
My name is Red.

I am the Champion, the Pokedex Holder, the Living Legend.

There are plenty more titles like that attached to my name, but it's all intangible, insubstantial, malarkey.

Would it help me subjugate a raging Tyranitar decimating the mountain range?


Would it allow me to survive among the ruins in the vast desert?


Would it help me from freezing to death in a [Blizzard] caused by a horde of migrating Delibird?


So let's discard these useless strings of words, and restart, with just the bare facts.

My name is Red.

I set out to complete a Pokedex granted by Professor Oak -who, by the way, isn't still kicking the bucket, that geezer- and to challenge the Kanto Pokemon League, striding out into the metaphorical sunset, with my brand new red hat and jacket, at the age of eleven. Nostalgia still burns within me… but I digress. I faced harsh tribulations, found new allies, uncovered dangerous organizations, and triumphed over the gym leaders. With my trusty starter Charmander did we build a team to rival the gods.

It's been nine years since then.

Six years since I challenged the Indigo League, blasting my way through the Elite Four, and facing my rival, Blue. A tough nut to crack, we went head to head up until the last breath, his Blastoise downed by a victorious [Blast Burn] by my Charizard. I hear he's been running Viridian for a while now, still gloating off all the opposition he meets. I became the youngest Champion in Kanto, at age fourteen.

Five years since I've ran off the nefarious Team Rocket from the Sevii Islands, knocking grunts over by the wave. They've got persistence, I'll give them that. Sometimes I just took to setting them on fire with [Flamethrower] on sight, instead of battling.

Four years since I've entered Johto, winning another eight badges, crushing the regional League its champion, and leaving it in chaos without a leader; Lance, the previous Champion, revealed to be a major plotter in the revival of Giovanni's army, incarcerated and sentenced for life. By then, I had long surpassed any trainer I knew, and without any my equal, I secluded myself in Mount Silver.

It's been nigh on three years, that I have trained on this mountain, full of dangerous Pokemon and an especially frustrated Moltres hunting me down. I built a log cabin into the side of the cliff face, camouflaged and inaccessible to the public, raised all sorts of oddities and monsters to their limit, and beat down all who dared seek me.

It's been three years.

And I'm seriously considering getting out of this dung hole.