Twice Upon A Time

Disclamer: Once Upon a Time is the property of ABC Studios. No Claim to ownership intended.

A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Ryan T. Morris and I am the author of Teddy Duncan: Time Lady and Liv and Maddie's Adventures in Time and Space and I would like to welcome you to my latest creation. This story is going to add Anna and Elsa from Frozen to the first season and give Emma a twin brother. I hope you like it. So far I've only wrote the rewrite of the Pilot and I don't know if I want to do more… Let me know what you think and I might consider continuing this. And now on with our show.

28 year old, black haired, Travis Swan sat in apartment in Boston that he shared with his twin sister, Emma, watching TV. When Emma and Travis were just babies they were abandoned by the side of a rode by their parents and they were found by a 7 year old. Travis and Emma were separated in the system but they found each other a few years ago. They worked as bail bondsmen. Emma was out catching someone who tried to skip out on bail. He heard the front door open and he turned off the TV. "Hey Emms… Get him?"

"Of course," she said as she kicked off her heels, and walked into the kitchen, "I got us a little something…"

Travis walked in the kitchen and he saw two cupcakes each with a lit star shaped candle in each one, "Happy Birthday," said Emma.

Travis smiled, "Happy Birthday."

"Another banner year…" said Emma, a bit dishearten.

"Hey," said Travis, as he gave his sister a hug, "We've got each other…"

"I know…"

"Come on… Let's blow these candles and eat." The two of them closed there eyes and blew out the candles. Just then the doorbell ran, "Who could that be?"

"I don't know…" Emma and Travis walked to the door and saw a young 10 year old boy at the door, "Uh? Can I help you?" asked Emma.

"Are you Emma Swan?" asked The boy.

"Yeah. Who are you?"

"My name's Henry. I'm your son."

Henry pushed past Emma and Travis and walked into the apartment, "Whoa! Hey, kid!" said Travis.

"Kid! Kid! I don't have a son! Where are your parents?" asked Emma.

"Ten years ago. Did you give up a baby for adoption? That was me," said Henry.

A few moments later, Emma and Travis went into the bathroom, "What are we going to do?" asked Travis.

"Give me a minute," said Emma.

Then they heard Henry callout, "Hey, you have any juice? Never mind, found some."

They walked out of the bedroom and saw Henry drinking some juice straight from the bottle, "You know, we should probably get going."

"Going where?" asked Travis.

"I want you two to come home with me."

"Okay, kid. I'm calling the cops." said Emma.

"Then I'll tell them you two kidnapped me," countered Henry.

"And they'll believe you because she's your birth mother," said Travis.


"You're not going to do that," said Emma.

"Try me," said Henry.

Travis knelt down, "You're pretty good. But here's the thing, there's not a lot Emma and I are great at in life but Emma is great at one thing… We like to call it a superpower. She can tell whenever anyone is lying." Travis looked up at his sister, "What do you say, Emms?"

"You are, kid," said Emma.

"Wait… Please don't call the cops," said Henry, "Please, come home with me."

"Where's home?"

"Storybrooke, Maine."

"Storybrooke?" said Travis, "Seriously?"


"Alrighty, then. Let's get you back to Storybrooke."

A short time later, the three of them were riding in Emma's yellow VW Beetle toward Storybrooke. Henry was in the back seat and he asked, "I'm hungry. Can we stop somewhere?"

"This is not a road trip," said Emma, "We're not stopping for snacks."

"Why not?"

"Quit complaining, kid," said Travis, "We could have put your butt on a bus. We still could."

"You know I have a name? It's Henry." Henry started to read from a very large book.

"What's that?"

"I'm not sure you're ready."

"I'm not ready for some fairy tales?"

'They're not fairy tales. They're true. Every story in this book actually happened."

"Of course they did," said Emma.

"Use your superpower," said Henry, "See if I'm lying."

"Just because you believe something, doesn't make it true."

"That's exactly what makes it true. You should know more than anyone."

"Why's that?"

"Because you and Travis are in this book."

