Disclaimer: I don't own Jimmy Neutron and all other related things to it. If I were the owner, all episodes would have been similar to 'Stranded'. *wink wink
It was a cold, snowy night in Retroville. People were busy preparing for the Christmas season. Some started decorating their houses, some started giving gifts, some started to unwind and went for a vacation. The people were tired of Retroville, but they can't leave Retroville for some reason. Jimmy Neutron, who is now a prominent doctor, with an established career, found himself lying on his bed, in his parent's house. He was looking in the ceiling when his mom, now much older and more vulnerable than before, called him for dinner.
''Jimmy! Time for dinner!'' His mom called with a cheery voice.
Jimmy quietly went down and saw his parents waiting for him. He sat down on the table with his dad.
''Why did you suddenly want to visit us here, Jimbo? I mean it's a good thing, but we thought that you were busy and that you did not have spare time with all the-'' Jimmy cut off his dad's words.
''Well, dad, it's just… I don't know why, but Retroville is pulling me back. Like whenever I leave this town, I feel nostalgic and lethargic. I become sentimental and I always find myself thinking of my old life,'' Jimmy explained.
His mom opened the radio and sat down with them.
Then Jimmy heard it. That sweet sound. That sweet, sweet sound. Full of feelings, full of meaning. Oh it's just so pleasing to the ears, especially to Jimmy's own ears. They were having dinner, but he wasn't feeling like eating. He just wanted to stare at nowhere. And listen to the music that captivates him every time he hears it.
We were destined to be together
But we didn't hold on to our forever
What happened to us?
Ohh, how I long for your smile,
Your laugh and your blue eyes
What happened to us?
Will you go back to me?
If you know how I feel?
If you know that I feel this way?
I'm still hoping you'll come back to me
That you'll embrace me tightly
And kiss me in the night
But this is goodbye, my love
The lyrics were sad, and every time Jimmy will listen to it, he would feel so alive, yet lifeless at the same time. He would feel loved and special, but lonely at the same time. The song had an effect on him. Well, is it really the song that has an effect or the one who wrote it?
She was in her own elegant house when she read the big news. As she read the news, a tear fell from her right eye, and she didn't know how, why. She looked intently at the pictures she saw in front of her.
''He's still the same. Alluring brown hair, stunning deep blue eyes, perfectly shaped nose, captivating lips,'' she thought.
The lady sniffed, with background music playing from her own radio. It was the middle time of the winter season, and she felt peaceful yet alone. She felt calm yet anxious.
''Would it hurt to visit Retroville?'' She contemplated.
''Yes, it will, Vortex, it will for sure,'' she answered her own question.
Then, suddenly, her radio started playing her song, her creation, and her masterpiece.
We were destined to be together
But we didn't hold on to our forever
What happened to us?
Ohh, how I long for your smile,
Your laugh and your blue eyes
What happened to us?
Will you go back to me?
If you know how I feel?
If you know that I feel this way?
I'm still hoping you'll come back to me
That you'll embrace me tightly
And kiss me in the night
But this is goodbye, my love
And it doubled the pain she was feeling. She reminisced and recalled. Remembered and recollected. The past, the memories, the moments. And most of all, the feelings she felt when she was with him.
She tried to go back and visit Retroville. In fact, Lindbergh Elementary-High School is inviting her to their 15th Annual Métier Talk. Cindy Vortex became a very passionate and renowned pianist-song composer. And to whom did she secretly dedicate all of her songs? To him, of course.
''Only he didn't know,'' she thought, with a feeling of regret.
Back in Retroville, Jimmy's room
After dinner, Jimmy went back to his room, and lied down. He thought and thought. He thought about a lot of things. He thought about the things that were happening to him now, the things to come, and most importantly, the things that had come, things that passed. Basically everything that concerned his past. His special past. He reached for a notebook resting on top of his cabinet. He brushed the cover with his thumb, he opened the notebook and started to read:
January 6, 2003
Today, I finished finalizing my latest invention called the *******. But more importantly, I still don't get why I always feel something different whenever Vortex is near me. She makes me nervous and my heart literally jumps when she's around. I honestly don't get why I'm experiencing all of these bizarre things right now. It only started this month, this year and I'm still looking for a scientific explanation for my undefined symptoms. The 5 of us went to the Candy Bar earlier we were beside each other, and I found myself ordering what she ordered and mimicking her every action. What exactly is this? This feeling? I sometimes catch her looking at me for some unknown reason. Like she wants to say something, but can't. I guess that's all I can say for now.
Jimmy flipped to the next page, a curve on the edge of his lips forming.
