Author's Note: Thanks Travass and Pirate22, for reviewing. I really appreciate it, here's chapter six. Enjoy.
When Sarabi reached the bottom of the hill she was immediately greeted by Imari. She smiled at her son, no matter how much she hate Scar, she will never take that frustration out on him. The dark beige lioness shook her head before lowering it to nuzzle the pale beige cub.
"How was your day?"
Imari smiled before he followed in step with his mother. As she headed towards home. "It was amazing! Lukas showed me some cool racing tricks! He's really awesome!"
Sarabi smiled as she listened to her son, it reminds her of Simba. When Simba first played with Nala, the peachy cream cub was all he talked about. The dark beige lioness didn't realize she was crying until there was a tug at her leg. She looked down and seen Imari looking up with concerned green eyes.
"Mommy, why are you crying?"
Sarabi sighed as she thought about what she could tell him. Before she could think of a lie, Scar walked up. He looked agitated, stressed and his eyes were heavy. "Imari, go to your grandmother. I'll be there in a moment."
The pale beige cub wanted to know what was happening but thought better of asking. Besides, he hasn't seen Nala in a while. Nuzzling his parents, Imari took off towards the caves. Sarabi waited before turning to the rich brown lion.
"Scar, I know what you came for and I the answer is no."
Scar stood silent for a moment before he growled. "It's not a question. As my mate and queen you are so pose to relieve the stress. To please me, and I am in a need for some pleasing."
Sarabi gasped before snarling. "I am not some rock lioness where you sleep with me to mask your problems! I am your queen!"
Scar shook his head and laughed. "You honestly think you're my equal. I'm not Mufasa, Sarabi! He was pathetic and didn't know how to rule!"
Sarabi roared, her orange eyes burning like a wildlife. But she didn't say anything, she lowered her head and let the tears fall. "It doesn't matter Scar. I'm with child again."
Scar couldn't believe it, he was going to be a father again. But that was a curse as it was a blessing. He needed a release and the the lioness that is in tilted to mate with him is pregnant. He snarled before stalking off. Sarabi took a deep breath before she continued to priderock. Scar walked through his kingdom, wondering what he was going to do. He was so full of stress he needed a relieve. The hyenas are help with keeping the rogue count down but they are impossible to work with. He had to threatened more than five hyenas to stay still or to listen. The rich brown lion didn't realize he walked towards his old cave cave until a loud scream came from the back. He raised a eye brow, before entering. He was in shock at what he found, one of the young lionesses he accepted a few months ago laid in the back of his old den with what looked like two cubs nursing.
"Tell me. How did a young lioness like you get pregnant."
Zira jumped, she was honestly not expecting anyone. So she was quite surprised to see the king sitting by her. The pale tan lioness took deep breaths before looking up. "You scared me, your highness."
Scar grunted before looking at the cubs. "Who's the father?"
Zira looked down and the king could spot a few tears. "The lion that died in the fire my mother mentioned. He raped me not too long before the fire started."
Scar for some reason felt a connection with the young lioness. "Your mother blames you, don't she?"
Zira looked at her cubs, she didn't want nothing to do with them but she had no choice. "My mother prefers my little sister than me. Even though...the brat is daughter of that monster."
Scar frowned before looking at the cubs once again. One of them caught his eye, the cub reminded him of someone he used to know. "Your cub reminds me of someone of my cubhood."
Zira followed the older lion's gaze to one of her cubs, her oldest daughter. She had her pale tan fur, but no stripe going down her back. "What was her name?"
Scar sighed before looking at the little pale tan cub. "Kidhi. She was my best friend."
Zira smiled, "It it's alright. I want to name her after your friend, in your honour."
Scar felt a feeling rise that he never felt before. He smiled before standing. "I must be on my way. It was nice talking, Zira."
Zira couldn't help but smile. She'll cherish Kidhi to the highest. That's when it hit her, she'll place her daughter with the prince. That way her mother's plan will be ruined. With a satisfied laugh, she tended to her cubs. Even though one she could care less about.
The next morning Imari woke to the feeling of someone pawing at his side. With a yawn he looked and seen Nala sitting with a smile. He smiled back as he sat up. "Hey Nala!"
The peachy cream cub watched her brother stretch before she told why she was there. "Grandma Uru is telling us stories, thought you would like to come."
Imari thought about it before making his discission. He hasn't been spending a lot time with family lately. Most of his time is with Lukas and Rathbone. With his mother being pregnant, she tends to sleep more and all her energy is to tend to her needs. His parents hasn't looked at him or talked to him in two months. The pale beige cub shook his head causing Nala to frown.
"I know I haven't spent much time with you lately. But...I just need time to clear my head."
Nala nodded in understanding. She gave her brother a nuzzle before heading out of the den. Imari sighed before lying back down. He had a lot to think about. His eyes started to fall until they snapped open at the sound of a farmilar laugh.
"What are you doing here still?"
Imari looked up and seen Lukas entering the den. He wanted to smile but all he could do was lower his head with his ears folded back. "Not in the mood for anything."
The grey-beige cub frowned before sitting in front of the younger cub. "What's wrong?"
Imari didn't bother to fight the tears. "I feel so alone. My parents don't even seem to notice me. My dad cares about having another child in I disappoint him. My mother, it seems she doesn't want to be around."
Lukas grabbed Imari and pulled him into his arms. "There, there." the grey-beige cub soothed while nuzzling the pale beige cub. "It's okay."
Imari closed his eyes and enjoyed the embrace. As he leaned into the nuzzle, he believed that it was going to be okay.