"Oh, kid. You've got problems," said Travis

"Yep. And Emma's going to fix them," said Henry.

Emma and Travis looked at each other.

A short time later they arrived in Storybrooke, Maine. It was a nice small town, quite a few shops. It looked like any other small New England town, "Okay, kid. How about an address?" asked Emma.

"Forty-four Not Telling You street," said Henry.

Travis had to stifle a laugh because he thought Henry's answer was very funny. Emma wasn't as amused. She slammed on the brakes and got out of car. Travis and Henry got out as well, "Look, it's been a long night and it's almost… 8:15?" said Emma as she looked up at the clock on top of the town library.

"That clock hasn't moved my whole life," said Henry, "Time's frozen here."

"Excuse me?"

"The Evil Queen did it with her curse. She sent everyone from the Enchanted Forest here."

"Okay," said Travis, "So you're trying to tell us that The Evil Queen from Snow White sent a bunch of fairy tale characters here."

"Yeah, and now they're trapped," said Henry.

"So they're frozen in time and stuck in Storybrooke, Maine. That's the story you're going with?"

"It's true!"

"Then why doesn't everybody just leave?" asked Emma.

"They can't. If they try, bad things happen."

Just then a male voice called out, "Henry!" They turned and saw a man with curly red hair with a Dalmatian walk up to them, "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine, Archie." said Henry, as he pet the dog.

"Who's this?"

"Just someone trying to give him a ride home," said Emma.

"She's my mom, Archie," said Henry, "and he's my uncle."

"Oh. I see." said Archie

"Do you know where he lives?" asked Travis.

"Yeah, sure. Just, ah, right up on Mifflin street," said Archie, "The Mayor's house is the biggest one on the block."

Travis and Emma looked at Henry, "You're the Mayor's kid?" asked Travis.

"Uh, maybe," said Henry.

"Hey, where were you today, Henry?" asked Archie, "Because you missed your session."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I went on a field trip."

Archie crouched down to get face-to-face with Henry, "Henry. What did I tell you about lying? Giving into one's dark side never accomplishes anything."

"Okay," said Emma, "Well, we really should be getting him home."

"Yeah, sure," said Archie, "Well, listen. Um. Have a good night and, uh, you be good, Henry." then Archie walked away.

"So that's your shrink," said Travis.

"I'm not crazy," said Henry

"Didn't say you were. He doesn't seem cursed to me. Maybe he's just trying to help you."

"He's the one who needs help. Because he doesn't know."

"That he's a fairytale character."

"None of them do. They don't remember who they are."

"Convenient. All right. I'll play," said Emma, as the three of them got back in the car, "Who's he supposed to be?"

"Jiminy Cricket!"

"Right," said Travis, "I thought I saw your nose grow a little bit."

"I'm not Pinocchio!" said Henry.

"'Course you're not," said Emma, "'Cause that would be ridiculous." Then they drove off to the mayor's house.

A short time later, the three of them were in front of the Mayor's house. Emma and Travis walked Henry up the front walk to the house, "Please don't take me back there." pleaded Henry.

"I have to," said Emma, "I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you."

"I don't have parents. I just have a mom, and she's-evil."

"Evil," said Travis, "That's a bit extreme, isn't it?"

"She is," said Henry, "She doesn't love me; she only pretends to."

"Kid. I'm sure that's not true," said Emma.

Just then the front door opened and there was a nicely dressed woman and a man that hand a sheriff's badge on his chest, " Henry? Oh! Henry!" the woman ran out and hugged him, "Are you okay? Where have you been? What happened?"

"I found my real mom!" shouted Henry, as he ran in the house.

"You're Henry's birth mother?" asked the woman.

"Hi." said Emma.

"I'll.. just.. go check the lad, make sure he's okay," said the sheriff, as he went inside.

"How'd you like a glass of the best apple cider you ever tasted?" asked the woman.

"Got anything stronger?" asked Emma.

They went inside and Emma asked as the woman pored the cider, "How did he find me?"

"No idea," said the woman, "When I adopted him, he was only three weeks old. Records were sealed, I was told the birth mother didn't want to have any contact." The woman brought over to glasses of cider.

