Solemnly Swear

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters.

Warnings: Mentioning of abuse and described injuries because of it.

Rating: T for safety reasons.

Summary: At the start of third year, James, Remus and Peter discover that Sirius is abused by his relatives. Part of the A Bond of Family series. Rating is for safety reasons.

Special thanks to Kitty for beta-ing and proof reading this, for your endless patience and lessons to help me get better.

Rewritten August 2019


Frowning when Remus glanced at Sirius for the seventh time in just as many minutes during dinner; James glanced at him himself, aware the other was even more subdued than normally.

But despite the quietness, he couldn't really see why Remus was so uneasy as his brother was always quieter at the Start-of-Term Feast or any holiday he'd been forced to return to his relatives house.

Knowing the other would have his reasons for worrying, he paid closer attention and realised Sirius was paler than usual; his hands were shaking as the other picked up his goblet.

"Are you all right?" Leaning in closer to not be overheard, his stomach turned as Sirius shrugged; knowing his brother usually waved his concern off as unnecessary.

"Yeah...I..." the faint smile faltered as he shifted. "Actually, I don't feel so well. I think I'll call it a night."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Taking the easy admission as a cue that he was feeling worse than normal, James made to rise but Sirius waved him off.

"I'll be fine, I'll just go get the password from Frank," Sirius paused as he rose to his feet. "Although, if you could nick something for if I feel better later, I wouldn't say no to that."

"Consider it down," smiling faintly as the dark-haired boy moved to where Frank Longbottom was seated; he watched the two converse for a moment before Sirius left the Great Hall.

"Whesegoin'?" Peter asked with his mouth full, making Remus shift away so he wouldn't be sprayed with food.

"He wasn't feeling well so he went to the dorm already," Remus grimaced. "Would you mind waiting with the questions until your mouth's empty?"

"Sorry," grinning unashamed at Remus' disgusted look, Peter swallowed before leaning over the table towards James.

"You're going after him?"

"Of course," picking up a few napkins, James collected several pieces of roast chicken and beef; folding his score into the napkins as he knew his brother liked those and they would keep for a longer period of time than the other types of food should he be unable to eat immediately.

"Mind keeping some dessert aside, Pete?" he asked while subtly slipping his wrapped package into his pocket before picking up some for himself.

"Some chocolate gateau?"

"No, you know Sirius hasn't much of a sweet tooth. Some fruits and strawberries will be more appreciated," Remus shook his head. "Don't worry, we'll put something he'll like together."

"Thanks, be sure to include some peppermint humbugs, if he's still unwell tomorrow morning then they might make him feel better," smiling at his friends, James rolled some roast potatoes and a pork chop into a second napkin and slid that into his pocket as well; blinking when a note was passed over by one of his neighbours.

'Quid Agis. Wish him well and report to me tomorrow morning on how he's doing. Frank'

Smiling, he gave Frank a nod as the Prefect caught his gaze and smoothly slid the clean plate Remus pushed towards him underneath his robes before rising to his feet. "I'll see you two later."

Quickly making his way out of the Great Hall while ignoring McGonagall's curious eyes on him, he made his way to Gryffindor Tower.

"My, aren't you boys early today. Are you unwell, too?" The Fat Lady rose an eyebrow as she caught sight of him.

"Quid Agis. No, I just thought I'd come keep him company," Quickly passing through when she opened up without another word, he made his way to the dorm; having the decency to knock softly before entering. "Siri?"

"James?" His brother appeared out of the bathroom in his night clothes, clearly just having cleaned up as his hair was still damp. "You didn't have to leave the feast for me."

"I know, but I wanted to. Besides, I come bearing food since you hardly touched your dinner."

"I am a little hungry," Sirius admitted; crossing the dorm to sit down on his bed.

"Then you are in luck, because I've got all of your favourites," retrieving his scores from his pocket, he displayed them on the plate.

"Some chicken sounds nice," smiling, Sirius carefully pushed one of his pillows up so that he could lean against the headboard while James stoked up the fire to warm the room up some more; returning to sit across of Sirius once he was done.

"Have some chicken leg," he wrapped on of the legs into a napkin so Sirius' hands wouldn't get dirty and was pleased to see a little bit of colour return to the other's face while they ate.

"Why don't you brush your teeth while I preserve these for later?" he suggested softly once Sirius' eyes began to drop.


Pulling back the sheet and returning the pillow back where it belonged as Sirius disappeared into the bathroom; he was relieved to see the other had eaten both some chicken and roast beef and stuffed the remainders into their snack are; casting the usual spells to maintain the food's freshness for a few days.

Looking up when his brother returned, he smiled as the other slipped into bed without comment; pulling the comforter up as he curled up on his side.


Taking the small smile as confirmation, he tucked the comforter around him a bit more securely. "Would you like me to stay with you?"

Immediately part of the comforter was pulled loose so chuckling, he quickly moved towards the bathroom to wash and change before crawling in beside him.

There was already an extra pillow there and he made himself comfortable before lifting an arm so the other could curl up against him like he normally did; but Sirius bit his lip.

"I'll just lie beside you; don't want to wake you up if I need to leave the bed."

"You know I wouldn't mind, but how about a compromise? You lean against me so you'll at least be warm as you're shivering?"

Immediately he found himself with his brother curled up against his side, dark locks tickling his nose momentarily as Sirius settled against his collar bone and he smiled as he took his hand; frowning as it was warmer than usual.

Reaching out with his free hand, he brushed back Sirius' fringe. "You've got a fever. Did you take something yet?"


A quick glance down told him Sirius was already half way under so he held his tongue and simply stroke his thumb over the back of his brother's hand in silent comfort to pull him under completely.