This is my first FanFiction and I apologize in advance for anything I do wrong in the publishing process. Please feel free to critique anything you want. Well here it goes.

I could hardly breath, my lungs were on fire with the need for oxygen. I turned the corner, and the light flashed off. I stumbled and fell against the wall. They knew I had gotten out. The emergency lighting flashed on, and I began running down the hall again. I only had so much time before they found me. The sound of feet pounding against the tile behind became audible. I pushed my legs to go faster down the hall. I could barely see where I was going in the emergency lighting even when I squinted my eyes. My legs were begging me to stop; to just turn around and go back to work, but my heart was pushing me forward. I couldn't sit there any longer and work for them. I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't watch the boys die anymore. Correction I couldn't watch the boys be killed anymore.

"Stop Lise," that was Jordan's voice. He could shove it. "You have nowhere to go!"

"Lise, please," Thomas's voice yelled. "This isn't the way to do it!"

I ignored both of them, and forced my legs to go faster down the white walled hallway. Thomas might be right, but he had everything under control. He didn't need me. Up ahead the walls disappeared on both sides of the hallway and I turned left. I was almost there if I could just make it to the elevator I would be home free. They wouldn't be able to reach me after I went up. There was no way back down the elevator I made sure of that. I stumbled over my aching legs before catching myself and pushing on.

"You can't go there! You could ruin everything," her voice sounded over the speaker system.

My stomach churned as it had since they asked me to work in the control room. She claimed to care. Claimed to want the best for the boys, but never shed any tears over their deaths. Every time one of them died a small piece of me withered away because I could stop it. I was going to stop it. I took the last turn and slammed my fist into the elevator's call button before slamming the door closed and slipping the lock onto place just in time for the first man to run into it.

"Open the door Lise," Taylor's voice yelled through the door. "You'll ruin everything you help create!"

"That's why I'm doing this!" I yelled back standing in front of the elevator doors waiting.

The men behind the door began to throw themselves against it in an effort to get it open. The sound of metal scraping against metal filled the small room as the elevator doors opened. I looked back over my shoulder when the door cracked, but they were too late.

"You'll destroy all our work," her voice screeched. "I won't let you get away with this! W.I.C.K.E.D. is good!"

I jumped into the elevator just as the door slammed open to the room. I turned to look at the men pushing into the room, but the elevator doors were already closing. They had no hope of stopping me now. Thomas had pushed his way to the front of the group and I met his eyes. His face was contorted in complete panic. The action I was taking was going to change everything, and he was going to have to pick up the pieces. The doors shut blocking my view of them and left me in complete darkness. A hissing sound filled the room and I knew nothing more.

Well this is just my first chapter figured I would keep it short. The rest of my chapters will hopefully be longer. Please tell me what you think! Thanks!