"You were told right."

The woman looked at Travis as she handed him a glass, "Are you the father?"

Travis laughed a little, "No… I'm Emma's twin brother…"

The woman nodded and looked at Emma as she handed him a glass, "Do I need to worry about Henry's father showing up?"

"Nope. Doesn't even know," said Emma.

"Do I need to be worried about you, Miss Swan?" asked the woman.

"Absolutely not." said Emma. The woman nodded and went to get her glass.

The sheriff came down the stairs and said, "Madam Mayor, you can relax. Other than being a tired little boy, Henry's fine."

"Thank you, Sheriff," said the woman. The sheriff left and the three adults walked into the sitting room, "I'm sorry he dragged you out of your lives. I really don't know what's gotten into him," she said as they sat down.

"The kid's having a rough time," said Travis, "It happens."

"You have to understand, ever since I became mayor, balancing things has been tricky," the woman looked at Emma, "You have a job, I assume?"

"Uh, I keep busy. Yeah." said Emma.

"Imagine having another one on top of it. That's being a single mom. So I push forward. Am I strict? I suppose. But I do it for his own good. I want Henry to excel in life. I don't think that makes me evil, do you?"

"I'm-sure he's just saying that because of the fairytale thing."

"What fairytale thing?"

"Oh, you know, his book," said Travis, "How he thinks everyone's a cartoon character from it. Like his shrink is Jiminy Cricket."

"I'm sorry, I-really have no idea what you're talking about," said the woman.

"You know what, it's none of our business. He's your kid. And we really should be heading back."

"Of course." Emma and Travis finished their drinks and the woman showed them out. They turned around and saw Henry watching them from an upstairs window.

A little while later, Emma and Travis were driving out of town. Travis looked in the back seat and saw Henry's book on the back seat, "Emma," said Travis, "The kid left his book behind…"

Emma looked in the back seat and saw the book, "Sneaky bastard."

Travis turned back around and saw a wolf standing in the road. "EMMA, LOOK OUT!" shouted Travis.

Emma turned back around and saw the wolf in the road, She gasped and started to swerve to avoid hitting it. She lost control of the car and crashed into the "Welcome to Storybrooke sigh. Emma hit her head on the steering wheel and Travis hit his head on the passenger side window, knocking them both out.

The next morning, Emma and Travis found themselves in separate jail cells. There was a man in Travis cell whistling. And there was a man outside the cells work on a cabinet.

Emma looked at the man in Travis' cell and he said, "What are you looking at, sister?"

"Hey, Leroy—manners!" said the man outside. Travis saw he had a name tag that said Marco on his chest, "We have a guest!" he looked at Emma, "So you are eh, Henry's mother. How lovely for him to have you back in his life."

"Actually, I was just dropping him off." said Emma.

"Tkh. Don't blame ya," said Leroy, "They're all brats; who needs 'em."

"Well, I'd give anything for one," said Marco, "My wife and I, we tried for many years, but, uh... it was not meant to be."

"Well cry me a river."

Marco left as the sheriff walked in he unlocked Leroy and Travis' cell and said, "Leroy! I'm going to let you out; you need to behave. Put on a smile, and stay out of trouble." Leroy gave the sheriff a fake smile and then left.

"Seriously?" said Emma.

"Regina's drinks are little stronger than we thought," said the sheriff.

"She wasn't drunk," said Travis, "There was a wolf, standing in the middle of the road."

"A wolf. Right."

Just then they heard Regina, Henry's adoptive mother, "Graham? Henry's run away again, we have to…" Then she came into the room, "What are they doing here?" She came up to the bars, "Do you know where he is?"

"Lady, we haven't seen him since we dropped him at your house," said Travis, "and incase you haven't noticed we've got a pretty good alibi."

"Yeah, well, he wasn't in his room this morning," said Regina.

"Did you try his friends?" asked Emma.

"He doesn't really have any. He's kind of a loner," said Regina.

"Every kid has friends," said Travis, "Did you check his computer? If he's close to someone, he'd be emailing them."

