very first StarkPads," Tony said, grinning. "It's very easy to use, easier than using any other product if I say so myself. You can download different apps and watch videos, I even made an app just for you where you can draw with a stylus or your finger."

"Great, thanks Tony," Steve replied, smiling at the inventor. He set the StarkPad down with care and Clint handed him a gift.

"Happy Birthday old man," Clint said, smirking.

"Oh he's not that old, I can assure you," Alexandra said, smirking.

Clint's nose wrinkled. "Didn't need that image," he said, shuddering.

"Get your mind out of the gutter," Alexandra said, winkling her own nose in disgust.

Steve took Clint's gift from him and opened it. It was a framed picture of him with Howard Stark, Col. Phillips, Peggy Carter, and the Howling Commandos. "I found it in the archives. Thought you might like a copy," Clint told him.

"Thanks Clint," Steve replied softly. "This is great."

Harry smiled and gave Steve his gift next. "It's something from our world. Thought you might be interested," he told the Super Soldier.

Steve opened the gift and discovered a book. "Hogwarts: A History," he said, smiling.

"It's the newest edition, it includes some of…our exploits," Harry said, grinning wryly.

"You would give him that," Alexandra said, rolling her eyes.

"What? I thought it was fitting and I'm kind of surprised Mione didn't think of it first," Harry said to his pseudo sister.

"You do know I don't always think about books," Hermione said, sniffing indignantly. Ron, Harry, and Alexandra looked at Hermione with raised eyebrows. "I said always," she defended.

"Mione, you not thinking about books is like the pot being any other colour than black," Alexandra pointed out.

"Oh hush!" Hermione replied, smacking her friends on their arms.

"Oy!" Ron said indignantly, holding his hands up to protect himself.

The Avengers chuckled, glad the teenagers could still act like teenagers. "Here, mate, this one's from me," Ron said, handing Steve a gift.

"Thanks Ron," Steve replied. He opened Ron's gift and chuckled. "Quidditch Through the Ages. Thanks, this will be fun to read," he said to Ron.

"You're welcome," Ron said, smiling.

"This is from me," Bruce said quietly, a small smile on his face.

Steve opened Bruce's gift and smiled. "Thanks Bruce, this will be really helpful." It was a book called, "The Twentieth Century in Electronics: what you need to know".

"I might nick this after you're done with it," Alexandra said, looking at the cover, curiosity alight in her silver eyes.

Steve chuckled. "I have a feeling I'm going to be missing a lot of things," he told her.

"Perhaps," she replied with an innocent look, "but most of those things look better on me anyway."

Thor grinned at the by-play between his niece and his teammate and was sure his gift would be perfect for the two of them.

"Captain, this is from me," Thor said to the man, handing him a box.

"Thanks Thor," Steve replied, smiling at the blond God.

Steve opened the gift and took out a wicked looking knife. "It is a carving knife," Thor explained, "when the babes start coming for you and my niece, you may carve them cradles to sleep in."

Steve was speechless. "I think I speak for both of us when I say, thank you, Uncle," Alexandra said to the God, her cheeks tinged pink.

Jane smiled sympathetically and handed Steve a gift. "This is more home made than bought," she told him.

Steve opened Jane's gift and took out a small orb. "What is it?" he asked politely and slightly intrigued.

"It shows the constellations from night to night," Jane told him, smiling.

"Wow, thanks," Steve smiled at Jane and knew he would be using this on his ceiling at night when he couldn't sleep.

"Okay, my turn," Darcy said, grinning.

"Is it alright that I'm slightly afraid?" Alexandra muttered under her breath, looking at Steve.

"Definitely," he looked wary himself.

"She didn't tell any of us what she was getting you," Jane said as if saving the rest of them from any implications.

Steve opened the gift and looked in the box. "What in the world is this?" he lifted out a blue tube with a black cap. "KY for men?" he looked at Alexandra, who was holding up a pink tube similar to his.

"DARCY!" Jane and Pepper yelled at the young woman.

"What? I thought they could have fun with that," she replied, unapologetic.

"What is it?" Alexandra asked, feeling very wary of the tube she was holding.

"It's lube," Darcy answered, grinning. "For when you two finally get it on."

Steve and Alexandra practically threw the tubes back in the box. "Thanks…I think," Steve said, blushing red.

"That was…" Alexandra shook her head. "Terrible."