February 9, 2003
Cindy and I were alone in the detention room a while ago for causing disturbances in class. Because in History class, she was saying that the Apache tribe is part of the Athapascan Northern linguistic family, well I know for sure that it is part of the Athapascan Southern linguistic family! Well, I always look forward to arguing with her, it serves as an excuse so I can stare deeply at her irresistible rich emerald eyes. I don't know why I'M SAYING THIS, hormones, I guess? Again? Back to the detention room…Well, we just talked and I learned things about her, and she learned things about me that I never actually shared with anyone, even with Carl and Sheen. And it feels like we just created an unusual bond. An unusual connection.
April 24, 2003
CRUSH? WHY IS IT EVEN CALLED A CRUSH? WHY WOULD YOU CRUSH A PERSON IF YOU LIKE THEM? YES, OKAY I KNOW, I ADMIT, I LIKE CINDY VORTEX. I LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER. HER EYES, HER PERFECT GREEN EYES, HER CUTE POINTY NOSE, HER ALWAYS BLABBERING MOUTH THAT NEVER FAILS TO ATTRACT ME. UGH! We, once again, went to Mars. For the nth time. But even if it was the nth time, I know for sure that it was the best-est trip to Mars ever. Sheen, Libby and Carl went out of the rocket to explore Mars, it was their request after all. Cindy looked tired and restless earlier, so I told the 3 that they were okay to go, I might just look after Cindy. Okay, so that was kind of making the crush obvious to Libby, she smirked, but who cares. It was spacious in the rocket, it was like one room. She sat on the sofa, and closed her eyes. I stayed in the driver's seat and secretly hoped that she would call my name and tell me to sit beside her, or like even talk to me. I waited and waited. I WAITED PATIENTLY. Then, out of nowhere, I heard her voice, her so sweet voice, calling my name. ''Neutron,'' she slightly moaned, and I felt her pain in an instant. She was sleepy and tired. I don't know why she even came along with us. Well, Libby with us, so maybe she was the reason, oh well.
In the rocket…
''Neutron,'' Cindy moaned while closing her eyes.
Jimmy just turned and looked at her. For some reason, Cindy felt Jimmy's gaze and started talking again.
''I want someone to talk to, talk to me,'' Cindy said, still closing her eyes.
Jimmy took his chance and smiled. He went near her and sat beside her. He was puzzled why she wanted HIM to TALK to HER.
''Vortex,'' He uttered and looked at her intently as if memorizing her every feature.
''Hmm'', Cindy mumbled, still closing her eyes, her voice barely audible.
Jimmy didn't say anything but held Cindy's left hand. He gently squeezed it and looked at Cindy, now her eyes open, looked shocked and surprised at Jimmy's gesture. She kept silent. And he didn't say anything. But it didn't make them feel awkward. It made the atmosphere tensed but exciting. They looked at each other's eyes. Jimmy looked at Cindy's sleepy, groggy-looking eyes. But he still found them mesmerizing and charming. Cindy stared back at Jimmy, she found herself struggling to control her impending smile.
''The most perfect pair of eyes I've ever seen,'' she thought.
Jimmy slowly neared his face to Cindy's. And she was already leaning on the edge of the couch. Neither of them noticed Jimmy's action. It was as if they were just going with the flow…Cindy slowly closed her eyes, not because of sleepiness, but because of the ''moment'' she was anticipating to happen. Jimmy, still nearing his face, was about to cup Cindy's cheeks when Libby, Sheen and Carl barged in the rocket. Cindy and Jimmy quickly pulled away. Swiftly looking away from each other as their cheeks started to heat up and a pink tint became visible afterwards.
''What just happened?'' Sheen asked cluelessly
End of Flashback
continuation of Diary entry
And then the 3 of them entered unannounced and then the moment was ruined! Gosh! It still annoys me so much! Why did they have to enter when I was about to kiss her?! Well, as if I have the strength to kiss her, as if!
July 10, 2003
I confessed to Vortex earlier…. And she had an unsure expression. I'm scared of getting rejected, especially by her. If she rejects me, then it would be painful and hard. We'll never argue again, never be with each other again, never gonna be having adventures again. And we'll never have moments again. If she didn't provoke me, none of these things would have happened!
In Jimmy's lab
Jimmy was working on his unfinished invention when someone dropped from above. And who would it be, if not Cindy Vortex?
Jimmy faced her and returned to work.
''Why are you here, Vortex?'' He asked the blonde.
''Why didn't you tell me that you were tutoring Betty in Math?!'' Cindy yelled, her fists clenching, her teeth gritting. Emphasizing the name 'Betty'' with a tone of disgust. Does she have the right to get jealous? Well, yeah, she and Jimmy have already kissed! What does that mean? Technically, they can be considered a couple already! IF THEY ADMITTED THEIR FEELINGS.