"And you know this how?"

"Finding people is what we do," said Emma, "Here's an idea. How about you guys let us out and we'll help you find him."

Regina took Emma, Travis and Graham back to her house. They went up to Henry's room and Emma started to search Henry's computer, "Smart kid," said Emma, "he cleared his inbox. I'm smart too. A little hard disk recovery utility we like to use…"

"I'm a bit more old fashioned in my techniques," said Graham, "Pounding the pavement, knocking on doors, that sort of thing."

"You're on salary," said Travis, "We get paid for delivery. Pounding the pavement is not a luxury that we get."

"Huh," said Emma, "There's receipt for a website – . It's expensive. He has a credit card?"

"He's ten," said Regina.

"Well, he used one. Let's pull up a transaction record. Mary Margaret Blanchard… Who's Mary Margaret Blanchard?"

"Henry's teacher."

Regina took Emma and Travis to Henry's school. They walked into Mary Margaret's classroom as the bell rang. Mary Margaret looked like a very friendly woman. She had very short black hair and looked to be same age as Emma and Travis "Miss Mills, what are you doing here?" asked the teacher.

"Where's my son?" asked Regina.

"Henry.. I assumed he was home with you."

"You think I'd be here if he was? Did you give him your credit card so he can find her?" Regina pointed at Emma and Travis as they stood just in the doorway.

Mary Margaret looked at Emma, "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I'm—I'm his-" Emma stuttered to find the right words.

"The woman who gave him up for adoption," Regina finished for Emma.

"You don't know anything about this, do you?" asked Travis.

"No, unfortunately not," said Mary Margaret as she searched her purse, "Clever boy. I should never have given him that book."

"What in the hell is this book I keep hearing about?" said Regina.

"Just some old stories I gave him. As you well know, Henry is a special boy: so smart, so creative, and as you might be aware, lonely. He needed it."

"What he needs is dose of reality. This is a waste of time," she turned and looked at Emma and Travis, "Have a nice trip back to Boston." she walked out of the room and knocked over a stack of books on her way.

Emma and Travis walked in and helped Mary Margaret pick up the books, "Sorry to bother you." said Emma.

"No, it's-it's okay," said Mary Margaret, "I fear this is partially my fault."

"How's was giving Henry a book supposed to help?" asked Travis.

"What do you think stories are for? These stories? The classics? There's a reason we all know them. They're a way for us to deal with our world. A world that doesn't always make sense. See, Henry hasn't had the easiest life."

They walked out of the classroom and walked down the hall, "Yeah, she's kind of a hard-ass." said Emma.

"No, it's more than her," said Mary Margaret, "He's like any adopted child. He wrestles with that most basic question they all inevitably face: why would anyone give me away?" Mary Margaret stopped when she realized what she said, "I am so sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean in any way to judge you…"

"It's okay."

"Look, I gave the book to him because I wanted Henry to have the most important thing anyone can have; hope. Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing."

"You know where he is, don't you," said Travis.

"You might want to check his castle."

Travis decided it was best if Emma went to take Henry back to Regina's by herself. Travis wanted to look around the town. He walked downtown and reached a ice cream parlor named "Any Given Sunday." he smiled and went inside. There were a few kids inside getting a little after school treat. He waited while a young woman with red hair, not much younger than him, waited on some kids. When it was his turn he saw by the name tag the woman wore that her name was Anna. She smiled and said, "Hi, What can I get you?"

"I would like a double scoop of Cookies and Cream in a cup."

"Oh… Can you wait just a moment? We just ran out and my sister was getting a fresh container out of the freezer in back."


Just then a blond haired woman about his age came in pushing a cart with a couple large containers of ice cream. She was wearing a long light blue cardigan with a light blue shirt underneath and blue jeans Travis saw, by the name take on the woman's cardigan, her name was Elsa and she had the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. He watched as Elsa loaded the ice cream into the freezer. When she was done she said, "There you go…"

"Thanks," said Anna, then she scooped up some for Travis.

