Remus and Sirius both looked up from their books at the sound of things breaking and loud cursing.

"What's the matter with him?" Marking his place in his book, Sirius rose from the love seat he'd been curled up in.

"Who knows, want me to come with you?"

"Nah, just keep researching useful spells to add to the map while I go see what's wrong," waving him off, Sirius made his way up to find a tornado had changed their dorm into a war zone.

"Did that chair truly deserve that horrific death for getting in your way or do you want to talk about it?" He asked while leaning in the door opening, surveying the way their study table was overturned, as were two of the night stands and James' bed was a mess of blankets and torn curtains.

"Siri..." whirling around, guilt replaced the angry featuring on James' expression and he stuttered. "I..."

"Oh, don't let me stop you from wrecking our dorm, but our resident worry wart might be a bit put out since he just cleaned up this morning."

"He did?" shuffling his feet conscious-stricken, James glanced around. "Why?"

"He dropped a potion. But luckily for you, we're both pretty good with our magic and can clean it up before our Moony comes up."

"Moony?" Tapping the chair with his wand, James easily fixed it before turning it back upright.

"Because he only comes out at the full moon?" Shrugging, Sirius fixed the bedding wandlessly. "I know the wolf is vicious and mean and basically everything that Remus isn't, but he is as much a part of him as his lungs are. I don't know, it just seemed fitting and Remus seems to like it well enough."

"When on earth did you call him that?" Laughing, James' posture relaxed and he gently bumped into Sirius.

"It kind of slipped out last night when I was trying to calm him down."

"Another nightmare?"

"Always, so close to the full moon," watching as James mutely returned the night stands to their original spots and repairing the curtains before muttering a spell to reattach them." You're having trouble with the stitching charm?"

"Yeah, I can't seem to get it done non-verbally," stepping back to check his work, James ran a hand through his hair. "It's pretty much the only spell still giving me trouble to cast non-verbal."

"You'll get it in no time, we've only been working on non-verbal casting for a few weeks," carefully lowering himself to sit on the bed, Sirius patted the seat beside him. "Now that the mess is cleaned up, care to talk about what caused your temper to flare?"

"Not particularly, it'll ruin the good mood."

"Aren't we brothers for better or worse?"

"That's marriage, Siri," snorting, James took a seat beside him.

"Details," waving his protest off, Sirius shifted to sit sidewards so they could face each other and James sighed; copying his position and crossing his legs.

"I kind of broke my vow," he admitted, looking down at his hands in guilt.

"What vow?"

"The one I took so you'd let us help you," seeing his rigid reaction, James swallowed thickly. "I talked to my parents."

"Why?" The feat in Sirius' voice was unmistakable so James reached out to take his hands.

"I made them take a Vow of Silence, but I spoke to them in the hopes that they'd be able to help; get you out of there," he admitted, relieved to see Sirius deflate at his precaution.

"They can't," sighing, the fear made place for simple acceptance; a sight James hated to see in his brother.

"I had to do something; I can't bear the thought of standing by while knowing what they're doing to you," growling, James ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "They're hurting you and it's wrong."


"Don't you dare say that it's all right, it's not."

"I can handle it."

"You shouldn't have to! When you told me your...your...that those people want you back for Christmas, I knew I couldn't wait with speaking to my parents. Not if it might standing by and watching you go back to that house. I Floo-called them, but they can't do anything. Said that they wished they could, but can't."

"The Blacks are politically too powerful."

James hated the understanding in Sirius' voice, not a hint of accusation towards his parents for not helping. "How can it be that they can do as they please without anyone stopping them?"

"Because our world is filled with bigotry and power-hungry idiots," shrugging, Sirius leaned in to take his hand. "It's how monsters like Voldemort and his lackeys rose to power, because people just look away until it is too late."

"It shouldn't be like that. Mum and Dad aren't the type to look away...yet..."

"They can't risk everything for a stranger," Sirius softly interrupted.

"You're not a stronger, you're my brother; my best friend," angry tears appeared in James' eyes and he angrily brushed them away. "You are covered in scars that have no business existing. They carved a tree into your back that will no doubt scar. How can they not risk it?"

"Perhaps in a perfect world, they could. But we don't live in a perfect world and with the war ongoing, they can't risk tipping the fragile balance in Houses by going against the Blacks. I'm already touched they wished they could do something," brushing his thumb over James' thumb, Sirius smiled and automatically James folded his fingers over his.

"How can I just stand by when I know what they're doing to you? You said that you don't want to see us get hurt, but I can't bear the thought of you being hurt either. Seeing those wounds and knowing….I can't stop them and it tears me apart," not bothering to fight back tears, James choked out a sob.

"Just being here, it's everything," slightly cold hands reached up brush the tears away before taking his hands. "I never expected to find friends here at Hogwarts, or even on the train already. I never dared to hope that there would ever be people who cared about me, truly cared. Knowing the three of you are here, still by my side and not treating me differently's everything."

A soft smile grew on Sirius' lips as he entwined their fingers together. "I feel the same, you know?"

"About?" Squeezing his hands, James looked up into those intense grey eyes.

"You're my brother, too. You and the're my family and I don't need you to do anything but be just that."

"It's still wrong," James couldn't help but whisper, teasing a wet laugh out of Sirius as a few tears slipped down.

"Yeah well, I actually thought I deserved it until met you guys."

"Then you're an idiot."

"Maybe I am," agreeing readily, Sirius lightly bumped into his side and James wrapped an arm around his waist.

"But you're our idiot."

"I can live with that," with a breathy laughter, Sirius curled into his side; moving careful enough to not aggravate his still healing injuries. "I take it that the solemnly swear is not a real vow, then?"

"No...I had to gain your permission to help you and was just about ready to promise anything so I could," James admitted guiltily, though Sirius didn't seem bothered as he curled even further into his side. "I'm sorry I violated your trust."

"I know you did so with good reason and the fact that you required a Vow of your parents tells me you did keep your word as much as you could. So I vote the vow is real, but can be broken if it's in our better interest to do so."

"Wouldn't that kind of break the purpose?" Shifting them both so they were laying down to make them both more comfortable as Sirius' breathing slowed enough to tell him they wouldn't be moving any time soon, James frowned.

"Maybe, but as long as we're all right with that, it should be enough, right?" Sirius murmured while curling up even closer; accepting the new position without protest.

"A definite promise just between the four of us," a smile spread over his lips. "I like that."


"But it doesn't give us a solution to the problem, though."

"You could always ask your parents to invite me over for the summer holidays. It could be worth a shot," Sirius yawned. "If your mum plays on her Slytherin side, she might even be able to do so in a way that they can't refuse."

"Maybe if we go through your grandfather, I could even ask you over for the Christmas Holidays; under the pretence that everyone is coming over to celebrate together," James mused.

"The full moon is at the end of December."

"Yeah, but they don't know that. And we might even be able to get Remus to join us for a few days before returning home under the pretence of spending New Year with his parents," softly caressing Sirius' shoulder, James looked up to the ceiling. "Even if it's only for a few days that I can get you out of there, it would be worth it."

"Hmm," Sirius hummed in agreement, shifting slightly to curl his hand into the fabric of James' shirt; right over his heart. "It'll have to wait, though."

"Because you're falling asleep?" Smiling, James carefully wiggled his free arm underneath Sirius' side to pull him closer against him; resting his hand loosely on his waist.

"You're a good pillow and I'm sleepy."

"Then sleep."

"You'll stay?"

The quiet question made James smile and he tilted his head to press a kiss to the soft mop of dark hair resting on his shoulder. "I solemnly swear."