Welcome to The Medium Between If Only. Like noted in the description, this story will be filled with deleted scenes and what ifs from my main story The Medium Between. Please read that story first. The scenes will not necessarily go in order, with the exception of multi-parters. I plan to update this whenever I'm fighting writer's block in TMB. A warning, some of the scenes may not be good, as they were deleted for a reason, but I hope you find them interesting nonetheless. For anyone interested, I'll note the story behind each scene, including why it didn't end up in the main story, at the end of each chapter and a brief, one sentence question the scene answers at the beginning.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Medium Between
1: What if Dick had lost the bet earlier and made it home?
Starts with the prologue with slight changes.
It was a stupid bet. They both knew it when they made it, but that had not stopped them.
Not long after a particularly brutal kidnapping, Dick was in recovery at Wayne Manor when Wally came to visit. Proving that he was perfectly capable of being asterous even when incredibly injured, Dick stole Wally's googles and painted little robins in permanent ink on the straps. Dick wanted to keep them, but Wally wanted them back. It had been Wally who proposed the bet, partly out of jest and partly out of worry for his friend's current condition.
"Fine. You can keep them if you don't get kidnapped for three months starting now."
Dick was silent for a second. "In civvies or in costume?"
Dick pondered it for a minute during which Wally disappeared to grab some cookies, returned, and ate all said cookies except for two, which he gave to Dick. On the one hand, whether or not he got kidnapped and, thus, the bet was entirely out of his control. On the other hand, it was a relatively simple bet.
"Deal," Dick said. "But, if the majority of the team is captured as well, it doesn't count. Also, no friendly kidnappings count."
"Friendly kidnappings?" Wally asked.
"Like if you or Roy or someone kidnapped me to go somewhere fun like Six Flags, or to spend time with me. That doesn't count," Dick paused for a second, considering any other conditions to set or loopholes to close. Finding none, he questioned, "What do you want if you win?"
"The new Xbox 720!" Wally said, "And my googles back."
"That's fair. A pair of googles for an Xbox. That totally makes sense."
"Those are high tech googles, and your dad's a billionaire. An Xbox is nothing." Wally crossed his arms.
"He's not my dad," Dick replied automatically.
"Deal or no deal?"
Dick huffed, "Deal. I don't get kidnapped for three months, 90 days, starting now, excluding friendly kidnappings and most of the team kidnappings, and I keep the googles. If I do get kidnapped, you get an Xbox 720 and your googles back."
They shook on it.
A stupid bet, one that they both blatantly hoped Dick would win.
A stupid bet, one that had a definite conclusion, which pushed the limits of that outcome to the end.
A stupid bet. It really sucked that he had lost.
Robin marched straight into the living room of Mount Justice as the Zeta Tubes chirped out his identification. A bruise marked the right side of his face around his eye, and his left hand was wrapped firmly and held in a sling. Reaching his destination, he flung the red googles at the snoozing Kid Flash, jerking the teen from his sleep.
"Here," Robin proclaimed.
"Wha-?" KF started.
"Your Xbox is in the mail." Robin started towards the archway to go to the guest rooms or maybe the kitchen. He hadn't decided yet.
"Wait, what? What happened?!"
"What do you think?" He said spinning back to face his confused best friend. "You won."
"I won? But I wasn't supposed to win!"
"Win what?" Superboy asked. "How'd you get so injured?"
"A bet." Robin replied, shifting slightly off the ankle he really wasn't supposed to be walking on, after escaping from Alfred. "And, that was related to the bet."
"Come on." Kid Flash said, jumping to his feet. He took Robin's uninjured arm and started leading him to the counseling room, also known as the room free of bugs. "You need to tell me what happened." Superboy watched as they left, but decided it was none of his business, and, if it was, he'd hear about it later.
"So, what happened?" Kid Flash prompted, once they were in the secure room.
"It's really stupid." Robin replied, reaching to take off his sunglasses to speak as Dick.
"Nonsense." Kid Flash replied. "Tell me."
"I got mugged."
"You got mugged?" Disbelief colored his tone.
"Yeah, you know I can't really defend myself too well in my other identity, and they were these three big guys, looked like they were pumped with venom. Normally, I'd have no problem, but, mugged."
"Mugged doesn't mean you lost the bet though. The bet was kidnapped."
"Yeah, well, they looked in my wallet and saw my ID." KF gave a gasp of understanding. "They weren't even really prepared to kidnap someone. They hit me on the head hard, and while my head was spinning, they had two guys hold me while the third tied me up using my normal belt and tieā¦. I'm going to talk to Bruce about making those both shock-proof. Seriously embarrassing. I'm glad they didn't think to take away anything trackable. Batman tracked me down by cell phone signal when I didn't come home on time. They hadn't even gotten me secure or called about a ransom. Batman was even able to make it look like he ran across them on patrol and made it sound believable.
"And they twisted my wrist! Meanies!"
"Did you just call them 'Meanies'?"
"Ok then. Well, at least you're okay. Do you want to start over?"
"What? So you can win something else?"
"More like so you can win this time. I want you to win, Dickie Bird."
Dick huffed. "Fine. Restart, but only because I like you, Wally."
"I would hope you'd like me. Best friends for life, dude."
Story behind this chapter: I got the idea while reading through some other Robin-whump fics and rereading The Medium Between. At first, I considered weaving it into the main story as Wally's dream, but it didn't come out well. I'm including that part below. It includes a lot of Wally's guilt behind making the bet in the first place, especially since Dick didn't come home. Obviously, the bet had nothing to do with the kidnapping, if anything, it helped avoid other kidnappings by making Dick more cautious, but knowing one thing in your mind and believing it are two entirely different things. Here's the part that makes it a dream.
Dick's face took on a sad aura, "Yeah, too bad I lost. Are you even looking?"
"What are you talking about, dude? You're right here. Safe and sound."
"I wish. How long have I been missing? Really?"
"You're not missing! You're right here!"
"But I am missing, Wally. I might even be dead."
Wally poked him in the arm, and then pulled him into a hug. "Please, Dick, don't talk like that. You're here."
"Where's here? If you know where I am, why haven't you come for me?"
"We're at the Mountain! We're here."
"I'm scared, Wally."
"Don't be. You're safe."
"You're safe. You're here with me. We're going to go get Alfred to make cookies."
"We'll play video games."
"Wally, wake up." Wally looked at his friend, tears streaming down his face, as the boy began to fade. "WALLY."
Wally came to with a gasp, shooting up, and colliding with Artemis. "Wha-? 'mis?"
"You were having a bad dream, Wally. It was just a dream."
"But, Dick, he was there, and safe, and," he burst into tears and leaned into his girlfriend. She returned the hug, rubbing his back to calm him down.