"It's the…no not even that. It is terrible," Steve agreed, apologetically looking at Darcy.

"That's okay," she replied with a shrug. She was still grinning.

Pepper shook her head and handed Steve her gift. He smiled and opened it. Inside was a framed picture of him and Alexandra dancing, sharing a look that screamed intimate. "Thanks Pepper, this is perfect," he said softly. He smiled and looked at his friends. "Thanks guys, this has been a pretty spectacular birthday spent with some very special people."

"And we get to do it all over again in two weeks!" Tony said, grinning.

Alexandra groaned. "I'm beginning to wish I hadn't said anything about my birthday," she said dryly.

Steve chuckled. "I'll make sure they don't get too out of hand," he murmured.

"Thanks, love," she replied softly, smiling.

"Anytime," he replied, his blue eyes locked with hers. She smiled and kissed him again softly.

(One week later)

It was one week until Alexandra's birthday and Steve still hadn't found anything he thought Alexandra would like so he decided to consult his friends. "Jewelry, women love jewelry," Tony told him without hesitation.

"No offense, but Alex doesn't really seem like the jewelry type," Steve told the inventor.

"She's not," Hermione answered as she walked in. "She'd rather have something heartfelt than anything flashy."

Steve smiled, getting a couple ideas. "Thanks Hermione," he replied.

"You're welcome," she replied, smiling.

Steve went to his room and took out his sketchbook and some charcoal. Then he began drawing.

(One week later)

July 18 dawned clear blue skies and the high was going to be 80 degrees. The sun peaked in through the window of Alexandra's bedroom where the young woman lay asleep. She cracked one eye open, saw that it was 9:47 in the morning and decided to go back to sleep when she heard her door open. She slid her hand under her pillow to grip her wand, only to see that Hermione and Ginny had snuck into her room. "Mione, warn a girl," she groaned, burying her face in her pillow.

Hermione chuckled. "I know, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist," she replied. "Ginny and I snuck in here because it's tradition for our birthdays."

Alexandra smiled and sat up in bed as Hermione gave her a card and a cupcake. "Happy birthday," Ginny said, smiling at Alexandra.

"Thanks, Gin," Alexandra replied, smiling. She hugged her best mates and opened the card. She read it and chuckled before eating the cupcake.

"So, time for girl talk," Ginny said, grinning.

"Dish on Steve," Hermione said, grinning.

"Steve is…well…perfect," Alexandra answered, smiling softly. "He opens doors for me, he kisses the back of my hand, he's so sweet and so romantic. He's really a perfect gentleman."

"Great kisser then?" Ginny asked, smiling.

Alexandra blushed and smiled, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "The best," she confirmed, smiling.

Hermione and Ginny squealed and tackled Alexandra, who shrieked and the three started laughing as they laid on the bed.

They came out of Alexandra's room a few minutes later, Alexandra wearing one of Steve's U.S. Army t-shirts that she had nicked from his wardrobe and her pajama pants. She walked out into the main area and nearly jumped out of her skin when several of their friends, the Avengers, and her family (surprisingly enough) blew into party kazoos. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they shouted to the new 18 year old.

Alexandra clutched her chest, her eyes wide. "What in the bloody devil…!"

"You alright?" Harry asked, his eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Oh shut it, you!" she smirked at him. "Remember I'm Sirius' daughter and the niece of the God of Mischief."

Harry and George paled. "Right, sorry about that," George replied.

Alexandra rolled her eyes and then smiled. "Thanks," she said, biting her lower lip.

Frigga glided over to her granddaughter and hugged her tight. "Happy birthday, my dear."

"Thank you, Grandmother," she hugged Frigga tightly.

Steve walked over to his girlfriend after she separated from her grandmother and kissed her softly, his hands on her slender waist. She smiled and kissed him back, her hands resting on his biceps. "Happy birthday," he whispered against her lips.

"Thank you, love," she replied, smiling as she rested her head on his chest. He smiled and buried his face in her hair.

"Not that all this isn't cute, but let's eat and open presents!" Tony said, grinning. This earned him a smack to the back of his head from Pepper.

Alexandra grinned, unholy glee in her eyes, and went to her godson scooping him out of Andromeda's arms and going into the kitchen, smiling at the infant. The baby's hair color, eye color, and facial features morphed to mirror Alexandra. She smiled and nuzzled her nose against his as she sat at the table. That was when she noticed the gifts. She blinked and her eyes went wide. "Are all these for me?" she asked, feeling quite stunned.