Travis couldn't take his eyes off of Elsa. Elsa could feel eyes on her. As she looked up, she was surprised to see a stranger in town and a handsome one at that, "Hello…" she said.

"Hello," he said.

"Here you go," said Anna.

"Oh Thanks," said Travis with a smile. He paid her and took a bite, "Mmm… that's wonderful."

"Thank you," said Elsa, "All the hand dipped ice cream here is made by Anna and me. I haven't seen you around before. Are you new in town?"

"Yeah, sort of… My sister is the birth mother of Henry Mills."

"Henry Mills? The Mayor's Son?"

"Yeah. The kid was able to find her down in Boston and Emma, that's my sister, we brought him back."

"That's nice," said Anna, "So are you and Emma going to be staying in Storybrooke?"

"No…" said Travis, "We have to get back to Boston. Although… I've always wanted to live in a small town like this. It seems like a great place to live."

"It is," said Elsa, "Anna and I were born and raised here."

Just then, Travis' cell phone rang, "Excuse me a moment." Travis took his phone out of his pocket and saw it was Emma. "Hey Emms… Yeah sure… OK… See you there…" Then he hung up the phone, "I got to go meet Emma at the mayor's house. It was nice to meet you both..

"It was nice to meet you too," said Elsa, with a smile.

"Bye," said Anna. Travis gave the two women a wave and headed out.

Travis reached the Mayor's house and saw Emma and Regina standing at the door. He heard Regina say to his sister, "No. You don't get to speak… You don't get to do anything. You gave up that right when you tossed him away. Do you know what a closed adoption is? It's what you asked for. You have no legal right to Henry, and you're gonna be held to that. So I suggest you and your brother get in your car, and you leave this town. Because if you don't, I will destroy you if it is the last thing I do. Goodbye, Miss Swan."

Regina started to closed the door then Emma said, "Do you love him?"

"Excuse me?" asked Regina.

"Henry. Do you love him?"

"Of course I love him." Regina then closed the door.

Travis walked up the walk as Emma walked down the front walk. He could see the troubled looked on Emma's face. "Emma… You OK?"

"No…" she said. "Something's not right… Something about that woman… I'm not sure if Henry is safe with her."

"You don't believe that she's really the Evil Queen from Snow White?" asked Travis.

"No… Of course not… But my superpower is going crazy… She's hiding something… How would you feel about staying here for a little while?"

"Fine with me. We don't have any cases."

"All right. Let's go see if we can get a couple rooms at that bed and breakfast."

Emma and Travis walked into Granny's Bed and Breakfast. They heard to woman arguing. A plump older woman, Granny. And a young woman with dark hair, Ruby, were arguing as they walked down the stairs.

"You're out all night, and now you're going out again," said Granny.

"I should've moved to Boston!" said Ruby.

"I'm sorry that my heart attack interfered with your plans to sleep your way down the Eastern Seaboard!"

"Excuse me?" said Travis, "We'd like a couple of rooms."

"Really?" asked Granny. Travis and Emma nodded. Granny went into her office and got out her ledger, "Would you like a forest view or a square view? Normally there's an upgrade fee for the square, but as the rent is due, I'll wave it."

"Square is fine." said Emma.

"Now. What are the names?"

"Travis and Emma Swan."

"Emma…" said a male voice behind Travis and Emma. They turned around, "Emma.. What a lovely name."

"Thanks," said Emma.

Granny took a roll of cash from a drawer and handed it to the man, "It's all here."

The man accepted the roll without counting it, "Yes, yes, of course it is, dear. Thank you." The man looked at Emma and Travis, "Enjoy your stay, Emma and Travis." Then he left.

"Who's that?" asked Travis.

Ruby pulled the curtains back sligtly and said, "Mr. Gold. He owns this place."

"The inn?" asked Travis.

"No. The town. So! How long will you be with us?"

"A week," said Emma, "Just a week."

"Great," said Granny, as she handed key to Travis and Emma, "Welcome to Storybrooke."

AN: Remember if you want to see this story continue, then send me a review in the box below. If I see interest in this story I might consider continuing it.