Jimmy looked away from his invention and eyed Cindy.
''What's her problem?'' Jimmy wondered, oblivious and unaware of the fact that she MIGHT be jealous.
''Well she told me to tutor her! What's wrong with that? Why do you care?'' Cindy was bombarded with Jimmy's questions.
While Cindy was busy blabbering and babbling senseless stuff about him and Betty, Jimmy didn't know how to stop Cindy's non-stop mouth. And he doesn't even like Betty! He likes Cindy! Goodness!
''She's so naïve, can't she take a hint?'' Jimmy thought
''LIKE WELL REALLY, WHY WOULD SHE MIND? YOU LIKE HER, SHE LIKES YOU, I DON'T EVEN KNOW, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY SHE LIKES YOU, AND WHY YOU LIKE HER, GOSH WHAT'S HAPPENING TO THE WORLD TODAY?! WHY DON'T YOU ASK HER OUT NOW? AS IN NOW?! STUPI-'' Cindy's voice muted, then she completely went silent. Her eyes bulging and wide-opened, she looked above her, seeing Jimmy's face glued to hers. And she felt warmth on her cheeks, it was Jimmy's hands, they were cupping her soft, puffy cheeks and she, in return, blushed so badly. Cindy blinked a few times to check if she wasn't dreaming. Well, she wasn't. After a while, Jimmy pulled away, and held her shoulders. He looked at her raptly, intently, almost burning her with his gaze.
''I like you,'' Jimmy said, without hesitation.
Cindy's pupils grew larger. But she was wearing an unsure expression. A vague one, an ambiguous one. One that cannot be read even by a psychic. She didn't know what to feel, what expression to show. She looked down and went out quickly, leaving Jimmy confused.
End of Flashback
July 12, 2003
The 5 friends were once again, spending their lovely afternoon in the Candy Bar. They talked and smiled, and laughed and shared stories, one after the other. Evening came and Carl needed to go home, he said he was helping his mom to cook dinner. While Sheen and Libby, they were going to watch an Ultra Lord movie together, that left Jimmy and Cindy alone.
''So guys, see ya when we see ya, Cindy, you're going home already right? Jimmy can come with you! Bye guys!'' Libby waved her hand while being pulled away by the very eager Sheen.
''This is a date! This is a date!'' Sheen squealed like an obsessed fangirl in his mind.
Cindy just showed an awkward smile, for the first time in years.
She looked at Jimmy, who was trying to avoid her gaze.
''I guess we should go now,'' Jimmy asked, standing up
''Well, yeah, okay,'' Cindy replied plainly
They exited the Candy Bar and went outside. Cindy kept on looking at Jimmy, who was walking beside her. Jimmy, who was unsure of how Cindy really truly felt about him, did not attempt to do anything that could ''further ruin their friendship'', according to him.
When they were near their houses, Cindy inserted her right hand inside her pocket and got a post-it note , hiding it from Jimmy. She slowly walked ahead of Jimmy, positioned herself in front of him and faced him, walking backwards. She smiled, and he returned the smile.
''Neutron,'' She said under her breath.
She walked towards Jimmy, and held his shoulders.
''Gosh! He's so tall!'' Cindy thought as she put her lips on Jimmy's soft ones.
Everything happened in less than a second.
As Cindy was kissing him, she raised her right leg, and stuck the post-it note on Jimmy's chest. She pulled away and smiled at him, and then she turned left and went inside her house.
Jimmy was left dumbfounded, and his mouth was wide open. When he finally recovered, he got the post-it note and read it:
That was the happiest day of Jimmy's life
End of Flashback
Back in Jimmy's room
Jimmy did not notice himself smiling like crazy and he tried to control his grin, but he can't and he stopped trying. ''Remembering the memories isn't that happy, but isn't also painful,'' He thought. Jimmy did not read the diary entries that followed, for it will just make his heart ache.
Meanwhile, in Cindy house, Cindy was lying in her bed, wide-awake. She can't stop thinking about the things that can happen if she were to visit Retroville. She wanted to go back so badly, but she didn't know how. She, too, decided to return to the memories…
Januray 6, 2003
Dear Diary,
Neutron's been acting strange a lot lately, and I've been wondering for a while why he's become more quiet and reserved. We went to the Candy Bar earlier and I think he caught me looking at him a few times. Gosh! When will he even notice me? I really wanted to ask him earlier a lot of questions, about umm…our relationship. Like, I don't know, he confuses me and makes me think of him. I sometimes regret developing a crush on him because I know that we'll never be together, I mean I don't expect us to be together but I just want to hug him sometimes, to feel him and just look at him all day. I wanted to ask him ''What is our relationship, really?'' earlier, but I was too shy, especially we were with our friends. Oh well…
February 9, 2003
Dear Diary,
Today my mom and dad scolded me because I got a detention. Well, it was fine because Neutron was with me. I never get bored when he's around. And I never get tired of him and his dorky conversations. I kinda spilled some secrets and not-so-nice stuff about me. But who cares? It will serve as a special sort of bond between him and me. Who knows, we might even come up with inside jokes. Hopefully. ^^ I'm still praying and waiting for the day that he will notice me.
