Prologue - Death of Legends

It was a dark time. Most super heroes and members of teams like the Justice League and the Avengers were killed.
Who's responsible for this, you might ask? He is the deadliest thing alive. He comes from the planet Krypton, like Superman. His Brainiac.

A man in red and blue armor landed in a crystal lair and went to the computer with his comrades. His name, was Spider-Man. "Bruce, Stark, you got the time machine working?" The web slinger asked. "Working on it webs. Almost finished." Iron Man answered. Spider-Man then sensed danger. "Spider Sense is tingling! We gotta hurry!" Spidey exclaimed. "It's almost done, Peter." the Batman said.

Suddenly, big robots landed in the lair. Spidey activated his light sword (think of it as some kind of star wars light saber kind of sword.) "I'll hold them off!" Spidey said jumping into battle. And then, the portal opened. "Done!" Tony exclaimed. "Go on without me! I can't hold them off much longer!" Tony flew to the portal but was knocked down and the canister he was carrying got flung into the portal. Just then, a robot's leg stepped on him. "You will be going nowhere, Stark." Brainiac said. "Humanity shall be mine." He knocked away Batman. "Soldiers, Destroy the heroes." Brainiac commanded his minion robots. He then walked through the portal. The robots pointed through blasters at the 3 heroes. "Oh no..." Spidey said. "Stark? STARK! WAYNE!" Spidey tried waking his comrades up. Tony opened his eyes and whispered something into Spidey's ear, before he collapsed. Spidey looked towards the robots. They all aimed and fired.