"Well duh," Tony replied, rolling his dark brown eyes skyward.

"I don't…" she trailed off as a lump filled her throat, making it impossible to speak. "Wow," she said, sincerely touched. Hot tears filled her eyes and she blinked them away.

Steve sat next to his girlfriend and kissed the side of her head. She smiled and looked at her friends who sat around her. "Thanks," she said softly.

"Always," Harry answered.

Molly dished out the warm breakfast and everyone dug in. "Oh my god," Tony said, swallowing his food. "You are the goddess of cooking," he said to Molly. "I have never tasted anything so good in my life!"

"Eat as much as you like," Molly said, smiling at the group.

"Thanks Mrs. Weasley," Alexandra said to the matriarch. "This is already the best birthday I've ever had."

"You're quite welcome, darling," Mrs. Weasley answered, kissing the top of Alexandra's head. She considered her, Harry, and Hermione her honorary children.

Sif, Alexandra, Hermione, Ginny, and Frigga each had two servings of breakfast while Tony, Bruce, Clint, Darcy, Harry, Ron, Hogan, and George had three helpings of breakfast each; Odin, Volstagg, Fandral, Thor, Steve, Loki, Bill, Charlie, Dean, and Seamus had four helpings each. Alexandra was staring at her boyfriend with wide eyes. "Where do you put it all?" she asked. She poked his taut side and he squirmed, grinning. "You don't have an extra ounce of fat anywhere."

"I've got a metabolism that runs 4 times as fast as the normal person's," Steve answered simply.

"I'm going to have to stock up on a lot of food then," she said, smiling, her eyes sparkling as she teased him.

"You're one to talk," he teased right back, poking her waist. She laughed and squirmed to get away from him.

"Sickeningly sweet isn't it?" Tony asked, looking at Bruce.

"It's great for Cap," Bruce replied seriously. The corner of his lips tugged up. "But it is pretty sweet."

They moved into the living room and Alexandra flopped down on the sofa. "I'm so full, I could burst," she said, smiling as her eyes slid shut.

"Hey, no sleeping till you open your presents!" George told her, nudging her side.

She cracked one silver eye open. "George?"

"Yes, Lex?" he asked, scooting a little ways away.

"Shut it," she replied. He cleared his throat and moved further away from her. She sighed and sat up in mock exasperation, but everyone could see the excitement in the teen's eyes.

"This is from myself and Mr. Weasley," Molly said, handing Alexandra a flat, square box.

Alexandra smiled and kissed the woman's cheek before unwrapping the gift. She opened the gift and smiled. "Mrs. Weasley, I love it," Alexandra said softly. She took out a hand knitted blanket of red, white, and blue with silver stars.

"I know it's not necessarily useful now, but when you eventually marry Steve and the both of you decide on children, then it will serve it's purpose," Mrs. Weasley told her.

Alexandra hugged Mrs. Weasley again and folded the blanket up with care before setting it down next to her.

"Mine next!" Darcy said, grinning.

"I'm rather terrified of opening yours," Alexandra told her, looking at the box warily.

"Oh come on, it's not more KY jelly," the woman said, rolling her eyes.

"KY Jelly?" Odin asked.

"Your Grace, you do not want to know," Bruce murmured. Odin glanced at Darcy and decided the mortal was right. He would rather not know.

"Alright, alright," Alexandra shook her head and slowly unwrapped the gift. "Victoria's Secret?" she asked, confused.

"Lady's store," Darcy answered, her eyes sparkling.

"I'm not sure I like where this is going," Alexandra said dryly. She slowly opened the lid to the box and looked inside. She let out a squeak, her face turning red and she shut it immediately. "Thank you," she said, clearing her throat.

"What is it?" Hermione asked, confused. Alexandra handed her the box and Hermione looked inside. Hermione turned red faced and closed the lid slowly. "Well…I can't say I'm surprised. This IS Darcy we're talking about," she said as she calmly put the box down next to Alexandra's blanket.

Darcy grinned. "You're welcome," she replied.

"Here's something more normal," Jane said, nudging her assistant.

Alexandra smiled at Jane and opened the gift. It was a book on American History. "This is my favorite author. He doesn't make history dull or boring. It's a really fascinating read. I thought you might like to read up on the history of the U.S," Jane said, blushing.