July 10, 2003
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Like OH MY GOSHH! Jimmy Neutron just confessed to me earlier, and I feel like ahhhhhh asdfghjkl. I don't know what to say. I'm so speechless, it was so sudden, it was out of nowhere, he just literally confessed to me! Like it was no big deal! But I still sensed his nervousness and his uncertainty. I'm on cloud nine right now. It's a good thing I went to him and confronted him about Betty, like SERIOUSLY, AS IN SERIOUSLY, WHY DOES SHE EVEN NEED HIM TO TUTOR HER, SHE'S OLDER THAN HIM! UGHH SO ANNOYING! But still, at least he confessed to me already, it's a deal sealed. ^^
July 12, 2003
Dear Diary,
Today was my turn to confess my feelings to Neutron. I felt so light and happy. I felt triumphant and as if a heavy weight was lifted off of my chest. It really felt so good, and I even kissed him, that should be a big hint, together with the post-it note I posted on his chest. Gosh he's so tall now! He's towering over me and I'm just his shoulder level. But I guess I can call us a couple now, like why not, right? Yes, I know, the school would be shocked if they find out. But who cares? YOLO.
Cindy looked up from the diary, from her teenage life's storybook, and cried. Oh how happy she was during those times! Those precious moments! It made her heart ache that she wasn't going to experience any of those again. Never again. That's what she thought. She was bitter and hurt, she wanted to just go back in time and embrace the teenage Jimmy again. Cindy unconsciously hugged herself and closed her eyes. She started reading again.
August 15, 2006
It's done. It's totally done. Jimmy and I are done. Everything is done. It's been exactly 3 hours, 32 minutes 34 seconds since we've broken up. I don't know why we didn't work out. Why? Because of my parents who never approved of him because he was over my level? Because of peer pressure? Because we were too proud and arrogant to be together? What if one of us wasn't boastful and egotistic, would this happen? I never understood why couples break up. All problems have solutions right? Now what happened to me, why did this thing happen to me? I tried my best to control and not take over his life. I didn't, I never, even one second, became the control freak, possessive girlfriend. I tried my best to be the best girlfriend, to be the most ideal, I believed in us, in our forever, in our eternal love, it might sound cheesy, but it's the truth, my heart is aching right now, I can't even handle the pain. It just hurts so bad! Why did I have to prioritize my ego and my studies over him? I want him back, God please help me. Give him back to me please? I promise I would be better…
Cindy continuously wiped her eyes while crying. That was the last diary entry in her diary but the next pages had something written on them.
Jimmy Neutron
And on the next page, she started writing poems and song lyrics to release the unending and torturing pain she was feeling.
But please, come back to me, darling
I know you still love me
I'm sorry
I miss you
Please come back to me, darling
I know you still want me
I don't want anybody but you
Stop the hurt my heart is feeling
Show yourself to me, please
I will only love you
Help me please darling,
Come back to me…
I've been thinking,
What went wrong?
Where did we go wrong?
You loved me,
I loved you so dearly,
I know it's been awhile
Since we last saw each other's faces
I still remember the day you left,
The day you left me feeling pain and regret
Oh why did it have to be us?
Us, the victims of love…
We were destined to be together
But we didn't hold on to our forever
What happened to us?
Ohh, how I long for your smile,
Your laugh and your blue eyes
What happened to us?
Will you go back to me?
If you know how I feel?
If you know that I feel this way?
I'm still hoping you'll come back to me
That you'll embrace me tightly
And kiss me in the night
But this is goodbye, my love
''Goodbye, Jimmy,'' Cindy whispered to herself in the quiet night. She persuaded herself that she was ready to let go. It's been 20 years since they last saw each other. But still, secretly, they kept in touch indirectly. Friends would often tell Cindy stories about Jimmy, and she would read about his success in the news. While for Jimmy, she was still the most beautiful girl in his eyes. And whenever he will hear the sound of a piano playing, he would remember her, and he was proud of her. He regretted leaving her but there was no other choice, there was no other reasonable and logical thing to do, he thought.
But then again, Love needed no reason and it wanted no logic.
2 days later…