A/N: Hello and thank you for reading my first fan fiction posted on this account! To make this short, this fan fiction was inspired by a doujin called "Shy Girl" by URAN. Of course, it's not an actual copy of the doujin but if you're curious about it you can go and check it out! (Warning: It contains brother/sister plus underage incest so if that's not your cup of tea then I advice you not to read it). I added my own interests as well, to make it more "free-form" or original. I already feel bad about basing this on another story but I've been craving to write my own Hidashi fan fiction so here's my attempt! I hope you enjoy it.

I pick up my pencil and gently start scribbling a few words on my journal. It's a Friday night and right now I'm trying to finish some homework that'll probably be due in a few days. It's very unlikely of me to get things done early but when you're alone with no personal interest on improving your own fighting robots you gotta do what you gotta do to keep yourself from dying out of boredom.

Not only am I busying myself with my homework, I can't take my eyes out of my alarm clock as the seconds slowly ticks away. It's 8:37 and Tadashi said he'll be home around 9:00 to watch a movie with me. A movie with your bro doesn't sound much fun but it's honestly better than being alone in a quiet room with no one to bug around.

After finishing the last problem, I close my journal shut and push it away, relief that I was productive for tonight. I take out my cell as soon as it beep a message from Tadashi. I unlock the screen, eager to read the words he'll be on his way.

"Sorry lil bro but I can't make it tonight. Will be staying at the lab again. I promise we'll make it up another time. Good night."

I lock my screen and carelessly throw my phone to the bed, along with myself. I let the soft comforter suffocate me as I try to hold in my bad mood.

"It's not fair!" I scream against my covers as I start a mild tantrum.

I'm getting sick of Tadashi always bailing on me and pushing me away and thinking it's okay to text me instead of calling me when he ditches on me!

After a few heated screams and breaths, I was able to calm down, now embarrass with my small tantrum. I stand up, walking around my shared room and try to think of a way to spend my free Friday night without Tadashi!

I stop at my desk, eyeing at my small metal friend. I gently grab him, lifting him and inspecting his features.

I could always go bot fighting...

It has been awhile and having a rush of danger can sure lift my spirits!


I sigh, putting the robot back in place and slump back into my bed.

"I just have no motivation..." I mumble to myself.

I close my eyes, letting the heavy feeling of helplessness overcome me. I almost feel suffocated, as if boredom itself is pushing me against my mattress.

I twist and turn around my bed, trying to think of something, anything to do.

I turn my head and my sight lands on Tadashi's side of the room. The wooden boards is slightly open, I'm able to see his bed.

I slowly raise my head. An idea begins to spark in me and I can feel myself coming back to life. I can feel my lips turn up into a smirk and I let out a mischievously chuckle as I make my way to Tadashi's side of the room.

I slowly push the walls apart, welcoming myself into Tadashi's personal space. A hint of guilt comes to me but I quickly got rid of it when I remember how Tadashi isn't around much to keep me company.

I immediately start looking for Baymax but I mentally slap myself. The big guy isn't here. Because of him, Tadashi is staying overnight in the lab working on extra features. Having my two favorite people away can sure feel lonely... I quickly shake that thought away and start digging through Tadashi's stuff.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for or expecting but anything new is good, as long as it keeps me entertained.

I make sure to carefully put things back where they were, making sure every book and paper were in the same place as it was before. His bookcase has nothing but old textbooks, reference books, and journals, filled with notes. Inside his drawers are stationary and tools. Nothing seems to be interesting in here...

I sigh, as I lazily scan through an old journal of his as I flop myself on his bed, not bothering to hide my tracks anymore.

This whole expedition turns out to be a disappointing one. Nothing seems new or different. It was...boring.

I groan and stretch my limbs across the bed, hating how I'm back to being bored.

"Screw this, I'm going to sleep..." I huff out some air as I stand up to put the journal away.

I don't realize how fast I move until I trip and catch myself on the desk, knocking out a few pencils to the ground.

I curse myself, putting the journal away and kneel down to pick up the mess I made. A few roll under his bed so I had to squeeze myself between the tight spots to grab that one lousy pencil.

My fingers pass something smooth and cold and I let myself retrieve the object. I take it out, placing the last pencil back in place and sit on Tadashi's bed to examine the device.

"A tablet?"

I turn the tablet around, noticing it isn't like the ones the school provides or gives out to their students. I have one and so does Tadashi. So why would he need an extra one...

I immediately turn the device on, eager to find out what Tadashi has stored inside.

A lock screen comes on and asks for a pin. I begin to plug in a few numbers: his birthday, his lunch code, his favorite dish number at that one sushi place, anything!

I immediately stop myself and remember it can notify Tadashi if someone is trying to break in if he did had something to hide.

I pout a bit, tapping my fingers against the edges of the device until I remember something that can help.

I quickly run to my desk, taking the tablet with me and turn on my desktop. I remember I was working on a new hacking program a few weeks ago just for the hell of it. However, I'm not sure if it's ready to do any actual hacking.

"I guess I did had something to work on..." I mumble to myself as I immediately work on the program.

It's 11:27 when I finally completed the program. I smile to myself, satisfied to feel accomplished once again.

I plug in Tadashi's tablet into my computer and cross my fingers as the program do their work. I plug in a few codes and just in a few seconds, the tablet is unlock.

"Yes!" I holler in victory, almost in tears as I raise the tablet up high.

I quickly begin to slide my fingers around the screen, searching every memory of this device.

My first search begins in the Picture folder, which is empty. I then check the Music folder which is also empty. I tap on the Video folder, hoping for something, anything!

A list of videos begins show up and I tap the first one, curious to see what it is.

The video was half played, so it's playing where it was last stop at.

"Please... just do it. Do it now, I can't take it anymore...Ahh!"

I can feel my face burn red and my fingers growing warm and sweaty.

A beautiful lady, wearing nothing but a black skirt, is looking at me with heated, begging eyes. Her hair is long and black and it flair around her like a mane. I can't stop looking at her as she stares at me, mouth slightly open with drool sticking out.

I can feel my heart beat loud against my chest and as soon as the camera slowly moves down, I gasp and I can feel my pants getting tighter.

A hand slowly lifts up her skirt, revealing her private part. I can't help but avert my eyes away, feeling embarrass as I squirm around my seat. She suddenly separates her legs, giving me a full view and I yelp with excitement.

"Please...just put it in. I can't take it anymore, I need you!"

I gulp as hear those begging words right out of her mouth.

I slowly run my fingers in front of my pants.

I can't believe I'm watching this.

Especially from Tadashi.