Alexandra smiled. "I love it, Jane. I'm really fascinated by American History from what I've seen from watching those documentaries that Steve got for his birthday with him," she said to the scientist. She hugged Jane, who hugged her back, and sat back down.

Jane smiled brightly and Pepper handed her a small box. "This is from me," she said to the teen gently.

Alexandra opened the box and took out a small perfume bottle. "Coco Chanel Mademoiselle," she murmured. She sprayed some on her wrist and rubbed her wrists together. She then smelt her wrists and smiled. "I love it! It smells absolutely divine!" She hugged Pepper and set the perfume bottle back in it's box so it wouldn't break and set it next to her book.

"This is from me," Steve said softly, handing her a flat package.

Alexandra opened Steve's gift and her breath caught in her throat. Steve had drawn a picture of her, sitting in the window seat, reading a book. "Steve," she breathed, looking at him. She kissed him softly and he kissed her back, smiling softly.

Alexandra showed everyone what he drew and they were all in silent awe of Steve's talent. "You should go to art school," Clint told his friend.

"Too busy at the moment," Steve replied, smiling at Alexandra. She smiled back and set the framed drawing on top of her book.

Tony eagerly handed Alexandra his gift and she looked at the inventor quizzically before she opened the gift. She looked down at it and picked up the small object. "What is it?" she asked, intrigued.

"It's a StarkPhone," Tony answered, grinning. "Now you can communicate with Steve and the rest of us if you're out in public by yourself."

Alexandra grinned. "This is brilliant!" she said, smiling. She kissed Tony's cheek and set the phone back in it's box before setting it aside.

"This one is from me," Hermione said, handing her friend a small rectangular box.

Alexandra opened the box slowly and smiled at the simple yet elegant silver necklace. It had a silver A and a silver S intertwined. "Mione, I love it!" she hugged her best friend and kissed her on the cheek.

"This one is from me," Harry said to her, handing her a medium sized square box.

Alexandra opened the box and took out a charm bracelet. The bracelet already had some charms on it: a book, a wand, an owl, a heart with the American flag on it, a dog, and a charm that said 'best friends'. There were beads on the bracelet as well for spacers and Alexandra smiled. "Harry, it's perfect." She hugged her brother tight and he smiled, hugging her back. She set the bracelet aside and Clint handed her his gift.

Alexandra opened the oddly shaped gift and discovered a basket. "This is lovely! Thank you, Clint. I can't wait to use this stuff," she told the archer smiling. She picked up a bottle of lotion. "Japanese Cherry Blossom," she read, smiling. She opened the bottle and smelled the lotion. "That smells heavenly!" she smiled and hugged Clint. "Thank you," she told him, setting the gift on the ground next to her.

Alexandra received a new owl from Ginny, a lovely black eagle owl, which she promptly named Regalis. George gave her some products from his shop, Percy gave her a book on the history of New York City, Charlie gave her a book on Dragons of North America, and Thor gave her a book on Ancient Norse Runes. Frigga gave her a beautiful gown, Sif gave her a book introducing her to the Old Norse language, Loki gave her a throwing dagger, Natasha gave her two sterling silver defensive knives, Bruce gave her a book introducing her to science, specifically chemistry, Ron gave her a cookbook, Dean gave her a book on American Sports, Seamus gave her a gift card to Victoria's Secret, Neville gave her a book on plants, magical and muggle, that could be found in America and where they could be found, Luna gave her a pensieve, Bill and Fleur gave her a book on protective wards, and Andromeda gave her two moving pictures, one of Alexandra with her father before he died and the second was of her and Harry with Teddy.

"Thank you everyone," Alexandra told them, smiling. "This has been a really spectacular birthday."

"It's been fun," Dean replied, grinning. "Think we can see a baseball game?"

Alexandra scowled. "If you do, you're going without me," she answered.

"What happened?" Ginny asked.

"Alex may or may not have gotten hit in the face with a baseball," Hermione answered, trying not to laugh.

"It's not funny! That bloody baseball broke my nose!" Alexandra exclaimed.

"Sorry, sorry," Hermione replied, holding up her hands.

Alexandra ran her fingers through her hair and smiled as Steve sat next to her. He draped his arm over her shoulders and she curled up against his side, a smile on her face. He kissed the top of her head and in that moment, she felt love all around the room.